def dump_messages(**options):"Updating Messages. Currently have {} messages in DB.".format( messages.count())) params = {} if options.get('after'): params.update({'after': options.get('after')}) elif options.get('resume'): if meta.find_one({'endpoint': 'messages'}) is not None: params.update({ 'after': meta.find_one({ 'endpoint': 'messages' }).get('updated_on') }) # call messages API messages_list = get_api_data('/messages.json', **params) update_collection(collection=messages, data=messages_list, id_field='id') # loop through potential next pages while messages_list.get('next'): messages_list = get_api_data(messages_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=messages, data=messages_list, id_field='id') "Updated Messages completed. Now have {} messages in DB.".format( messages.count()))
def dump_runs(**options):"Updating Runs. Currently have {} runs in DB.".format( runs.count())) params = {} if options.get('after'): params.update({'after': options.get('after')}) elif options.get('resume'): if meta.find_one({'endpoint': 'runs'}) is not None: params.update({ 'after': meta.find_one({ 'endpoint': 'runs' }).get('updated_on') }) # call runs API runs_list = get_api_data('/runs.json', **params) update_collection(collection=runs, data=runs_list, id_field='run') # loop through potential next pages while runs_list.get('next'): runs_list = get_api_data(runs_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=runs, data=runs_list, id_field='run')"Updated Runs completed. Now have {} runs in DB.".format( runs.count()))
def main(arguments): debug = arguments.get('--verbose') or False change_logging_level(debug)"Starting fix-contacts-names script...{}" .format(" [DEBUG mode]" if debug else "")) options = { 'export': arguments.get('export') or False, 'import': arguments.get('import') or False, 'file': arguments.get('--file') or None, } if options['export'] + options['import'] != 1: logger.error("You must specify whether to export or import data") return 1 if not options['file']: logger.error("You must specify a file path") return 1 if options['import'] and not os.path.exists(options['file']): logger.error("The filepath `{}` does not exist." .format(options['file'])) return 1 if options['export']: with open(options['file'], 'w') as fio: export_contact_names_to(fio) if options['import']: with open(options['file'], 'r') as fio: fix_contact_names_from(fio)"-- All done. :)")
def main(arguments): debug = arguments.get('--verbose') or False change_logging_level(debug)"Generating JSON exports for message statistics") generate_periods_stats(destdir=arguments.get('<destdir>') or None)"All Done.")
def main(arguments): debug = arguments.get('--verbose') or False change_logging_level(debug)"Starting dump-rapidpro script...{}".format( " [DEBUG mode]" if debug else "")) # endpoints options = { 'after': arguments.get('--after') or None, 'resume': not (arguments.get('--noresume') or False) } do_contacts = arguments.get('--contacts', False) do_messages = arguments.get('--messages', False) do_relayers = arguments.get('--relayers', False) do_fields = arguments.get('--fields', False) do_flows = arguments.get('--flows', False) do_runs = arguments.get('--runs', False) if not (do_contacts or do_messages or do_relayers or do_fields or do_flows or do_runs): logger.error("You need to specify at least one action") return 1 if debug: logger.debug("Options: {}".format(options)) now = now_str = now.isoformat()[:-3] if do_contacts: dump_contacts(**options) update_meta('contacts', now_str) if do_relayers: dump_relayers(**options) update_meta('relayers', now_str) if do_messages: dump_messages(**options) update_meta('messages', now_str) if do_fields: dump_fields(**options) update_meta('fields', now_str) if do_flows: dump_flows(**options) update_meta('flows', now_str) if do_runs: dump_runs(**options) update_meta('runs', now_str)"-- All done. :)")
def send_invitation(relayer, number_list): max_num = 100 for it in range(0, int(math.ceil(len(number_list) / float(max_num)))): step = int(it * max_num) chunk = number_list[step:step + max_num]".. sending {} invitations at once.".format(len(chunk))) post_api_data( '/messages.json', { 'phone': ["+223{}".format(num) for num in chunk], 'text': INVIT_TEXT, 'channel': relayer })
def main(): pending_contacts = numbers.find({'sent': False})"We have {} potential numbers...".format( pending_contacts.count())) to_send = { ORANGE: [], MALITEL: [], } for number_item in pending_contacts:['number']) if not is_ureporter(number_item['number']): relayer = relayer_from_number(number_item['number']) if not relayer: continue to_send[relayer].append(number_item['number']) number_item.update({'sent': True}) else: remove_number(number_item['number'])"Sending {} invitations to Orange users...".format( len(to_send[ORANGE]))) send_invitation(ORANGE, to_send[ORANGE])"Sending {} invitations to Malitel users...".format( len(to_send[MALITEL]))) send_invitation(MALITEL, to_send[MALITEL])
