def like(df):
    """Creates and returns a DataFrame which has the same column structure
    and Column names as the specified DataFrame instance but is otherwise empty

        df: The DataFrame from which to copy the Column structure

        A DataFrame with the same Column structure and names as the
        specified DataFrame, or None if the specified DataFrame is None
    if df is None:
        return None

    col = df.columns()
    if col == 0:
        return (dataframe.NullableDataFrame()
                if df.is_nullable() else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame())

    cols = [None] * col
    for i in range(col):
        cols[i] = column.Column.of_type(df.get_column(i).type_code())

    result = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(cols)
              if df.is_nullable() else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(cols))

    if df.has_column_names():

    return result
def copy_of(df):
    """Creates and returns a copy of the given DataFrame

        df: The DataFrame instance to copy

        A copy of the specified DataFrame or None if the argument is None
    if df is None:
        return None

    columns = [col.clone() for col in df._internal_columns()]
    copy = None
    if df.is_nullable():
        copy = dataframe.NullableDataFrame(columns)
        copy = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(columns)

    return copy
def _deserialize_v2(buffer):
    """Deserialization from the binary-based version 2 format (v2).

        buffer: The bytearray representing the DataFrame to deserialize

        A DataFrame from the given bytearray
    ptr = 5  # index pointer
    dftype = buffer[ptr]
    if not dftype in (0x64, 0x6e):
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "Unsupported DataFrame implementation")

    # header format is {v:2;irrrrccccName1.Name2.ttllllbbb}0x...
    # code of the DataFrame implementation
    impl_default = (dftype == 0x64)
    ptr += 1
    rows = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 4], byteorder="big", signed=False)
    ptr += 4
    cols = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 4], byteorder="big", signed=False)
    ptr += 4

    # column labels
    names = []
    for i in range(cols):
        c0 = ptr  # first char
        while buffer[ptr] != 0x00:
            ptr += 1
        ptr += 1
        names.append(buffer[c0:ptr - 1].decode("utf-8"))

    # column types
    types = []
    for i in range(cols):
        ptr += 1

    df = None
    columns = []
    if not impl_default:  # NullableDataFrame
        # first read the entire lookup list into memory
        lookup_length = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 4],
        ptr += 4
        lookup_bits = BitVector(buffer[ptr:ptr + lookup_length])

        # list index pointing to the next readable bit within the lookup list
        li = 0
        ptr += lookup_length
        if buffer[ptr] != 0x7d:  # header closing brace '}' missing
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException("Invalid format")

        #END HEADER

        for i in range(cols):
            val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.object)
            if types[i] == bytecolumn.NullableByteColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    b = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 1],
                    if b == 0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = b

                columns.append(bytecolumn.NullableByteColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == shortcolumn.NullableShortColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 2
                    b = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 1:ptr + 1],
                    if b == 0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = b

                columns.append(shortcolumn.NullableShortColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == intcolumn.NullableIntColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 4
                    b = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 3:ptr + 1],
                    if b == 0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = b

                columns.append(intcolumn.NullableIntColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == longcolumn.NullableLongColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 8
                    b = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 7:ptr + 1],
                    if b == 0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = b

                columns.append(longcolumn.NullableLongColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == stringcolumn.NullableStringColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    c0 = ptr  # marks the first character of each string
                    while buffer[ptr] != 0x00:
                        ptr += 1

                    if (ptr - c0) == 0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = ""

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = buffer[c0:ptr].decode("utf-8")

                    names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == floatcolumn.NullableFloatColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 4
                    # since Python does not have float32, we need to do a conversion
                    # over numpy and str to get the same precision as the original value
                    f = float(
                                unpack(">f", buffer[ptr - 3:ptr + 1])[0])))
                    if f == 0.0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0.0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = f

                columns.append(floatcolumn.NullableFloatColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == doublecolumn.NullableDoubleColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 8
                    f = unpack(">d", buffer[ptr - 7:ptr + 1])[0]
                    if f == 0.0:
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = 0.0

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = f

                    names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == charcolumn.NullableCharColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    c = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 1],
                    if c == 0:
                        val[j] = None
                        val[j] = chr(c)

                columns.append(charcolumn.NullableCharColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == booleancolumn.NullableBooleanColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                length = int(rows / 8 if (rows % 8 == 0) else ((rows / 8) + 1))
                ptr += 1  # focus on next readable position
                bits = BitVector(buffer[ptr:ptr + length])
                for j in range(rows):
                    if not bits.get(j):
                        if not lookup_bits.get(li):
                            val[j] = False

