def secret_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if qc.self.attack_finished > qc.time: return qc.self.attack_finished = qc.time + 2 if qc.self.message: qc.centerprint(qc.other, qc.self.message) qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_BODY, 'misc/talk.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM)
def MOTD_ChooseTeam(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.motd_count < 6: qc.self.motd_count += 1 qc.centerprint( qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.2\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012Press 1 for \322\305\304 team\012Press 2 for \302\314\325\305 team\012Or Press Jump for automatic team\012' ) return qc.self.motd_count = 0
def SUB_UseTargets(*qwp_extra): # # check for a delay # if qc.self.delay: # create a temp object to fire at a later time t = qc.spawn() t.classname = 'DelayedUse' t.nextthink = qc.time + qc.self.delay t.think = DelayThink t.enemy = defs.activator t.message = qc.self.message t.killtarget = qc.self.killtarget = return # # print the message # if defs.activator.classname == 'player' and qc.self.message != None: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, qc.self.message) if not qc.self.noise: defs.activator.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, 'misc/talk.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) # # kill the killtagets # if qc.self.killtarget: t = while 1: t = qc.find(t, 'targetname', qc.self.killtarget) if not t: return t.remove() # # fire targets # if act = defs.activator t = while 1: t = qc.find(t, 'targetname', if not t: return stemp = qc.self otemp = qc.other qc.self = t qc.other = stemp if qc.self.use != SUB_Null: if qc.self.use: qc.self.use() qc.self = stemp qc.other = otemp defs.activator = act
def sigil_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if <= 0: return qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You got the rune!') qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, qc.self.noise, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT qc.self.model = defs.string_null qc.serverflags |= qc.self.spawnflags & 15 qc.self.classname = None # so rune doors won't find it defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def MOTD(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.motd_count < 4: qc.self.motd_count += 1 if qc.self.classname == 'spectator': qc.centerprint( qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012' ) return if defs.gamestart: qc.centerprint( qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012Choose an exit...\012' ) # red return if qc.self.steam == teamplay.TEAM_COLOR1: qc.centerprint( qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012You are \322\305\304 team\012' ) # red else: qc.centerprint( qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running Threewave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012You are \302\314\325\305 team' ) # blue return qc.self.sprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, 'Impulse 70 to turn off status bar\012') qc.self.sprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, 'Impulse 71 through 81 to set status bar resolution\012') qc.self.sprint( defs.PRINT_HIGH, '71:200 72:240 73:300 74:350 75:384 76:400 77:480 78:600 79:768 81:1024\012' ) qc.self.motd_count = 0
def trigger_onlyregistered_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if qc.self.attack_finished > qc.time: return qc.self.attack_finished = qc.time + 2 if engine.cvar('registered'): qc.self.message = None subs.SUB_UseTargets() qc.self.remove() else: if qc.self.message != None: qc.centerprint(qc.other, qc.self.message) qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_BODY, 'misc/talk.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM)
def TeamPlayerUpdate(who, s, *qwp_extra): TeamCaptureCheckUpdate() who.laststattime = qc.time + PLAYERSTATTIME if who.statstate < 0: qc.centerprint(who, s) return res = TeamSetStatRes2(who) if teamplay.teamscr1 == 0 and teamplay.teamscr2 == 0: qc.centerprint3(who, res, s, '\012 Capture The Flag') elif teamplay.teamscr1 > teamplay.teamscr2: n = str(teamplay.teamscr1 - teamplay.teamscr2) qc.centerprint4(who, res, s, '\012 RED ', n) elif teamplay.teamscr1 < teamplay.teamscr2: n = str(teamplay.teamscr2 - teamplay.teamscr1) qc.centerprint4(who, res, s, '\012 BLUE ', n) else: qc.centerprint3(who, res, s, '\012 TIED')
def counter_use(*qwp_extra): qc.self.count -= 1 if qc.self.count < 0: return if qc.self.count != 0: if defs.activator.classname == 'player' and (qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE) == 0: if qc.self.count >= 4: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'There are more to go...') elif qc.self.count == 3: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 3 more to go...') elif qc.self.count == 2: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 2 more to go...') else: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 1 more to go...') return if defs.activator.classname == 'player' and (qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE) == 0: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Sequence completed!') qc.self.enemy = defs.activator multi_trigger()
def counter_use(*qwp_extra): qc.self.count -= 1 if qc.self.count < 0: return if qc.self.count != 0: if defs.activator.classname == 'player' and ( qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE) == 0: if qc.self.count >= 4: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'There are more to go...') elif qc.self.count == 3: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 3 more to go...') elif qc.self.count == 2: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 2 more to go...') else: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Only 1 more to go...') return if defs.activator.classname == 'player' and (qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOMESSAGE) == 0: qc.centerprint(defs.activator, 'Sequence completed!') qc.self.enemy = defs.activator multi_trigger()
def MOTD(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.motd_count < 4: qc.self.motd_count += 1 if qc.self.classname == 'spectator': qc.centerprint(qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012') return if defs.gamestart: qc.centerprint(qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012Choose an exit...\012') # red return if qc.self.steam == teamplay.TEAM_COLOR1: qc.centerprint(qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012You are \322\305\304 team\012') # red else: qc.centerprint(qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running Threewave CTF 4.21\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012You are \302\314\325\305 team') # blue return qc.self.sprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, 'Impulse 70 to turn off status bar\012') qc.self.sprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, 'Impulse 71 through 81 to set status bar resolution\012') qc.self.sprint(defs.PRINT_HIGH, '71:200 72:240 73:300 74:350 75:384 76:400 77:480 78:600 79:768 81:1024\012') qc.self.motd_count = 0
def door_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.other.classname != 'player': return if qc.self.owner.attack_finished > qc.time: return qc.self.owner.attack_finished = qc.time + 2 if qc.self.owner.message != None: qc.centerprint(qc.other, qc.self.owner.message) qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, 'misc/talk.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) # key door stuff if not qc.self.items: return # FIXME: blink key on player's status bar if (qc.self.items & qc.other.items) != qc.self.items: if qc.self.owner.items == defs.IT_KEY1: if == 2: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the silver keycard') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) elif == 1: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the silver runekey') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) elif == 0: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the silver key') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) else: if == 2: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the gold keycard') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) elif == 1: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the gold runekey') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) elif == 0: qc.centerprint(qc.other, 'You need the gold key') qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise3, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) return qc.other.items -= qc.self.items qc.self.touch = subs.SUB_Null if qc.self.enemy: qc.self.enemy.touch = subs.SUB_Null # get paired door door_use()
def MOTD_ChooseTeam(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.motd_count < 6: qc.self.motd_count += 1 qc.centerprint(qc.self, 'Welcome!\012Running ThreeWave CTF 4.2\012\012\303\301\320\324\325\322\305 \324\310\305 \306\314\301\307!\012\012Press 1 for \322\305\304 team\012Press 2 for \302\314\325\305 team\012Or Press Jump for automatic team\012') return qc.self.motd_count = 0