def run(x,jarr,aarr,rhoarr,sphstokes=-1,atol=1e-8,rtol=1e-6,max_tau=10):
    if sphstokes==-1:
    Karr = (np.append(aarr,rhoarr,axis=1))
    tau = np.append(0.,scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:,0],x))
    i = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    return i
def run(x,jarr,aarr,rhoarr,sphstokes=-1,atol=1e-8,rtol=1e-6):
    if sphstokes==-1:
    Karr = (np.append(aarr,rhoarr,axis=1))
    tau = np.append(0.,scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:,0],x))
    i = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    return i
import scipy.integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import analytic_pol_rad_trans
from radtrans_integrate import radtrans_integrate
rhoarr = np.zeros((300, 3))
jarr = np.tile(np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.]), 300).reshape(300, 4)
a = np.array([10., 4., 1., 7.])
a2 = np.array([5., 3., 2., 1.])
a2arr = np.tile(a2, 150).reshape(150, 4)
aarr = np.tile(a, 150).reshape(150, 4)
aarr = np.append(a2arr / 3., 3. * aarr, axis=0)
Karr = (np.append(aarr, rhoarr, axis=1))
x = np.cumsum(np.zeros(300) + 1e-2)
tau = np.append(0., scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:, 0], x))
radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(0, 4, 300, 300, 10., 0.1, 1e-8,
                                                1e-6, 1e-2)
radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
isteplsoda = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
istep, Qstep, Pstep, imstep, deltastep, dxstep, QQstep, PPstep, immstep, itstep = analytic_pol_rad_trans.delo_intensity(
    dx=(np.zeros(300 - 1) + 1e-2),
    I0=np.array([0., 0., 0., 0.]),
jmean = 1.
jsinarr = jmean + 0.5 * np.sin(
    2. * np.arccos(-1.) * np.transpose(np.tile(x, 4).reshape(4, 300)) / 0.6)
amean = np.array([1., 0.3, 0.6, 0.2])
asinarr = np.tile(amean, 300).reshape(300, 4)
asinarr = asinarr + 0.5 * np.sin(
def integrate_ray_lsoda(x,
    """Use `grtrans <https://github.com/jadexter/grtrans>`_ to integrate one ray
    using its LSODA method.

    **Call signature**

      1D array, shape (n,). Path length along ray, starting from zero, in cm.
      Array, shape (n, 4). Emission coefficients: ``j_{IQUV}``, in that order.
      Array, shape (n, 7). Absorption coefficients and Faraday mixing coefficients:
      ``alpha_{IQUV}, rho_{QUV}``.
      Some kind of tolerance parameter.
      Some kind of tolerance parameter.
      The maximum absolute step size. Overrides *frac_max_step_size*.
      If *max_step_size* is not specified, the maximum step size passed to the
      integrator is ``x.max()`` multiplied by this parameter. Experience shows
      that (for LSODA at least) this parameter must be pretty small to get
      good convergence!
      The maximum number of steps to take.
    Return value
      Array of shape (4, m): Stokes intensities IQUV along parts of the ray with
      non-zero total emissivities; m <= n.

    n = x.size

    if max_step_size is None:
        max_step_size = frac_max_step_size * x.max()

    # the LSODA method clips its input arrays based on "tau" and zero emission
    # coefficients. It's hard for us to find out how it clipped, though, so we
    # reproduce its logic. LSODA doesn't use "tau" for anything besides this
    # clipping, so we pass it all zeros.

    if np.all(j[:, 0] == 0.):
        return np.zeros((4, n))

    i0 = 0
    i1 = n - 1

    while j[i0, 0] == 0.:
        i0 += 1
    while j[i1, 0] == 0.:
        i1 -= 1

    n = i1 + 1 - i0
    x = x[i0:i1 + 1]
    j = j[i0:i1 + 1]
    K = K[i0:i1 + 1]

