def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)

        # Validate existence of files.
        if scheme in FILE_SCHEMES and not \
            raise IOError(
                "Input file {0} does not exist".format(value))

        if archive and scheme:
            archive = abspath_forward_slashes(archive)
            path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
        elif scheme and scheme.startswith('http'):
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        elif scheme == 's3':
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        elif scheme in FILE_SCHEMES:
            path = abspath_forward_slashes(path)
            path = path
        return path
    except Exception:
        raise click.BadParameter("{} is not a valid input file".format(value))
def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)
        path_to_check = archive or path

        # Validate existence of files.
        if scheme in FILE_SCHEMES and not os.path.exists(path_to_check):
            raise IOError(
                "Input file {0} does not exist".format(path_to_check))

        if archive and scheme:
            archive = abspath_forward_slashes(archive)
            path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
        elif scheme and scheme.startswith('http'):
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        elif scheme == 's3':
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        elif scheme in FILE_SCHEMES:
            path = abspath_forward_slashes(path)
            path = path
        return path
    except Exception:
        raise click.BadParameter("{} is not a valid input file".format(value))
def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)
    except ValueError as exc:
        raise click.BadParameter(str(exc))
    path_to_check = archive or path
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_check):
        raise click.BadParameter("Input file {0} does not exist".format(path_to_check))
    if archive and scheme:
        archive = os.path.abspath(archive)
        path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
    return path
def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)
    except ValueError as exc:
        raise click.BadParameter(str(exc))
    path_to_check = archive or path
    if not os.path.exists(path_to_check):
        raise click.BadParameter(
            "Input file {0} does not exist".format(path_to_check))
    if archive and scheme:
        archive = os.path.abspath(archive)
        path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
    return path
def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)
    except ValueError as exc:
        raise click.BadParameter(str(exc))
    path_to_check = archive or path
    if not scheme in ['http', 'https', 's3'] and not os.path.exists(path_to_check):
        raise click.BadParameter(
            "Input file {0} does not exist".format(path_to_check))
    if archive and scheme:
        archive = abspath_forward_slashes(archive)
        path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
    elif scheme and scheme.startswith('http'):
        path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
    elif scheme == 's3':
        path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        path = abspath_forward_slashes(path)
    return path
def file_in_handler(ctx, param, value):
    """Normalize ordinary filesystem and VFS paths"""
        path, archive, scheme = parse_path(value)
        path_to_check = archive or path
        if (scheme not in ['http', 'https', 's3'] and not
            raise IOError(
                "Input file {0} does not exist".format(path_to_check))
        if archive and scheme:
            archive = abspath_forward_slashes(archive)
            path = "{0}://{1}!{2}".format(scheme, archive, path)
        elif scheme and scheme.startswith('http'):
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
        elif scheme == 's3':
            path = "{0}://{1}".format(scheme, path)
            path = abspath_forward_slashes(path)
        return path
    except Exception:
        raise click.BadParameter("{} is not a valid input file".format(value))
def test_parse_path_file_scheme():
    """Correctly parse file:// URL"""
    assert parse_path('file://foo.tif') == (
        'foo.tif', None, 'file')
def test_parse_path_zip():
    """Correctly parse VFS scheme URL"""
    assert parse_path('zip://tests/data/files.zip!foo.tif') == (
        'foo.tif', 'tests/data/files.zip', 'zip')
def test_parse_path_with_vfs():
    """Warn deprecation of old parse_path"""
    with pytest.warns(RasterioDeprecationWarning):
        assert parse_path('foo.tif', vfs='zip://tests/data/files.zip') == ('foo.tif', 'tests/data/files.zip', 'zip')
def open(path, mode='r', driver=None, width=None, height=None,
         count=None, crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None,
    """Open file at ``path`` in ``mode`` 'r' (read), 'r+' (read and
    write), or 'w' (write) and return a dataset Reader or Updater

    In write mode, a driver name such as "GTiff" or "JPEG" (see GDAL
    docs or ``gdal_translate --help`` on the command line),
    ``width`` (number of pixels per line) and ``height`` (number of
    lines), the ``count`` number of bands in the new file must be
    specified.  Additionally, the data type for bands such as
    ``rasterio.ubyte`` for 8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for
    16-bit bands must be specified using the ``dtype`` argument.

    mode: string
        "r" (read), "r+" (read/write), or "w" (write)
    driver: string
        driver code specifying the format name (e.g. "GTiff" or
        "JPEG"). See GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html (optional, required
        for writing).
    width: int
        number of pixels per line
        (optional, required for write)
    height: int
        number of lines
        (optional, required for write)
    count: int > 0
        number of bands
        (optional, required for write)
    dtype: rasterio.dtype
        the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
        8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands
        (optional, required for write)
    crs: dict or string
        Coordinate reference system
        (optional, recommended for write)
    transform: Affine instance
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space (optional, recommended for writing).
    nodata: number
        Defines pixel value to be interpreted as null/nodata
        (optional, recommended for write)

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.