                        li += 1
                        val[j] = True

                # let the base pointer jump forward to the last read byte
                ptr += (length - 1)
                    booleancolumn.NullableBooleanColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == binarycolumn.NullableBinaryColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    length = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 4],
                    ptr += 3
                    if length != 0:
                        data = bytearray(length)
                        for k in range(length):
                            ptr += 1
                            data[k] = buffer[ptr]

                        val[j] = data

                    names[i], val))

                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Unknown column with type code {}").format(types[i]))

        #END PAYLOAD
        if cols == 0:  # uninitialized instance
            df = dataframe.NullableDataFrame()
            df = dataframe.NullableDataFrame(columns)

    else:  # DefaultDataFrame
        if buffer[ptr] != 0x7d:  # header closing brace '}'
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException("Invalid format")

        #END HEADER

        for i in range(cols):
            if types[i] == bytecolumn.ByteColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.int8)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    val[j] = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 1],

                columns.append(bytecolumn.ByteColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == shortcolumn.ShortColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.int16)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 2
                    val[j] = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 1:ptr + 1],

                columns.append(shortcolumn.ShortColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == intcolumn.IntColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.int32)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 4
                    val[j] = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 3:ptr + 1],

                columns.append(intcolumn.IntColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == longcolumn.LongColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.int64)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 8
                    val[j] = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr - 7:ptr + 1],

                columns.append(longcolumn.LongColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == stringcolumn.StringColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.object)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    c0 = ptr  # marks the first character of each string
                    while buffer[ptr] != 0x00:
                        ptr += 1

                    if (ptr - c0) == 0:
                        val[j] = stringcolumn.StringColumn.DEFAULT_VALUE
                        val[j] = buffer[c0:ptr].decode("utf-8")

                columns.append(stringcolumn.StringColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == floatcolumn.FloatColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.float32)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 4
                    # since Python does not have float32, we need to do a conversion
                    # over numpy and str to get the same precision as the original value
                    val[j] = float(
                                unpack(">f", buffer[ptr - 3:ptr + 1])[0])))

                columns.append(floatcolumn.FloatColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == doublecolumn.DoubleColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.float64)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 8
                    val[j] = unpack(">d", buffer[ptr - 7:ptr + 1])[0]

                columns.append(doublecolumn.DoubleColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == charcolumn.CharColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.uint8)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    c = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 1],
                    val[j] = c

                columns.append(charcolumn.CharColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == booleancolumn.BooleanColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.bool)
                length = int(rows / 8 if (rows % 8 == 0) else ((rows / 8) + 1))
                ptr += 1  # focus on next readable position
                bits = BitVector(buffer[ptr:ptr + length])
                for j in range(rows):
                    val[j] = bits.get(j)

                ptr += (length - 1)
                columns.append(booleancolumn.BooleanColumn(names[i], val))

            elif types[i] == binarycolumn.BinaryColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                val = np.empty(rows, dtype=np.object)
                for j in range(rows):
                    ptr += 1
                    length = int.from_bytes(buffer[ptr:ptr + 4],
                    ptr += 3
                    data = bytearray(length)
                    for k in range(length):
                        ptr += 1
                        data[k] = buffer[ptr]

                    val[j] = data

                columns.append(binarycolumn.BinaryColumn(names[i], val))

                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Unknown column with type code {}").format(types[i]))

        #END PAYLOAD
        if cols == 0:  # uninitialized instance
            df = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame()
            df = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(columns)

    return df
def _df_from_csv_format(buffer, separator, header, types):
    """Internal function for deserializing the content of
    the specified string buffer to a DataFrame."""
    # regex which splits a string by the provided
    # separator if it is not enclosed by double quotes
    pattern = regex_matcher.compile(separator +

    df = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame()
    line_index = 0
        if types is not None:
            if isinstance(types, tuple):
                types = list(types)

            for i, t in enumerate(types):
                types[i] = t.lower()

            if header:
                h = pattern.split(buffer[line_index], 0)
                for i, elem in enumerate(h):
                    h[i] = _normalize(elem)

                line_index += 1

            for _ in range(line_index, len(buffer), 1):
                if not buffer[line_index]:  # skip empty lines
                    line_index += 1

