class ProjData (object) :

    def __init__(self, pid, gid = None) :
        '''Intitate the whole class and create the object.'''

        self.pid            = pid
        self.gid            = gid
        self.tools          = Tools()
        self.user           = UserConfig()
        self.userConfig     = self.user.userConfig
        self.local          = ProjLocal(pid)
        self.log            = ProjLog(pid)
        self.projHome       = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(self.userConfig['Resources']['projects']), self.pid)
        self.projList       = self.tools.getProjIdList(os.path.expanduser(self.userConfig['Resources']['projects']))

        # Log messages for this module
        self.errorCodes     = {

            '1220' : ['LOG', 'Project [<<1>>] already registered in the system.'],
            '1240' : ['ERR', 'Could not find/open the Project configuration file for [<<1>>]. Project could not be registered!'],

            '3410' : ['LOG', 'Backup file cull skipping: [<<1>>] Not a recognized Rapuma backup file name format.'],
            '3510' : ['ERR', 'The path (or name) given is not valid: [<<1>>].'],
            '3530' : ['MSG', 'Project backup: [<<1>>] has been restored to: [<<2>>]. A backup of the orginal project remains and must be manually removed.'],
            '3550' : ['ERR', 'Project backup version request: [<<1>>] exceeds the maxium number which could be in storage which is: [<<2>>]. Request an earlier (lesser) version.'],
            '3610' : ['ERR', 'The [<<1>>]. project is not registered. No backup was done.'],
            '3620' : ['ERR', 'The path to the backup folder is not valid [<<1>>]. Please try again.'],
            '3622' : ['ERR', 'The path to the backup folder is not set. Please set it and try again.'],
            '3625' : ['ERR', 'The path given to the backup folder is not valid [<<1>>]. Please set the system backup path.'],
            '3630' : ['MSG', 'Backup for [<<1>>] created and saved to: [<<2>>]'],

            '4110' : ['MSG', 'Completed merging data.'],
            '4120' : ['MSG', 'No files updated.'],
            '4130' : ['MSG', 'Added: <<1>> file(s).'],
            '4140' : ['MSG', 'Updated: <<1>> file(s)'],
            '4150' : ['WRN', 'The project data in: [<<1>>] will be replaced with the data from: [<<2>>].'],

            '4210' : ['MSG', 'Completed pulling/restoring data from the cloud.'],
            '4220' : ['ERR', 'Cannot resolve path: [<<1>>]'],
            '4250' : ['ERR', 'The cloud project [<<1>>] you want to pull from is owned by [<<2>>]. Use force (-f) to pull the project and change the local owner ID.'],
            '4260' : ['ERR', 'The local project [<<1>>] is newer than the cloud copy. If you seriously want to overwrite it, use force (-f) to do so.'],
            '4270' : ['MSG', 'Restored the project [<<1>>] from the cloud copy. Local copy is owned by [<<2>>].'],


############################## General Functions ##############################
####################### Error Code Block Series = 1000 ########################

########################## Archive Project Functions ##########################
####################### Error Code Block Series = 2000 ########################

    def makeExcludeFileList (self, source) :
        '''Return a list of files that are not necessary to be included in a backup
        template or an archive. These will be all auto-generated files that containe system-
        specific paths, etc.'''

        excludeFiles        = []
        excludeTypes        = ['delayed', 'log', 'notepages', 'parlocs', 'pdf', 'tex', 'piclist', 'adj', 'zip']
        excludeFolders      = ['Draft', 'Final', 'HelperScript', 'Proof']

        # Process the excluded folders
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source) :
            for fileName in files :
                if os.path.basename(root) in excludeFolders :
                    excludeFiles.append(os.path.join(root, fileName))
                else :
                    # Get rid of edited backup files
                    if fileName[-1] == '~' :
                        excludeFiles.append(os.path.join(root, fileName))
                    ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1][1:]
                    if ext in excludeTypes :
                        # A special indicator for file we want to keep
                        if fileName.find('-ext.') > 0 :

        return excludeFiles

# FIXME: Should archiveProject() use self.pid instead of explicitly passing in a pid?
    def archiveProject (self, pid, path = None) :
        '''Archive a project. Send the compressed archive file to the user-specified
        archive folder. If none is specified, put the archive in cwd. If a valid
        path is specified, send it to that location. Like backup, this too will
        overwrite any existing file of the same name. The difference is that this
        will also disable the project so it cannot be accesses by Rapuma. When a
        project is archived, all work should cease on the project.'''