    In write mode, you must specify at least ``width``, ``height``,
    ``count`` and ``dtype``.

    A coordinate reference system for raster datasets in write mode
    can be defined by the ``crs`` argument. It takes Proj4 style
    mappings like

    .. code::

      {'proj': 'longlat', 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84',
       'no_defs': True}

    An affine transformation that maps ``col,row`` pixel coordinates
    to ``x,y`` coordinates in the coordinate reference system can be
    specified using the ``transform`` argument. The value should be
    an instance of ``affine.Affine``

    .. code:: python

        >>> from affine import Affine
        >>> Affine(0.5, 0.0, -180.0, 0.0, -0.5, 90.0)

    These coefficients are shown in the figure below.

    .. code::

      | x |   | a  b  c | | c |
      | y | = | d  e  f | | r |
      | 1 |   | 0  0  1 | | 1 |

      a: rate of change of X with respect to increasing column,
         i.e. pixel width
      b: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      c: X coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel
      d: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      e: rate of change of Y with respect to increasing row,
         usually a negative number (i.e. -1 * pixel height) if
      f: Y coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel

    A 6-element sequence of the affine transformation matrix
    coefficients in ``c, a, b, f, d, e`` order, (i.e. GDAL
    geotransform order) will be accepted until 1.0 (deprecated).

    A virtual filesystem can be specified. The ``vfs`` parameter may
    be an Apache Commons VFS style string beginning with "zip://" or
    "tar://"". In this case, the ``path`` must be an absolute path
    within that container.

    if not isinstance(path, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid path: {0!r}".format(path))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)
    elif 'affine' in kwargs:
        affine = kwargs.pop('affine')
        transform = guard_transform(affine)

    # If there is no currently active GDAL/AWS environment, create one.

    # Get AWS credentials if we're attempting to access a raster
    # on S3.
    pth, archive, scheme = parse_path(path)
    if scheme == 's3':
        log.debug("AWS credentials have been obtained")

    # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
    # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
    # None.
    if mode == 'r':
        from rasterio._io import RasterReader
        s = RasterReader(path)
    elif mode == 'r+':
        from rasterio._io import writer
        s = writer(path, mode)
    elif mode == 'r-':
        from rasterio._base import DatasetReader
        s = DatasetReader(path)
    elif mode == 'w':
        from rasterio._io import writer
        s = writer(path, mode, driver=driver,
                   width=width, height=height, count=count,
                   crs=crs, transform=transform, dtype=dtype,
                   nodata=nodata, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError(
            "mode string must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
    return s
def test_parse_path_file():
    """Correctly parse an ordinary filesystem path"""
    assert parse_path('/foo.tif') == ('/foo.tif', None, '')
def test_parse_path_zip():
    """Correctly parse VFS scheme URL"""
    assert parse_path('zip://tests/data/files.zip!foo.tif') == (
        'foo.tif', 'tests/data/files.zip', 'zip')
def open(fp,
    """Open a dataset for reading or writing.

    The dataset may be located in a local file, in a resource located
    by a URL, or contained within a stream of bytes.

    To access a dataset within a zip file without unzipping the archive
    use an Apache VFS style zip:// URL like


    In read ('r') or read/write ('r+') mode, no other keyword arguments
    are required: the attributes are supplied by the opened dataset.