                blocks = pattern.split(_process(buffer[line_index], separator),
                converted = [None] * len(blocks)
                for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
                        converted[i] = _convert_type(types[i],
                    except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex:
                        raise IOError(("Improperly formatted CSV "
                                       "file at line: {}").format(line_index +
                                                                  1)) from ex

                except dataframe.DataFrameException:  # null value in row
                    df = dataframe.DataFrame.convert_to(
                        df, "NullableDataFrame")

                line_index += 1

            if header:
                h = pattern.split(buffer[line_index], 0)
                for i, elem in enumerate(h):
                    h[i] = _normalize(elem)

                first = pattern.split(buffer[line_index], 0)
                for i, elem in enumerate(first):
                    first[i] = _normalize(elem)


            line_index += 1
            for _ in range(line_index, len(buffer), 1):
                if not buffer[line_index]:  # skip empty lines
                    line_index += 1

                blocks = pattern.split(_process(buffer[line_index], separator),
                for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
                    if blocks[i] == "null":
                        blocks[i] = None
                        blocks[i] = _normalize(block)

                except dataframe.DataFrameException:  # null value in row
                    df = dataframe.DataFrame.convert_to(
                        df, "NullableDataFrame")

                line_index += 1

    except (IndexError) as ex:
        raise IOError(("Improperly formatted CSV "
                       "file at line: {}").format(line_index)) from ex

    return df
def setitem_impl(arg, position, value):
    """Implementation of the __setitem__() function.

        arg: The DataFrame instance on which the function was called upon
        position: The position argument passed to the function
        value: The value argument passed to the function
    if isinstance(position, tuple):
        if len(position) > 2:
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                ("Invalid position argument. Too many "
                 "positions specified: {}").format(len(position)))

        cols = position[0]
        rows = position[1]
        if isinstance(cols, (int, str)):
            # check for negative column indices
            if isinstance(cols, int) and cols < 0:
                if abs(cols) > arg.columns():
                    raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                        "Invalid column index: {}".format(cols))

                cols = cols % arg.columns()

            if rows is None:
                # implements df[x, :] = Column
                # and        df["x", :] = Column
                arg.set_column(cols, value)
            elif isinstance(rows, int):
                # implements df[x, y] = v
                # and        df["x", y] = v
                if rows < 0:
                    if abs(rows) > arg.rows():
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                            "Invalid row index: {}".format(rows))

                    rows = rows % arg.rows()

                arg.get_column(cols).set_value(rows, value)
            elif isinstance(rows, str):
                # implements df[x, "y_regex"] = v | func | lamda
                # and        df["x", "y_regex"] = v | func | lamda
                arg.replace(cols, rows, replacement=value)
            elif isinstance(rows, tuple):
                # implements df[x, (y0, y1, ..., yn)] = (v0, v1, ..., vn)
                # and        df["x", (y0, y1, ..., yn)] = (v0, v1, ..., vn)
                col = arg.get_column(cols)
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    if len(rows) != len(value):
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException((
                            "Invalid value argument. The specified "
                            "list/tuple has a size of {} but the row position "
                            "argument has a size of {}").format(
                                len(value), len(rows)))

                    for i, index in enumerate(rows):
                        col.set_value(index, value[i])

                    # implements df[x, (y0, y1, ..., yn)] = v
                    # and        df["x", (y0, y1, ..., yn)] = v
                    for index in rows:
                        col.set_value(index, value)

            elif isinstance(rows, slice):
                rows = rows.indices(arg.rows())
                start = rows[0]
                stop = rows[1]
                step = rows[2]
                col = arg.get_column(cols)
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    # implements df[x, y0:y1:y2] = (v0, v1, ..., vn)
                    # and        df["x", y0:y1:y2] = (v0, v1, ..., vn)
                    if ((stop - start) // step) != len(value):
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException((
                            "Invalid value argument. The specified "
                            "list/tuple has a size of {} but the row position "
                            "argument has a size of {}").format(
                                len(value), (stop - start) // step))

                    i = 0
                    for index in range(start, stop, step):
                        col.set_value(index, value[i])
                        i += 1

                    # implements df[x, y0:y1:y2] = v
                    # and        df["x", y0:y1:y2] = v
                    for index in range(start, stop, step):
                        col.set_value(index, value)