        # Make a private project object just for archiving
        aProject = Project(pid, self.gid)
        # Set some paths and file names
        archName = aProject.projectIDCode + '.rapuma'
        userArchives = self.userConfig['Resources']['archive']
        archTarget = ''
        if path :
            path = self.tools.resolvePath(path)
            if os.path.isdir(path) :
                archTarget = os.path.join(path, archName)
            else :
                self.tools.terminal('\nError: The path given is not valid: [' + path + ']\n')
        elif os.path.isdir(userArchives) :
            archTarget = os.path.join(userArchives, archName)
        elif os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(aProject.local.projHome)) :
            # Default to the dir just above the project
            archTarget = os.path.dirname(aProject.local.projHome)
        else :
            self.tools.terminal('\nError: Cannot resolve a path to create the archive file!\n')

        # Get a list of files we don't want
        excludeFiles = self.makeExcludeFileList(source)

        self.zipUpProject(archTarget, excludeFiles)

        # Rename the source dir to indicate it was archived
        bakArchProjDir = aProject.local.projHome + '(archived)'
        if os.path.isdir(bakArchProjDir) :
            self.tools.terminal('\nError: Cannot complete archival process!\n')
            self.tools.terminal('\nAnother archived version of this project exsits with the folder name of: ' + self.tools.fName(bakArchProjDir) + '\n')
            self.tools.terminal('\nPlease remove or rename it and then repete the process.\n')
        else :
            os.rename(aProject.local.projHome, bakArchProjDir)

        # Finish here
        self.tools.terminal('Archive for [' + pid + '] created and saved to: ' + archTarget + '\n')

    def zipUpProject (self, target, excludeFiles = None) :
        '''Zip up a project and deposit it to target location. Be sure to strip
        out all all auto-created, user-specific files that could mess up a
        transfer to another system. This goes for archives and backups'''

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # In case an exclude list is not given
        if not excludeFiles :
            excludeFiles = []

        # Do the zip magic here
        root_len = len(self.local.projHome)
        with zipfile.ZipFile(target, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as myzip :
            sys.stdout.write('Backing up files')
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.local.projHome) :
                # Chop off the part of the path we do not need to store
                zip_root = os.path.abspath(root)[root_len:]
                for f in files :
                    if os.path.join(root, f) in excludeFiles :
                    if not f[-1] == '~' :
                        fn, fx = os.path.splitext(f)
                        fullpath = os.path.join(root, f)
                        zip_name = os.path.join(zip_root, f)
                        myzip.write(fullpath, zip_name, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
            # Add a space before the next message
            print '\n'

# FIXME: Should restoreArchive() use self.pid instead of explicitly passing in a pid?
    def restoreArchive (self, pid, targetPath, sourcePath = None) :
        '''Restore a project from the user specified storage area or sourcePath if 
        specified. Use targetPath to specify where the project will be restored.
        Rapuma will register the project there.'''

        # Check to see if the user included the extension
        try :
            pid.split('.')[1] == 'rapuma'
            archName = pid
            pid = pid.split('.')[0]
        except :
            archName = pid + '.rapuma'

        archSource = ''
        archTarget = ''
        userArchives = ''

        # First look for the archive that is to be restored
        if sourcePath :
            if os.path.isdir(sourcePath) :
                archSource = os.path.join(sourcePath, archName)
        elif os.path.isdir(self.userConfig['Resources']['archive']) :
            userArchives = self.userConfig['Resources']['archive']
            archSource = os.path.join(userArchives, archName)
        else :
            self.tools.terminal('\nError: The path (or name) given is not valid: [' + archSource + ']\n')

