def createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves):
    """Create the curve geometry for IVY"""
    # Compute the local size and the gauss weight filter
    # local_ivyBranchSize = IVY.ivyBranchSize  # * radius * IVY.ivySize
    gaussWeight = (1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 9.0, 7.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0)

    # Create a new curve and initialise it
    curve ="IVY", type='CURVE')
    curve.dimensions = '3D'
    curve.bevel_depth = 1
    curve.fill_mode = 'FULL'
    curve.resolution_u = 4

    if growLeaves:
        # Create the ivy leaves
        # Order location of the vertices
        signList = (
            (-1.0, +1.0),
            (+1.0, +1.0),
            (+1.0, -1.0),
            (-1.0, -1.0),

        # Get the local size
        # local_ivyLeafSize = IVY.ivyLeafSize  # * radius * IVY.ivySize

        # Initialise the vertex and face lists
        vertList = deque()

        # Store the methods for faster calling
        addV = vertList.extend
        rotMat = Matrix.Rotation

    # Loop over all roots to generate its nodes
    for root in IVY.ivyRoots:
        # Only grow if more than one node
        numNodes = len(root.ivyNodes)
        if numNodes > 1:
            # Calculate the local radius
            local_ivyBranchRadius = 1.0 / (root.parents + 1) + 1.0
            prevIvyLength = 1.0 / root.ivyNodes[-1].length
            splineVerts = [ax for n in root.ivyNodes for ax in n.pos.to_4d()]

            radiusConstant = local_ivyBranchRadius * IVY.ivyBranchSize
            splineRadii = [
                radiusConstant * (1.3 - n.length * prevIvyLength)
                for n in root.ivyNodes

            # Add the poly curve and set coords and radii
            newSpline ='POLY')
            newSpline.points.add(len(splineVerts) // 4 - 1)
            newSpline.points.foreach_set('co', splineVerts)
            newSpline.points.foreach_set('radius', splineRadii)

            # Loop over all nodes in the root
            for i, n in enumerate(root.ivyNodes):
                for k in range(len(gaussWeight)):
                    idx = max(0, min(i + k - 5, numNodes - 1))
                    n.smoothAdhesionVector += (
                        gaussWeight[k] * root.ivyNodes[idx].adhesionVector)
                n.smoothAdhesionVector /= 56.0
                n.adhesionLength = n.smoothAdhesionVector.length

                if growLeaves and (i < numNodes - 1):
                    node = root.ivyNodes[i]
                    nodeNext = root.ivyNodes[i + 1]

                    # Find the weight and normalize the smooth adhesion vector
                    weight = pow(node.length * prevIvyLength, 0.7)

                    # Calculate the ground ivy and the new weight
                    groundIvy = max(0.0, -node.smoothAdhesionVector.z)
                    weight += groundIvy * pow(1 - node.length * prevIvyLength,

                    # Find the alignment weight
                    alignmentWeight = node.adhesionLength

                    # Calculate the needed angles
                    phi = atan2(node.smoothAdhesionVector.y,
                                node.smoothAdhesionVector.x) - pi / 2.0

                    theta = (
                        0.5 *
                        node.smoothAdhesionVector.angle(Vector((0, 0, -1)), 0))

                    # Find the size weight
                    sizeWeight = 1.5 - (cos(2 * pi * weight) * 0.5 + 0.5)

                    # Randomise the angles
                    phi += (rand_val() - 0.5) * (1.3 - alignmentWeight)
                    theta += (rand_val() - 0.5) * (1.1 - alignmentWeight)

                    # Calculate the leaf size an append the face to the list
                    leafSize = IVY.ivyLeafSize * sizeWeight

                    for j in range(10):
                        # Generate the probability
                        probability = rand_val()

                        # If we need to grow a leaf, do so
                        if (probability * weight) > IVY.leafProbability:

                            # Generate the random vector
                            randomVector = Vector((
                                rand_val() - 0.5,
                                rand_val() - 0.5,
                                rand_val() - 0.5,

                            # Find the leaf center
                            center = (node.pos.lerp(nodeNext.pos, j / 10.0) +
                                      IVY.ivyLeafSize * randomVector)

                            # For each of the verts, rotate/scale and append
                            basisVecX = Vector((1, 0, 0))
                            basisVecY = Vector((0, 1, 0))

