    def test_delete(self):
        """Test delete method."""
        f = FileInfo(filePath)

        assert not f.exists()
 def test_get_file_extension(self):
     """Test get_file_extension method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     root, ext = os.path.splitext(filePath)
     expected = ext
     actual = f.get_file_extension()
     assert actual == expected
 def test_get_file_name(self):
     """Test get_file_name method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     head, tail = os.path.split(filePath)
     expected = tail
     actual = f.get_file_name()
     assert actual == expected
 def test_get_filename_without_extension(self):
     """Test get_filename_without_extension method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     head, tail = os.path.split(filePath)  # Get just the file name.
     root, ext = os.path.splitext(tail)  # Now get name without ext.
     expected = root
     actual = f.get_filename_without_extension()
     assert actual == expected
    def to_argument_string(self):
        """Convert this instance to a string of arguments that can be passed.

        :returns: The argument string.
        :rtype: str
        fname = ""
        if self.output_file is not None:
            fname = self.output_file.get_filename_without_extension()

        args = ""
        if self.image_size != size.EMPTY:
            args += " --width " + str(self.image_size.width)
            args += " --height " + str(self.image_size.height)

        args += " --quality " + str(self.image_quality)
        if self.timeout > 0:
            args += " --timeout " + str(self.timeout)

        if self.time_lapse_interval > 0:
            args += " --timelapse " + str(self.time_lapse_interval)
            fname += "_%04d"

        fname += "." + capture_utils.get_encoding_file_extension(self.encoding)
        fname = os.path.join(self.output_file.get_directory_name(), fname)
        self.output_file = FileInfo(fname)
        args += ' --output "' + self.output_file.get_fullname() + '"'

        if self.verbose:
            args += " --verbose"

        args += " --encoding " + self.output_file.get_file_extension()
        if self.full_preview:
            args += " --fullpreview"

        return args
class StillCaptureSettings(object):
    """Still capture image settings."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a new instance of StillCaptureSettings."""
        self.__quality = QUALITY_DEFAULT
        self.__size = size.Size(DEFAULT_IMG_SIZE_W, DEFAULT_IMG_SIZE_H)
        self.__timeout = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT
        self.__timeLapseInterval = 0
        self.__verbose = False
        self.__raw = False
        self.__fullPreview = False
        self.__encoding = image_encoding.JPEG
        self.__outputFile = None

    def image_size(self):
        """Get the size of the image. Default is 640x480.

        :returns: The image size.
        :rtype: raspy.size.Size
        return self.__size

    def image_size(self, img_size):
        """Set the size of the image.

        :param raspy.size.Size img_size: The image size.
        :raises: IllegalArgumentException if img_size is not of type
        if type(img_size) != size.Size:
            msg = "img_size property must be of type raspy.size.Size"
            raise IllegalArgumentException(msg)

        self.__size = img_size

    def timeout(self):
        """Get the timeout in milliseconds.

        This is the time to elapse before capture and shutdown. Default is

        :returns: The capture timeout.
        :rtype: int
        return self.__timeout

    def timeout(self, millis):
        """Set the timeout in milliseconds.

        :param int millis: The capture timeout.
        :rtype: int
        self.__timeout = millis

    def time_lapse_interval(self):
        """Get the time lapse interval. Default is zero (disabled).

        :returns: The time lapse interval.
        :rtype: int
        return self.__timeLapseInterval

    def time_lapse_interval(self, interval):
        """Set the time lapse interval.

        :param int interval: The time lapse interval in milliseconds.
        self.__timeLapseInterval = interval

    def verbose(self):
        """Get a value indicating whether or not the process will be verbose.

        Default is False.

        :returns: True if verbose.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.__verbose

    def verbose(self, be_verbose=False):
        """Set a value indicating whether or not the process will be verbose.

        :param bool be_verbose: Set True to enable verbosity.
        self.__verbose = be_verbose

    def raw(self):
        """Get whether or not to add raw Bayer data to the JPEG metadata.