        # Now set the target params
        if targetPath :
            if not os.path.isdir(targetPath) :
                self.tools.terminal('\nError: The path given is not valid: [' + targetPath + ']\n')
            else :
                archTarget = os.path.join(targetPath, pid)

        # If we made it this far, extract the archive
        with zipfile.ZipFile(archSource, 'r') as myzip :

        # Permission for executables is lost in the zip, fix it here
        for folder in ['Scripts', os.path.join('Macros', 'User')] :
            self.tools.fixExecutables(os.path.join(archTarget, folder))

# FIXME: This will need some work 

        # Add project to local Rapuma project registry
        # To do this we need to open up the restored project config file
        # and pull out some settings.
        local       = ProjLocal(pid)
        pc          = Config(pid)
        log         = ProjLog(pid)
        aProject    = Project(pid, self.gid)
    #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # Finish here
        self.tools.terminal('\nRapuma archive [' + pid + '] has been restored to: ' + archTarget + '\n')

########################### Backup Project Functions ##########################
####################### Error Code Block Series = 3000 ########################

    def cullBackups (self, maxBak, bakDir) :
        '''Remove any excess backups from the backup folder in
        this project.'''

        # Get number of maximum backups to store
        maxStoreBackups = int(maxBak)
        if not maxStoreBackups or maxStoreBackups == 0 :
            maxStoreBackups = 1

        # Build the cullList
        cullList = []
        files = os.listdir(bakDir)
        for f in files :
            try :
            except :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3410'], [f])
        # Remove oldest file(s)
        while len(cullList) > maxStoreBackups :
            fn = min(cullList)
            os.remove(os.path.join(bakDir, str(fn) + '.zip'))

    def backupProject (self, targetPath=None) :
        '''Backup a project. Send the compressed backup file with a date-stamp
        file name to the user-specified backup folder. If a target path is 
        specified, put the archive there but use the PID in the name. If other
        backups with the same name exist there, increment with a number.'''

        # First see if this is even a valid project
        if self.pid not in self.projList :
            self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3610'], [self.pid])

        # Set some paths and file names
        if not targetPath :
            # Now check for a valid location to backup to
            if self.local.userLibBackup == '' :
            elif not os.path.exists(self.local.userLibBackup) :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3620'], [self.local.userLibBackup])
            projBackupFolder    = os.path.join(self.local.userLibBackup, self.pid)
            backupTarget        = os.path.join(projBackupFolder, self.tools.fullFileTimeStamp() + '.zip')
        else :
            projBackupFolder    = self.tools.resolvePath(targetPath)
            # Now check for a valid target path
            if not os.path.exists(projBackupFolder) :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3625'], [targetPath])
            backupTarget        = self.tools.incrementFileName(os.path.join(projBackupFolder, self.pid + '.zip'))

        # Make sure the dir is there
        if not os.path.exists(projBackupFolder) :

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # Zip up but use a list of files we don't want
        self.zipUpProject(backupTarget, self.makeExcludeFileList(source))

        # Cull out any excess backups
        if not targetPath :
            self.cullBackups(self.userConfig['System']['maxStoreBackups'], projBackupFolder)

        # Finish here
        pc = Config(self.pid)
        pc.projectConfig['Backup']['lastBackup'] = self.tools.fullFileTimeStamp()
        self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3630'], [self.pid,backupTarget])
        return True

    def backupRestore (self, backup, target = None) :
        '''Restore a backup to the current or specified project.'''

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        if not target :
            target = self.local.projHome

        # Now remove the orginal
        if os.path.exists(target) :
        # Create an empty folder to restore to

        # If we made it this far, extract the archive
        with zipfile.ZipFile(backup, 'r') as myzip :
        return True

#    def restoreLocalBackup (self, bakFile) :
#        '''Restore from a project backup. As a project may have multiple backups in
#        its backup folder, the user will need to provide a number from 1 to n (n being
#        the number of backups in the folder, 1 being the most recent and n being the
#        oldest). If no number is provided, 1, (the most recent) will be restored.'''

