def log_to_xyz_scan(): weeded_list = sel_files(file_weeder([".log"])) for item in weeded_list: log = LogFile(read_item(item)) if log.calc_type.lower() == "red": xyzs = log.scan_geoms(); ext_name = "" elif log.calc_type.lower() == "irc": xyzs = log.irc(); ext_name = "" elif log.calc_type.lower() in ["opt","ts"]: xyzs = log.opt(); ext_name = "" else: print("The file is not a scan, opt or irc log file"); continue if len(xyzs) < 2: print("The file contains less than 2 steps") is_terse_irc = all([len(xyzs) < 2, log.calc_type == "IRC", log.raw_route.lower().startswith("#t") or log.raw_route.lower().startswith("# t ")]) if is_terse_irc: print("WARNING! Error above may have been caused by the following:") print("IRC calculations with the #T keyword may not archive intermediate geometries") print("#N or #P keywords are recommended instead") continue max_e = max(float(i.title()) for i in xyzs) min_e = min(float(i.title()) for i in xyzs) c=[0,"percentage","kcal"] print("{:5}{:^90}{:>8}".format("Entry"," >---> Relative Energy >---> "," kcal")) for entry in [float(i.title()) for i in xyzs]: c[0]=c[0]+1 c[1]= "|"*int(90*((float(entry)-min_e)/(max_e-min_e)) if max_e != min_e else 0) c[2]= (float(entry)-min_e)*627.5 print("{:<5}{:<90}".format(c[0],c[1]),"{:>6.5f}".format(c[2]) if ext_name == "" else "{:>6.2f}".format(c[2])) file_name = item.replace(".log",ext_name) with open(file_name,mode="w",newline="\n") as file: file.write("\n".join([a for i in xyzs for a in i.return_print()]))
def deduplicate(): print("Analyzing energies...") energies = [[, float(b.scf_done[-1][1]), b.normal_termin, b.last_xyz_obj() ] for i in file_weeder([".log"]) for b in [LogFile(read_item(i))]] unique = energies if not unique: print("No log files to be analyzed") return black_list, folder_mov = [], [] print("Starting analysis...") for file in sorted(unique, key=lambda x: (x[2], -x[1]), reverse=True): if file[0] in black_list: continue black_list.append(file[0]) sim_en = [ i for i in unique if i[0] not in black_list and i[1] + 1 > file[1] > i[1] - 1 ] if sim_en: duplicates = [] for obj in sim_en: if obj[3].superimpose(file[3], ret="max_d", conv=6): print("{} is a duplicate of {}".format( obj[3].name(), file[3].name())) duplicates.append(obj[3].name()) black_list.append(obj[3].name()) if duplicates: folder_mov.append([file[3].name(), duplicates]) for folder in folder_mov: subfolder = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "duplicates_of_{}".format(folder[0].replace(".log", ""))) try: os.mkdir(subfolder) except FileExistsError: pass print("Moving duplicates of {} to the following directory:\n{}".format( folder[0], subfolder)) for file in folder[1]: for alt_file in file_weeder([file.replace(".log", ".")]): try: shutil.move(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), alt_file), os.path.join(subfolder, alt_file)) print("Moved: {}".format(alt_file)) except PermissionError: print("Error while moving log files:") print( "Maybe {} already exists in the following directory:\n{}" .format(alt_file, subfolder)) except FileNotFoundError: print("File {} not found in the following directory:\n{}". format(alt_file, subfolder)) print("Done!")
