def main(): import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() from raiden.ui.cli import run # auto_envvar_prefix on a @click.command will cause all options to be # available also through environment variables prefixed with given prefix # run(auto_envvar_prefix='RAIDEN')
def main() -> None: import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() from import setup_asyncio_event_loop setup_asyncio_event_loop() from raiden.ui.cli import run # auto_envvar_prefix on a @click.command will cause all options to be # available also through environment variables prefixed with given prefix # run(auto_envvar_prefix="RAIDEN") # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from raiden.ui.cli import run if __name__ == '__main__': run()
from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from raiden.ui.cli import run if __name__ == '__main__': # auto_envvar_prefix on a @click.command will cause all options to be # available also through environment variables prefixed with given prefix # run(auto_envvar_prefix='RAIDEN')
from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() from raiden.ui.cli import run if __name__ == '__main__': # auto_envvar_prefix on a @click.command will cause all options to be # available also through environment variables prefixed with given prefix # run(auto_envvar_prefix='RAIDEN') # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
def main(): import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() from raiden.ui.cli import run run()