def simulate_sin_bias(fn_dem_ref, fn_along_bias, along_angle, ampli, freq): ds_along = create_mem_raster_on_ref(fn_dem_ref) res = pixel_size(fn_dem_ref) bin_size = 3 * res dh_along = ds_along.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() nx, ny = np.shape(dh_along) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ny), np.arange(nx)) altrack = -xx * np.sin(np.deg2rad(along_angle)) + yy * np.cos( np.deg2rad(along_angle)) #correcting bias # filt = np.isfinite(dh_along) # xd = altrack[filt].flatten() # yd = dh_along[filt].flatten() # df = pd.DataFrame({'dh': yd, 'dist_altrack': xd}) # df['dist_altrack'] = pd.cut(df['dist_altrack'], bins=np.arange(min(xd), max(xd) + bin_size, bin_size), # labels=np.arange(min(xd) + 50. / 2, max(xd) + bin_size / 2, bin_size)) # df2 = df.groupby(['dist_altrack']).mean() # xtest = df2.index.values # ytest = df2['dh'] #can occur when masking # filt_missing = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(xtest),np.isfinite(ytest)) # keepxtest = xtest[filt_missing] # keepytest = ytest[filt_missing] # coeffs_al = np.polyfit(keepxtest, keepytest, 5) # poly_altrack = np.poly1d(coeffs_al) # define a polynomial function # dh_corr = dh_along - poly_altrack(altrack) #simulating bias dh_simu = ampli * np.sin(altrack * res * 2 * np.pi / freq) write_nanarray(fn_along_bias, fn_dem_ref, dh_simu)
def patches_method(fn_ddem, fn_mask_stable, perc_min_valid, averaging_area, method='circular', nmax=1000.): def create_circular_mask(h, w, center=None, radius=None): if center is None: # use the middle of the image center = [int(w / 2), int(h / 2)] if radius is None: # use the smallest distance between the center and image walls radius = min(center[0], center[1], w - center[0], h - center[1]) Y, X = np.ogrid[:h, :w] dist_from_center = np.sqrt((X - center[0])**2 + (Y - center[1])**2) mask = dist_from_center <= radius return mask ddem = read_nanarray(fn_ddem) res = pixel_size(fn_ddem) mask_stable = (read_nanarray(fn_mask_stable) > 0) valid_mask = np.logical_and(np.isfinite(ddem), mask_stable) ddem[~valid_mask] = np.nan nx, ny = np.shape(ddem) count = len(ddem[~np.isnan(ddem)]) print('Number of valid pixels: ' + str(count)) nb_cadrant = int( np.floor(np.sqrt((count * res * res) / averaging_area) + 1)) #rectangular nx_sub = int(np.floor((nx - 1) / nb_cadrant)) ny_sub = int(np.floor((ny - 1) / nb_cadrant)) #radius size for a circular patch rad = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(averaging_area / res * res * np.pi))) tile = [] mean_patch = [] med_patch = [] std_patch = [] nb_patch = [] list_cadrant = [[i, j] for i in range(nb_cadrant) for j in range(nb_cadrant)] u = 0 while len(list_cadrant) > 0 and u < nmax: check = 0 while check == 0: rand_cadrant = random.randint(0, len(list_cadrant) - 1) i = list_cadrant[rand_cadrant][0] j = list_cadrant[rand_cadrant][1] check_x = int(np.floor(nx_sub * (i + 1 / 2))) check_y = int(np.floor(ny_sub * (j + 1 / 2))) if mask_stable[check_x, check_y]: check = 1 list_cadrant.remove(list_cadrant[rand_cadrant]) tile.append(int(str(i) + str(j))) if method == 'rectangular': patch = ddem[nx_sub * i:nx_sub * (i + 1), ny_sub * j:ny_sub * (j + 1)].flatten() elif method == 'circular': center_x = np.floor(nx_sub * (i + 1 / 2)) center_y = np.floor(ny_sub * (j + 1 / 2)) mask = create_circular_mask(nx, ny, center=[center_x, center_y], radius=rad) # patch = ddem[center_x-rad:center_x+rad,center_y-rad:center_y+rad] patch = ddem[mask] else: print('Patch method must be rectangular or circular.') sys.exit() nb_pixel_total = len(patch) nb_pixel_valid = len(patch[np.isfinite(patch)]) if nb_pixel_valid > np.ceil(perc_min_valid / 100. * nb_pixel_total): print('Here : ' + str(u)) u = u + 1 mean_patch.append(np.nanmean(patch)) med_patch.append(np.nanmedian(patch)) std_patch.append(np.nanstd(patch)) nb_patch.append(nb_pixel_valid) tile = np.array(tile) mean_patch = np.array(mean_patch) med_patch = np.array(med_patch) std_patch = np.array(std_patch) nb_patch = np.array(nb_patch) return tile, mean_patch, med_patch, std_patch, nb_patch