                # invalid type for row position arg
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Invalid row position type. "
                     "Expected int or str but found {}").format(type(rows)))

        elif isinstance(cols, (tuple, slice)):
            # prefetch the selected columns as a DataFrame
            if isinstance(cols, tuple):
                cols_selected = arg.get_columns(cols=cols)
            else:  # is slice
                cols_selected = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(
                    arg._internal_columns()[cols]) if arg.is_nullable() else

            if isinstance(rows, int):
                if rows < 0:
                    if abs(rows) > arg.rows():
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                            "Invalid row index: {}".format(rows))

                    rows = rows % arg.rows()

                if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y] = [v0, v1, ..., vn]
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y] = [v0, v1, ..., vn]
                    cols_selected.set_row(rows, value)
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y] = v
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y] = v
                                          [value] * cols_selected.columns())

            elif isinstance(rows, tuple):
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = [[ ], [ ], ..., [ ]]
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = [[ ], [ ], ..., [ ]]
                    if len(value) == 0:
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException((
                            "Invalid value argument. The specified list/tuple "
                            "of row values is empty"))

                    if isinstance(value[0], (list, tuple)):
                        if len(rows) != len(value):
                            raise dataframe.DataFrameException((
                                "Invalid value argument. The specified list/tuple "
                                "has a size of {} but the row position argument "
                                "has a size of {}").format(
                                    len(value), len(rows)))

                        for i, index in enumerate(rows):
                            cols_selected.set_row(index, value[i])
                        for index in rows:
                            cols_selected.set_row(index, value)

                elif isinstance(value, dataframe.DataFrame):
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = vDataFrame
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = vDataFrame
                    if len(rows) != value.rows():
                        rmsg1 = "rows" if value.rows() != 1 else "row"
                        rmsg2 = "rows" if len(rows) != 1 else "row"
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                            ("Invalid value argument. The specified "
                             "DataFrame has {} {} but the row position "
                             "argument specified {} {}").format(
                                 value.rows(), rmsg1, len(rows), rmsg2))

                    for i, index in enumerate(rows):
                        cols_selected.set_row(index, value.get_row(i))

                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = v
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, (y0, y1, ..., ym)] = v
                    value = [value] * cols_selected.columns()
                    for index in rows:
                        cols_selected.set_row(index, value)

            elif isinstance(rows, slice):
                rows = rows.indices(cols_selected.rows())
                start = rows[0]
                stop = rows[1]
                step = rows[2]
                if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y0:y1:y2] = [ .. ]
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y0:y1:y2] = [ .. ]
                    for index in range(start, stop, step):
                        cols_selected.set_row(index, value)

                elif isinstance(value, dataframe.DataFrame):
                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y0:y1:y2] = vDataFrame
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y0:y1:y2] = vDataFrame
                    i = 0
                    for index in range(start, stop, step):
                        cols_selected.set_row(index, value.get_row(i))
                        i += 1

                    # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y0:y1:y2] = v
                    # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y0:y1:y2] = v
                    value = [value] * cols_selected.columns()
                    for index in range(start, stop, step):
                        cols_selected.set_row(index, value)

            elif isinstance(rows, str):
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Invalid column position type. A replacement operation "
                     "must only specify a single column "
                     "but found {}").format(type(cols)))

                # invalid type for row position arg
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Invalid row position type. "
                     "Expected int or str but found {}").format(type(rows)))

            # invalid type for column position arg
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                ("Invalid column position type. "
                 "Expected int or str but found {}").format(type(cols)))

    elif isinstance(position, int):
        # check for negative column indices
        if position < 0:
            if abs(position) > arg.columns():
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    "Invalid column index: {}".format(position))

            position = position % arg.columns()

        # implements df[x] = Column
        if position == arg.columns():
            arg.set_column(position, value)
    elif isinstance(position, str):
        # and        df["x"] = Column
        arg.set_column(position, value)
        # invalid type for entire position arg
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(("Invalid position type. "
                                            "Expected int or str but "
                                            "found {}").format(type(position)))
def getitem_impl(arg, position):
    """Implementation of the __getitem__() function

        arg: The DataFrame instance on which the function was called upon
        position: The position argument passed to the function