    # OK we can go.

        METHOD_LSODA_YES_LINEAR_STOKES,  # method selector
        4,  # number of equations
        n,  # number of input data points
        n,  # number of output data points
        10.,  # maximum optical depth; defused here (see comment above)
        max_step_size,  # maximum absolute step size
        atol,  # absolute tolerance
        rtol,  # relative tolerance
        1e-2,  # "thin" parameter for DELO method ... to be researched
        max_steps,  # maximum number of steps

        tau = np.zeros(n)
        radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], j, K, tau, 4)
        i = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
        # If we exit without calling this, the next init call causes an abort
    return i
def integrate_ray_formal(x, j, K):
    """Use `grtrans <https://github.com/jadexter/grtrans>`_ to integrate one ray
    using its "formal" (matricant / O-matrix) method.

    **Call signature**

      1D array, shape (n,). Path length along ray, starting from zero, in cm.
      Array, shape (n, 4). Emission coefficients: ``j_{IQUV}``, in that order.
      Array, shape (n, 7). Absorption coefficients and Faraday mixing coefficients:
      ``alpha_{IQUV}, rho_{QUV}``.
    Return value
      Array of shape (4, m): Stokes intensities ``IQUV`` along parts of the
      ray with non-zero total emissivities; m <= n.

    # A correct version of the fully-specified absorption matrix is in Leung+
    # 2011 (10.1088/0004-637X/737/1/21). From looking at the function
    # `radtrans_jac_form` of grtrans' `radtrans_integrate.f90` file, one can
    # see that the K vector is indeed packed in the way described above.
    from radtrans_integrate import radtrans_integrate

    n = x.size

    # The formal method doesn't do the same kind of clipping as LSODA *inside*
    # grtrans, but here we do the same clipping for consistency, and since it
    # is genuinely true that the clipped samples are superfluous.

    if np.all(j[:, 0] == 0.):
        return np.zeros((4, n))

    i0 = 0
    i1 = n - 1

    while j[i0, 0] == 0.:
        i0 += 1
    while j[i1, 0] == 0.:
        i1 -= 1

    n = i1 + 1 - i0
    x = x[i0:i1 + 1]
    j = j[i0:i1 + 1]
    K = K[i0:i1 + 1]

    # OK we can go.

        METHOD_FORMAL,  # method selector
        4,  # number of equations
        n,  # number of input data points
        n,  # number of output data points
        10.,  # maximum optical depth; not used by "formal"
        1.,  # maximum absolute step size; not used by "formal"
        0.1,  # absolute tolerance; not used by "formal"
        0.1,  # relative tolerance; not used by "formal"
        1e-2,  # "thin" parameter for DELO method; not used by "formal"
        1,  # maximum number of steps; not used by "formal"

