文件: mesolve.py 项目: Vutshi/qutip
def mesolve(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, args={}, options=None,
    Master equation evolution of a density matrix for a given Hamiltonian.

    Evolve the state vector or density matrix (`rho0`) using a given
    Hamiltonian (`H`) and an [optional] set of collapse operators
    (`c_op_list`), by integrating the set of ordinary differential equations
    that define the system. In the absense of collase operators the system is
    evolved according to the unitary evolution of the Hamiltonian.

    The output is either the state vector at arbitrary points in time
    (`tlist`), or the expectation values of the supplied operators
    (`e_ops`). If e_ops is a callback function, it is invoked for each
    time in `tlist` with time and the state as arguments, and the function
    does not use any return values.

    **Time-dependent operators**

    For problems with time-dependent problems `H` and `c_ops` can be callback
    functions that takes two arguments, time and `args`, and returns the
    Hamiltonian or Liuovillian for the system at that point in time
    (*callback format*).

    Alternatively, `H` and `c_ops` can be a specified in a nested-list format
    where each element in the list is a list of length 2, containing an
    operator (:class:`qutip.qobj`) at the first element and where the
    second element is either a string (*list string format*) or a callback
    function (*list callback format*) that evaluates to the time-dependent
    coefficient for the corresponding operator.


        H = [[H0, 'sin(w*t)'], [H1, 'sin(2*w*t)']]

        H = [[H0, f0_t], [H1, f1_t]]

        where f0_t and f1_t are python functions with signature f_t(t, args).

    In the *list string format* and *list callback format*, the string
    expression and the callback function must evaluate to a real or complex
    number (coefficient for the corresponding operator).

    In all cases of time-dependent operators, `args` is a dictionary of
    parameters that is used when evaluating operators. It is passed to the
    callback functions as second argument

    .. note::

        If an element in the list-specification of the Hamiltonian or
        the list of collapse operators are in super-operator for it will be
        added to the total Liouvillian of the problem with out further
        transformation. This allows for using mesolve for solving master
        equations that are not on standard Lindblad form.

    .. note::

        On using callback function: mesolve transforms all :class:`qutip.qobj`
        objects to sparse matrices before handing the problem to the integrator
        function. In order for your callback function to work correctly, pass
        all :class:`qutip.qobj` objects that are used in constructing the
        Hamiltonian via args. odesolve will check for :class:`qutip.qobj` in
        `args` and handle the conversion to sparse matrices. All other
        :class:`qutip.qobj` objects that are not passed via `args` will be
        passed on to the integrator to scipy who will raise an NotImplemented


    H : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        system Hamiltonian, or a callback function for time-dependent

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        initial density matrix or state vector (ket).

    tlist : *list* / *array*
        list of times for :math:`t`.

    c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        single collapse operator, or list of collapse operators.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj` / callback function single
        single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
        expectation values.

    args : *dictionary*
        dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
        collapse operators.

    options : :class:`qutip.Odeoptions`
        with options for the ODE solver.


    output: :class:`qutip.odedata`

        An instance of the class :class:`qutip.odedata`, which contains either
        an *array* of expectation values for the times specified by `tlist`, or
        an *array* or state vectors or density matrices corresponding to the
        times in `tlist` [if `e_ops` is an empty list], or
        nothing if a callback function was given inplace of operators for
        which to calculate the expectation values.


    # check whether c_ops or e_ops is is a single operator
    # if so convert it to a list containing only that operator
    if isinstance(c_ops, Qobj):
        c_ops = [c_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, Qobj):
        e_ops = [e_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
        e_ops_dict = e_ops
        e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
        e_ops_dict = None

    # check for type (if any) of time-dependent inputs
    n_const, n_func, n_str = _ode_checks(H, c_ops)

    if options is None:
        options = Odeoptions()

    if (not options.rhs_reuse) or (not odeconfig.tdfunc):
        # reset odeconfig collapse and time-dependence flags to default values

    res = None
    # dispatch the appropriate solver
    if ((c_ops and len(c_ops) > 0)
        or (not isket(rho0))
        or (isinstance(H, Qobj) and issuper(H))
        or (isinstance(H, list) and
            isinstance(H[0], Qobj) and issuper(H[0]))):