#        # Adjust bNum if needed
#        maxBak = int(self.userConfig['System']['maxStoreBackups'])
#        if not bNum :
#            bNum = 0
#        else :
#            bNum = int(bNum)
#            if bNum <= 0 :
#                bNum = 0
#            elif bNum > maxBak :
#                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3550'], [str(bNum), str(maxBak)])
#            else :
#                bNum = bNum-1

#        # Get vals we need
#        projHome            = self.getProjHome()
#        projBackupFolder    = self.tools.resolvePath(os.path.join(self.userConfig['Resources']['backup'], self.pid))

#        # Get the archive file name
#        files = os.listdir(projBackupFolder)
#        fns = []
#        for f in files :
#            fns.append(int(f.split('.')[0]))
#        # Sort the list, last (latest) first
#        fns.sort(reverse=True)
#        # Make file path/name
#        backup = os.path.join(projBackupFolder, str(fns[bNum]) + '.zip')
#        if not os.path.exists(backup) :
#            self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3510'], [backup])

#        # Restore the backup
#        self.backupRestore(backup, projHome)

#        # Permission for executables is lost in the zip, fix them here
#        self.tools.fixExecutables(projHome)

#        # Add helper scripts if needed
#        if self.tools.str2bool(self.userConfig['System']['autoHelperScripts']) :
#            ProjCommander(self.pid).updateScripts()

#        # Finish here (We will leave the project backup in place)
#        self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['3530'], [self.tools.fName(backup),projHome])

    def restoreExternalBackup (self, source, target = None, force = False) :
        '''Restore a non-existant project from an external backup to a target folder.
        If no target is provided the project will be installed in the default project
        folder. The source path and ZIP file must be valid'''

        # Get/make the (localized) project home reference
        projHome = self.getProjHome(target)

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        # Create the source backup file name
#        source = os.path.join(source, self.pid + '.zip')

# FIXME: This needs some review and rework

        # Restore the backup
        if self.backupRestore(source, projHome) :

            # Permission for executables is lost in the zip, fix them here

            # If this is a new project we will need to register it now

            # Add helper scripts if needed
            if self.tools.str2bool(self.userConfig['System']['autoHelperScripts']) :

            # Finish here (We will leave the backup-backup in place)
            self.tools.terminal('\nRapuma backup [' + self.pid + '] has been restored to: ' + projHome + '\n')
            return True

############################ Cloud Backup Functions ###########################
####################### Error Code Block Series = 4000 ########################

    def isNewerThanCloud (self, cloud, projectConfig) :
        '''Compare time stamps between the cloud and the local project.
        Return True if the local project is newer or the same age as
        the copy in the cloud. Return True if the project does not
        exist in the local copy of the cloud.'''

        # First see if it exists
        cConfig = self.getConfig(cloud)
        if not cConfig :
            return True
        elif not cConfig.has_key('Backup') :
            return True
        elif not cConfig['Backup'].has_key('lastCloudPush') :
            return True
        # Check local for key
        if not projectConfig.has_key('Backup') :
            return False
        elif not projectConfig['Backup'].has_key('lastCloudPush') :
            return False
        # Compare if we made it this far
        cStamp = cConfig['Backup']['lastCloudPush']
        lStamp = projectConfig['Backup']['lastCloudPush']
        if lStamp >= cStamp :
            return True

    def isNewerThanLocal (self, cloud, projectConfig) :
        '''Compare time stamps between the cloud and the local project.
        Return True if the cloud project is newer or the same age as
        the local copy. Return True if the project does not exist in
        as a local copy.'''

        # First see if the local exists
        if not projectConfig :
            return True

        # See if cloud is there and up-to-date
        cloudConfig = self.getConfig(cloud)
        if not cloudConfig :
            return False

        # Compare if we made it this far
        cStamp = cloudConfig['Backup']['lastCloudPush']
        # It is possible the local has never been pushed
        # If that is the case, local is assumed older
        try :
            pStamp = projectConfig['Backup']['lastCloudPush']
        except :
            return False
        if cStamp >= pStamp :
            return True

    def getConfig (self, projHome) :
        '''Return a valid config object from cloud project.'''