    In write mode, a driver name such as "GTiff" or "JPEG" (see GDAL
    docs or ``gdal_translate --help`` on the command line), ``width``
    (number of pixels per line) and ``height`` (number of lines), the
    ``count`` number of bands in the new file must be specified.
    Additionally, the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
    8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands must be
    specified using the ``dtype`` argument.

    fp: string or file
        A filename or URL, or file object opened in binary mode.
    mode: string
        "r" (read), "r+" (read/write), or "w" (write)
    driver: string
        Driver code specifying the format name (e.g. "GTiff" or
        "JPEG"). See GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html (optional, required
        for writing).
    width: int
        Number of pixels per line (optional, required for write).
    height: int
        Number of lines (optional, required for write).
    count: int > 0
        Count of bands (optional, required for write).
    dtype: rasterio.dtype
        the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
        8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands
        (optional, required for write)
    crs: dict or string
        Coordinate reference system (optional, recommended for write).
    transform: Affine instance
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space (optional, recommended for writing).
    nodata: number
        Defines pixel value to be interpreted as null/nodata
        (optional, recommended for write, will be broadcast to all

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.

    In write mode, you must specify at least ``width``, ``height``,
    ``count`` and ``dtype``.

    A coordinate reference system for raster datasets in write mode
    can be defined by the ``crs`` argument. It takes Proj4 style
    mappings like

    .. code::

      {'proj': 'longlat', 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84',
       'no_defs': True}

    An affine transformation that maps ``col,row`` pixel coordinates
    to ``x,y`` coordinates in the coordinate reference system can be
    specified using the ``transform`` argument. The value should be
    an instance of ``affine.Affine``

    .. code:: python

        >>> from affine import Affine
        >>> transform = Affine(0.5, 0.0, -180.0, 0.0, -0.5, 90.0)

    These coefficients are shown in the figure below.

    .. code::

      | x |   | a  b  c | | c |
      | y | = | d  e  f | | r |
      | 1 |   | 0  0  1 | | 1 |

      a: rate of change of X with respect to increasing column,
         i.e. pixel width
      b: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      c: X coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel
      d: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      e: rate of change of Y with respect to increasing row,
         usually a negative number (i.e. -1 * pixel height) if
      f: Y coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel

    A 6-element sequence of the affine transformation matrix
    coefficients in ``c, a, b, f, d, e`` order, (i.e. GDAL
    geotransform order) will be accepted until 1.0 (deprecated).

    A virtual filesystem can be specified. The ``vfs`` parameter may
    be an Apache Commons VFS style string beginning with "zip://" or
    "tar://"". In this case, the ``path`` must be an absolute path
    within that container.
    if not isinstance(fp, string_types):
        if not (hasattr(fp, 'read') or hasattr(fp, 'write')):
            raise TypeError("invalid path or file: {0!r}".format(fp))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if nodata is not None:
        nodata = float(nodata)
    if 'affine' in kwargs:
        # DeprecationWarning's are ignored by default
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                "The 'affine' kwarg in rasterio.open() is deprecated at 1.0 "
                "and only remains to ease the transition.  Please switch to "
                "the 'transform' kwarg.  See "
                "https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/issues/86 for details.",

            if transform:
                    "Found both 'affine' and 'transform' in rasterio.open() - "
                    "choosing 'transform'")
                transform = transform
                transform = kwargs.pop('affine')

    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)

    # Check driver/mode blacklist.
    if driver and is_blacklisted(driver, mode):
        raise RasterioIOError("Blacklisted: file cannot be opened by "
                              "driver '{0}' in '{1}' mode".format(
                                  driver, mode))

    # Special case for file object argument.
    if mode == 'r' and hasattr(fp, 'read'):

        def fp_reader(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile(fp.read())
            dataset = memfile.open()
                yield dataset

        return fp_reader(fp)

    elif mode == 'w' and hasattr(fp, 'write'):

        def fp_writer(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile()
            dataset = memfile.open(driver=driver,
                yield dataset

        return fp_writer(fp)

        # The 'normal' filename or URL path.
        _, _, scheme = parse_path(fp)

        with Env() as env:
            # Get AWS credentials only if we're attempting to access a
            # raster using the S3 scheme.
            if scheme == 's3':
                log.debug("AWS credentials have been obtained")

            # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
            # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
            # None.
            if mode == 'r':
                s = DatasetReader(fp)
            elif mode == 'r-':
                warnings.warn("'r-' mode is deprecated, use 'r'",
                s = DatasetReader(fp)
            elif mode == 'r+':
                s = get_writer_for_path(fp)(fp, mode)
            elif mode == 'w':
                s = get_writer_for_driver(driver)(fp,
                raise ValueError(
                    "mode must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
            return s
def test_parse_gdal():
    """GDAL dataset identifiers fall through properly"""
    assert parse_path('GDAL:filepath:varname') == (
        'GDAL:filepath:varname', None, None)
def open(fp, mode='r', driver=None, width=None, height=None, count=None,
         crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None, sharing=True,
    """Open a dataset for reading or writing.