        # we have collapse operators

        # find out if we are dealing with all-constant hamiltonian and
        # collapse operators or if we have at least one time-dependent
        # operator. Then delegate to appropriate solver...

        if isinstance(H, Qobj):
            # constant hamiltonian
            if n_func == 0 and n_str == 0:
                # constant collapse operators
                res = _mesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                     e_ops, args, options,
            elif n_str > 0:
                # constant hamiltonian but time-dependent collapse
                # operators in list string format
                res = _mesolve_list_str_td([H], rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                           e_ops, args, options,
            elif n_func > 0:
                # constant hamiltonian but time-dependent collapse
                # operators in list function format
                res = _mesolve_list_func_td([H], rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                            e_ops, args, options,

        elif isinstance(H, (types.FunctionType,
                            types.BuiltinFunctionType, partial)):
            # old style time-dependence: must have constant collapse operators
            if n_str > 0:  # or n_func > 0:
                raise TypeError("Incorrect format: function-format " +
                                "Hamiltonian cannot be mixed with " +
                                "time-dependent collapse operators.")
                res = _mesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                       e_ops, args, options,

        elif isinstance(H, list):
            # determine if we are dealing with list of [Qobj, string] or
            # [Qobj, function] style time-dependencies (for pure python and
            # cython, respectively)
            if n_func > 0:
                res = _mesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                            e_ops, args, options,
                res = _mesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops,
                                           e_ops, args, options,

            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of Hamiltonian " +
                            "or collapse operators.")

        # no collapse operators: unitary dynamics
        if n_func > 0:
            res = _sesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist,
                                         e_ops, args, options, progress_bar)
        elif n_str > 0:
            res = _sesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist,
                                        e_ops, args, options, progress_bar)
        elif isinstance(H, (types.FunctionType,
                            types.BuiltinFunctionType, partial)):
            res = _sesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist,
                                   e_ops, args, options, progress_bar)
            res = _sesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist,
                                 e_ops, args, options, progress_bar)

    if e_ops_dict:
        res.expect = {e: res.expect[n] for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}

    return res
文件: sesolve.py 项目: i2000s/qutip
def sesolve(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args={}, options=None,
    Schrodinger equation evolution of a state vector for a given Hamiltonian.

    Evolve the state vector or density matrix (`rho0`) using a given
    Hamiltonian (`H`), by integrating the set of ordinary differential
    equations that define the system.

    The output is either the state vector at arbitrary points in time
    (`tlist`), or the expectation values of the supplied operators
    (`e_ops`). If e_ops is a callback function, it is invoked for each
    time in `tlist` with time and the state as arguments, and the function
    does not use any return values.


    H : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        system Hamiltonian, or a callback function for time-dependent

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        initial density matrix or state vector (ket).

    tlist : *list* / *array*
        list of times for :math:`t`.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj` / callback function single
        single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
        expectation values.

    args : *dictionary*
        dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
        collapse operators.

    options : :class:`qutip.Qdeoptions`
        with options for the ODE solver.


    output: :class:`qutip.odedata`

        An instance of the class :class:`qutip.odedata`, which contains either
        an *array* of expectation values for the times specified by `tlist`, or
        an *array* or state vectors or density matrices corresponding to the
        times in `tlist` [if `e_ops` is an empty list], or
        nothing if a callback function was given inplace of operators for
        which to calculate the expectation values.


    if isinstance(e_ops, Qobj):
        e_ops = [e_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
        e_ops_dict = e_ops
        e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
        e_ops_dict = None

    # check for type (if any) of time-dependent inputs
    n_const, n_func, n_str = _ode_checks(H, [])

    if options is None:
        options = Odeoptions()

    if (not options.rhs_reuse) or (not odeconfig.tdfunc):
        # reset odeconfig time-dependence flags to default values

    if n_func > 0:
        res = _sesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    elif n_str > 0:
        res = _sesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    elif isinstance(H, (types.FunctionType,
        res = _sesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

        res = _sesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    if e_ops_dict:
        res.expect = {e: res.expect[n] for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}

    return res
文件: mesolve.py 项目: Vutshi/qutip
def mesolve(H,
    Master equation evolution of a density matrix for a given Hamiltonian.