def get_geophys_var_hypso(fn_ddem, fn_dem, fn_shp, out_dir, path_to_r_geophys): pp = PdfPages(os.path.join(out_dir, 'hypsometric_fit_results.pdf')) ddem = read_nanarray(fn_ddem) ddem[np.absolute(ddem) > 60] = np.nan # ddem = ddem*12. dem = read_nanarray(fn_dem) mask = rasterize_shp(fn_shp, fn_dem) gsd = pixel_size(fn_ddem) fn_proxi = os.path.join(out_dir, 'proxi.tif') proxi = proximity_shp(fn_shp, fn_ddem, type_prox='interior') #first get residuals of poly fit res, res_stdized, elev, med, std, nmad, area_tot, area_meas, prox = ddem_med_hypso( ddem, dem, mask, gsd, pp=pp, proxi=proxi, get_elev_residual=True) plt.close('all') fn_mask = os.path.join(out_dir, 'mask.tif') write_nanarray(fn_mask, fn_ddem, mask) fn_res = os.path.join(out_dir, 'residual.tif') fn_res_stdized = os.path.join(out_dir, 'residual_standardized.tif') write_nanarray(fn_res, fn_ddem, res) write_nanarray(fn_res_stdized, fn_ddem, res_stdized) mask_geo = GeoImg(fn_mask) res_geo = GeoImg(fn_res) res_stdized_geo = GeoImg(fn_res_stdized) ddem_geo = GeoImg(fn_ddem) dem_geo = GeoImg(fn_dem) # res_geo.img[np.invert(mask)] = np.nan extent = extent_shp_ref(fn_shp, fn_dem) crop_res = res_geo.crop_to_extent( [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) crop_res_stdized = res_stdized_geo.crop_to_extent( [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) crop_ddem = ddem_geo.crop_to_extent( [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) crop_mask = mask_geo.crop_to_extent( [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) crop_dem = dem_geo.crop_to_extent( [extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) fn_crop_res_stdized = os.path.join(out_dir, 'res_stdized_cropped.tif') fn_crop_mask = os.path.join(out_dir, 'mask_cropped.tif') fn_crop_dem = os.path.join(out_dir, 'dem_cropped.tif') crop_res_stdized.img[crop_mask.img != 1] = np.nan crop_res_stdized.write(fn_crop_res_stdized) crop_mask.write(fn_crop_mask) crop_dem.write(fn_crop_dem) crop_res.img[crop_mask.img != 1] = np.nan crop_res_stdized.img[crop_mask.img != 1] = np.nan # crop_ddem.img = 12*crop_ddem.img clim_ddem_raw = np.nanmax(np.absolute(med)) outline_gla = gpd.read_file(fn_shp) fig, _ = plot_polygon_df(outline_gla, edgecolor='k', lw=2, alpha=0.5) plt.title('Outline') pp.savefig(fig, dpi=300) fig = plot_ddem_results(crop_ddem, clim=(-clim_ddem_raw, clim_ddem_raw), colormap='Spectral')[0] plt.title('Elevation change [m] (Large scale)') pp.savefig(fig, dpi=300) fig = plot_ddem_results(crop_ddem, clim=(-3, 3), colormap='Spectral')[0] plt.title('Elevation change [m] (Thin scale)') pp.savefig(fig, dpi=300) clim_res = np.nanmean(np.absolute(nmad)) fig = plot_ddem_results(crop_res, clim=(-clim_res, clim_res), colormap='Spectral')[0] plt.title( 'Hypsometric residual of elevation change [m] \n (Elevation change minus hypsometric median)' ) pp.savefig(fig, dpi=300) fig = plot_ddem_results(crop_res_stdized, clim=(-1, 1), colormap='Spectral')[0] plt.title( 'Standardized hypsometric residual of elevation change [no unit] \n (Elevation change minus hypsometric median divided by hypsometric