                            horiRot = rotMat(theta, 3, 'X')
                            vertRot = rotMat(phi, 3, 'Z')



                            basisVecX *= leafSize
                            basisVecY *= leafSize

                                k1 * basisVecX + k2 * basisVecY + center
                                for k1, k2 in signList

    # Add the object and link to scene
    newCurve ="IVY_Curve", curve)

    if growLeaves:
        faceList = [[4 * i + l for l in range(4)]
                    for i in range(len(vertList) // 4)]

        # Generate the new leaf mesh and link
        me ='IvyLeaf')
        me.from_pydata(vertList, [], faceList)
        ob ='IvyLeaf', me)"Leaves")

        # Set the uv texture coords
        # TODO, this is non-functional, default uvs are ok?
        for d in
            uv1, uv2, uv3, uv4 = signList

        ob.parent = newCurve
def createIvyGeometry(IVY, growLeaves):
    '''Create the curve geometry for IVY'''
    # Compute the local size and the gauss weight filter
    #local_ivyBranchSize = IVY.ivyBranchSize  # * radius * IVY.ivySize
    gaussWeight = (1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 7.0, 9.0, 10.0, 9.0, 7.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0)

    # Create a new curve and intialise it
    curve ="IVY", type='CURVE')
    curve.dimensions = '3D'
    curve.bevel_depth = 1
    curve.use_fill_front = curve.use_fill_back = False
    curve.resolution_u = 4

    if growLeaves:
        # Create the ivy leaves
        # Order location of the vertices
        signList = ((-1.0, +1.0),
                    (+1.0, +1.0),
                    (+1.0, -1.0),
                    (-1.0, -1.0),

        # Get the local size
        #local_ivyLeafSize = IVY.ivyLeafSize  # * radius * IVY.ivySize

        # Initialise the vertex and face lists
        vertList = deque()

        # Store the methods for faster calling
        addV = vertList.extend
        rotMat = Matrix.Rotation

    # Loop over all roots to generate its nodes
    for root in IVY.ivyRoots:
        # Only grow if more than one node
        numNodes = len(root.ivyNodes)
        if numNodes > 1:
            # Calculate the local radius
            local_ivyBranchRadius = 1.0 / (root.parents + 1) + 1.0
            prevIvyLength = 1.0 / root.ivyNodes[-1].length
            splineVerts = [ax for n in root.ivyNodes for ax in n.pos.to_4d()]

            radiusConstant = local_ivyBranchRadius * IVY.ivyBranchSize
            splineRadii = [radiusConstant * (1.3 - n.length * prevIvyLength)
                                                        for n in root.ivyNodes]

            # Add the poly curve and set coords and radii
            newSpline ='POLY')
            newSpline.points.add(len(splineVerts) // 4 - 1)
            newSpline.points.foreach_set('co', splineVerts)
            newSpline.points.foreach_set('radius', splineRadii)

            # Loop over all nodes in the root
            for i, n in enumerate(root.ivyNodes):
                for k in range(len(gaussWeight)):
                    idx = max(0, min(i + k - 5, numNodes - 1))
                    n.smoothAdhesionVector += (gaussWeight[k] *
                n.smoothAdhesionVector /= 56.0
                n.adhesionLength = n.smoothAdhesionVector.length

                if growLeaves and (i < numNodes - 1):
                    node = root.ivyNodes[i]
                    nodeNext = root.ivyNodes[i + 1]

                    # Find the weight and normalise the smooth adhesion vector
                    weight = pow(node.length * prevIvyLength, 0.7)

                    # Calculate the ground ivy and the new weight
                    groundIvy = max(0.0, -node.smoothAdhesionVector.z)
                    weight += groundIvy * pow(1 - node.length *
                                                              prevIvyLength, 2)

                    # Find the alignment weight
                    alignmentWeight = node.adhesionLength

                    # Calculate the needed angles
                    phi = atan2(node.smoothAdhesionVector.y,
                                node.smoothAdhesionVector.x) - pi / 2.0

                    theta = (0.5 *
                        node.smoothAdhesionVector.angle(Vector((0, 0, -1)), 0))