        tau = x  # not used by "formal"
        radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], j[::-1], K[::-1], tau[::-1], 4)
        i = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
        # If we exit without calling this, the next init call causes an abort
    return i
import scipy.integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import analytic_pol_rad_trans
from radtrans_integrate import radtrans_integrate
rhoarr = np.zeros((300,3))
jarr = np.tile(np.array([1.,0.,0.,0.]),300).reshape(300,4)
a = np.array([10.,4.,1.,7.])
a2 = np.array([5.,3.,2.,1.])
a2arr = np.tile(a2,150).reshape(150,4)
aarr = np.tile(a,150).reshape(150,4)
aarr = np.append(a2arr/3.,3.*aarr,axis=0)
Karr = (np.append(aarr,rhoarr,axis=1))
x = np.cumsum(np.zeros(300)+1e-2)
tau = np.append(0.,scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:,0],x))
isteplsoda = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
istep,Qstep,Pstep,imstep,deltastep,dxstep,QQstep,PPstep,immstep,itstep = analytic_pol_rad_trans.delo_intensity(dx=(np.zeros(300-1)+1e-2),a=aarr,I0=np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.]),rho=rhoarr,j=jarr,thin=1e-2)
jmean = 1.
jsinarr = jmean + 0.5*np.sin(2.*np.arccos(-1.)*np.transpose(np.tile(x,4).reshape(4,300))/0.6)
amean = np.array([1.,0.3,0.6,0.2])
asinarr = np.tile(amean,300).reshape(300,4)
asinarr = asinarr + 0.5*np.sin(2.*np.arccos(-1.)*np.transpose(np.tile(x,4).reshape(4,300))/0.6)
rhomean = np.array([-0.4,0.4,0.1])
rhosinarr = np.tile(rhomean,300).reshape(300,3)
rhosinarr = rhosinarr + 0.2*np.sin(2.*np.arccos(-1.)*np.transpose(np.tile(x,3).reshape(3,300))/0.75)
apos = np.array([0.5,1.2,2.6,1.4])
apeak = amean.copy()*3.
awidth = 0.1
agarr = np.tile(apeak,300).reshape(300,4)*np.exp(-(np.transpose(np.tile(x,4).reshape(4,300))-np.tile(apos,300).reshape(300,4))**2./2./awidth**2.)
def run(abs=1, far=1, bfar=1, save=0):
    # do strong FR test with emission and compare to analytic solution for LSODA, DELO, FORMAL methods
    x = np.cumsum(np.zeros(3000) + 1e-2) - 1e-2
    rhoarr = np.zeros((3000, 3))
    rhoarr[:, 2] = 10.  #; rhoarr[:,1]=-4.
    jarr = np.tile(np.array([1., 0.7, 0., 0.]), 3000).reshape(3000, 4)
    #a = np.array([10.,4.,1.,7.])
    #a2 = np.array([5.,3.,2.,1.])
    #a2arr = np.tilbe(a2,150).reshape(150,4)
    aarr = np.zeros((3000, 4))
    #aarr = np.append(a2arr/3.,3.*aarr,axis=0)
    Karr = (np.append(aarr, rhoarr, axis=1))
    tau = np.append(0., scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:, 0], x))
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(0, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ilb = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(1, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    idb = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(2, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ifb = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    # analytic solution
    ii = jarr[:, 0] * x
    iu = jarr[:, 1] / rhoarr[:, 2] * (1. - np.cos(x * rhoarr[:, 2]))
    iq = jarr[:, 1] / rhoarr[:, 2] * np.sin(x * rhoarr[:, 2])
    print np.shape(iu), np.shape(jarr), np.shape(ifb)
    print 'max error faraday basic lsoda: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ilb[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - ilb[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - ilb[2, :]))
    print 'max error faraday basic formal: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ifb[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - ifb[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - ifb[2, :]))
    print 'max error faraday basic delo: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - idb[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - idb[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - idb[2, :]))

    # now with both Faraday rotation and conversion
    rhoarr[:, 0] = -4.
    rhoarr[:, 2] = 10.
    aarr[:, :] = 0.
    jarr[:, :] = 0.
    jarr[:, 0] = 1e-8
    jarr[:, 1] = 0.1
    jarr[:, 3] = 0.1
    jarr[:, 2] = 0.1
    Karr = (np.append(aarr, rhoarr, axis=1))
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(0, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ilf = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(1, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    idf = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(2, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    iff = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    # analytic solution
    ii = jarr[:, 0] * x
    iq, iu, iv = analytic_radtrans_faraday(jarr[:, 1], jarr[:, 2], jarr[:, 3],
                                           rhoarr[:, 0], rhoarr[:, 2], x)
    print np.shape(iu), np.shape(jarr), np.shape(iff)
    print 'max error faraday lsoda: ', np.max(np.abs(ii - ilf[0, :])), np.max(
        np.abs(iq - ilf[1, :])), np.max(np.abs(iu - ilf[2, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iv - ilf[3, :]))
    print 'max error faraday formal: ', np.max(np.abs(ii - iff[0, :])), np.max(
        np.abs(iq - iff[1, :])), np.max(np.abs(iu - iff[2, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iv - iff[3, :]))
    print 'max error faraday delo: ', np.max(np.abs(ii - idf[0, :])), np.max(
        np.abs(iq - idf[1, :])), np.max(np.abs(iu - idf[2, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iv - idf[3, :]))

