def get_host_ids(hosts):
    # Initialize timer for status messages
    last_status_time = time.time()

    ids = []
    password = decrypt_password()
    client = initialize_api(password)
    asset_api = rapid7vmconsole.AssetApi(client)

    counter = 0
    for host in hosts:
        # Print status if more than 5 seconds have elapsed since last status
        counter += 1
        if (time.time() - last_status_time > 5):
            print('Processed ' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(len(hosts)))
            last_status_time = time.time()

        criteria = SwaggerSearchCriteriaFilter(field='host-name',
        search_criteria = SearchCriteria(filters=(criteria, ), match='all')

        asset_call = asset_api.find_assets(param1=search_criteria)
        if (len(asset_call.resources) == 1):
    return ids
def search_assets(field='host-name',operator='is',lower=None,upper=None,value='testhost',values=None):
	# create an instance of the API class
	api_instance = rapid7vmconsole.AssetApi(client)
	#param1 = rapid7vmconsole.SearchCriteria() # SearchCriteria | param1
	# this method works to use the library-provided class when defining filters
	# there may not be a reason to do this, but the example is included here because
	# using intermediate object and its included to_dict() method
	# (in rapid7vmconsole/models/swagger_search_criteria_filter.py) is how I derived proper
	# dict syntax
	# from rapid7vmconsole.models.swagger_search_criteria_filter import SwaggerSearchCriteriaFilter
	# filters = [SwaggerSearchCriteriaFilter(field="host-name",operator="is",value="testhost"),]
	# filters can also be defined by using a native dict:
	# note this dict must be embedded in an array, as the API expects an array
	filters = [{'field': field, 'lower': lower, 'operator': operator, 'upper': upper, 'value': value, 'values': values},]
	param1 = rapid7vmconsole.SearchCriteria(filters=filters,match='any')
	page = 0 # int | The index of the page (zero-based) to retrieve. (optional) (default to 0)
	size = 10 # int | The number of records per page to retrieve. (optional) (default to 10)
	#sort = ['sort_example'] # list[str] | The criteria to sort the records by, in the format: `property[,ASC|DESC]`. The default sort order is ascending. Multiple sort criteria can be specified using multiple sort query parameters. (optional)
		# Asset Search
		api_response = api_instance.find_assets(param1, page=page, size=size)
		# pprint(api_response)
		return api_response
	except ApiException as e:
		# print("Exception when calling AssetApi->find_assets: %s\n" % e)
		return None
    def __init__(self):
        self.nexpose_config = rapid7vmconsole.Configuration(name='Scanner')
        self.nexpose_config.username = config['USERNAME']
        self.nexpose_config.password = config['PASSWORD']
        self.nexpose_config.host = config['HOST']
        self.nexpose_config.assert_hostname = False
        self.nexpose_config.verify_ssl = False
        self.nexpose_config.ssl_ca_cert = None
        self.nexpose_config.connection_pool_maxsize = None
        self.nexpose_config.proxy = None
        self.nexpose_config.cert_file = None
        self.nexpose_config.key_file = None
        self.nexpose_config.safe_chars_for_path_param = ''

        auth_token = f'{config["USERNAME"]}:{config["PASSWORD"]}'
        auth_token = base64.b64encode(auth_token.encode('ascii')).decode()

        api_client = rapid7vmconsole.ApiClient(
        api_client.default_headers['Authorization'] = f'Basic {auth_token}'

        self.nexpose_admin = rapid7vmconsole.AdministrationApi(api_client)
        self.nexpose = rapid7vmconsole.ScanApi(api_client)
        self.nexpose_site = rapid7vmconsole.SiteApi(api_client)
        self.nexpose_assets = rapid7vmconsole.AssetApi(api_client)
        self.nexpose_report = rapid7vmconsole.ReportApi(api_client)
        self.storage_service = StorageService()
config = rapid7vmconsole.Configuration(name='Rapid7')
config.username = '******'
config.password = '******'
config.host = 'https://localhost:3780'
config.verify_ssl = False
config.assert_hostname = False
config.proxy = None
config.ssl_ca_cert = None
config.connection_pool_maxsize = None
config.cert_file = None
config.key_file = None

# Logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
config.debug = False

auth = "%s:%s" % (config.username, config.password)
auth = base64.b64encode(auth.encode('ascii')).decode()
client = rapid7vmconsole.ApiClient(configuration=config)
client.default_headers['Authorization'] = "Basic %s" % auth
asset_api = rapid7vmconsole.AssetApi(client)
assets = asset_api.get_assets()

for a in assets.resources:
    print("Asset ID: %s; Hostname: %s; IP Address: %s" %
          (a.id, a.host_name, a.ip))