    The dataset may be located in a local file, in a resource located by
    a URL, or contained within a stream of bytes.

    In read ('r') or read/write ('r+') mode, no keyword arguments are
    required: these attributes are supplied by the opened dataset.

    In write ('w' or 'w+') mode, the driver, width, height, count, and dtype
    keywords are strictly required.

    fp : str, file object or pathlib.Path object
        A filename or URL, a file object opened in binary ('rb') mode,
        or a Path object.
    mode : str, optional
        'r' (read, the default), 'r+' (read/write), 'w' (write), or
        'w+' (write/read).
    driver : str, optional
        A short format driver name (e.g. "GTiff" or "JPEG") or a list of
        such names (see GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html). In 'w' or 'w+' modes
        a single name is required. In 'r' or 'r+' modes the driver can
        usually be omitted. Registered drivers will be tried
        sequentially until a match is found. When multiple drivers are
        available for a format such as JPEG2000, one of them can be
        selected by using this keyword argument.
    width, height : int, optional
        The numbers of rows and columns of the raster dataset. Required
        in 'w' or 'w+' modes, they are ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
    count : int, optional
        The count of dataset bands. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is
        ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
    dtype : str or numpy dtype
        The data type for bands. For example: 'uint8' or
        ``rasterio.uint16``. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is
        ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
    crs : str, dict, or CRS; optional
        The coordinate reference system. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes,
        it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' modes.
    transform : Affine instance, optional
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space. Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or
        'r+' modes.
    nodata : int, float, or nan; optional
        Defines the pixel value to be interpreted as not valid data.
        Required in 'w' or 'w+' modes, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+'
    sharing : bool
        A flag that allows sharing of dataset handles. Default is
        `True`. Should be set to `False` in a multithreaded:w program.
    kwargs : optional
        These are passed to format drivers as directives for creating or
        interpreting datasets. For example: in 'w' or 'w+' modes
        a `tiled=True` keyword argument will direct the GeoTIFF format
        driver to create a tiled, rather than striped, TIFF.

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.


    To open a GeoTIFF for reading using standard driver discovery and
    no directives:

    >>> import rasterio
    >>> with rasterio.open('example.tif') as dataset:
    ...     print(dataset.profile)

    To open a JPEG2000 using only the JP2OpenJPEG driver:

    >>> with rasterio.open(
    ...         'example.jp2', driver='JP2OpenJPEG') as dataset:
    ...     print(dataset.profile)

    To create a new 8-band, 16-bit unsigned, tiled, and LZW-compressed
    GeoTIFF with a global extent and 0.5 degree resolution:

    >>> from rasterio.transform import from_origin
    >>> with rasterio.open(
    ...         'example.tif', 'w', driver='GTiff', dtype='uint16',
    ...         width=720, height=360, count=8, crs='EPSG:4326',
    ...         transform=from_origin(-180.0, 90.0, 0.5, 0.5),
    ...         nodata=0, tiled=True, compress='lzw') as dataset:
    ...     dataset.write(...)

    if not isinstance(fp, string_types):
        if not (hasattr(fp, 'read') or hasattr(fp, 'write') or isinstance(fp, Path)):
            raise TypeError("invalid path or file: {0!r}".format(fp))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if nodata is not None:
        nodata = float(nodata)
    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)

    # Check driver/mode blacklist.
    if driver and is_blacklisted(driver, mode):
        raise RasterioIOError(
            "Blacklisted: file cannot be opened by "
            "driver '{0}' in '{1}' mode".format(driver, mode))

    # Special case for file object argument.
    if mode == 'r' and hasattr(fp, 'read'):

        def fp_reader(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile(fp.read())
            dataset = memfile.open()
                yield dataset

        return fp_reader(fp)

    elif mode in ('w', 'w+') and hasattr(fp, 'write'):

        def fp_writer(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile()
            dataset = memfile.open(driver=driver, width=width, height=height,
                                   count=count, crs=crs, transform=transform,
                                   dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata, **kwargs)
                yield dataset

        return fp_writer(fp)

        # If a pathlib.Path instance is given, convert it to a string path.
        if isinstance(fp, Path):
            fp = str(fp)

        # The 'normal' filename or URL path.
        _, _, scheme = parse_path(fp)

        with Env() as env:
            if scheme == 's3':

            # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
            # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
            # None.
            if mode == 'r':
                s = DatasetReader(fp, driver=driver, **kwargs)
            elif mode == 'r+':
                s = get_writer_for_path(fp)(fp, mode, driver=driver, **kwargs)
            elif mode.startswith("w"):
                s = get_writer_for_driver(driver)(fp, mode, driver=driver,
                                                  width=width, height=height,
                                                  count=count, crs=crs,
                                                  dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata,
                raise ValueError(
                    "mode must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
            return s
def test_parse_netcdf():
    """Annoying URI-like GDAL dataset names fall through properly"""
    assert parse_path('NETCDF:filepath:varname') == (
        'NETCDF:filepath:varname', None, None)
def test_parse_path_vsi():
    """Warn deprecation of old parse_path"""
    with pytest.warns(RasterioDeprecationWarning):
        assert parse_path('/vsifoo/bar.tif') == ('/vsifoo/bar.tif', None, None)
def test_parse_path_file():
    """Correctly parse an ordinary filesystem path"""
    assert parse_path('/foo.tif') == (
        '/foo.tif', None, '')
def test_parse_unknown_scheme():
    """Raise exception for unknown WFS scheme"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_parse_path_accept_get_params():
    # See https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/issues/1121
    assert parse_path('http://example.com/index?a=1') == (
        'example.com/index?a=1', None, 'http')
def test_parse_path_with_vfs():
    """Correctly parse path with legacy vfs parameter"""
    assert parse_path(
        vfs='zip://tests/data/files.zip') == ('foo.tif',
                                              'tests/data/files.zip', 'zip')
def test_parse_unknown_scheme():
    """Raise exception for unknown WFS scheme"""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_parse_path_file_scheme():
    """Correctly parse file:// URL"""
    assert parse_path('file://foo.tif') == ('foo.tif', None, 'file')
def open(fp, mode='r', driver=None, width=None, height=None, count=None,
         crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs):
    """Open a dataset for reading or writing.

    The dataset may be located in a local file, in a resource located by
    a URL, or contained within a stream of bytes.

    In read ('r') or read/write ('r+') mode, no keyword arguments are
    required: these attributes are supplied by the opened dataset.

    In write ('w') mode, the driver, width, height, count, and dtype
    keywords are strictly required.

    fp : str or file object
        A filename or URL, or file object opened in binary ('rb') mode
    mode : str, optional
        'r' (read, the default), 'r+' (read/write), or 'w' (write)
    driver : str, optional
        A short format driver name (e.g. "GTiff" or "JPEG") or a list of
        such names (see GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html). In 'w' mode a single
        name is required. In 'r' or 'r+' mode the driver can usually be
        omitted. Registered drivers will be tried sequentially until a
        match is found. When multiple drivers are available for a format
        such as JPEG2000, one of them can be selected by using this
        keyword argument.
    width, height : int, optional
        The numbers of rows and columns of the raster dataset. Required
        in 'w' mode, they are ignored in 'r' or 'r+' mode.
    count : int, optional
        The count of dataset bands. Required in 'w' mode, it is ignored
        in 'r' or 'r+' mode.
    dtype : str or numpy dtype
        The data type for bands. For example: 'uint8' or
        ``rasterio.uint16``. Required in 'w' mode, it is ignored in
        'r' or 'r+' mode.
    crs : str, dict, or CRS; optional
        The coordinate reference system. Required in 'w' mode, it is
        ignored in 'r' or 'r+' mode.
    transform : Affine instance, optional
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space. Required in 'w' mode, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' mode.
    nodata : int, float, or nan; optional
        Defines the pixel value to be interpreted as not valid data.
        Required in 'w' mode, it is ignored in 'r' or 'r+' mode.
    kwargs : optional
        These are passed to format drivers as directives for creating
        or interpreting datasets. For example: in 'w' a `tiled=True`
        keyword argument will direct the GeoTIFF format driver to
        create a tiled, rather than striped, TIFF.

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.