        The value at the specified position
    if isinstance(position, tuple):
        if len(position) > 2:
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                ("Invalid position argument. Too many "
                 "positions specified: {}").format(len(position)))

        cols = position[0]
        rows = position[1]
        if isinstance(cols, (int, str)):
            # check for negative column indices
            if isinstance(cols, int) and cols < 0:
                if abs(cols) > arg.columns():
                    raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                        "Invalid column index: {}".format(cols))

                cols = cols % arg.columns()

            if rows is None:
                # implements df[x, :] and df["x", :]
                return arg.get_columns(cols=cols)
            elif isinstance(rows, int):
                # implements df[x, y] and df["x", y]
                if rows < 0:
                    if abs(rows) > arg.rows():
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                            "Invalid row index: {}".format(rows))

                    rows = rows % arg.rows()

                return arg.get_column(cols).get_value(rows)
            elif isinstance(rows, str):
                # implements df[x, "y_regex"] and df["x", "y_regex"]
                return arg.filter(cols, rows)
            elif isinstance(rows, tuple):
                # implements df[x, (y0, y1, ..., yn)]
                # and        df["x", (y0, y1, ..., yn)]
                col_selected = arg.get_column(cols)
                col = column.Column.like(col_selected, length=len(rows))
                df = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(col) if arg.is_nullable()
                      else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(col))

                for i, row_index in enumerate(rows):
                    col[i] = col_selected[row_index]

                return df

            elif isinstance(rows, slice):
                # implements df[x, y0:y1:y2]
                # and        df["x", y0:y1:y2]
                start = rows.start
                stop = rows.stop
                step = rows.step
                col_selected = arg.get_column(cols)
                # numpy returns an array view when slicing
                # so we have to copy the array explicitly
                # to get an independent instance
                col_values = col_selected._values[start:stop:step].copy()
                col = column.Column.like(col_selected, length=0)
                col._values = col_values
                return (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(col) if arg.is_nullable()
                        else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(col))

        elif isinstance(cols, (tuple, slice)):
            # prefetch the selected columns as a DataFrame
            if isinstance(cols, tuple):
                cols_selected = arg.get_columns(cols=cols)
            else:  # is slice
                cols_selected = arg._internal_columns()[cols]
                cols_selected = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(cols_selected)
                                 if arg.is_nullable() else

            if rows is None:
                # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), ]
                # and        df[x0:x1:x2, ]
                return cols_selected
            elif isinstance(rows, int):
                # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y]
                # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y]
                if rows < 0:
                    if abs(rows) > arg.rows():
                        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                            "Invalid row index: {}".format(rows))

                    rows = rows % arg.rows()

                return cols_selected.get_row(rows)

            elif isinstance(rows, tuple):
                # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), (y0, y1, ..., ym)]
                # and        df[x0:x1:x2, (y0, y1, ..., ym)]
                cols = [
                    column.Column.like(col, length=len(rows))
                    for col in cols_selected._internal_columns()

                df = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(cols) if arg.is_nullable()
                      else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(cols))

                for i, row_index in enumerate(rows):
                    df.set_row(i, cols_selected.get_row(rows[i]))

                return df

            elif isinstance(rows, slice):
                # implements df[(x0, x1, ..., xn), y0:y1:y2]
                # and        df[x0:x1:x2, y0:y1:y2]
                start = rows.start
                stop = rows.stop
                step = rows.step
                cols = [None] * cols_selected.columns()
                for i, col in enumerate(cols_selected._internal_columns()):
                    col_values = col._values[start:stop:step].copy()
                    col_sliced = column.Column.like(col,
                    col_sliced._values = col_values
                    cols[i] = col_sliced

                return (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(cols) if arg.is_nullable()
                        else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(cols))

            elif isinstance(rows, str):
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Invalid column position type. A filter operation "
                     "must only specify a single column "
                     "but found {}").format(type(cols)))

            # invalid type for column position arg
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                ("Invalid column position type. "
                 "Expected int or str but found {}").format(type(cols)))

    elif isinstance(position, int):
        # implements df[x]
        if position < 0:
            if abs(position) > arg.columns():
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    "Invalid column index: {}".format(position))

            position = position % arg.columns()

        return arg.get_column(position)
    elif isinstance(position, str):
        # implements df["x"]
        return arg.get_column(position)
        # invalid type for entire position arg
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(("Invalid position type. "
                                            "Expected int or str but "
                                            "found {}").format(type(position)))

    # make pylint happy about missing return statement
    raise dataframe.DataFrameException("Implementation error")
def _group_operation(df, col, operation):
    """Performs a group_by operation for the specified DataFrame and Column.