    Evolve the state vector or density matrix (`rho0`) using a given
    Hamiltonian (`H`) and an [optional] set of collapse operators
    (`c_op_list`), by integrating the set of ordinary differential equations
    that define the system. In the absense of collase operators the system is
    evolved according to the unitary evolution of the Hamiltonian.

    The output is either the state vector at arbitrary points in time
    (`tlist`), or the expectation values of the supplied operators
    (`e_ops`). If e_ops is a callback function, it is invoked for each
    time in `tlist` with time and the state as arguments, and the function
    does not use any return values.

    **Time-dependent operators**

    For problems with time-dependent problems `H` and `c_ops` can be callback
    functions that takes two arguments, time and `args`, and returns the
    Hamiltonian or Liuovillian for the system at that point in time
    (*callback format*).

    Alternatively, `H` and `c_ops` can be a specified in a nested-list format
    where each element in the list is a list of length 2, containing an
    operator (:class:`qutip.qobj`) at the first element and where the
    second element is either a string (*list string format*) or a callback
    function (*list callback format*) that evaluates to the time-dependent
    coefficient for the corresponding operator.


        H = [[H0, 'sin(w*t)'], [H1, 'sin(2*w*t)']]

        H = [[H0, f0_t], [H1, f1_t]]

        where f0_t and f1_t are python functions with signature f_t(t, args).

    In the *list string format* and *list callback format*, the string
    expression and the callback function must evaluate to a real or complex
    number (coefficient for the corresponding operator).

    In all cases of time-dependent operators, `args` is a dictionary of
    parameters that is used when evaluating operators. It is passed to the
    callback functions as second argument

    .. note::

        If an element in the list-specification of the Hamiltonian or
        the list of collapse operators are in super-operator for it will be
        added to the total Liouvillian of the problem with out further
        transformation. This allows for using mesolve for solving master
        equations that are not on standard Lindblad form.

    .. note::

        On using callback function: mesolve transforms all :class:`qutip.qobj`
        objects to sparse matrices before handing the problem to the integrator
        function. In order for your callback function to work correctly, pass
        all :class:`qutip.qobj` objects that are used in constructing the
        Hamiltonian via args. odesolve will check for :class:`qutip.qobj` in
        `args` and handle the conversion to sparse matrices. All other
        :class:`qutip.qobj` objects that are not passed via `args` will be
        passed on to the integrator to scipy who will raise an NotImplemented


    H : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        system Hamiltonian, or a callback function for time-dependent

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        initial density matrix or state vector (ket).

    tlist : *list* / *array*
        list of times for :math:`t`.

    c_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj`
        single collapse operator, or list of collapse operators.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj` / callback function single
        single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
        expectation values.

    args : *dictionary*
        dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
        collapse operators.

    options : :class:`qutip.Odeoptions`
        with options for the ODE solver.


    output: :class:`qutip.odedata`

        An instance of the class :class:`qutip.odedata`, which contains either
        an *array* of expectation values for the times specified by `tlist`, or
        an *array* or state vectors or density matrices corresponding to the
        times in `tlist` [if `e_ops` is an empty list], or
        nothing if a callback function was given inplace of operators for
        which to calculate the expectation values.


    # check whether c_ops or e_ops is is a single operator
    # if so convert it to a list containing only that operator
    if isinstance(c_ops, Qobj):
        c_ops = [c_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, Qobj):
        e_ops = [e_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
        e_ops_dict = e_ops
        e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
        e_ops_dict = None

    # check for type (if any) of time-dependent inputs
    n_const, n_func, n_str = _ode_checks(H, c_ops)

    if options is None:
        options = Odeoptions()

    if (not options.rhs_reuse) or (not odeconfig.tdfunc):
        # reset odeconfig collapse and time-dependence flags to default values

    res = None

    # dispatch the appropriate solver
    if ((c_ops and len(c_ops) > 0) or (not isket(rho0))
            or (isinstance(H, Qobj) and issuper(H)) or
        (isinstance(H, list) and isinstance(H[0], Qobj) and issuper(H[0]))):

