def _url_to_obj_ids(self, url):
        rv = {}
        rp = self.connection.request_path
        path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path

        if path.startswith(rp):
            # remove version string stuff
            path = path[len(rp):]

        chunks = path.split('/')[1:]

        for i in range(0, len(chunks), 2):
            key = self._plural_to_singular(chunks[i]) + '_id'
            key = to_underscore_separated(key)
            rv[key] = chunks[i + 1]

        return rv
    def _url_to_obj_ids(self, url):
        rv = {}
        rp = self.connection.request_path
        path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path

        if path.startswith(rp):
            # remove version string stuff
            path = path[len(rp):]

        chunks = path.split('/')[1:]

        for i in range(0, len(chunks), 2):
            key = self._plural_to_singular(chunks[i]) + '_id'
            key = to_underscore_separated(key)
            rv[key] = chunks[i + 1]

        return rv
    def _url_to_obj_ids(self, url):
        rv = {}
        path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path
        # removed duplicated slashes
        path = path.replace('//', '/')

        chunks = path.split('/')[1:]

        # We start from 2 because we want to ignore version and tenant id
        # which are firest and second part of the url component
        for i in range(2, len(chunks), 2):
            chunk = chunks[i]

            if not chunk:

            key = self._plural_to_singular(chunk) + '_id'
            key = to_underscore_separated(key)
            rv[key] = chunks[i + 1]

        return rv
    def _url_to_obj_ids(self, url):
        rv = {}
        path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path
        # removed duplicated slashes
        path = path.replace('//', '/')

        chunks = path.split('/')[1:]

        # We start from 2 because we want to ignore version and tenant id
        # which are firest and second part of the url component
        for i in range(2, len(chunks), 2):
            chunk = chunks[i]

            if not chunk:

            key = self._plural_to_singular(chunk) + '_id'
            key = to_underscore_separated(key)
            rv[key] = chunks[i + 1]

        return rv