def save_inp(self,parameters,index): if not preferences.folder_op: self.weeded_list = sel_files(self.weeded_list) if not self.weeded_list: return for i in self.weeded_list: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), (i.replace(self.original_ext, ".inp")))): print(i.replace(self.original_ext,".inp") + " already exist on current directory!") continue xyz = LogFile(read_item(i)).last_xyz_obj() if self.use_logs else XyzFile(read_item(i)) inp_out = [] for idx_a, line in enumerate(parameters[0:index]): if self.use_logs and idx_a + 1 == len(parameters[0:index]): line = "* " + " ".join(LogFile(read_item(i)).charge_mult) inp_out.append(line.replace("FILENAME", i.replace(self.original_ext, "")) + "\n") for line in xyz.form_cord_block(): inp_out.append(line + "\n") for line in parameters[index + 1:]: inp_out.append(line + "\n") with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), (i.replace(self.original_ext,".inp"))), "w",newline="\n") as file: for line in inp_out: file.write(line) print(i.replace(self.original_ext, ".inp"), " created!") return
def log_to_xyz(): weeded_list = file_weeder([".log"]) weeded_list = weeded_list if preferences.folder_op else sel_files(weeded_list) if not weeded_list: return while True: print("Which geometry do you want?") print("0 - Cancel") print("1 - Last") print("2 - Lowest energy") print("3 - First") geom = input() if geom == "0": return if geom in ["1","2","3"]: break else: print("Invalid option!") for i in weeded_list: try: if geom == "1": LogFile(read_item(i)).last_xyz_obj().save_file() elif geom == "2": LogFile(read_item(i)).low_e_xyz_obj().save_file() elif geom == "3": LogFile(read_item(i)).first_xyz_obj().save_file() except Exception as e: print("Error on file: {}".format(i)) print(e)
def log_freq_xyz(): weeded_list = sel_files(file_weeder([".log"])) for i in weeded_list: log = LogFile(read_item(i)) if not log.last_freq: print("No frequencies found in file:{}!".format(i)) continue option = None while True: print("Analizing file: {}".format(i)) print("Chose a frequency to split (0-To cancel/m-For more)") for idx,item in enumerate(log.last_freq.frequencies(),start=1): print("{:>5}:{:>15}".format(idx,item)) if option == "m": continue if idx > 2: break option=input() if option == "m": continue elif option in [str(a+1) for a in range(len(log.last_freq.frequencies()))]: break elif option == "0": break else: print("Invalid option, try again!") if option == "0": continue print("Give a multiplier (recomended multiplier = 1) ") while True: try: mult=float(input().replace(",",".")) break except ValueError: print("Not a valid number") left = log.last_xyz_obj().displace(-mult,log.last_freq.displ_for_freq_idx(int(option)-1)) left.list[0] = i.replace(".log","") left.save_file() right = log.last_xyz_obj().displace(mult,log.last_freq.displ_for_freq_idx(int(option)-1)) right.list[0] = i.replace(".log","") right.save_file() print("\nJob Done!\n") print("Finished !")
def rel_scf(list=False): energies = [] for i in file_weeder([".log"]): log = LogFile(read_item(i)) energies.append([, log.scf_done[-1][1], log.normal_termin]) if len(energies) == 0: print("No .log files in current folder") return energies = [[i[0], float(i[1]), i[2]] for i in energies] energies.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) min_e = energies[0][1] energies = [[i[0], (i[1] - min_e) * 627.509, i[2]] for i in energies] if list == False: print("\n".join(["{:>30}{:>15f}{:>5}".format(*l) for l in energies])) elif list == True: return energies