        # we have collapse operators

        # find out if we are dealing with all-constant hamiltonian and
        # collapse operators or if we have at least one time-dependent
        # operator. Then delegate to appropriate solver...

        if isinstance(H, Qobj):
            # constant hamiltonian
            if n_func == 0 and n_str == 0:
                # constant collapse operators
                res = _mesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, args,
                                     options, progress_bar)
            elif n_str > 0:
                # constant hamiltonian but time-dependent collapse
                # operators in list string format
                res = _mesolve_list_str_td([H], rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops,
                                           args, options, progress_bar)
            elif n_func > 0:
                # constant hamiltonian but time-dependent collapse
                # operators in list function format
                res = _mesolve_list_func_td([H], rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops,
                                            args, options, progress_bar)

        elif isinstance(
                H, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, partial)):
            # old style time-dependence: must have constant collapse operators
            if n_str > 0:  # or n_func > 0:
                raise TypeError("Incorrect format: function-format " +
                                "Hamiltonian cannot be mixed with " +
                                "time-dependent collapse operators.")
                res = _mesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, args,
                                       options, progress_bar)

        elif isinstance(H, list):
            # determine if we are dealing with list of [Qobj, string] or
            # [Qobj, function] style time-dependencies (for pure python and
            # cython, respectively)
            if n_func > 0:
                res = _mesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, args,
                                            options, progress_bar)
                res = _mesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist, c_ops, e_ops, args,
                                           options, progress_bar)

            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of Hamiltonian " +
                            "or collapse operators.")

        # no collapse operators: unitary dynamics
        if n_func > 0:
            res = _sesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,
        elif n_str > 0:
            res = _sesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,
        elif isinstance(
                H, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType, partial)):
            res = _sesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,
            res = _sesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    if e_ops_dict:
        res.expect = {
            e: res.expect[n]
            for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())

    return res
def sesolve(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args={}, options=None,
    Schrodinger equation evolution of a state vector for a given Hamiltonian.

    Evolve the state vector or density matrix (`rho0`) using a given
    Hamiltonian (`H`), by integrating the set of ordinary differential
    equations that define the system.

    The output is either the state vector at arbitrary points in time
    (`tlist`), or the expectation values of the supplied operators
    (`e_ops`). If e_ops is a callback function, it is invoked for each
    time in `tlist` with time and the state as arguments, and the function
    does not use any return values.


    H : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        system Hamiltonian, or a callback function for time-dependent

    rho0 : :class:`qutip.qobj`
        initial density matrix or state vector (ket).

    tlist : *list* / *array*
        list of times for :math:`t`.

    e_ops : list of :class:`qutip.qobj` / callback function single
        single operator or list of operators for which to evaluate
        expectation values.

    args : *dictionary*
        dictionary of parameters for time-dependent Hamiltonians and
        collapse operators.

    options : :class:`qutip.Qdeoptions`
        with options for the ODE solver.


    output: :class:`qutip.odedata`

        An instance of the class :class:`qutip.odedata`, which contains either
        an *array* of expectation values for the times specified by `tlist`, or
        an *array* or state vectors or density matrices corresponding to the
        times in `tlist` [if `e_ops` is an empty list], or
        nothing if a callback function was given inplace of operators for
        which to calculate the expectation values.


    if isinstance(e_ops, Qobj):
        e_ops = [e_ops]

    if isinstance(e_ops, dict):
        e_ops_dict = e_ops
        e_ops = [e for e in e_ops.values()]
        e_ops_dict = None

    # check for type (if any) of time-dependent inputs
    n_const, n_func, n_str = _ode_checks(H, [])

    if options is None:
        options = Odeoptions()

    if (not options.rhs_reuse) or (not odeconfig.tdfunc):
        # reset odeconfig time-dependence flags to default values

    if n_func > 0:
        res = _sesolve_list_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    elif n_str > 0:
        res = _sesolve_list_str_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    elif isinstance(H, (types.FunctionType,
        res = _sesolve_func_td(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

        res = _sesolve_const(H, rho0, tlist, e_ops, args, options,

    if e_ops_dict:
        res.expect = {e: res.expect[n] for n, e in enumerate(e_ops_dict.keys())}

    return res
def rhs_generate(H, c_ops, args={}, options=Odeoptions(), name=None):
    Generates the Cython functions needed for solving the dynamics of a
    given system using the mesolve function inside a parfor loop.

