 def migrate_scan_adjustments(self):
     adjs = KarmaAdjustment._query(data=True)
     for adj in adjs:
         sr = Subreddit._byID(adj.sr_id)
         gravity = 'ups' if adj.amount >= 0 else 'downs'
         key = 'karma_{0}_adjustment_{1}'.format(gravity, sr.name)
         self.new_values[adj.account_id][key] += abs(adj.amount)
    def migrate_scan_adjustments(self):
        # These should hopefully all fit in memory at once because this feature
        # is relatively new, but dividing up the work is still necessary in
        # order to run this script more than once.

        STEP = 100
        max_id = self.max_thing_id(KarmaAdjustment)
        id_start = int(self.state.kvstore.get('karmaadjustment.cur_read_id', '0'))

        print('Scanning {0}. Max id is {1}, starting at {2}'.format(
            'adjustments', max_id, id_start))

        for id_low in xrange(id_start, max_id + 1, STEP):
            adjs = list(KarmaAdjustment._query(
                KarmaAdjustment.c._id >= id_low,
                KarmaAdjustment.c._id < id_low + STEP, data=True))
            print('{0}: {1}, {2} of {3}'.format(
                datetime.now().isoformat(' '), 'adjustments', id_low, max_id))

            for adj in adjs:
                # adj.amount can be either positive or negative
                self.state.tally_karma(adj.account_id, adj.sr_id, 'adjustment', adj.amount)

            if adjs:
                max_id = max(a._id for a in adjs)
                self.state.kvstore['karmaadjustment.cur_read_id'] = str(max_id + 1)