def lag(): nonlocal video, audio if d['lag'] < 0: d['lag'] = 2 * int(translate(abs(d['lag']), 1, 100, 2, 15)) t = [str(i) for i in range(int(d['lag']))] randshuffle(t) frameOrder = '|'.join(t) else: d['lag'] = int(translate(d['lag'], 1, 100, 2, 15)) + 2 frameOrder = '|'.join([str(v if i % 2 == 0 else d['lag'] - v) for i, v in enumerate(range(d['lag']))]) video = video.filter("shuffleframes", frameOrder)
def yieldImages_ImgLabel(myobj): # all the image are substrate by the mean and divided by its std for RGB channel, respectively. #mask_process_f = get(myobj.ImageGenerator_Identifier) #allDictList = getfileinfo(myobj.datadir, myobj.labelSuffix,myobj.dataExt,myobj.labelExt[0]) ImgList, ImgNameList = getfilelist(os.path.join(myobj.datadir, myobj.img), myobj.dataExt) #LabelList, LabelNameList = getfilelist(os.path.join(Imagefolder,'gt'), myobj.labelExt): index_list = range(0, len(ImgList)) randshuffle(index_list) for imgindx, thisindex in enumerate(index_list): print('processing image {s}'.format(s=imgindx)) if imgindx == myobj.maximg: break thisimgfile = ImgList[thisindex] thisimgname = ImgNameList[thisindex] thismatfile = os.path.join( myobj.datadir,, thisimgname + myobj.labelSuffix[0] + myobj.labelExt[0]) #absmatfilelist.append(thismatfile) #absfilelist.append(thisimgfile) img_org = imread(thisimgfile) #np.asarray( if os.path.isfile(thismatfile): mask_org = imread(thismatfile) #loaded_mt = loadmat(thismatfile) mask_org = (mask_org / np.max(mask_org)) else: print(str(thismatfile) + ' does not exist!') continue filled_img = mask_org for resizeratio in myobj.resizeratio: #We may only interested in the region inside one region. img_res = imresize(img_org, resizeratio) mask_res = imresize(mask_org, resizeratio) filled_img = imresize(mask_org, resizeratio) #crop the boarder image [rowsize, colsize] = [img_res.shape[0], img_res.shape[1]] row_start = col_start = myobj.boarder * resizeratio row_end = rowsize - myobj.boarder * resizeratio col_end = colsize - myobj.boarder * resizeratio img_res = img_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] mask_res = mask_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] filled_img = filled_img[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] for rotate_id in myobj.rotatepool: if rotate_id == 0: img_rot = img_res mask_rot = mask_res else: img_rot = rotate(img_res, rotate_id, mode='nearest') mask_rot = rotate(mask_res, rotate_id, mode='nearest') mask = mask_rot #assert np.max(mask.flatten()) <= 1, 'please normalize the mask to o, and 1 image' img_rgb = img_rot.copy() img = pre_process_img(img_rgb, yuv=False) # if using special small patch, then crop if myobj.crop_patch_size is None: yield img, mask, filled_img #break else: if myobj.crop_patch_size[0] <= 1: crop_patch_size = (int(myobj.crop_patch_size[0] * mask.shape[0]), \ int(myobj.crop_patch_size[1] * mask.shape[1])) else: crop_patch_size = myobj.crop_patch_size allcandidates = shuffle(find(mask != np.nan)) total_num = len(allcandidates) selected_num = min(myobj.selected_num, int(myobj.selected_portion * total_num)) selected_ind = allcandidates[0:selected_num] Allpatches_vec_img = Points2Patches( selected_ind, img, crop_patch_size) Allpatches_vec_mask = Points2Patches( selected_ind, mask, crop_patch_size) Allpatches_vec_filled_img = Points2Patches( selected_ind, filled_img, crop_patch_size) AllPatches_img = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_img, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (img.shape[2], )) AllPatches_mask = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_mask, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (mask.shape[2], )) AllPatches_filled_img = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_filled_img, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (mask.shape[2], )) # imshow to check if the selected pts is correct. for patch_idx in range(selected_num): #imshow(AllPatches_img[patch_idx, ...]) yield AllPatches_img[patch_idx, ...], AllPatches_mask[ patch_idx, ...], AllPatches_filled_img[patch_idx, ...]