def e_analysis(weeded_list): """Analyses Gaussian log files in weeded_list and prints out a txt file with results in current directory""" file_name = "Extracted_data.txt" out = [] out.append("{} File(s) were analyzed in total.".format(len(weeded_list))) out.append("{:^29}|{:^20}|{:^20}|{:^20}".format("Name", "Sum of Elet an TC", "Thermal Correct", "last SCF")) rel_e = [] for i in weeded_list: log = LogFile(read_item(i)) t = log.thermal try: last_SCF = log.scf_done[-1][-1] except: last_SCF = "None" if t == False: out.append("{:<30} no_thermo_data_found_Last_SCF: {:>20}".format( i, last_SCF)) continue out.append("{:<30}{:>20}{:>20}{:>20}".format(str(i), str(t[7]), str(t[3]), str(last_SCF))) rel_e.append([ i, float(t[7]) * 627.5095, float(last_SCF) * 627.5095, float(t[3]) * 627.5095 ]) if len(rel_e) > 1: print( "Do you want the free energies to be reported relative to which item?" ) print("Enter 0 if you don't want to analyze them)") for idx, entry in enumerate(rel_e): print(" {:<4}{:<20}{:>25}".format(idx + 1, entry[0], round(entry[1], 2))) while True: option = input() if option in [str(a) for a in range(len(rel_e) + 1)]: option = int(option) break else: print("Could notunderstand request") if option == 0: print("Leaving analysis\n") else: out.append("\nFree energies relative to {}, (Name,G,H,TC):".format( rel_e[option - 1][0])) for i in rel_e: a = [ i[0], *[ round(i[n] - rel_e[option - 1][n], 2) for n in [1, 2, 3] ] ] out.append("{:<26}{:>26}{:>10}{:>10}".format(*a)) out.append("\n") with open(file_name, mode="w", newline="\n") as file: file.write("\n".join(out)) print( "\nDone! \nPlease lookup:\n\n" + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name), "\n")
def evaluate_file(a, options, i, last): try: row = ["None" for _ in options] #FILE PROPERTIES row[idx("Filename")] = os.path.basename(a) #FOLDER PROPERTIES fold_name = os.path.dirname(a) row[idx("FOLD")] = 'HYPERLINK("{}";"{}")'.format( fold_name, os.path.relpath(fold_name, os.getcwd())) #INPUT PROPERTIES inp_name = a + preferences.gauss_ext is_inp = os.path.isfile(os.path.relpath(inp_name, os.getcwd())) inp = GjfFile(read_item(os.path.relpath( inp_name, os.getcwd()))) if is_inp else False row[idx("INP")] = 'HYPERLINK("{}";"Link")'.format( inp_name) if is_inp else "-" row[idx("Inp Route")] = inp.route_text() if inp else "No data" #XYZ PROPERTIES xyz_name = a + ".xyz" is_xyz = os.path.isfile(os.path.relpath(xyz_name, os.getcwd())) row[idx("XYZ")] = 'HYPERLINK("{}";"Link")'.format( xyz_name) if is_xyz else "-" #LOG PROPERTIES log_name = a + ".log" is_log = os.path.isfile(os.path.relpath(log_name, os.getcwd())) log = LogFile(read_item(os.path.relpath( log_name, os.getcwd()))) if is_log else False freq = log and log.last_freq row[idx("Free energy")] = str( log.thermal[7]) if freq else "No data" row[idx("+A")] = "-" row[idx("+B")] = "-" row[idx("+C")] = "-" row[idx("+D")] = "-" row[idx("-E")] = "-" row[idx("-F")] = "-" row[idx("Structure")] = "-" row[idx( "Rel_E" )] = "(SUM($A#:$E#)-SUM($F#:$G#)-SUM($A#:$E#)+SUM($F#:$G#))*627.509474" row[idx("iFreq")] = log.last_freq.n_ifreq() if freq else "-" row[idx("TYP")] = log.calc_type if log else "-" row[idx("LOG")] = 'HYPERLINK("{}";"Link")'.format( log_name) if log else "-" row[idx("Done?")] = "Yes" if log and log.normal_termin else "No" row[idx("last_SCF")] = str( log.scf_done[-1][-1]) if log and log.normal_termin else "-" row[idx("Hentalphy")] = str(log.thermal[6]) if freq else "-" row[idx("Error msg")] = log.error_msg if log else "-" row[idx("Needs refinement?")] = log.needs_ref() if log else "-" row[idx("Log Route")] = log.raw_route if log else "-" except Exception as e: print() print("\nError on file:\n{}\n".format(a)) print(e, "\n") finally: if i + 1 < last: print("\rEvaluating... {}/{}".format(i + 1, last), end=" ") else: print( "\rEvaluation done ({}/{}), saving '.xls' file...".format( i + 1, last)) return row
