def test(out_dir, x_train, y_train, max_trees, step, min_trees=None, silent=False): ''' Make a plot for sample_txt of number of trees vs OOB error rates ''' if not silent: print 'Testing OOB error rate per number of trees...' oob_errors = [] if not min_trees: min_trees = step n_trees = range(min_trees, max_trees + 1, step) n_tests = len(n_trees) for i, n in enumerate(n_trees): rf_model = forest.train_rf_regressor(x_train, y_train, ntrees=n, njobs=1) oob_errors.append(1 - rf_model.oob_score_) if not silent: print 'Testing %s of %s models with %s trees: %.3f' % (i + 1, n_tests, n, rf_model.oob_score_) plt.plot(n_trees, oob_errors, '-') plt.axis([0, max_trees, 0, 1]) plt.xlabel('Number of Trees') plt.ylabel('Out of Bag Error Rate') plt.title('Number of Decision Trees vs. OOB Error Rate') out_png = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ntrees_vs_oob_error.png') plt.savefig(out_png) plt.clf() if not silent: print 'Plot PNG written to : ', out_png, '\n' return [n_trees, oob_errors]
def test(out_dir, x_train, y_train, max_trees, step): ''' Make a plot for sample_txt of number of trees vs OOB error rates ''' print 'Testing OOB error rate per number of trees...' oob_errors = [] n_trees = range(50, max_trees + 1, step) n_tests = max_trees / step for i, n in enumerate(n_trees): rf_model = forest.train_rf_regressor(x_train, y_train, ntrees=n) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() oob_errors.append(1 - rf_model.oob_score_) print 'Testing %s of %s models with %s trees: %.3f' % ( i + 1, n_tests, n, rf_model.oob_score_) plt.plot(n_trees, oob_errors, '-') plt.axis([0, max_trees, 0, 1]) plt.xlabel('Number of Trees') plt.ylabel('Out of Bag Error Rate') plt.title('Number of Decision Trees vs. OOB Error Rate') out_png = os.path.join(out_dir, 'ntrees_vs_oob_error.png') plt.savefig(out_png) plt.clf() print 'Plot PNG written to : ', out_png, '\n'
def main(params): # Read params and make variables from text inputs = forest.read_params(params) for i in inputs: exec("{0} = str({1})").format(i, inputs[i]) # Check that variables were specified in params try: str_check = sample_txt, target_col, var_txt, out_dir except NameError as e: print '' missing_var = str(e).split("'")[1] msg = "Variable '%s' not specified in param file:\n%s" % (missing_var, params) raise NameError(msg) # Make optional numeric arguments numeric if 'n_trees' in locals(): n_trees = int(n_trees) else: n_trees = 50 if 'n_jobs' in locals(): n_jobs = int(n_jobs) else: n_jobs = 12 if 'max_depth' in locals(): max_depth = int(max_depth) else: max_depth = None # Raise an error if var_txt doesn't exist. Otherwise, just read it in if not os.path.exists(var_txt): print '' msg = 'var_text path specified does not exist:\n%s\n\n' % var_txt raise IOError(msg) df_var = pd.read_csv(var_txt, sep='\t', index_col='var_name') # Make the output directory now = date_str = str('-', '') time_str = str(now.time()).replace(':', '')[:4] stamp = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format('susceptibility', date_str, time_str) out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, stamp) os.makedirs( out_dir ) # With a timestamp in dir, no need to check if it already exists shutil.copy2(params, out_dir) #Copy the params so the parameters used are saved #shutil.copy2(var_txt, out_dir) # Read in training samples df_train = pd.read_csv(sample_txt, sep='\t', index_col='obs_id') # Check that df_train has exactly the same columns as variables specified in df_vars train_columns = df_train.columns.tolist() unmatched_vars = [v for v in df_var.index if v not in train_columns] if len(unmatched_vars) != 0: unmatched_str = '\n'.join(unmatched_vars) msg = 'Columns not in sample_txt but specified in params:\n' + unmatched_str raise NameError(msg) # Sort the predictors in alphabetical order so that train columns can be in the same order as the predict array when # predicting later on predict_cols = sorted( np.unique( [c for c in df_train.columns for v in df_var.index if v in c])) df_var = df_var.sort_index() x_train = df_train.reindex(columns=predict_cols) y_train = df_train[target_col] rf_model = forest.train_rf_regressor(x_train, y_train, ntrees=n_trees, njobs=n_jobs, max_depth=max_depth) df_var['importance'] = rf_model.feature_importances_ rf_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'regressor_model_%s' % stamp) forest.save_rfmodel(rf_model, rf_path) oob_score = round(rf_model.oob_score_, 3) out_var_txt = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(var_txt)) df_var.to_csv(out_var_txt, sep='\t') # Record params in inventory text file df_inv = pd.read_csv(inventory_txt, sep='\t') col_str = re.sub('[\]\[\'\"]', '', str(predict_cols)) raster_res = sample_txt.split('_')[-2].replace('m', '') df_inv = df_inv.append(pd.DataFrame([[ stamp, oob_score, '', '', '', '', len(df_train), raster_res, col_str ]], columns=df_inv.columns), ignore_index=True) existing_models = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(out_dir)), 'susc*') df_inv = df_inv[df_inv.stamp.isin(existing_models)] df_inv.to_csv(inventory_txt, sep='\t', index=False) print 'Random Forest Regressor model written to:\n', rf_path print '\nOOB score: ', oob_score print 'Relative importance:' print df_var.importance