    Operation codes:
    * 1 = Minimum
    * 2 = Maximum
    * 3 = Average
    * 4 = Sum

        df: The DataFrame to use for the group operation
        col: The Column to use for the group operation
        operation: The operation code to use

        A DataFrame representing the result of the group operation
    if df._internal_next() == -1 or col < 0 or col >= df.columns():
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "Invalid column index: {}".format(col))

    c = df.get_column(col)
    n_numeric = 0
    for i in range(df.columns()):
        c_i = df.get_column(i)
        if not c_i._name:
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                "All columns must be labeled for group operations")

        if c_i is not c and c_i.is_numeric():
            n_numeric += 1

    uniques = df.unique(col)
    n_uniques = len(uniques)
    contains_null = df.contains(col, "None") if df.is_nullable() else False
    col_length = n_uniques + 1 if contains_null else n_uniques
    cols = [None] * (n_numeric + 1)
    col_names = [None] * (n_numeric + 1)
    cols[0] = column.Column.of_type(c.type_code(), col_length)
    col_names[0] = c._name
    n_numeric = 1
    for i in range(df.columns()):
        c_i = df.get_column(i)
        if c_i is not c and c_i.is_numeric():
            if operation in (3, 4):  # average or sum op
                cols[n_numeric] = (doublecolumn.NullableDoubleColumn(
                    values=col_length) if df.is_nullable() else

                cols[n_numeric] = column.Column.of_type(
                    c_i.type_code(), col_length)

            col_names[n_numeric] = c_i._name
            n_numeric += 1

    result = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame(cols)
              if df.is_nullable() else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(cols))


    length = len(cols)
    index = 0
    for elem in uniques:
        row = [None] * length
        row[0] = elem
        filtered = df.filter(c._name, str(elem))
        for i in range(1, length, 1):
            value = 0.0
            if operation == 1:
                value = filtered.minimum(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 2:
                value = filtered.maximum(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 3:
                value = filtered.average(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 4:
                value = filtered.sum(col_names[i])
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    "Unknown group operation: {}".format(operation))

            row[i] = _cast_to_numeric_type(cols[i], value)

        result.set_row(index, row)
        index += 1

    if contains_null:
        row = [None] * length
        row[0] = None
        filtered = df.filter(c._name, "None")
        for i in range(1, length, 1):
            value = 0.0
            if operation == 1:
                value = filtered.minimum(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 2:
                value = filtered.maximum(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 3:
                value = filtered.average(col_names[i])
            elif operation == 4:
                value = filtered.sum(col_names[i])
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    "Unknown group operation: {}".format(operation))

            row[i] = _cast_to_numeric_type(cols[i], value)

        result.set_row(index, row)
        index += 1

    return result
def join(df1, col1, df2, col2):
    """Combines all rows from the specified DataFrames which have matching
    values in their columns with the corresponding specified name.

    Both DataFrames must have a column with the corresponding specified name
    and an identical element type. All columns in both DataFrame instances must
    be labeled by the time this method is called. The specified DataFrames may be
    of any types.

    All Columns in the second DataFrame argument that are also existent in
    the first DataFrame argument are excluded in the result DataFrame returned
    by this method. Therefore, in the case of duplicate Columns, the returned
    DataFrame only contains the corresponding Column from the first DataFrame.

        df1: The first DataFrame to join. Must not be None
        col1: The name of the Column in the first DataFrame argument
            to match values for. Must be a str
        df2: The second DataFrame to join. Must not be None
        col2: The name of the Column in the second DataFrame argument
            to match values for. Must be a str

        A DataFrame with joined rows from both specified DataFrames
        that have matching values in the Columns with the specified names
    if df1 is None or df2 is None:
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "DataFrame argument must not be None")

    if df1 is df2:
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "Join operation is self-referential")

    if not col1:
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "First column name argument must not be None or empty")

    if not col2:
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "Second column name argument must not be None or empty")

    if not df1.has_column_names():
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException("DataFrame must has column labels")

    if not df2.has_column_names():
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "DataFrame argument must have column labels")

    if not df2.has_column(col2):
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            "Invalid column name for DataFrame argument: '{}'".format(col2))

    if df1.get_column(col1).type_name() != df2.get_column(col2).type_name():
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
            ("Column '{}' in DataFrame argument has "
             "a different type. "
             "Expected {} but found {}").format(

    # create a set holding the names of all columns from df2
    # that should be bypassed in the result because they already exist in df1
    duplicates = set()
    names = df2.get_column_names()
    for _, n in enumerate(names):
        if df1.has_column(n):

    # add the specified column name to make sure
    # it is not included in the below computations
    # find the elements common to both DataFrames
    intersec = df1.get_columns(col1).intersection_rows(df2.get_columns(col2))
    use_nullable = df1.is_nullable() or df2.is_nullable()
    result = (dataframe.NullableDataFrame()
              if use_nullable else dataframe.DefaultDataFrame())