    To open a GeoTIFF for reading using standard driver discovery and
    no directives:

    >>> import rasterio
    >>> with rasterio.open('example.tif') as dataset:
    ...     print(dataset.profile)

    To open a JPEG2000 using only the JP2OpenJPEG driver:

    >>> with rasterio.open(
    ...         'example.jp2', driver='JP2OpenJPEG') as dataset:
    ...     print(dataset.profile)

    To create a new 8-band, 16-bit unsigned, tiled, and LZW-compressed
    GeoTIFF with a global extent and 0.5 degree resolution:

    >>> from rasterio.transform import from_origin
    >>> with rasterio.open(
    ...         'example.tif', 'w', driver='GTiff', dtype='uint16',
    ...         width=720, height=360, count=8, crs='EPSG:4326',
    ...         transform=from_origin(-180.0, 90.0, 0.5, 0.5),
    ...         nodata=0, tiled=True, compress='lzw') as dataset:
    ...     dataset.write(...)

    if not isinstance(fp, string_types):
        if not (hasattr(fp, 'read') or hasattr(fp, 'write')):
            raise TypeError("invalid path or file: {0!r}".format(fp))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if nodata is not None:
        nodata = float(nodata)
    if 'affine' in kwargs:
        # DeprecationWarning's are ignored by default
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                "The 'affine' kwarg in rasterio.open() is deprecated at 1.0 "
                "and only remains to ease the transition.  Please switch to "
                "the 'transform' kwarg.  See "
                "https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/issues/86 for details.",

            if transform:
                    "Found both 'affine' and 'transform' in rasterio.open() - "
                    "choosing 'transform'")
                transform = transform
                transform = kwargs.pop('affine')

    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)

    # Check driver/mode blacklist.
    if driver and is_blacklisted(driver, mode):
        raise RasterioIOError(
            "Blacklisted: file cannot be opened by "
            "driver '{0}' in '{1}' mode".format(driver, mode))

    # Special case for file object argument.
    if mode == 'r' and hasattr(fp, 'read'):

        def fp_reader(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile(fp.read())
            dataset = memfile.open()
                yield dataset

        return fp_reader(fp)

    elif mode == 'w' and hasattr(fp, 'write'):

        def fp_writer(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile()
            dataset = memfile.open(driver=driver, width=width, height=height,
                                   count=count, crs=crs, transform=transform,
                                   dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata, **kwargs)
                yield dataset

        return fp_writer(fp)

        # The 'normal' filename or URL path.
        _, _, scheme = parse_path(fp)

        with Env() as env:
            if scheme == 's3':

            # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
            # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
            # None.
            if mode == 'r':
                s = DatasetReader(fp, driver=driver, **kwargs)
            elif mode == 'r-':
                warnings.warn("'r-' mode is deprecated, use 'r'",
                s = DatasetReader(fp)
            elif mode == 'r+':
                s = get_writer_for_path(fp)(fp, mode, driver=driver, **kwargs)
            elif mode == 'w':
                s = get_writer_for_driver(driver)(fp, mode, driver=driver,
                                                  width=width, height=height,
                                                  count=count, crs=crs,
                                                  dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata,
                raise ValueError(
                    "mode must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
            return s
def test_parse_netcdf():
    """Annoying URI-like GDAL dataset names fall through properly"""
    assert parse_path('NETCDF:filepath:varname') == ('NETCDF:filepath:varname',
                                                     None, None)
def test_parse_path_with_vfs():
    """Correctly parse path with legacy vfs parameter"""
    assert parse_path('foo.tif', vfs='zip://tests/data/files.zip') == (
        'foo.tif', 'tests/data/files.zip', 'zip')
def open(fp, mode='r', driver=None, width=None, height=None, count=None,
         crs=None, transform=None, dtype=None, nodata=None, **kwargs):
    """Open a dataset for reading or writing.

    The dataset may be located in a local file, in a resource located
    by a URL, or contained within a stream of bytes.

    To access a dataset within a zip file without unzipping the archive
    use an Apache VFS style zip:// URL like


    In read ('r') or read/write ('r+') mode, no other keyword arguments
    are required: the attributes are supplied by the opened dataset.

    In write mode, a driver name such as "GTiff" or "JPEG" (see GDAL
    docs or ``gdal_translate --help`` on the command line), ``width``
    (number of pixels per line) and ``height`` (number of lines), the
    ``count`` number of bands in the new file must be specified.
    Additionally, the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
    8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands must be
    specified using the ``dtype`` argument.

    fp: string or file
        A filename or URL, or file object opened in binary mode.
    mode: string
        "r" (read), "r+" (read/write), or "w" (write)
    driver: string
        Driver code specifying the format name (e.g. "GTiff" or
        "JPEG"). See GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html (optional, required
        for writing).
    width: int
        Number of pixels per line (optional, required for write).
    height: int
        Number of lines (optional, required for write).
    count: int > 0
        Count of bands (optional, required for write).
    dtype: rasterio.dtype
        the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
        8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands
        (optional, required for write)
    crs: dict or string
        Coordinate reference system (optional, recommended for write).
    transform: Affine instance
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space (optional, recommended for writing).
    nodata: number
        Defines pixel value to be interpreted as null/nodata
        (optional, recommended for write, will be broadcast to all

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.