#        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        projectConfigFile = os.path.join(projHome, 'Config', 'project.conf')
        if os.path.exists(projectConfigFile) :
            return ConfigObj(projectConfigFile, encoding='utf-8')

    def getCloudOwner (self, cloud) :
        '''Return the owner of a specified cloud project.'''

        try :
            return self.getConfig(cloud)['Backup']['ownerID']
        except :
            return None

    def getLocalOwner (self) :
        '''Return the owner of a specified cloud project.'''

        return self.userConfig['System']['userID']

    def sameOwner (self, cloud) :
        '''Return True if the owner of a given cloud is the same as
        the system user. Also return True if the cloud owner is not

        # First check for existence
        if not self.getCloudOwner(cloud) :
            return True
        # Compare if we made it to this point
        if self.getCloudOwner(cloud) == self.getLocalOwner() :
            return True

    def setCloudPushTime (self, projectConfig) :
        '''Set/reset the lastPush time stamp setting.'''

        projectConfig['Backup']['lastCloudPush'] = self.tools.fullFileTimeStamp()

    def buyCloud (self, projectConfig) :
        '''Change the ownership on a project in the cloud by assigning
        your userID to the local project cloudOwnerID. Then, using force
        the next time the project is pushed to the cloud, you will own it.'''

        projOwnerID = self.userConfig['System']['userID']
        projectConfig['Backup']['ownerID'] = projOwnerID

    def buyLocal (self, projectConfig) :
        '''Change the ownership on a local project by assigning your
        userID to it.'''

        projOwnerID = self.userConfig['System']['userID']
        projectConfig['Backup']['ownerID'] = projOwnerID

    def replaceProject (self, source, target) :
        '''This will completly replace an existing project (target)
        with data from another project (source). This assumes
        source and target are valid.'''

        # We simply just get rid of the target before doing a merge
        self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['4150'], [target, source])
        self.mergeProjects(source, target)

    def mergeProjects(self, source, target) :
        '''This will merge two Rapuma projects and try to preserve
        data in the target that is newer than the source. This assumes
        target and source are valid.'''
        # Get a list of files we do not want
        excludeFiles        = self.makeExcludeFileList(source)

        # Get a total list of files from the project
        cn = 0
        cr = 0
        # Add space for output message
        sys.stdout.write('Merging files from: ' + source + ' to: ' + target)
        for folder, subs, files in os.walk(source):
            for fileName in files:
                # Do not include any backup files we find
                if fileName[-1] == '~' :
                if os.path.join(folder, fileName) not in excludeFiles :
                    if not os.path.isdir(folder.replace(source, target)) :
                        os.makedirs(folder.replace(source, target))
                    targetFile = os.path.join(folder, fileName).replace(source, target)
                    sourceFile = os.path.join(folder, fileName)
                    if not os.path.isfile(targetFile) :
                        shutil.copy(sourceFile, targetFile)
                        cn +=1
                    # Otherwise if the cloud file is older than
                    # the project file, refresh it
                    elif self.tools.isOlder(targetFile, sourceFile) :
                        if os.path.isfile(targetFile) :
                        shutil.copy(sourceFile, targetFile)
                        cr +=1
        # Add space for next message

        # Report what happened
        if cn == 0 and cr == 0 :
        else :
            if cn > 0 :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['4130'], [str(cn)])
            if cr > 0 :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['4140'], [str(cr)])

        return True

    def getProjHome (self, tPath = None) :
        '''Return a project home path by checking to see what the best path
        might be. Provided path gets first dibs, then '''

        if tPath :
            if os.path.isfile(tPath) :
                return self.local.projHome
            elif self.tools.resolvePath(tPath) :
                tPath = self.tools.resolvePath(tPath)
                lastFolder = os.path.basename(tPath)
                if lastFolder == self.pid :
                    return tPath
                else :
                    return os.path.join(tPath, self.pid)
            else :
                self.log.writeToLog(self.errorCodes['4220'], [tPath])
        elif self.local.projHome :
            return self.local.projHome
        else :
            return self.tools.resolvePath(os.path.join(self.userConfig['Resources']['projects'], self.pid))