def _get_comment_sorter(link, sort):
    """Retrieve cached sort values for all comments on a post.


    * link_id -- id of the Link containing the comments.
    * sort -- a string indicating the attribute on the comments to use for
      generating sort values.

    Returns a dictionary from cid to a numeric sort value.
    from r2.models import CommentScoresByLink

    sorter = CommentScoresByLink.get_scores(link, sort)

    # we store these id36ed, but there are still bits of the code that
    # want to deal in integer IDs
    sorter = dict((int(c_id, 36), val) for (c_id, val) in sorter.iteritems())
    return sorter
def _get_comment_sorter(link, sort):
    """Retrieve cached sort values for all comments on a post.


    * link_id -- id of the Link containing the comments.
    * sort -- a string indicating the attribute on the comments to use for
      generating sort values.

    Returns a dictionary from cid to a numeric sort value.
    from r2.models import CommentScoresByLink

    sorter = CommentScoresByLink.get_scores(link, sort)

    # we store these id36ed, but there are still bits of the code that
    # want to deal in integer IDs
    sorter = dict((int(c_id, 36), val) for (c_id, val) in sorter.iteritems())
    return sorter
def get_comment_scores(link, sort, comment_ids, timer):
    """Retrieve cached sort values for all comments on a post.


    * link_id -- id of the Link containing the comments.
    * sort -- a string indicating the attribute on the comments to use for
      generating sort values.

    Returns a dictionary from cid to a numeric sort value.


    from r2.lib.db import queries
    from r2.models import CommentScoresByLink

    if not comment_ids:
        # no comments means no scores
        return {}

    if sort == "_date":
        # comment ids are monotonically increasing, so we can use them as a
        # substitute for creation date
        scores_by_id = {comment_id: comment_id for comment_id in comment_ids}
        scores_by_id36 = CommentScoresByLink.get_scores(link, sort)

        # we store these id36ed, but there are still bits of the code that
        # want to deal in integer IDs
        scores_by_id = {
            int(id36, 36): score
            for id36, score in scores_by_id36.iteritems()

        scores_needed = set(comment_ids) - set(scores_by_id.keys())
        if scores_needed:

            missing_comments = Comment._byID(scores_needed,

            # queue the missing comments to be added to the comments tree, which
            # will trigger adding their scores
            for comment in missing_comments:

            if sort == "_qa":
                scores_by_missing_id36 = _get_qa_comment_scores(
                    link, missing_comments)

                scores_by_missing = {
                    int(id36, 36): score
                    for id36, score in scores_by_missing_id36.iteritems()
                scores_by_missing = {
                    comment._id: getattr(comment, sort)
                    for comment in missing_comments


    return scores_by_id
def get_comment_scores(link, sort, comment_ids, timer):
    """Retrieve cached sort values for all comments on a post.


    * link_id -- id of the Link containing the comments.
    * sort -- a string indicating the attribute on the comments to use for
      generating sort values.

    Returns a dictionary from cid to a numeric sort value.


    from r2.lib.db import queries
    from r2.models import CommentScoresByLink

    if not comment_ids:
        # no comments means no scores
        return {}

    if sort == "_date":
        # comment ids are monotonically increasing, so we can use them as a
        # substitute for creation date
        scores_by_id = {comment_id: comment_id for comment_id in comment_ids}
        scores_by_id36 = CommentScoresByLink.get_scores(link, sort)

        # we store these id36ed, but there are still bits of the code that
        # want to deal in integer IDs
        scores_by_id = {
            int(id36, 36): score
            for id36, score in scores_by_id36.iteritems()

        scores_needed = set(comment_ids) - set(scores_by_id.keys())
        if scores_needed:

            missing_comments = Comment._byID(
                scores_needed, data=True, return_dict=False)

            # queue the missing comments to be added to the comments tree, which
            # will trigger adding their scores
            for comment in missing_comments:

            if sort == "_qa":
                scores_by_missing_id36 = _get_qa_comment_scores(
                    link, missing_comments)

                scores_by_missing = {
                    int(id36, 36): score
                    for id36, score in scores_by_missing_id36.iteritems()
                scores_by_missing = {
                    comment._id: getattr(comment, sort)
                    for comment in missing_comments


    return scores_by_id