                    # Find the size weight
                    sizeWeight = 1.5 - (cos(2 * pi * weight) * 0.5 + 0.5)

                    # Randomise the angles
                    phi += (rand_val() - 0.5) * (1.3 - alignmentWeight)
                    theta += (rand_val() - 0.5) * (1.1 - alignmentWeight)

                    # Calculate the leaf size an append the face to the list
                    leafSize = IVY.ivyLeafSize * sizeWeight

                    for j in range(10):
                        # Generate the probability
                        probability = rand_val()

                        # If we need to grow a leaf, do so
                        if (probability * weight) > IVY.leafProbability:

                            # Generate the random vector
                            randomVector = Vector((rand_val() - 0.5,
                                                   rand_val() - 0.5,
                                                   rand_val() - 0.5,

                            # Find the leaf center
                            center = (node.pos.lerp(nodeNext.pos, j / 10.0) +
                                               IVY.ivyLeafSize * randomVector)

                            # For each of the verts, rotate/scale and append
                            basisVecX = Vector((1, 0, 0))
                            basisVecY = Vector((0, 1, 0))

                            horiRot = rotMat(theta, 3, 'X')
                            vertRot = rotMat(phi, 3, 'Z')



                            basisVecX *= leafSize
                            basisVecY *= leafSize

                            addV([k1 * basisVecX + k2 * basisVecY + center for
                                                           k1, k2 in signList])

    # Add the object and link to scene
    newCurve ="IVY_Curve", curve)

    if growLeaves:
        faceList = [[4 * i + l for l in range(4)] for i in
                                                     range(len(vertList) // 4)]

        # Generate the new leaf mesh and link
        me ='IvyLeaf')
        me.from_pydata(vertList, [], faceList)
        ob ='IvyLeaf', me)

        tex ="Leaves")

        # Set the uv texture coords
        # TODO, this is non-functional, default uvs are ok?
        for d in
            uv1, uv2, uv3, uv4 = signList

        ob.parent = newCurve
    def grow(self, ob, bvhtree):
        # Determine the local sizes
        # local_ivySize = self.ivySize  # * radius
        # local_maxFloatLength = self.maxFloatLength  # * radius
        # local_maxAdhesionDistance = self.maxAdhesionDistance  # * radius

        for root in self.ivyRoots:
            # Make sure the root is alive, if not, skip
            if not root.alive:

            # Get the last node in the current root
            prevIvy = root.ivyNodes[-1]

            # If the node is floating for too long, kill the root
            if prevIvy.floatingLength > self.maxFloatLength:
                root.alive = False

            # Set the primary direction from the last node
            primaryVector = prevIvy.primaryDir

            # Make the random vector and normalize
            randomVector = Vector((rand_val() - 0.5, rand_val() - 0.5,
                                   rand_val() - 0.5)) + Vector((0, 0, 0.2))

            # Calculate the adhesion vector
            adhesionVector = adhesion(prevIvy.pos, bvhtree,

            # Calculate the growing vector
            growVector = self.ivySize * (primaryVector * self.primaryWeight +
                                         randomVector * self.randomWeight +
                                         adhesionVector * self.adhesionWeight)

            # Find the gravity vector
            gravityVector = (self.ivySize * self.gravityWeight * Vector(
                (0, 0, -1)))
            gravityVector *= pow(prevIvy.floatingLength / self.maxFloatLength,

            # Determine the new position vector
            newPos = prevIvy.pos + growVector + gravityVector

            # Check for collisions with the object
            climbing, newPos = collision(bvhtree, prevIvy.pos, newPos)

            # Update the growing vector for any collisions
            growVector = newPos - prevIvy.pos - gravityVector

            # Create a new IvyNode and set its properties
            tmpNode = IvyNode()
            tmpNode.climb = climbing
            tmpNode.pos = newPos
            tmpNode.primaryDir = prevIvy.primaryDir.lerp(growVector, 0.5)
            tmpNode.adhesionVector = adhesionVector
            tmpNode.length = prevIvy.length + (newPos - prevIvy.pos).length

            if tmpNode.length > self.maxLength:
                self.maxLength = tmpNode.length

            # If the node isn't climbing, update it's floating length
            # Otherwise set it to 0
            if not climbing:
                tmpNode.floatingLength = prevIvy.floatingLength + (
                    newPos - prevIvy.pos).length
                tmpNode.floatingLength = 0.0