def dump_fields(**options):"Updating Fields. Currently have {} fields in DB.".format( fields.count())) # call fields API fields_list = get_api_data('/fields.json') update_collection(collection=fields, data=fields_list, id_field='key') # loop through potential next pages while fields_list.get('next'): fields_list = get_api_data(fields_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=fields, data=fields_list, id_field='key')"Updated Fields completed. Now have {} fields in DB.".format( fields.count()))
def dump_contacts(**options):"Updating Contacts. Currently have {} contacts in DB.".format( contacts.count())) # call contacts API contacts_list = get_api_data('/contacts.json') update_collection(collection=contacts, data=contacts_list, id_field='uuid') # loop through potential next pages while contacts_list.get('next'): contacts_list = get_api_data(contacts_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=contacts, data=contacts_list, id_field='uuid') "Updated Contacts completed. Now have {} contacts in DB.".format( contacts.count()))
def dump_relayers(**options):"Updating Relayers. Currently have {} relayers in DB.".format( relayers.count())) # call relayers API relayers_list = get_api_data('/relayers.json') update_collection(collection=relayers, data=relayers_list, id_field='relayer') # loop through potential next pages while relayers_list.get('next'): relayers_list = get_api_data(relayers_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=relayers, data=relayers_list, id_field='relayer') "Updated Relayers completed. Now have {} relayers in DB.".format( relayers.count()))
def fix_contact_names_from(afile): csv_reader = csv.DictReader(afile, CSV_HEADERS) for entry in csv_reader: if csv_reader.line_num == 1: continue if not entry.get('is_ok') or not entry.get('uuid'): continue uuid = entry.get('uuid').strip() name = entry.get('name').strip() or "" contact = contacts.find_one({'uuid': uuid}) # rapidpro doesn't update contact if name is empty if not name: name = "U-reporter" if contact['name'] != name:"Updating {}: {}".format(uuid, name)) update_contact(contact=contact, name=name)
def dump_flows(**options):"Updating Flows. Currently have {} flows in DB.".format( flows.count())) params = {} if options.get('after'): params.update({'after': options.get('after')}) elif options.get('resume'): if meta.find_one({'endpoint': 'flows'}) is not None: params.update({ 'after': meta.find_one({ 'endpoint': 'flows' }).get('updated_on') }) # call flows API flows_list = get_api_data('/flows.json', **params) update_collection(collection=flows, data=flows_list, id_field='uuid') # loop through potential next pages while flows_list.get('next'): flows_list = get_api_data(flows_list.get('next')) update_collection(collection=flows, data=flows_list, id_field='uuid')
def main(arguments): debug = arguments.get('--verbose') or False change_logging_level(debug)"Starting update-contacts script...{}".format( " [DEBUG mode]" if debug else "")) options = {'module': arguments.get('--module') or None} if options['module'] is None: logger.error("You must pass in a module.func path.") return 1 try: func = import_path(options['module']) except Exception as e: logger.error("Unable to load function path `{}`".format( options['module'])) logger.exception(e) return 1 else: if not callable(func): logger.error("You func path is not callable `{}`".format( options['module'])) return 1 logger.debug("Options: {}".format(options))"Looping through {} contacts with {}".format( contacts.find().count(), func)) updated = 0 for contact in contacts.find(): logger.debug("{}/{}".format(contact['phone'], contact['name'])) if func(contact): updated += 1"Updated {} contacts".format(updated))"-- All done. :)")
def main(): uuids = [c['uuid'] for c in contacts.find({})] for uuid in uuids: update_groups(contacts.find_one({'uuid': uuid}), remove_others=True)
