def test_resending_mined_transaction_raises( deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a mined transaction is re-sent the exception `EthereumNonceTooLow` is raised. """ # Use a _fixed_ gas price strategy so that both transactions are identical. deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy( make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(GasPrice(2000000000))) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode( to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 # Create a new instance of the JSONRPCClient, this will store the current available nonce client_invalid_nonce = JSONRPCClient(deploy_client.web3, deploy_client.privkey) check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" startgas = safe_gas_limit(gas_estimate) txhash = contract_proxy.transact("ret", startgas) deploy_client.poll(txhash) # At this point `client_invalid_nonce` has a nonce that is `1` too low, # since a transaction was sent using `deploy_client` above and these two # instances share the same underlying private key. # # Note that the same function is called in this test. with pytest.raises(EthereumNonceTooLow): client_invalid_nonce.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.contract_address).transact( "ret", startgas)
def test_resending_pending_transaction_raises(deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a pending transaction is re-sent the exception `EthereumNonceTooLow` is raised. This tests is only sufficient because of the companion test `test_resending_mined_transaction_raises` which shows that if the transaction has been mined a different exception is raised. """ # Use a _fixed_ gas price strategy so that both transactions are identical. deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(GasPrice(2000000000))) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode(to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 # Create a new instance of the JSONRPCClient, this will store the current available nonce client_invalid_nonce = JSONRPCClient(web3=deploy_client.web3, privkey=deploy_client.privkey) check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" startgas = safe_gas_limit(gas_estimate) # At this point `client_invalid_nonce` has a nonce that is `1` too low, # since a transaction was sent using `deploy_client` above and these two # instances share the same underlying private key. # # Note that it is assumed this runs fast enough so that the first transaction is not # mined before second is sent. contract_proxy.transact("ret", startgas) with pytest.raises(EthereumNonceTooLow): client_invalid_nonce.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.contract_address ).transact("ret", startgas)
def test_reusing_nonce_with_lower_gas_raises( deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a _new_ transaction is sent but with a lower gas the exception `ReplacementTransactionUnderpriced` is raised. """ # Use a _decreasing_ gas price strategy so that the second transactions is # lower than the first. deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy( make_decreasing_gas_price_strategy(GasPrice(2000000000))) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode( to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 client_invalid_nonce = JSONRPCClient(web3=deploy_client.web3, privkey=deploy_client.privkey) check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" startgas = safe_gas_limit(gas_estimate) contract_proxy.transact("ret", startgas) # At this point `client_invalid_nonce` has a nonce that is `1` too low, # since a transaction was sent using `deploy_client` above and these two # instances share the same underlying private key. # # Note that the same function is called in this test but the gas is decreasing. with pytest.raises(ReplacementTransactionUnderpriced): client_invalid_nonce.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.contract_address).transact( "ret_str", contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret_str"))
def test_local_transaction_with_zero_gasprice_is_mined( deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a transaction is sent through the eth_sendRawTransaction interface, directly to the miner, with a gas price of zero, it is considered local and mined anyways. """ normal_gas_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") gas_price = GasPrice(0) gas_price_strategy = make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(gas_price) deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(gas_price_strategy) zero_gas_proxy = deploy_client.new_contract_proxy( abi=normal_gas_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=normal_gas_proxy.contract_address) address = normal_gas_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode( to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = zero_gas_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" zerogas_txhash = zero_gas_proxy.transact("ret", gas_estimate) zerogas_receipt = deploy_client.poll(zerogas_txhash) zerogas_tx = deploy_client.web3.eth.getTransaction(zerogas_txhash) msg = "Even thought the transaction had a zero gas price, it is not removed from the pool" assert zerogas_tx is not None, msg msg = "Even though the transaction had gas price of zero, it did get mined." assert zerogas_receipt["status"] != RECEIPT_FAILURE_CODE, msg