def yieldImages(myobj): # all the image are substrate by the mean and divided by its std for RGB channel, respectively. mask_process_f = get(myobj.ImageGenerator_Identifier) if hasattr(myobj, 'allDictList'): allDictList = myobj.allDictList else: allDictList = getfileinfo(myobj.datadir, myobj.labelSuffix, myobj.dataExt, myobj.labelExt[0]) index_list = range(0, len(allDictList)) rotationlist = myobj.resizeratio randshuffle(index_list) randshuffle(rotationlist) for imgindx, thisindex in enumerate(index_list): if imgindx == myobj.maximg: break returnDict = allDictList[thisindex] thismatfile = returnDict['thismatfile'] thisimgfile = returnDict['thisfile'] print(thisimgfile) img_org = np.asarray( loaded_mt = loadmat(thismatfile) if type(myobj.contourname) is not list: myobj.contourname = [myobj.contourname] contour_mat = None for contourname in myobj.contourname: if contourname in loaded_mt.keys(): contour_mat = loaded_mt[contourname].tolist()[0] break if not contour_mat: contour_mat = loaded_mt.values()[0].tolist()[0] print('check the mat keys, we use the first one default key: ' + loaded_mt.keys()[0]) outputs_dict = dict() for resizeratio in rotationlist: img_res = imresize(img_org, resizeratio) #print('start mask') process_dict = mask_process_f(myobj, contour_mat, img_org.shape[0:2], resizeratio=resizeratio) #print('end mask') mask_res = process_dict['mask'] filled_img_res = process_dict[ 'filled_img'] if 'filled_img' in process_dict.keys( ) else mask_org shed_mask_res = process_dict['shed'] #We may only interested in the region inside one region. #since mask and filled_img are already resized version, only image need to be resized #mask_res = mask_org #imresize(mask_org, resizeratio) #crop the boarder image [rowsize, colsize] = [img_res.shape[0], img_res.shape[1]] if myobj.boarder < 1: row_board = myobj.boarder * rowsize col_board = myobj.boarder * colsize elif len(myobj.boarder) == 2: row_board, col_board = myobj.boarder else: row_board = col_board = myobj.boarder row_start, col_start = row_board * resizeratio, col_board * resizeratio row_end = rowsize - row_board * resizeratio col_end = colsize - col_board * resizeratio img_res = img_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] mask_res = mask_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] filled_img_res = filled_img_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] shed_mask_res = shed_mask_res[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end, ...] if myobj.get_validation == True: outputs_dict['img'] = pre_process_img(img_res.copy(), yuv=False) outputs_dict['mask'] = mask_res outputs_dict['filled_img'] = filled_img_res outputs_dict['shed_mask'] = shed_mask_res yield outputs_dict break for rotate_id in myobj.rotatepool: if rotate_id == 0: img_rot = img_res.copy() mask_rot = mask_res.copy() shed_rot = shed_mask_res.copy() filled_img_rot = filled_img_res.copy() else: img_rot = rotate(img_res.copy(), rotate_id, mode='reflect', reshape=False) mask_rot = rotate(mask_res.copy(), rotate_id, mode='reflect', reshape=False) shed_rot = rotate(shed_mask_res.copy(), rotate_id, mode='reflect', reshape=False) filled_img_rot = rotate(filled_img_res.copy(), rotate_id, mode='reflect', reshape=False) #assert np.max(mask.flatten()) <= 1, 'please normalize the mask to o, and 1 image' img_rot = pre_process_img(img_rot, yuv=False) # if using special small patch, then crop if myobj.crop_patch_size is None: outputs_dict['img'] = img_rot outputs_dict['mask'] = mask_rot outputs_dict['filled_img'] = filled_img_rot outputs_dict['shed_mask'] = shed_rot for item in first_flip_channel(myobj, outputs_dict): yield item #break else: if myobj.crop_patch_size[0] <= 1: crop_patch_size = (int(myobj.crop_patch_size[0] * mask_rot.shape[0]), \ int(myobj.crop_patch_size[1] * mask_rot.shape[1])) else: crop_patch_size = myobj.crop_patch_size allcandidates = shuffle(find(mask_rot != np.nan)) total_num = len(allcandidates) selected_num = min(myobj.selected_num, int(myobj.selected_portion * total_num)) selected_ind = allcandidates[0:selected_num] Allpatches_vec_img = Points2Patches( selected_ind, img_rot, crop_patch_size) Allpatches_vec_mask = Points2Patches( selected_ind, mask_rot, crop_patch_size) Allpatches_vec_filled_img = Points2Patches( selected_ind, filled_img_rot, crop_patch_size) Allpatches_vec_shed_mask = Points2Patches( selected_ind, shed_rot, crop_patch_size) AllPatches_img = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_img, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (img_rot.shape[2], )) AllPatches_mask = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_mask, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (mask_rot.shape[2], )) AllPatches_filled_img = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_filled_img, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (mask_rot.shape[2], )) AllPatches_shed_mask = np.reshape( Allpatches_vec_shed_mask, (selected_num, ) + crop_patch_size + (mask_rot.shape[2], )) # imshow to check if the selected pts is correct. for patch_idx in range(selected_num): #imshow(AllPatches_img[patch_idx, ...]) outputs_dict['img'] = AllPatches_img[patch_idx, ...] outputs_dict['mask'] = AllPatches_mask[patch_idx, ...] outputs_dict['filled_img'] = AllPatches_filled_img[ patch_idx, ...] outputs_dict['shed_mask'] = AllPatches_shed_mask[ patch_idx, ...] for item in first_flip_channel(myobj, outputs_dict): yield item
# list_1 = [] # for i in range(n_1): # list_1.append('') # random.randshuffle(list_1) # i = 1 # for str_1 in list_1: # str_11 = str(i) + '、' + list_1[i-1] # i = i + 1 # f.write(str_11) f.write('二、教学及课堂\n') n_2 = random.randint(3,5) list_2 = [] for i in range(n_2): list_2.append('') random.randshuffle(list_2) i = 1 for str_2 in list_2: str_22 = str(i) + '、' + list_2[i-1] + '\n' i = i + 1 f.write(str_22) f.write('三、学生考勤和作业和测试情况\n') f.write('四、学生沟通&家长沟通\n') n_4 = random.randint(3,5) list_4 = [] for i in range(n_4): list_4.append() random.randshuffle(list_4) i = 1
def shuffle(self): randshuffle(self.tribase_string.tribases) self.img = Output.make_img(self.tribase_string.tribases) self.output_string = Output.get_output_string( self.tribase_string.tribases, self.spiked_codons)