    In write mode, you must specify at least ``width``, ``height``,
    ``count`` and ``dtype``.

    A coordinate reference system for raster datasets in write mode
    can be defined by the ``crs`` argument. It takes Proj4 style
    mappings like

    .. code::

      {'proj': 'longlat', 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84',
       'no_defs': True}

    An affine transformation that maps ``col,row`` pixel coordinates
    to ``x,y`` coordinates in the coordinate reference system can be
    specified using the ``transform`` argument. The value should be
    an instance of ``affine.Affine``

    .. code:: python

        >>> from affine import Affine
        >>> transform = Affine(0.5, 0.0, -180.0, 0.0, -0.5, 90.0)

    These coefficients are shown in the figure below.

    .. code::

      | x |   | a  b  c | | c |
      | y | = | d  e  f | | r |
      | 1 |   | 0  0  1 | | 1 |

      a: rate of change of X with respect to increasing column,
         i.e. pixel width
      b: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      c: X coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel
      d: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      e: rate of change of Y with respect to increasing row,
         usually a negative number (i.e. -1 * pixel height) if
      f: Y coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel

    A 6-element sequence of the affine transformation matrix
    coefficients in ``c, a, b, f, d, e`` order, (i.e. GDAL
    geotransform order) will be accepted until 1.0 (deprecated).

    A virtual filesystem can be specified. The ``vfs`` parameter may
    be an Apache Commons VFS style string beginning with "zip://" or
    "tar://"". In this case, the ``path`` must be an absolute path
    within that container.
    if not isinstance(fp, string_types):
        if not (hasattr(fp, 'read') or hasattr(fp, 'write')):
            raise TypeError("invalid path or file: {0!r}".format(fp))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if nodata is not None:
        nodata = float(nodata)
    if 'affine' in kwargs:
        # DeprecationWarning's are ignored by default
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
                "The 'affine' kwarg in rasterio.open() is deprecated at 1.0 "
                "and only remains to ease the transition.  Please switch to "
                "the 'transform' kwarg.  See "
                "https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/issues/86 for details.",

            if transform:
                    "Found both 'affine' and 'transform' in rasterio.open() - "
                    "choosing 'transform'")
                transform = transform
                transform = kwargs.pop('affine')

    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)

    # Check driver/mode blacklist.
    if driver and is_blacklisted(driver, mode):
        raise RasterioIOError(
            "Blacklisted: file cannot be opened by "
            "driver '{0}' in '{1}' mode".format(driver, mode))

    # Special case for file object argument.
    if mode == 'r' and hasattr(fp, 'read'):

        def fp_reader(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile(fp.read())
            dataset = memfile.open()
                yield dataset

        return fp_reader(fp)

    elif mode == 'w' and hasattr(fp, 'write'):

        def fp_writer(fp):
            memfile = MemoryFile()
            dataset = memfile.open(driver=driver, width=width, height=height,
                                   count=count, crs=crs, transform=transform,
                                   dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata, **kwargs)
                yield dataset

        return fp_writer(fp)

        # The 'normal' filename or URL path.
        _, _, scheme = parse_path(fp)

        with Env() as env:
            # Get AWS credentials only if we're attempting to access a
            # raster using the S3 scheme.
            if scheme == 's3':
                log.debug("AWS credentials have been obtained")

            # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
            # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
            # None.
            if mode == 'r':
                s = DatasetReader(fp)
            elif mode == 'r-':
                warnings.warn("'r-' mode is deprecated, use 'r'",
                s = DatasetReader(fp)
            elif mode == 'r+':
                s = get_writer_for_path(fp)(fp, mode)
            elif mode == 'w':
                s = get_writer_for_driver(driver)(fp, mode, driver=driver,
                                                  width=width, height=height,
                                                  count=count, crs=crs,
                                                  dtype=dtype, nodata=nodata,
                raise ValueError(
                    "mode must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
            return s
def open(path,
    """Open file at ``path`` in ``mode`` 'r' (read), 'r+' (read and
    write), or 'w' (write) and return a dataset Reader or Updater