        This option inserts the raw Bayer data into the JPEG metadata if the
        encoding property is set ti image_encoding.JPEG. Default is False.

        :returns: When set True, will add raw Bayer data.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.__raw

    def raw(self, flag=False):
        """Set a flag indicating whether or not to add raw Bayer data to meta.

        :param bool flag: Set True to add raw Bayer data.
        self.__raw = flag

    def full_preview(self):
        """Get a flag indicating whether or not to enable full preview mode.

        This runs the preview windows using the full resolution capture mode.
        Maximum frames-per-second in this mode is 15fps and the preview will
        have the same field of view as the capture. Captures should happen
        more quickly as no mode change should be required.

        :returns: True if full preview mode is enabled.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.__fullPreview

    def full_preview(self, flag=False):
        """Set a flag indicating whether or not to enable full preview mode.

        This runs the preview windows using the full resolution capture mode.
        Maximum frames-per-second in this mode is 15fps and the preview will
        have the same field of view as the capture. Captures should happen
        more quickly as no mode change should be required.

        :param bool flag: Set True to enable.
        self.__fullPreview = flag

    def encoding(self):
        """Get the still image capture encoding format.

        :returns: The image encoding.
        :rtype: int
        return self.__encoding

    def encoding(self, enc):
        """Set the still image capture encoding format.

        :param int enc: The image encoding.
        self.__encoding = enc

    def output_file(self):
        """Get the output file the image will be captured to.

        :returns: The output file to capture to.
        :rtype: FileInfo
        return self.__outputFile

    def output_file(self, out_file):
        """Set the output file the image will be captured to.

        :param FileInfo out_file: The output file.
        :raises: IllegalArgumentException if out_file is not of type FileInfo.
        if type(out_file) != FileInfo:
            msg = "out_file must be of type raspy.io.file_info.FileInfo"
            raise IllegalArgumentException(msg)

        self.__outputFile = out_file

    def image_quality(self):
        """Get the image quality.

        :returns: The image quality level.
        :rtype: int
        return self.__quality

    def image_quality(self, quality):
        """Set the image quality.

        :param int quality: The image quality level.
        :raises: IllegalArgumentException if the quality level is not a value
        between QUALITY_MIN and QUALITY_MAX.
        if quality < QUALITY_MIN or quality > QUALITY_MAX:
            msg = "Quality value out of range."
            raise IllegalArgumentException(msg)

        self.__quality = quality

    def to_argument_string(self):
        """Convert this instance to a string of arguments that can be passed.

        :returns: The argument string.
        :rtype: str
        fname = ""
        if self.output_file is not None:
            fname = self.output_file.get_filename_without_extension()

        args = ""
        if self.image_size != size.EMPTY:
            args += " --width " + str(self.image_size.width)
            args += " --height " + str(self.image_size.height)

        args += " --quality " + str(self.image_quality)
        if self.timeout > 0:
            args += " --timeout " + str(self.timeout)

        if self.time_lapse_interval > 0:
            args += " --timelapse " + str(self.time_lapse_interval)
            fname += "_%04d"

        fname += "." + capture_utils.get_encoding_file_extension(self.encoding)
        fname = os.path.join(self.output_file.get_directory_name(), fname)
        self.output_file = FileInfo(fname)
        args += ' --output "' + self.output_file.get_fullname() + '"'

        if self.verbose:
            args += " --verbose"

        args += " --encoding " + self.output_file.get_file_extension()
        if self.full_preview:
            args += " --fullpreview"

        return args
 def test_get_fullname(self):
     """Test get_fullname method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     expected = filePath
     actual = f.get_fullname()
     assert actual == expected
 def test_get_length(self):
     """Test get_length method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     assert f.get_length() == 0
 def test_exists(self):
     """Test exists method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     assert f.exists()
 def test__str__(self):
     """Test __str__ method."""
     f = FileInfo(filePath)
     expected = filePath
     actual = f.__str__()
     assert expected == actual