def save_gjf(self,parameters,index): heavy_e, gjf_overwrite, folder_op = [preferences.heavy_atom,preferences.gjf_overwrite,preferences.folder_op] ecps, basis = None, None if not folder_op: self.weeded_list = sel_files(self.weeded_list) if not self.weeded_list: return if any([b in parameters for b in ["INSERT_GBS_BASIS","INSERT_GBS_ECP"]]): print("This parameter file requires an aditional gbs file.") print("Where should it be taken from?") print("0 - Current folder") print("1 - Builtins") print("2 - User defined") while True: option = input() if option in ["0","1","2"]: break if option == "0": files_dir = os.getcwd() elif option == "1": files_dir = self.p_files_dir elif option == "2": files_dir = self.user_files_dir gbs_files = file_weeder([".gbs"], cf=files_dir) print("Chosse one basis/ecp set\n0 - Cancel") for i, file in enumerate(gbs_files): print("{} - {}".format(i+1, file)) while True: option = input() if option in [str(a) for a in range(len(gbs_files)+1)]: break print("Invalid option") if option == "0": return with open(os.path.join(files_dir,gbs_files[int(option)-1])) as file: gbs_file = basis, ecps = self.read_gbs(gbs_file) assert type(basis) == dict, "Basis was not read" assert type(ecps) == dict, "Ecps were not read" for i in self.weeded_list: try: gjf_out, rm_lines, = [], [] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext)))) and not gjf_overwrite: print(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext) + " already exist on current directory!") continue xyz = LogFile(read_item(i)).last_xyz_obj() if self.use_logs else XyzFile(read_item(i)) for idx_a,line in enumerate(parameters[0:index]): if self.use_logs and idx_a+1 == len(parameters[0:index]): line = " ".join(LogFile(read_item(i)).charge_mult) gjf_out.append(line.replace("FILENAME",i.replace(self.original_ext,""))+"\n") for line in xyz.form_cord_block(): gjf_out.append(line+"\n") possible = [str(b + 1) for b in range(xyz.n_atoms())] for line in parameters[index+1:]: # SCAN like: "B S APROX" or "B S DIST" is_mod_red = any("modredundant" in i.lower() for i in parameters[0:index]) s_line = line.split() while len(s_line) == 3: if s_line[0] != "B" or s_line[1] != "S": break if s_line[2] not in ["APROX","DIST"]: break if not is_mod_red: print("Missing 'modredundant' keyword?") break if xyz.n_atoms() <2: raise Exception(f"At least two atoms are neded in struture {} to perform a scan") atom=["a","b"] if s_line[-1] == "APROX": print(f"Detected bond scan (APROX) for xyz file {i}.") while not all(atom[a] in possible if atom[0] != atom[1] else False for a in [0,1]): atom = [input("Enter atom A: "),input("Enter atom B: ")] line = f"B {atom[0]} {atom[1]} S APROX" elif s_line[-1] == "DIST": print(f"Detected bond scan (DIST) for xyz file {i}.") while not all(atom[a] in possible if atom[0] != atom[1] else False for a in [0,1]): atom = [input("Enter atom A: "),input("Enter atom B: ")] line = f"B {atom[0]} {atom[1]} S DIST" s_line = line.split() break # SCAN like: "B 1 2 S APROX" or "B 1 2 S DIST" while len(s_line) == 5: if s_line[0] != "B" or s_line[3] != "S": break if not s_line[1].isdigit(): break if not s_line[2].isdigit(): break if s_line[4] not in ["APROX", "DIST"]: break if not is_mod_red: print("Missing 'modredundant' keyword?") break if xyz.n_atoms() < 2: raise Exception(f"At least two atoms are neded in struture {} to perform a scan") atoms_idx = [int(s_line[1])-1, int(s_line[2])-1] if any(True for a in atoms_idx if not a in range(xyz.n_atoms())): raise Exception(f"Scan atom numbers are larger than the number of atoms for: {}") atoms_cord = [i for idx,i in enumerate(xyz.cord_block()) if idx in atoms_idx] dist = math.sqrt(sum((float(i)-float(atoms_cord[1][idx]))**2 for idx,i in enumerate(atoms_cord[0]) if idx > 0)) ideal_dist=sum(b[1] for idx,b in enumerate(element_radii) if b[0] in [i[0] for i in atoms_cord])/100 if s_line[-1] == "APROX": line = line.replace("APROX",f"{1+int((dist-ideal_dist)/0.075)} -0.075") elif s_line[-1] == "DIST": line = line.replace("DIST",f"{1+int(ideal_dist/0.075)} 0.075") s_line = line.split() break # SCAN like: "D S" while len(s_line) == 2: if not is_mod_red: break if s_line[0] != "D" or s_line[1] != "S": break print(f"Detected dihedral scan for xyz file {i}.") if xyz.n_atoms() < 4: raise Exception(f"At least two four atoms are neded in struture {} to perform a dihedral scan") while True: atom = [input(f"Enter atom {a}: ") for a in ["A","B","C","D"]] atom = [a.strip() for a in atom] if not all([len(a.split()) == 1 and a.isdigit() for a in atom]): print("No non-numeric characters or spaces are allowed for atom numbers") continue if not len(set(atom)) == 4: print("No atom should be repeated!") continue if not all([a in possible for a in atom]): print("Atoms with incorrect number were found!") continue break while True: n_steps = input("Please give the number of steps to be taken: ").strip() if n_steps.isdigit(): break else: print("The number of steps must be an integer") while True: print("Please give the step size to be taken in degrees") size = input("The number must include a dot character as a decimal place (eg. '10.0'): ").strip() if is_str_float(size) and size.count(".") == 1: break else: print("Please make sure the number complies with formating rules!") line = f"D {' '.join(atom)} S {n_steps} {size}" s_line = line.split() break # READOPTIMIZE + NOTATOMS if line.replace(" ", "").lower() == "notatoms=": print("Please enter the atoms you want to freeze on structure {} separated by comma".format( line = line + input(line) # READOPTIMIZE + ATOMS elif line.replace(" ", "").lower() == "noatomsatoms=": print("Please enter the atoms you want to optimize on structure {} separated by comma".format( line = line + input(line) # BASIS like: "LIGHT_ELEMENT_BASIS 0" or "HEAVY_ELEMENT_BASIS 0" and ECP like "HEAVY_ELEMENT_ECP 0" elif len(s_line) == 2: if any(True for a in ["/gen","gen ","genecp"] if a in " ".join(parameters[0:index-3]).lower()): if s_line == ["LIGHT_ELEMENT_BASIS","0"]: elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) < heavy_e+1] if elm: line = line.replace("LIGHT_ELEMENT_BASIS"," ".join(elm)) else: for a in range(3): rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)+a) elif s_line == ["HEAVY_ELEMENT_BASIS","0"]: elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > heavy_e] if elm: line = line.replace("HEAVY_ELEMENT_BASIS"," ".join(elm)) else: for a in range(3): rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)+a) if "pseudo=read" in " ".join(parameters[0:index - 3]).lower().replace(" ",""): if s_line == ["HEAVY_ELEMENT_ECP","0"]: elm = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > heavy_e] if elm: line = line.replace("HEAVY_ELEMENT_ECP"," ".join(elm)) else: pattern = re.compile(r'pseudo.{0,3}=.{0,3}read',re.IGNORECASE) eval_lines = gjf_out[0:index-3] for idx_a,a in enumerate(eval_lines): gjf_out[idx_a] = pattern.sub("",a) rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)) rm_lines.append(len(gjf_out)+1) # BASIS like: "INSERT_GBS_BASIS" elif "INSERT_GBS_BASIS" in line: for element in sorted(xyz.elements(),key=lambda x: elements.index(x)): for line_a in basis[element]: gjf_out.append(line_a+"\n") continue # ECP like: "INSERT_GBS_ECP" elif "INSERT_GBS_ECP" in line: if "pseudo=read" in " ".join(parameters[0:index - 3]).lower().replace(" ", ""): need_ecp = [a for a in xyz.elements() if elements.index(a) > preferences.heavy_atom] for element in sorted(need_ecp,key=lambda x: elements.index(x)): for line_a in ecps[element]: gjf_out.append(line_a+"\n") if not need_ecp: pattern = re.compile(r'pseudo.{0,3}=.{0,3}read', re.IGNORECASE) eval_lines = gjf_out[0:index - 3] for idx_a, a in enumerate(eval_lines): gjf_out[idx_a] = pattern.sub("", a) continue gjf_out.append(line.replace("FILENAME",i.replace(self.original_ext,""))+"\n") gjf_out.append("\n") with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext))),"w") as gjf_file: for line in [i for idx,i in enumerate(gjf_out) if idx not in rm_lines]: gjf_file.write(line) print(i.replace(self.original_ext,preferences.gauss_ext)," created!") except TypeError as e: print("Error on file {}".format(i)) print(e) return