    # with rhou as well
    rhoarr[:, 0] = -4.
    rhoarr[:, 2] = 100.
    rhoarr[:, 1] = 7.
    rhoarr *= 1000.
    aarr[:, :] = 0.
    jarr[:, :] = 0.
    jarr[:, 0] = 1e-8
    jarr[:, 1] = 0.1
    jarr[:, 3] = 0.1
    jarr[:, 2] = 0.1
    Karr = (np.append(aarr, rhoarr, axis=1))
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(0, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ilf2 = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(1, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    idf2 = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(2, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    iff2 = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    # analytic solution
    ii = jarr[:, 0] * x
    iq, iu, iv = analytic_radtrans_faraday_full(jarr[:, 1], jarr[:, 2],
                                                jarr[:, 3], rhoarr[:, 0],
                                                rhoarr[:, 1], rhoarr[:, 2], x)
    print np.shape(iu), np.shape(jarr), np.shape(iff2)
    print 'max error faraday full lsoda: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ilf2[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - ilf2[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - ilf2[2, :])), np.max(np.abs(iv - ilf2[3, :]))
    print 'max error faraday full formal: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - iff2[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - iff2[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - iff2[2, :])), np.max(np.abs(iv - iff2[3, :]))
    print 'max error faraday full delo: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - idf2[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iq - idf2[1, :])), np.max(
            np.abs(iu - idf2[2, :])), np.max(np.abs(iv - idf2[3, :]))

    # now do strong absorption test with emission the same way
    aarr[:, 0] = 5.
    aarr[:, 1] = 4.
    jarr[:, :] = 0.
    jarr[:, 0] = 1.
    jarr[:, 1] = 0.8
    rhoarr[:, :] = 0.
    Karr = (np.append(aarr, rhoarr, axis=1))
    tau = np.append(0., scipy.integrate.cumtrapz(Karr[:, 0], x))
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(0, 4, 3000, 3000, 2000.,
                                                    0.1, 1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ila = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(1, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ida = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    radtrans_integrate.init_radtrans_integrate_data(2, 4, 3000, 3000, 10., 0.1,
                                                    1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-2)
    radtrans_integrate.integrate(x[::-1], jarr[:, :], Karr[:, :], tau, 4)
    ifa = radtrans_integrate.intensity.copy()
    # analytic solution
    ii, iqq = analytic_radtrans_absorption(jarr[:, 0], jarr[:, 1], aarr[:, 0],
                                           aarr[:, 1], x)
    #iu = jarr[:,1]/rhoarr[:,2]*(1.-np.cos(x*rhoarr[:,2]))
    #iq = jarr[:,1]/rhoarr[:,2]*np.sin(x*rhoarr[:,2])
    print np.shape(iu), np.shape(jarr), np.shape(ifa)
    print 'max error absorption lsoda: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ila[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iqq - ila[1, :]))
    print 'max error absorption formal: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ifa[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iqq - ifa[1, :]))
    print 'max error absorption delo: ', np.max(
        np.abs(ii - ida[0, :])), np.max(np.abs(iqq - ida[1, :]))

    if save == 1:
        analytic = np.array([iq, iu, iv, ii, iqq, x])
        num = np.append(
            np.append(np.append(np.append(np.append(ilf, idf), iff), ila),
                      ida), ifa)
        np.savetxt('unit_tests_integration_output_analytic.txt', analytic)
        np.savetxt('unit_tests_integration_output_num.txt', num)

    return ilb, idb, ifb, ilf, idf, iff, ila, ida, ifa, ilf2, idf2, iff2, iq, iu, iv