def __init__(self, armName, rand=False, x=.03, y=.05, z=.004, testAngles=False, maxPoses=1000, speed=0.01):
     self.ravenArm = RavenArm(armName, defaultPoseSpeed=speed)
     self.arm = armName
     if armName == 'R':
         self.homePose = tfx.pose([-.12,-.02,-.135],tfx.tb_angles(-90,90,0))
         self.homePose = tfx.pose([-.03,-.02,-.135],tfx.tb_angles(-90,90,0))
     self.random = rand
     print self.homePose
     self.grasp = 1.2
     joints_dict = kinematics.invArmKin(self.arm, self.homePose, self.grasp)
     print joints_dict
     self.x_levels = 5
     self.y_levels = 5
     self.z_levels = 7
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.z = z
     self.maxPoses = maxPoses
     # generate all angle combinations in order to sample the rotations as well
     self.angles = []
     if False:
     self.grid = []
     self.grid += [self.homePose + [float(i)*(x/self.x_levels),0,0] for i in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid += [self.homePose + [x, float(i)*(-y/self.y_levels),0] for i in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid += [self.homePose + [-float(i)*(x/self.x_levels),-y,0] for i in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid += [self.homePose + [0, -float(i)*(-y/self.y_levels),0] for i in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid = []
     self.grid += [tfx.pose([x/self.x_levels,0,0]) for _ in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid += [tfx.pose([0,-y/self.y_levels,0]) for _ in xrange(self.y_levels)]
     self.grid += [tfx.pose([-x/self.x_levels,0,0]) for _ in xrange(self.x_levels)]
     self.grid += [tfx.pose([0,y/self.y_levels,0]) for _ in xrange(self.y_levels)]
 def _getUnallocatedCenters(self, armName, centers, new=False, forHasFoam=False):
     unallocCenters = []
     numAlloc = collections.defaultdict(int)
     for center in centers:
         ok = True
         print tfx.pose(center)
         foam_ik_valid = kinematics.invArmKin(armName, tfx.pose(center,tfx.tb_angles(-90,90,0)), math.pi/4.0) is not None
         lift_ik_valid = kinematics.invArmKin(armName, tfx.pose(center+[0,0,.06],tfx.tb_angles(-90,90,0)), math.pi/4.0) is not None
         if not foam_ik_valid:
             ok = False
             self.event_pub.publish(String('Cannot allocate foam piece for arm {0} because IK invalid for pose {1}'.format(armName,center)))
         if not lift_ik_valid:
             ok = False
             self.event_pub.publish(String('Cannot allocate foam piece for arm {0} because IK invalid for move vertical pose {1}'.format(armName,center+[0,0,.06])))
         for allocArm, allocationCenter in self.allocations.iteritems():
             if allocationCenter is not None and allocationCenter.distance(center) < self.allocationRadius:
                 print 'allocationCenter {0}'.format(allocationCenter)
                 numAlloc[allocArm] += 1
                 ok = ok and (allocArm == armName and new)
             #if allocationCenter is not None and allocationCenter.distance(center) <  self.allocationRadius and \
             #        not (not new and allocArm == armName):
             #    ok = False
         if ok:
     if forHasFoam:
         if unallocCenters:
             return True
         for n in numAlloc.values():
             if n >= 1:
                 return True
         return False
         return unallocCenters
    def getJointsFromPose(self, armName, pose, grasp, quiet=False):
        Calls IK server and returns a dictionary of {jointType : jointPos}
        jointType is from raven_2_msgs.msg.Constants
        jointPos is position in radians

        Needs to return finger1 and finger2

        pose = raven_util.convertToFrame(tfx.pose(pose), self.refFrame)
        joints = kin.invArmKin(armName, pose, grasp)
        if joints is None:
            rospy.loginfo('IK failed!')
            if quiet:
                return None
                raise RuntimeError("IK failed!")
        return joints