def test_resending_mined_transaction_raises( deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a mined transaction is re-sent the exception `EthereumNonceTooLow` is raised. """ # Use a _fixed_ gas price strategy so that both transactions are identical. deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy( make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(GasPrice(2000000000))) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode(address)) > 0 # Create a new instance of the JSONRPCClient, this will store the current available nonce client_invalid_nonce = JSONRPCClient(deploy_client.web3, deploy_client.privkey) estimated_transaction = deploy_client.estimate_gas(contract_proxy, "ret", {}) assert estimated_transaction, "Gas estimation should not fail here" transaction_hash = deploy_client.transact(estimated_transaction) deploy_client.poll_transaction(transaction_hash) # At this point `client_invalid_nonce` has a nonce that is `1` too low, # since a transaction was sent using `deploy_client` above and these two # instances share the same underlying private key. # # Note that the same function is called in this test. with pytest.raises(EthereumNonceTooLow): proxy_invalid = client_invalid_nonce.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.address) estimated_transaction_invalid = deploy_client.estimate_gas( proxy_invalid, "ret", {}) msg = "ret always succed, gas estimation should have succeed." assert estimated_transaction_invalid, msg client_invalid_nonce.transact(estimated_transaction_invalid)
def test_reusing_nonce_with_lower_gas_raises( deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If a _new_ transaction is sent but with a lower gas the exception `ReplacementTransactionUnderpriced` is raised. """ # Use a _decreasing_ gas price strategy so that the second transactions is # lower than the first. deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy( make_decreasing_gas_price_strategy(GasPrice(2000000000))) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode(address)) > 0 client_invalid_nonce = JSONRPCClient(web3=deploy_client.web3, privkey=deploy_client.privkey) estimated_transaction = deploy_client.estimate_gas(contract_proxy, "ret", {}) assert estimated_transaction, "Gas estimation should not fail here" deploy_client.transact(estimated_transaction) # At this point `client_invalid_nonce` has a nonce that is `1` too low, # since a transaction was sent using `deploy_client` above and these two # instances share the same underlying private key. # # Note that the same function is called in this test but the gas is decreasing. with pytest.raises(ReplacementTransactionUnderpriced): proxy_invalid = client_invalid_nonce.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.address) estimated_transaction = client_invalid_nonce.estimate_gas( proxy_invalid, "ret_str", {}) assert estimated_transaction, "ret_str never fails, gas estimation must succeed." client_invalid_nonce.transact(estimated_transaction)
def test_duplicated_transaction_different_gas_price_raises(deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If the same transaction is sent twice a JSON RPC error is raised. """ gas_price = GasPrice(2000000000) deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(make_decreasing_gas_price_strategy(gas_price)) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode(to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 second_client = JSONRPCClient(web3=deploy_client.web3, privkey=deploy_client.privkey) second_proxy = second_client.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.contract_address ) check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() startgas = safe_gas_limit(contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret")) with pytest.raises(ReplacementTransactionUnderpriced): second_proxy.transact("ret", startgas) contract_proxy.transact("ret", startgas)
def test_duplicated_transaction_same_gas_price_raises(deploy_client: JSONRPCClient) -> None: """ If the same transaction is sent twice a JSON RPC error is raised. """ gas_price = GasPrice(2000000000) gas_price_strategy = make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(gas_price) deploy_client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(gas_price_strategy) contract_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(deploy_client, "RpcTest") address = contract_proxy.contract_address assert len(deploy_client.web3.eth.getCode(to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 second_client = JSONRPCClient(web3=deploy_client.web3, privkey=deploy_client.privkey) second_proxy = second_client.new_contract_proxy( abi=contract_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=contract_proxy.contract_address ) check_block = deploy_client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = contract_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" startgas = safe_gas_limit(gas_estimate) contract_proxy.transact("ret", startgas) with pytest.raises(TransactionAlreadyPending): second_proxy.transact("ret", startgas)