    H : qobj
        System Hamiltonian.
    c_ops : list
        ``list`` of collapse operators.
    args : dict
        Arguments for time-dependent Hamiltonian and collapse operator terms.
    options : Odeoptions
        Instance of ODE solver options.
    name: str
        Name of generated RHS

    Using this function with any solver other than the mesolve function
    will result in an error.

    odeconfig.options = options

    if name:
        odeconfig.tdname = name
        odeconfig.tdname = "rhs" + str(odeconfig.cgen_num)

    Lconst = 0

    Ldata = []
    Linds = []
    Lptrs = []
    Lcoeff = []

    # loop over all hamiltonian terms, convert to superoperator form and
    # add the data of sparse matrix represenation to
    for h_spec in H:
        if isinstance(h_spec, Qobj):
            h = h_spec
            Lconst += -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))

        elif isinstance(h_spec, list):
            h = h_spec[0]
            h_coeff = h_spec[1]

            L = -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))


            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of time-dependent " +
                            "Hamiltonian (expected string format)")

    # loop over all collapse operators
    for c_spec in c_ops:
        if isinstance(c_spec, Qobj):
            c = c_spec
            cdc = c.dag() * c
            Lconst += spre(
                c) * spost(c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)

        elif isinstance(c_spec, list):
            c = c_spec[0]
            c_coeff = c_spec[1]

            cdc = c.dag() * c
            L = spre(c) * spost(c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)

            Lcoeff.append("(" + c_coeff + ")**2")

            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of time-dependent " +
                            "collapse operators (expected string format)")

    # add the constant part of the lagrangian
    if Lconst != 0:

    # the total number of liouvillian terms (hamiltonian terms + collapse
    # operators)
    n_L_terms = len(Ldata)

    cgen = Codegen(h_terms=n_L_terms, h_tdterms=Lcoeff, args=args,
    cgen.generate(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")

    code = compile('from ' + odeconfig.tdname +
                   ' import cyq_td_ode_rhs', '<string>', 'exec')

    odeconfig.tdfunc = cyq_td_ode_rhs
        os.remove(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")
def rhs_generate(H, c_ops, args={}, options=Odeoptions(), name=None):
    Generates the Cython functions needed for solving the dynamics of a
    given system using the mesolve function inside a parfor loop.

    H : qobj
        System Hamiltonian.
    c_ops : list
        ``list`` of collapse operators.
    args : dict
        Arguments for time-dependent Hamiltonian and collapse operator terms.
    options : Odeoptions
        Instance of ODE solver options.
    name: str
        Name of generated RHS

    Using this function with any solver other than the mesolve function
    will result in an error.

    odeconfig.options = options

    if name:
        odeconfig.tdname = name
        odeconfig.tdname = "rhs" + str(odeconfig.cgen_num)

    Lconst = 0

    Ldata = []
    Linds = []
    Lptrs = []
    Lcoeff = []

    # loop over all hamiltonian terms, convert to superoperator form and
    # add the data of sparse matrix represenation to
    for h_spec in H:
        if isinstance(h_spec, Qobj):
            h = h_spec
            Lconst += -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))

        elif isinstance(h_spec, list):
            h = h_spec[0]
            h_coeff = h_spec[1]

            L = -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))


            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of time-dependent " +
                            "Hamiltonian (expected string format)")