def main(params): # Read params and make variables from text inputs = forest.read_params(params) for i in inputs: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() exec("{0} = str({1})").format(i, inputs[i]) # Check that variables were specified in params try: str_check = sample_txt, target_col, var_txt, out_dir except NameError as e: print '' missing_var = str(e).split("'")[1] msg = "Variable '%s' not specified in param file:\n%s" % (missing_var, params) raise NameError(msg) # Make optional numeric arguments numeric if 'n_trees' in locals(): n_trees = int(n_trees) else: n_trees = 200 if 'n_jobs' in locals(): n_jobs = int(n_jobs) else: n_jobs = 1 if 'max_depth' in locals(): max_depth = int(max_depth) else: max_depth = None # Raise an error if var_txt doesn't exist. Otherwise, just read it in if not os.path.exists(var_txt): print '' msg = 'var_text path specified does not exist:\n%s\n\n' % var_txt raise IOError(msg) df_var = pd.read_csv(var_txt, sep='\t', index_col='var_name') # Make the output directory now = date_str = str('-', '') time_str = str(now.time()).replace(':', '')[:4] if not 'out_dirname' in locals(): out_dirname = target_col stamp = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(out_dirname, date_str, time_str) out_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, stamp) os.makedirs( out_dir ) # With a timestamp in dir, no need to check if it already exists shutil.copy2(params, out_dir) #Copy the params so the parameters used are saved shutil.copy2(sample_txt, out_dir) # Read in training samples df_train = pd.read_csv(sample_txt, sep='\t', index_col='obs_id') # Check that df_train has exactly the same columns as variables specified in df_vars train_columns = df_train.columns.tolist() unmatched_vars = [v for v in df_var.index if v not in train_columns] if len(unmatched_vars) != 0: unmatched_str = '\n'.join(unmatched_vars) msg = 'Columns not in sample_txt but specified in params:\n' + unmatched_str raise NameError(msg) # Sort the predictors in alphabetical order so that train columns can be in the same order as the predict array when # predicting later on predict_cols = sorted( np.unique([c for c in df_train.columns if c in df_var.index])) predict_cols = [c for c in predict_cols if c in df_var.index] if target_col in predict_cols: predict_cols.remove(target_col) df_var = df_var.sort_index() if 'constant_vars' in inputs: constant_vars = sorted([i.strip() for i in constant_vars.split(',')]) unmatched_vars = [v for v in constant_vars if v not in train_columns] if len(unmatched_vars) != 0: unmatched_str = '\n'.join(unmatched_vars) msg = 'Columns not in sample_txt but specified in params:\n' + unmatched_str raise NameError(msg) predict_cols += constant_vars x_train = df_train.reindex(columns=predict_cols) y_train = df_train[target_col] rf_model = forest.train_rf_regressor(x_train, y_train, ntrees=n_trees, njobs=n_jobs, max_depth=max_depth) if 'constant_vars' in inputs: for v in constant_vars: df_var = df_var.append(pd.Series(name=v)) importance = rf_model.feature_importances_ df_var['importance'] = importance df_var['rank'] = [ int(r) for r in df_var.importance.rank(method='first', ascending=False) ] out_txt = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s_importance.txt' % stamp) rf_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'regressor_model_%s' % stamp) forest.save_rfmodel(rf_model, rf_path) oob_score = round(rf_model.oob_score_, 3) out_var_txt = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(var_txt)) df_var.to_csv(out_var_txt, sep='\t') # Record params in inventory text file if 'inventory_txt' in inputs: df_inv = pd.read_csv(inventory_txt, sep='\t') cols = df_inv.columns try: res = int('[0-9]{1,2}', out_dirname).group()) except: res = None df_inv = df_inv.append(pd.DataFrame([{ 'stamp': stamp, 'temporal_res': res, 'oob_score': oob_score, 'auc': None, 'rmse': None, 'rmse_n': None, 'rmse_p': None, 'n_samples': len(df_train), 'n_trees': n_trees }]), ignore_index=True) df_inv = df_inv.reindex(columns=cols) existing_models = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(out_dir)), '*res*') df_inv = df_inv[df_inv.stamp.isin(existing_models)] df_inv.to_csv(inventory_txt, sep='\t', index=False) print 'Random Forest Regressor model written to:\n', rf_path print '\nOOB score: ', oob_score print 'Relative importance:' print df_var.importance.sort_values(ascending=False)