    # add all columns from df1
    for i in range(df1.columns()):
        c = column.Column.of_type(df1.get_column(i).type_code())
        result.add_column(col=c.as_nullable() if use_nullable else c,

    # add all columns from df2 as long as they are not already in df1
    for i in range(df2.columns()):
        col = df2.get_column(i)
        # if the column is in the collection, then it
        # is either 'col2' or another duplicate, so it is skipped
        if not col.get_name() in duplicates:
            c = column.Column.of_type(col.type_code())
            result.add_column(col=c.as_nullable() if use_nullable else c,

    # iterate over all common elements and add all rows to
    # the result from both DataFrames that match the common
    # element in their respective key column
    for i in range(intersec.rows()):
        filter_key = str(intersec.get_column(0).get_value(i))
        filter1 = df1.filter(col1, filter_key)
        filter2 = df2.filter(col2, filter_key)
        # remove 'col2' and any column already existent in df1
        for name in duplicates:

        length_col1 = df1.columns()
        length_col2 = df2.columns() - len(duplicates)
        # reuse the row list
        length_row = length_col1 + length_col2
        row = [None] * length_row
        for j in range(filter1.rows()):
            for k in range(filter2.rows()):
                for l in range(length_col1):
                    row[l] = filter1.get_column(l).get_value(j)

                for l in range(length_col2):
                    row[length_col1 + l] = filter2.get_column(l).get_value(k)


    return result
def convert(df, target_type):
    """Converts the given DataFrame from a DefaultDataFrame to a NullableDataFrame
    or vice versa.

    Converting a DefaultDataFrame to a NullableDataFrame will not change
    any internal values, except that now you can add/insert null values to it.
    Converting a NullableDataFrame to a DefaultDataFrame will convert all None
    occurrences to the primitive defaults according to the Column they are located.

        df: The DataFrame instance to convert. Must not be None
        target_type: The type to convert the given DataFrame to.
            May be 'default' or 'nullable'

        A DataFrame converted from the type of the argument passed to this method
        to the type specified
    if df is None or target_type is None:
        raise ValueError("Arg must not be null")

    if not isinstance(target_type, str):
        raise ValueError("Target type argument must be specified as a string")

    target_type = target_type.lower()
    if target_type not in ("defaultdataframe", "default", "nullabledataframe",
        raise ValueError("Unable to convert to '" + str(target_type) +
                         "'. Must be either 'default' or 'nullable'")

    if target_type == "defaultdataframe":
        target_type = "default"
    elif target_type == "nullabledataframe":
        target_type = "nullable"

    source_type = "nullable" if df.is_nullable() else "default"
    if target_type == source_type:
        return copy_of(df)

    rows = df.rows()
    converted = None
    # convert from Nullable to Default
    if target_type == "default":
        converted = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame()
        for col in df:
            tc = col.type_code()
            if tc == bytecolumn.NullableByteColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0] * rows, dtype=np.int8)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0 if val is None else val

                    bytecolumn.ByteColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == shortcolumn.NullableShortColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0] * rows, dtype=np.int16)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0 if val is None else val

                    shortcolumn.ShortColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == intcolumn.NullableIntColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0] * rows, dtype=np.int32)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0 if val is None else val

                converted.add_column(intcolumn.IntColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == longcolumn.NullableLongColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0] * rows, dtype=np.int64)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0 if val is None else val

                    longcolumn.LongColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == stringcolumn.NullableStringColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([None] * rows, dtype=np.object)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = (stringcolumn.StringColumn.DEFAULT_VALUE
                               if val is None or val == "" else val)

                    stringcolumn.StringColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == floatcolumn.NullableFloatColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0.0] * rows, dtype=np.float32)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0.0 if val is None else val

                    floatcolumn.FloatColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == doublecolumn.NullableDoubleColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0.0] * rows, dtype=np.float64)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = 0 if val is None else val

                    doublecolumn.DoubleColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == charcolumn.NullableCharColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([0] * rows, dtype=np.uint8)
                default_val = ord(charcolumn.CharColumn.DEFAULT_VALUE)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col._values[i]
                    vals[i] = default_val if val is None else val

                    charcolumn.CharColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == booleancolumn.NullableBooleanColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([False] * rows, dtype=np.bool)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = False if val is None else val