    In write mode, a driver name such as "GTiff" or "JPEG" (see GDAL
    docs or ``gdal_translate --help`` on the command line),
    ``width`` (number of pixels per line) and ``height`` (number of
    lines), the ``count`` number of bands in the new file must be
    specified.  Additionally, the data type for bands such as
    ``rasterio.ubyte`` for 8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for
    16-bit bands must be specified using the ``dtype`` argument.

    mode: string
        "r" (read), "r+" (read/write), or "w" (write)
    driver: string
        driver code specifying the format name (e.g. "GTiff" or
        "JPEG"). See GDAL docs at
        http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html (optional, required
        for writing).
    width: int
        number of pixels per line
        (optional, required for write)
    height: int
        number of lines
        (optional, required for write)
    count: int > 0
        number of bands
        (optional, required for write)
    dtype: rasterio.dtype
        the data type for bands such as ``rasterio.ubyte`` for
        8-bit bands or ``rasterio.uint16`` for 16-bit bands
        (optional, required for write)
    crs: dict or string
        Coordinate reference system
        (optional, recommended for write)
    transform: Affine instance
        Affine transformation mapping the pixel space to geographic
        space (optional, recommended for writing).
    nodata: number
        Defines pixel value to be interpreted as null/nodata
        (optional, recommended for write)

    A ``DatasetReader`` or ``DatasetUpdater`` object.

    In write mode, you must specify at least ``width``, ``height``,
    ``count`` and ``dtype``.

    A coordinate reference system for raster datasets in write mode
    can be defined by the ``crs`` argument. It takes Proj4 style
    mappings like

    .. code::

      {'proj': 'longlat', 'ellps': 'WGS84', 'datum': 'WGS84',
       'no_defs': True}

    An affine transformation that maps ``col,row`` pixel coordinates
    to ``x,y`` coordinates in the coordinate reference system can be
    specified using the ``transform`` argument. The value should be
    an instance of ``affine.Affine``

    .. code:: python

        >>> from affine import Affine
        >>> transform = Affine(0.5, 0.0, -180.0, 0.0, -0.5, 90.0)

    These coefficients are shown in the figure below.

    .. code::

      | x |   | a  b  c | | c |
      | y | = | d  e  f | | r |
      | 1 |   | 0  0  1 | | 1 |

      a: rate of change of X with respect to increasing column,
         i.e. pixel width
      b: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      c: X coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel
      d: rotation, 0 if the raster is oriented "north up"
      e: rate of change of Y with respect to increasing row,
         usually a negative number (i.e. -1 * pixel height) if
      f: Y coordinate of the top left corner of the top left pixel

    A 6-element sequence of the affine transformation matrix
    coefficients in ``c, a, b, f, d, e`` order, (i.e. GDAL
    geotransform order) will be accepted until 1.0 (deprecated).

    A virtual filesystem can be specified. The ``vfs`` parameter may
    be an Apache Commons VFS style string beginning with "zip://" or
    "tar://"". In this case, the ``path`` must be an absolute path
    within that container.

    if not isinstance(path, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid path: {0!r}".format(path))
    if mode and not isinstance(mode, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid mode: {0!r}".format(mode))
    if driver and not isinstance(driver, string_types):
        raise TypeError("invalid driver: {0!r}".format(driver))
    if dtype and not check_dtype(dtype):
        raise TypeError("invalid dtype: {0!r}".format(dtype))
    if transform:
        transform = guard_transform(transform)
    elif 'affine' in kwargs:
        affine = kwargs.pop('affine')
        transform = guard_transform(affine)

    # Get AWS credentials if we're attempting to access a raster
    # on S3.
    pth, archive, scheme = parse_path(path)
    if scheme == 's3':
        log.debug("AWS credentials have been obtained")

    # Create dataset instances and pass the given env, which will
    # be taken over by the dataset's context manager if it is not
    # None.
    if mode == 'r':
        from rasterio._io import RasterReader
        s = RasterReader(path)
    elif mode == 'r+':
        from rasterio._io import writer
        s = writer(path, mode)
    elif mode == 'r-':
        from rasterio._base import DatasetReader
        s = DatasetReader(path)
    elif mode == 'w':
        from rasterio._io import writer
        s = writer(path,
        raise ValueError(
            "mode string must be one of 'r', 'r+', or 'w', not %s" % mode)
    return s