        # Loop through all roots to check if a new root is generated
        for root in self.ivyRoots:
            # Check the root is alive and isn't at high level of recursion
            if (root.parents > 3) or (not root.alive):

            # Check to make sure there's more than 1 node
            if len(root.ivyNodes) > 1:
                # Loop through all nodes in root to check if new root is grown
                for node in root.ivyNodes:
                    # Set the last node of the root and find the weighting
                    prevIvy = root.ivyNodes[-1]
                    weight = 1.0 - (
                        cos(2.0 * pi * node.length / prevIvy.length) * 0.5 +

                    probability = rand_val()

                    # Check if a new root is grown and if so, set its values
                    if (probability * weight > self.branchingProbability):
                        tmpNode = IvyNode()
                        tmpNode.pos = node.pos
                        tmpNode.floatingLength = node.floatingLength

                        tmpRoot = IvyRoot()
                        tmpRoot.parents = root.parents + 1

    def grow(self, ob):
        # Determine the local sizes
        #local_ivySize = self.ivySize  # * radius
        #local_maxFloatLength = self.maxFloatLength  # * radius
        #local_maxAdhesionDistance = self.maxAdhesionDistance  # * radius

        for root in self.ivyRoots:
            # Make sure the root is alive, if not, skip
            if not root.alive:

            # Get the last node in the current root
            prevIvy = root.ivyNodes[-1]

            # If the node is floating for too long, kill the root
            if prevIvy.floatingLength > self.maxFloatLength:
                root.alive = False

            # Set the primary direction from the last node
            primaryVector = prevIvy.primaryDir

            # Make the random vector and normalise
            randomVector = Vector((rand_val() - 0.5, rand_val() - 0.5,
                                   rand_val() - 0.5)) + Vector((0, 0, 0.2))

            # Calculate the adhesion vector
            adhesionVector = adhesion(prevIvy.pos, ob,

            # Calculate the growing vector
            growVector = self.ivySize * (primaryVector * self.primaryWeight +
                                          randomVector * self.randomWeight +
                                          adhesionVector * self.adhesionWeight)

            # Find the gravity vector
            gravityVector = (self.ivySize * self.gravityWeight *
                                                            Vector((0, 0, -1)))
            gravityVector *= pow(prevIvy.floatingLength / self.maxFloatLength,

            # Determine the new position vector
            newPos = prevIvy.pos + growVector + gravityVector

            # Check for collisions with the object
            climbing = collision(ob, prevIvy.pos, newPos)

            # Update the growing vector for any collisions
            growVector = newPos - prevIvy.pos - gravityVector

            # Create a new IvyNode and set its properties
            tmpNode = IvyNode()
            tmpNode.climb = climbing
            tmpNode.pos = newPos
            tmpNode.primaryDir = prevIvy.primaryDir.lerp(growVector, 0.5)
            tmpNode.adhesionVector = adhesionVector
            tmpNode.length = prevIvy.length + (newPos - prevIvy.pos).length

            if tmpNode.length > self.maxLength:
                self.maxLength = tmpNode.length

            # If the node isn't climbing, update it's floating length
            # Otherwise set it to 0
            if not climbing:
                tmpNode.floatingLength = prevIvy.floatingLength + (newPos -
                tmpNode.floatingLength = 0.0


        # Loop through all roots to check if a new root is generated
        for root in self.ivyRoots:
            # Check the root is alive and isn't at high level of recursion
            if (root.parents > 3) or (not root.alive):

            # Check to make sure there's more than 1 node
            if len(root.ivyNodes) > 1:
                # Loop through all nodes in root to check if new root is grown
                for node in root.ivyNodes:
                    # Set the last node of the root and find the weighting
                    prevIvy = root.ivyNodes[-1]
                    weight = 1.0 - (cos(2.0 * pi * node.length /
                                        prevIvy.length) * 0.5 + 0.5)

                    probability = rand_val()

                    # Check if a new root is grown and if so, set its values
                    if (probability * weight > self.branchingProbability):
                        tmpNode = IvyNode()
                        tmpNode.pos = node.pos
                        tmpNode.floatingLength = node.floatingLength

                        tmpRoot = IvyRoot()
                        tmpRoot.parents = root.parents + 1