def main(arguments): debug = arguments.get('--verbose') or False change_logging_level(debug) json_folder = arguments.get('--json') or None html_path = arguments.get('--output') or "dashboard.html""Generating Dashboard.") # load global statistics with open(os.path.join(json_folder, 'statistics.json')) as f: statistics = OrderedDict(sorted(json.load(f).items(), key=tssort)) # update stats with price data for key in statistics.keys(): if key == 'relayers': continue statistics[key]['stats']['estimated_price'] = \ estimated_price_for(statistics[key], statistics['relayers']) statistics[key]['stats']['estimated_vat'] = \ multiply_items(statistics[key]['stats']['estimated_price'], 0.18) statistics[key]['stats']['estimated_price_total'] = \ multiply_items(statistics[key]['stats']['estimated_price'], 1.18) # load daily total for each month def loadjs(key): with open(os.path.join(json_folder, '{}.json'.format(key)), 'r') as f: return OrderedDict(sorted(json.load(f).items(), key=tssort)) daily_data = { key: loadjs(key) for key in sorted(statistics.keys()) if key not in ('total', 'relayers') } # cumulative values for each days with open(os.path.join(json_folder, 'cumulative.json')) as f: cumulative = OrderedDict(sorted(json.load(f).items(), key=tssort)) # list of fields to loop on fields = OrderedDict([ ('nb_sms_total', "Nombre SMS TOTAL"), ('nb_sms_in', "Nombre SMS Entrant"), ('nb_sms_out', "Nombre SMS Sortant"), ('nb_messages_total', "Nombre Messages TOTAL"), ('nb_messages_in', "Nombre Messages Entrant"), ('nb_messages_out', "Nombre Messages Sortant"), ('estimated_price', "Coût estimatif HT"), ('estimated_vat', "Coût estimatif TVA"), ('estimated_price_total', "Coût estimatif TTC"), ]) # prepare context context = { 'update_time': datetime_from_iso(statistics['total']['update_time']).strftime( '%d %B %Y, %Hh%I').decode('utf-8'), 'relayers': OrderedDict( sorted(statistics['relayers'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['relayer'])), 'months_data': OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in sorted(statistics.items(), reverse=True) if k != 'relayers']), 'daily_data': daily_data, 'cumulative': cumulative, 'fields': fields, 'orange_id': ORANGE, 'malitel_id': MALITEL, 'orange_key': text_type(ORANGE), 'malitel_key': text_type(MALITEL), 'amount_fields': [k for k in fields.keys() if k.startswith('estimated_')] } # render template in file template = jinja_env.get_template('dashboard_tmpl.html') with open(html_path, 'w') as f: html = template.render(**context) if PY2: html = html.encode('utf-8') f.write(html) def index(self): imported = 0 try: all_nums = cherrypy.request.json for num in all_nums: if handle_number(num): imported += 1 logger.debug("imported: {}".format(imported)) return {"status": "ok", "imported": imported} except: return {"status": "error", "imported": 0} def handle_number(num): num = clean_number(num) if not num: return if numbers.find({'number': num}).count(): return numbers.insert({'number': num, 'sent': False}) return True if __name__ == '__main__':"Nb in DB: {}".format(numbers.find({}).count())) cherrypy.quickstart(UContactReceiver(), '/', 'app.conf')
def generate_periods_stats(destdir='', start_on=None, end_on=None): # when the DB is empty if not messages.count(): logger.error("No messages in DB. wrong config?") return # no start_on? use first message date if start_on is None: start_on = datetime_from_iso(messages.find().sort([ ('id', 1) ]).limit(1)[0].get('created_on')) if end_on is None: end_on = datetime_from_iso(messages.find().sort([ ('id', -1) ]).limit(1)[0].get('created_on')) periods = get_periods(start_on=start_on, end_on=end_on) # single statistics file with entries for each month"Generating all-periods stats by months") statistics = get_months_stats(periods) statistics.update({ 'relayers': get_relayers_details(), 'total': get_grand_total(start_on, end_on) }) statistics['total'].update({'update_time':}) with open(os.path.join(destdir, 'statistics.json'), 'w') as statistics_io: json.dump(statistics, statistics_io, indent=4, default=jsdthandler) # one stats file per month with entries for each day for period in sorted(periods['months'].values(), key=namesort):"Generating {} stats by days".format(period['name'])) month_stats = OrderedDict([ (dperiod['name'], period_stats(dperiod)) for dperiod in sorted(periods['days'].values(), key=namesort) if in_period(period, dperiod['middle']) ]) with open(os.path.join(destdir, '{}.json'.format(period['name'])), 'w') as io: json.dump(month_stats, io, indent=4, default=jsdthandler) # single cumulative stats file"Generating cumulative stats by days") def cperiod_for(period): p = period.copy() p.update({ 'start_on': start_on, 'middle': period_middle(p['start_on'], p['end_on']), 'middle_ts': js_timestamp(p['middle']) }) return p with open(os.path.join(destdir, 'cumulative.json'), 'w') as io: cumul_stats = OrderedDict([ (period['name'], period_stats(cperiod_for(period))) for period in sorted(periods['days'].values(), key=namesort) ]) json.dump(cumul_stats, io, indent=4, default=jsdthandler)