    # loop over all collapse operators
    for c_spec in c_ops:
        if isinstance(c_spec, Qobj):
            c = c_spec
            cdc = c.dag() * c
            Lconst += spre(c) * spost(
                c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)

        elif isinstance(c_spec, list):
            c = c_spec[0]
            c_coeff = c_spec[1]

            cdc = c.dag() * c
            L = spre(c) * spost(c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)

            Lcoeff.append("(" + c_coeff + ")**2")

            raise TypeError("Incorrect specification of time-dependent " +
                            "collapse operators (expected string format)")

    # add the constant part of the lagrangian
    if Lconst != 0:

    # the total number of liouvillian terms (hamiltonian terms + collapse
    # operators)
    n_L_terms = len(Ldata)

    cgen = Codegen(h_terms=n_L_terms,
    cgen.generate(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")

    code = compile('from ' + odeconfig.tdname + ' import cyq_td_ode_rhs',
                   '<string>', 'exec')

    odeconfig.tdfunc = cyq_td_ode_rhs
        os.remove(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")
def rhs_generate(H, c_ops, args={}, options=Odeoptions(), name=None, cleanup=True):
    Generates the Cython functions needed for solving the dynamics of a
    given system using the mesolve function inside a parfor loop.

    H : qobj
        System Hamiltonian.

    c_ops : list
        ``list`` of collapse operators.

    args : dict
        Arguments for time-dependent Hamiltonian and collapse operator terms.

    options : Odeoptions
        Instance of ODE solver options.

    name: str
        Name of generated RHS

    cleanup: bool
        Whether the generated cython file should be automatically removed or

    Using this function with any solver other than the mesolve function
    will result in an error.

    odeconfig.options = options

    if name:
        odeconfig.tdname = name
        odeconfig.tdname = "rhs" + str(odeconfig.cgen_num)

    Lconst = 0

    Ldata = []
    Linds = []
    Lptrs = []
    Lcoeff = []

    # loop over all hamiltonian terms, convert to superoperator form and
    # add the data of sparse matrix represenation to

    msg = "Incorrect specification of time-dependence: "

    for h_spec in H:
        if isinstance(h_spec, Qobj):
            h = h_spec

            if not isinstance(h, Qobj):
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected Qobj")

            if h.isoper:
                Lconst += -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))
            elif h.issuper:
                Lconst += h
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected operator or superoperator")

        elif isinstance(h_spec, list):
            h = h_spec[0]
            h_coeff = h_spec[1]

            if not isinstance(h, Qobj):
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected Qobj")

            if h.isoper:
                L = -1j * (spre(h) - spost(h))
            elif h.issuper:
                L = h
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected operator or superoperator")


            raise TypeError(msg + "expected string format")

    # loop over all collapse operators
    for c_spec in c_ops:
        if isinstance(c_spec, Qobj):
            c = c_spec

            if not isinstance(c, Qobj):
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected Qobj")

            if c.isoper:
                cdc = c.dag() * c
                Lconst += spre(c) * spost(c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)
            elif c.issuper:
                Lconst += c
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected operator or superoperator")

        elif isinstance(c_spec, list):
            c = c_spec[0]
            c_coeff = c_spec[1]

            if not isinstance(c, Qobj):
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected Qobj")

            if c.isoper:
                cdc = c.dag() * c
                L = spre(c) * spost(c.dag()) - 0.5 * spre(cdc) - 0.5 * spost(cdc)
                c_coeff = "(" + c_coeff + ")**2"
            elif c.issuper:
                L = c
                raise TypeError(msg + "expected operator or superoperator")


            raise TypeError(msg + "expected string format")

    # add the constant part of the lagrangian
    if Lconst != 0:

    # the total number of liouvillian terms (hamiltonian terms + collapse
    # operators)
    n_L_terms = len(Ldata)

    cgen = Codegen(h_terms=n_L_terms, h_tdterms=Lcoeff, args=args, odeconfig=odeconfig)
    cgen.generate(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")

    code = compile("from " + odeconfig.tdname + " import cy_td_ode_rhs", "<string>", "exec")
    exec(code, globals())

    odeconfig.tdfunc = cy_td_ode_rhs

    if cleanup:
            os.remove(odeconfig.tdname + ".pyx")