                    booleancolumn.BooleanColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == binarycolumn.NullableBinaryColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                vals = np.array([None] * rows, dtype=np.object)
                for i in range(rows):
                    val = col.get_value(i)
                    vals[i] = bytearray.fromhex("00") if val is None else val

                    binarycolumn.BinaryColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            else:  # undefined type
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Unable to convert dataframe. Unrecognized "
                     "column type {}".format(type(col))))

    else:  # convert from Default to Nullable
        converted = dataframe.NullableDataFrame()
        for col in df:
            tc = col.type_code()
            vals = np.array([None] * rows, dtype=np.object)
            for i in range(rows):
                vals[i] = col.get_value(i)

            if tc == bytecolumn.ByteColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    bytecolumn.NullableByteColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == shortcolumn.ShortColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    shortcolumn.NullableShortColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == intcolumn.IntColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    intcolumn.NullableIntColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == longcolumn.LongColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    longcolumn.NullableLongColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == stringcolumn.StringColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    stringcolumn.NullableStringColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == floatcolumn.FloatColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    floatcolumn.NullableFloatColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == doublecolumn.DoubleColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    doublecolumn.NullableDoubleColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == charcolumn.CharColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    charcolumn.NullableCharColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == booleancolumn.BooleanColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    booleancolumn.NullableBooleanColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            elif tc == binarycolumn.BinaryColumn.TYPE_CODE:
                    binarycolumn.NullableBinaryColumn(col.get_name(), vals))
            else:  # undefined type
                raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                    ("Unable to convert dataframe. Unrecognized "
                     "column type {}".format(type(col))))

    return converted
def merge(*dataframes):
    """Merges all given DataFrame instances into one DataFrame.

    All DataFames are merged by columns. All DataFrames must have an
    equal number of rows but may be of any type. All columns are added to
    the returned DataFrame in the order of the arguments passed to this
    method. Only passing one DataFrame to this method will simply
    return that instance.

    Columns with duplicate names are included in the returned DataFrame
    and a postfix is added to each duplicate column name.
    All columns of the returned DataFrame are backed by their origin,
    which means that changes to the original DataFrame are reflected in
    the merged DataFrame and vice versa. This does not apply, however,
    if columns need to be converted to a nullable type. For example, if
    one DataFrame argument is nullable, then all columns from non-nullable
    DataFrame arguments are converted to their corresponding
    nullable equivalent.

    If columns should be independent from their origin, then simply pass
    a clone (copy) of each DataFrame argument to this method.

        merged = DataFrame.merge(DataFrame.copy(df1), DataFrame.copy(df2))

        dataframes: The DataFrames to be merged

        A DataFrame composed of all columns of the given DataFrames
    if dataframes is None or len(dataframes) == 0:
        raise dataframe.DataFrameException("Arg must not be None or empty")

    if len(dataframes) == 1:
        return dataframes[0]

    rows = dataframes[0].rows()
    cols = 0
    has_nullable = False
    has_names = False
    for i, df in enumerate(dataframes):
        if df is None:
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                "DataFrame argument must not be None")

        cols += df.columns()
        if df.rows() != rows:
            raise dataframe.DataFrameException(
                ("Size missmatch for DataFrame argument at index {}. "
                 "Expected {} rows but found {}").format(i, rows, df.rows()))

        if df.is_nullable():
            has_nullable = True

        if df.has_column_names():
            has_names = True

    for _, df in enumerate(dataframes):

    names = None
    if has_names:
        names = [None] * cols
        for i in range(cols):
            names[i] = str(i)

        k = 0
        for i, df in enumerate(dataframes):
            for j in range(df.columns()):
                c = df.get_column(j)
                if c.get_name():
                    names[k] = c.get_name()
                k += 1

        for i in range(cols):
            k = 0
            already_set = False
            n = names[i]
            for j in range(cols):
                if i != j:
                    if n == names[j]:
                        if not already_set:
                            names[i] = names[i] + "_" + str(k)
                            k += 1
                            already_set = True

                        names[j] = names[j] + "_" + str(k)
                        k += 1

    columns = [None] * cols
    k = 0
    for i, df in enumerate(dataframes):
        for j in range(df.columns()):
            if has_nullable:
                columns[k] = df.get_column(j).as_nullable()
                k += 1
                columns[k] = df.get_column(j)
                k += 1

    merged = None
    if has_nullable:
        merged = dataframe.NullableDataFrame(columns)
        merged = dataframe.DefaultDataFrame(columns)

    if has_names:

    return merged