nmad)' ) pp.savefig(fig, dpi=300) pp.close() plt.close('all') os.remove(fn_res) os.remove(fn_mask) os.remove(fn_res_stdized) #normalize elevation max_elev = np.nanmax(elev) min_elev = np.nanmin(elev) elev_n = (elev - min_elev) / (max_elev - min_elev) #normalize dh max_dh = np.nanmax(med) min_dh = np.nanmin(med) accu_elev = min_elev + 80 * (max_elev - min_elev) / 100 tmp_max_dh = np.nanmean( med[elev > accu_elev]) #use mean of accumulation instead of max if np.abs((np.nanmax(med) - tmp_max_dh) / (max_dh - min_dh)) < 0.3: max_dh = tmp_max_dh med_n = (min_dh - med) / (max_dh - min_dh) std_n = std / (max_dh - min_dh) nmad_n = nmad / (max_dh - min_dh) #write normalized data elev_rs = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) med_rs = np.interp(elev_rs, elev_n, med_n) std_rs = np.interp(elev_rs, elev_n, std_n) nmad_rs = np.interp(elev_rs, elev_n, nmad_n) area_rs = np.interp(elev_rs, elev_n, area_tot) df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.assign(norm_elev=elev_rs, norm_med_dh=med_rs, norm_std_dh=std_rs, norm_nmad_rs=nmad_rs, area_rs=area_rs) df_raw = pd.DataFrame() df_raw = df_raw.assign(elev=elev, med_dh=med, std_dh=std, nmad_dh=nmad, area_tot=area_tot, area_meas=area_meas, prox=prox) df.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, 'df_norm_dh_elev.csv')) df_raw.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, 'df_raw_dh_elev.csv')) ddem = dem = mask = res = res_stdized = crop_mask = crop_res_stdized = crop_res = crop_ddem = crop_dem = ddem_geo = dem_geo = res_geo = res_stdized_geo = None #get variogram with moving elevation window from R # cmd = 'Rscript '+path_to_r_geophys+' -d '+fn_crop_dem+' -r '+fn_crop_res_stdized+' -m '+fn_crop_mask+' -v Exp -o '+out_dir # fn_log = os.path.join(out_dir,'r_geophys.log') # log=open(fn_log,'w') # p=Popen(cmd,stdout=log,stderr=log,shell=True) # p.wait() # log.close() os.remove(fn_crop_dem) os.remove(fn_crop_res_stdized) os.remove(fn_crop_mask)
def kernel_tvol_outline_adjust(fn_ddem, fn_dem, fn_outline_in, fn_outline_out, fn_mask_stable, fn_mask_gla, tolerance_factor=5., kernel_size=9, only_thinning=True): def gkern(kernlen=21): #source: """Returns a 2D Gaussian kernel.""" lim = kernlen // 2 + (kernlen % 2) / 2 x = np.linspace(-lim, lim, kernlen + 1) kern1d = np.diff(st.norm.cdf(x)) kern2d = np.outer(kern1d, kern1d) return kern2d / kern2d.sum() #inside parameters based on prior knowledge: tmp_dir = create_tmp_dir_for_outfile(fn_outline_out) #read ddem = read_nanarray(fn_ddem) ddem[np.absolute(ddem) > 60] = np.nan dem = read_nanarray(fn_dem) mask_other_gla = (read_nanarray(fn_mask_stable) == 1) mask_gla = (read_nanarray(fn_mask_gla) == 1) mask_stable = np.invert(np.logical_or(mask_gla, mask_other_gla)) res = pixel_size(fn_dem) elev, med, std, nmad = ddem_discrete_hypso(ddem, dem, mask_gla, gsd=res, bin_val=10)[1:5] #first, keep stable terrain keep_stable = np.logical_and(mask_stable, np.isfinite(ddem)) ddem_on_stable = ddem[keep_stable] #get nmad as representative statistic of stable terrain median_stable = np.nanmedian(ddem_on_stable) mad_stable = np.nanmedian( np.absolute(ddem_on_stable[~np.isnan(ddem_on_stable)] - median_stable)) nmad_stable = 1.4826 * mad_stable # #filter heavy outliers to get a fair representation of overall stable terrain (without unmapped glaciers, landslides, etc...) # ddem_on_stable[np.array(np.absolute(ddem_on_stable - median_stable) > 3 * nmad_stable)] = np.nan #rasterize outline # mask_outline = rasterize_shp(fn_outline_in,fn_ddem) #get an idea of thinning rate and amplitude of adjustment # dh_on_outline = ddem_poly_elev(ddem,dem,5,mask_outline) outline_timelapse = 10 ddem_timelapse = 10 # detect elev above which thinning is not significant anymore so we don't care critic_elev = np.nanmax( elev[np.absolute(med) + 3 * np.absolute(nmad) > tolerance_factor * nmad_stable]) filt_elev = (elev <= critic_elev) # remove decreasing dh signal around the end of ablation area to assess effective dh with elevation filt_diff_dh = (np.diff(med) > 0) filt_diff_dh = np.append(filt_diff_dh, True) filt = np.logical_and(filt_elev, filt_diff_dh) new_elev = elev[filt] new_med = med[filt] #range of proximity value to search in as a function of elevation critic_proximity = np.absolute( new_med ) * outline_timelapse * ddem_timelapse #TODO: ideally, multiply that by a timelapse between outline and first DEM, make sure ddem is in m and not m.y-1, and then apply a factor with slope convolution in the proximity area interp_critic_proximity = np.reshape( np.interp(dem.flatten(), new_elev, critic_proximity, right=0, left=np.nanmax(critic_proximity)), np.shape(dem) ) #TODO: could extrapolate linearly with elevation to assess lower dh? #define mask of areas for possible outline adjustment # mask_surround_elev = (dem>min_elev-mvp_elev_value) & (dem<=critic_elev) proximity_rast = proximity_shp(fn_outline_in, fn_ddem) mask_proximity = proximity_rast < interp_critic_proximity #define mask for neighboring glaciers tmp_rast_othergla = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_rast_othergla.tif') tmp_prox_othergla = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_prox_othergla.tif') rast_othergla = np.ones(np.shape(mask_other_gla)) rast_othergla[~mask_other_gla] = 0 write_nanarray(tmp_rast_othergla, fn_dem, rast_othergla) proximity_rast_fn(tmp_rast_othergla, tmp_prox_othergla) prox_othergla = read_nanarray(tmp_prox_othergla) max_prox_othergla = 4 * kernel_size * res mask_max_prox_othergla = prox_othergla > max_prox_othergla mask_maybe = np.logical_and(mask_proximity, mask_max_prox_othergla) #get upper elevation/center of glacier by using intersect with original outline with buffer/polygonize excluding proximity mask tmp_buffered = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_buff.shp') buffer_shp_fn(fn_outline_in, tmp_buffered, 3 * res) buff_rast = rasterize_shp(tmp_buffered, fn_ddem) buff_rast[mask_maybe] = 0 buff_mask = np.ones(np.shape(buff_rast)) buff_mask[~buff_rast] = -9999 tmp_buffered_rast = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_buff_mask.tif') tmp_upper_outline = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_upper.shp') write_nanarray(tmp_buffered_rast, fn_ddem, buff_mask) #if there is an area untouched that is kept to union with adjusted polygon at the end nb_pixel_kept = len(buff_mask[buff_mask == 1]) if nb_pixel_kept > 0: polygonize_fn(tmp_buffered_rast, tmp_upper_outline) tmp_inters = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_inters.shp') # inters_shp_fn(fn_outline_in,tmp_upper_outline,tmp_inters) #get a common area to merge with final polygon by buffering previous outline tmp_upper_buff = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_buff_upper.shp') tmp_upper_buff_inters = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_buff_upper_inters.shp') buffer_shp_fn(tmp_upper_outline, tmp_upper_buff, 2 * kernel_size * res) inters_shp_fn(fn_outline_in, tmp_upper_buff, tmp_upper_buff_inters) mask_upper_buff = rasterize_shp(tmp_upper_buff_inters, fn_dem) #if there is no area untouched, find pole of inaccessibility else: tmp_poi = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'poi.shp') poi_polygon(fn_outline_in, tmp_poi, res) mask_upper_buff = rasterize_shp(tmp_poi, fn_dem, all_touched=True) ddem_maybe = ddem ddem_maybe[~mask_maybe] = np.nan if only_thinning: ddem_maybe[ddem_maybe > 5 * nmad_stable] = np.nan #use kernel to ensure volume change at a given pixel is significant conv = convolve(ddem_maybe, gkern(kernel_size), mode='nearest') if only_thinning: mask_tvol = (conv < -tolerance_factor * nmad_stable) else: mask_tvol = (np.absolute(conv) > tolerance_factor * nmad_stable) #use filling algorithm from common mask to get only spatially continuous adjusted area with interior of glacier mask_common = np.logical_and(mask_upper_buff, mask_tvol) mask_flood = floodfill_discontinuous(mask_tvol, mask_start=mask_common) mask_flood = mask_flood.astype('float') mask_flood[mask_flood == 0] = -9999 fn_mask_flood = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'mask_flood.tif') fn_shp_flood = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'shp_flood.shp') fn_smooth_flood = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'shp_flood_smooth.shp') write_nanarray(fn_mask_flood, fn_ddem, mask_flood) #polygonize final mask polygonize_fn(fn_mask_flood, fn_shp_flood) #smooth polygon simplify_shp_fn(fn_shp_flood, fn_smooth_flood, tolerance=res) #union with inside if nb_pixel_kept > 0 and not isempty_firstfeat(fn_smooth_flood): union_shp_fn(fn_smooth_flood, tmp_upper_buff_inters, fn_outline_out) elif not isempty_firstfeat(fn_smooth_flood): copy_shp_fn(fn_smooth_flood, fn_outline_out) else: #TODO: actually need to change projection in this step or it stays that of the input shapefile copy_shp_fn(fn_outline_in, fn_outline_out)
def neff(mask, fn_ref, crange, model='Sph', psill=1., kappa=1 / 2, nugget=0): def hcov(h, crange=crange, model=model, psill=psill, kappa=kappa, nugget=nugget): return h * cov( h, crange, model=model, psill=psill, kappa=kappa, nugget=nugget) # fn_ref = '/home/atom/ongoing/std_err/data_vhr/etienne_mb/mask_mdg.tif' # mask = (read_nanarray(fn_ref) == 1) #get inside proximity of mask ds = create_mem_raster_on_ref(fn_ref) ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mask) ds_prox = proximity_rast_ds(ds, val=0) prox = ds_prox.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() #pole of innacessibility poi_tup = np.where(prox == np.nanmax(prox)) poi_x = poi_tup[0][0] poi_y = poi_tup[1][0] #get proximity from the pole mask_poi = np.zeros(np.shape(mask), dtype=bool) mask_poi[poi_x, poi_y] = 1 ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mask_poi) ds_prox_poi = proximity_rast_ds(ds, val=1) prox_poi = ds_prox_poi.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() #maximum distance in the mast from the poi max_prox = np.nanmax(prox_poi[mask]) res = pixel_size(fn_ref) bin_size = 3 * res #bin with circular area bins_area = np.arange(0, max_prox, bin_size) tot_area = np.zeros(len(bins_area)) obs_area = np.zeros(len(bins_area)) for i in np.arange(len(bins_area)): tot_area[i] = np.count_nonzero((prox_poi >= bins_area[i]) & (prox_poi < bins_area[i] + bin_size)) obs_area[i] = np.count_nonzero((prox_poi[mask] >= bins_area[i]) & ( prox_poi[mask] < bins_area[i] + bin_size)) frac_area = obs_area / tot_area #integrate piecewise: full_int = 0 for i in np.arange(len(bins_area)): low = bins_area[i] upp = bins_area[i] + bin_size piec_int = integrate_fun(hcov, low, upp)[0] print(piec_int) full_int += piec_int * frac_area[i] area_tot = np.count_nonzero(mask) * res**2 gamma_unity = full_int / area_tot return 1. / (1 - gamma_unity)