def calc_field_integrals(radia_object, zmin, zmax, znpts, x=0, y=0): posz, bx, by, bz = _np.transpose( _rad.FldLst(radia_object, "b", [x, y, zmin], [x, y, zmax], znpts, "arg", zmin)) posz_m = _np.array(posz) / 1000 ibx = _integrate.cumtrapz(bx, posz_m, initial=0) iby = _integrate.cumtrapz(by, posz_m, initial=0) ibz = _integrate.cumtrapz(bz, posz_m, initial=0) iibx = _integrate.cumtrapz(ibx, posz_m) iiby = _integrate.cumtrapz(iby, posz_m) iibz = _integrate.cumtrapz(ibz, posz_m) return _np.array([ibx, iby, ibz]), _np.array([iibx, iiby, iibz])
def get_field_amplitude(radia_object, field, period_length, nr_periods, x=0, y=0, method='sine'): if radia_object is None: return None if method not in ('sine', 'hilbert'): raise ValueError('Invalid value for method argument.') if nr_periods > 1: zmin = -period_length * (nr_periods - 1) / 2 zmax = period_length * (nr_periods - 1) / 2 zpts = 101 * (nr_periods - 1) else: zmin = -period_length / 2 zmax = period_length / 2 zpts = 101 z, b = _np.transpose( _rad.FldLst(radia_object, field, [x, y, zmin], [x, y, zmax], zpts, "arg", zmin)) bamp_init = _np.max(_np.abs(b)) if method == 'sine': p = _optimize.curve_fit(_utils.fit_cosine, z, b, p0=[bamp_init, 2 * _np.pi / period_length, 0])[0] bamp = p[0] elif method == 'hilbert': bhilbert = _hilbert(b) bamp = _np.mean(_np.abs(bhilbert)) return bamp
def calculate_B_field(self, axis = 'default'): #define axis if axis == 'default': limit = self.model.model_parameters.periodlength axis = [[0,-limit,0],[0,limit,0]] self.axis = axis #solve for the fieldlist tempb = rd.FldLst(self.model.cont.radobj,'bxbybz',axis[0],axis[1],int(1+self.model.model_parameters.pointsperperiod*2),'arg',axis[0][1]) #absolutely temporary streamplot example #self.model.cont.wradStreamPlot(corner1 = np.array([-10,-10,0]), corner2 = np.array([10,10,0]), fields = 'bxbz') #make that list a numpy array self.bfield = np.array(tempb) self.bmax = np.array([np.max(np.abs(self.bfield[:,1])),np.max(np.abs(self.bfield[:,2])),np.max(np.abs(self.bfield[:,3]))]) self.beff = np.linalg.norm(self.bmax) self.solved_attributes.append('bfield') self.solved_attributes.append('bmax') self.solved_attributes.append('beff') '''solve for B field for central 2 periods or minimum distance
#draw object rd.ObjDrwOpenGL(a.cont.radobj) #solve object a.cont.wradSolve() #calculate field at a point aa = rd.Fld(a.cont.radobj, 'bxbybz', [0, 0, 10]) #define line start and end points linestart = [0, -60, 0] lineend = [0, 60, 0] #calculate field on a line bb = rd.FldLst(a.cont.radobj, 'bxbybz', linestart, lineend, int(1 + (lineend[1] - linestart[1]) / 0.1), 'arg', linestart[1]) #make that list a numpy array bbn = np.array(bb) #plot the calculated field plt.plot(bbn[:, 0], bbn[:, 1:4]) plt.legend(['bx', 'by', 'bz']) #show it # #list of things to show (max 4) quads = ['q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4'] #calculate the field on a line due to each element of list
print(b.objectlist) #rd.ObjDrwOpenGL(a.radobj) #rd.ObjDrwOpenGL(b.radobj) #######PLOT SOMETHING####################### tmpob = f tmpob.wradSolve(0.001, 1000) z = 0 x1 = -15 x2 = 0 ymax = 400 nump = 2001 Bz1 = rd.FldLst(tmpob.radobj, 'bz', [x1, -ymax, z], [x1, ymax, z], nump, 'arg', 0) Bz2 = rd.FldLst(tmpob.radobj, 'bz', [x2, -ymax, z], [x2, ymax, z], nump, 'arg', 0) Bx1 = rd.FldLst(tmpob.radobj, 'bx', [x1, -ymax, z], [x1, ymax, z], nump, 'arg', 0) Bx2 = rd.FldLst(tmpob.radobj, 'bx', [x2, -ymax, z], [x2, ymax, z], nump, 'arg', 0) Bz1 = np.array(Bz1) Bz2 = np.array(Bz2) Bx1 = np.array(Bx1) Bx2 = np.array(Bx2) #set up plot
print('Interaction Matrix : ', size, 'X', size, 'or', round(size * size * 4 / 1000000, 3), 'MB') print('Gradient = ', round(Bz, 4), 'T/m') print('Int. Quad. @ 1 mm = ', round(Iz, 5), 'T') print('Delta Int. Quad. @ 10 mm = ', round(100 * (Iz1 / Iz - 1), 2), '%') #Display the Geometry rad.ObjDrwOpenGL(g) #Magnetic Field Plots z = 0 x1 = 0 x2 = 30 ymax = 40 np = 20 Bz1 = rad.FldLst(g, 'bz', [x1, 0, z], [x1, ymax, z], np, 'arg', 0) Bz2 = rad.FldLst(g, 'bz', [x2, 0, z], [x2, ymax, z], np, 'arg', 0) uti_plot1d_m([Bz1, Bz2], labels=[ 'Y', 'Vertical Magnetic Field', 'Vertical Magnetic Field vs. Vertical Position' ], units=['mm', 'T'], styles=['-b.', '--r.'], legend=['X = {} mm'.format(x1), 'X = {} mm'.format(x2)]) #Magnetic Field Integral Plots z = 0 ymin = 0.001 ymax = 10 npy = 20