def test_remote_transaction_with_zero_gasprice_is_not_mined( web3: Web3, deploy_key: PrivateKey, blockchain_rpc_ports: List[Port], blockchain_type: str) -> None: """ If the non-local transaction is sent with a gas price set to zero it is not mined. """ host = "" miner_rpc_port, rpc_port = blockchain_rpc_ports miner_web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(f"http://{host}:{miner_rpc_port}")) miner_client = JSONRPCClient(miner_web3, deploy_key) web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(f"http://{host}:{rpc_port}")) client = JSONRPCClient(web3, deploy_key) before_deploy_block = client.block_number() normal_gas_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(client, "RpcTest") num_blocks_to_wait = client.block_number() - before_deploy_block gas_price = GasPrice(0) gas_price_strategy = make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(gas_price) client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(gas_price_strategy) zero_gas_proxy = client.new_contract_proxy( abi=normal_gas_proxy.contract.abi, contract_address=normal_gas_proxy.contract_address) address = normal_gas_proxy.contract_address assert len(client.web3.eth.getCode(to_checksum_address(address))) > 0 check_block = client.get_checking_block() gas_estimate = zero_gas_proxy.estimate_gas(check_block, "ret") assert gas_estimate, "Gas estimation should not fail here" zerogas_txhash = zero_gas_proxy.transact("ret", gas_estimate) # wait for how many blocks it took to mine the deployment, since this is a # private chain, if the new transaction will be mined it should be roughly # in the same time frame (adding two blocks to cover race conditions) target_block_number = client.block_number() + num_blocks_to_wait + 2 while client.block_number() < target_block_number: gevent.sleep(0.5) miner_zerogas_tx = miner_client.web3.eth.getTransaction(zerogas_txhash) miner_zerogas_receipt = miner_client.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt( zerogas_txhash) msg = "The transaction was discarded by the miner, there is no transaction and no receipt" assert miner_zerogas_tx is None, msg assert miner_zerogas_receipt is None, msg zerogas_tx = client.web3.eth.getTransaction(zerogas_txhash) zerogas_receipt = client.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(zerogas_txhash) msg = ( "The transaction was NOT discarded by the original node, because it is a local transaction" ) assert zerogas_tx is not None, msg zerogas_receipt = client.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(zerogas_txhash) msg = "The transaction does NOT have a receipt because the miner rejected it" if blockchain_type == "geth": assert zerogas_receipt is None, msg elif blockchain_type == "parity": assert zerogas_receipt["blockNumber"] is None, msg else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown blockchain_type {blockchain_type}")
def test_remote_transaction_with_zero_gasprice_is_not_mined( web3: Web3, deploy_key: PrivateKey, eth_nodes_configuration: List[EthNodeDescription]) -> None: """ If the non-local transaction is sent with a gas price set to zero it is not mined. """ host = "" assert eth_nodes_configuration[0].miner miner_rpc_port = eth_nodes_configuration[0].rpc_port assert not eth_nodes_configuration[1].miner rpc_port = eth_nodes_configuration[1].rpc_port miner_web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(f"http://{host}:{miner_rpc_port}")) miner_client = JSONRPCClient(miner_web3, deploy_key) web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(f"http://{host}:{rpc_port}")) client = JSONRPCClient(web3, deploy_key) before_deploy_block = client.block_number() normal_gas_proxy, _ = deploy_rpc_test_contract(client, "RpcTest") num_blocks_to_wait = client.block_number() - before_deploy_block gas_price = GasPrice(0) gas_price_strategy = make_fixed_gas_price_strategy(gas_price) client.web3.eth.setGasPriceStrategy(gas_price_strategy) zero_gas_proxy = client.new_contract_proxy( abi=normal_gas_proxy.abi, contract_address=normal_gas_proxy.address) address = normal_gas_proxy.address assert len(client.web3.eth.getCode(address)) > 0 estimated_transaction = client.estimate_gas(zero_gas_proxy, "ret", {}) assert estimated_transaction, "Gas estimation should not fail here" zerogas_transaction_sent = client.transact(estimated_transaction) # wait for how many blocks it took to mine the deployment, since this is a # private chain, if the new transaction will be mined it should be roughly # in the same time frame (adding two blocks to cover race conditions) target_block_number = client.block_number() + num_blocks_to_wait + 2 while client.block_number() < target_block_number: gevent.sleep(0.5) try: miner_zerogas_tx = miner_client.web3.eth.getTransaction( zerogas_transaction_sent.transaction_hash) miner_zerogas_receipt = miner_client.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt( zerogas_transaction_sent.transaction_hash) except TransactionNotFound: miner_zerogas_tx = None miner_zerogas_receipt = None msg = "The transaction was discarded by the miner, there is no transaction and no receipt" assert miner_zerogas_tx is None, msg assert miner_zerogas_receipt is None, msg zerogas_tx = client.web3.eth.getTransaction( zerogas_transaction_sent.transaction_hash) msg = ( "The transaction was NOT discarded by the original node, because it is a local transaction" ) assert zerogas_tx is not None, msg try: zerogas_receipt = client.web3.eth.getTransactionReceipt( zerogas_transaction_sent.transaction_hash) except TransactionNotFound: zerogas_receipt = None msg = "The transaction does NOT have a receipt because the miner rejected it" assert zerogas_receipt is None, msg