def extract_deployments_from_serve_dag(
    serve_dag_root: DAGNode,
) -> List[Deployment]:
    """Extract deployment python objects from a transformed serve DAG. Should
    only be called after `transform_ray_dag_to_serve_dag`, otherwise nothing
    to return.

        serve_dag_root (DAGNode): Transformed serve dag root node.
        deployments (List[Deployment]): List of deployment python objects
            fetched from serve dag.
    deployments = OrderedDict()

    def extractor(dag_node):
        if isinstance(dag_node, (DeploymentNode, DeploymentFunctionNode)):
            deployment = dag_node._deployment
            # In case same deployment is used in multiple DAGNodes
            deployments[deployment.name] = deployment
        return dag_node


    return list(deployments.values())
def get_pipeline_input_node(serve_dag_root_node: DAGNode):
    """Return the InputNode singleton node from serve dag, and throw
    exceptions if we didn't find any, or found more than one.

        ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode acting as root of a Ray authored DAG. It
            should be executable via `ray_dag_root_node.execute(user_input)`
            and should have `InputNode` in it.
        pipeline_input_node: Singleton input node for the serve pipeline.

    input_nodes = []

    def extractor(dag_node):
        if isinstance(dag_node, InputNode):

    assert len(input_nodes) == 1, (
        "There should be one and only one InputNode in the DAG. "
        f"Found {len(input_nodes)} InputNode(s) instead."

    return input_nodes[0]
def get_pipeline_input_node(serve_dag_root_node: DAGNode):
    """Return the PipelineInputNode singleton node from serve dag, and throw
    exceptions if we didn't find any, or found more than one.

        ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode acting as root of a Ray authored DAG. It
            should be executable via `ray_dag_root_node.execute(user_input)`
            and should have `PipelineInputNode` in it.
        pipeline_input_node: Singleton input node for the serve pipeline.

    input_nodes = []

    def extractor(dag_node):
        if isinstance(dag_node, PipelineInputNode):
        elif isinstance(dag_node, InputNode):
            raise ValueError(
                "Please change Ray DAG InputNode to PipelineInputNode in order "
                "to build serve application. See docstring of "
                "PipelineInputNode for examples."

    assert len(input_nodes) == 1, (
        "There should be one and only one PipelineInputNode in the DAG. "
        f"Found {len(input_nodes)} PipelineInputNode(s) instead."

    return input_nodes[0]
def transform_ray_dag_to_workflow(dag_node: DAGNode,
                                  input_context: DAGInputData):
    Transform a Ray DAG to a workflow. Map FunctionNode to workflow step with
    the workflow decorator.

        dag_node: The DAG to be converted to a workflow.
        input_context: The input data that wraps varibles for the input node of the DAG.
    if not isinstance(dag_node, FunctionNode):
        raise TypeError(
            "Currently workflow does not support classes as DAG inputs.")

    def _node_visitor(node: Any) -> Any:
        if isinstance(node, FunctionNode):
            # "_resolve_like_object_ref_in_args" indicates we should resolve the
            # workflow like an ObjectRef, when included in the arguments of
            # another workflow.
            workflow_step = workflow.step(
            wf = workflow_step.step(*node._bound_args, **node._bound_kwargs)
            return wf
        if isinstance(node, InputAtrributeNode):
            return node._execute_impl()  # get data from input node
        if isinstance(node, InputNode):
            return input_context  # replace input node with input data
        if not isinstance(node, DAGNode):
            return node  # return normal objects
        raise TypeError(f"Unsupported DAG node: {node}")

    return dag_node.apply_recursive(_node_visitor)
文件: api.py 项目: afzalmushtaque/ray
def build(ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode):
    """Do all the DAG transformation, extraction and generation needed to
    produce a runnable and deployable serve pipeline application from a valid
    DAG authored with Ray DAG API.

    This should be the only user facing API that user interacts with.

        Following enforcements are only applied at generating and applying
        pipeline artifact, but not blockers for local development and testing.

        - ALL args and kwargs used in DAG building should be JSON serializable.
            This means in order to ensure your pipeline application can run on
            a remote cluster potentially with different runtime environment,
            among all options listed:

                1) binding in-memory objects
                2) Rely on pickling
                3) Enforce JSON serialibility on all args used

            We believe both 1) & 2) rely on unstable in-memory objects or
            cross version pickling / closure capture, where JSON serialization
            provides the right contract needed for proper deployment.

        - ALL classes and methods used should be visible on top of the file and
            importable via a fully qualified name. Thus no inline class or
            function definitions should be used.

        ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode acting as root of a Ray authored DAG. It
            should be executable via `ray_dag_root_node.execute(user_input)`
            and should have `PipelineInputNode` in it.

        app: The Ray Serve application object that wraps all deployments needed
            along with ingress deployment for an e2e runnable serve pipeline,
            accessible via python .remote() call and HTTP.

        >>> with ServeInputNode(preprocessor=request_to_data_int) as dag_input:
        ...    m1 = Model.bind(1)
        ...    m2 = Model.bind(2)
        ...    m1_output = m1.forward.bind(dag_input[0])
        ...    m2_output = m2.forward.bind(dag_input[1])
        ...    ray_dag = ensemble.bind(m1_output, m2_output)

        Assuming we have non-JSON serializable or inline defined class or
        function in local pipeline development.

        >>> app = serve.pipeline.build(ray_dag) # This works
        >>> handle = app.deploy()
        >>> # This also works, we're simply executing the transformed serve_dag.
        >>> ray.get(handle.remote(data)
        >>> # This will fail where enforcements are applied.
        >>> deployment_yaml = app.to_yaml()
    serve_root_dag = ray_dag_root_node.apply_recursive(transform_ray_dag_to_serve_dag)
    deployments = extract_deployments_from_serve_dag(serve_root_dag)
    pipeline_input_node = get_pipeline_input_node(serve_root_dag)
    ingress_deployment = get_ingress_deployment(serve_root_dag, pipeline_input_node)
    deployments.insert(0, ingress_deployment)

    # TODO (jiaodong): Call into Application once Shreyas' PR is merged
    # TODO (jiaodong): Apply enforcements at serve app to_yaml level
    return deployments
def ray_dag_to_serve_dag(dag: DAGNode):
    with DAGNodeNameGenerator() as deployment_name_generator:
        serve_dag = dag.apply_recursive(
            lambda node: transform_ray_dag_to_serve_dag(
                node, deployment_name_generator))
    return serve_dag
def build(ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode) -> List[Deployment]:
    """Do all the DAG transformation, extraction and generation needed to
    produce a runnable and deployable serve pipeline application from a valid
    DAG authored with Ray DAG API.

    This should be the only user facing API that user interacts with.

        Following enforcements are only applied at generating and applying
        pipeline artifact, but not blockers for local development and testing.

        - ALL args and kwargs used in DAG building should be JSON serializable.
            This means in order to ensure your pipeline application can run on
            a remote cluster potentially with different runtime environment,
            among all options listed:

                1) binding in-memory objects
                2) Rely on pickling
                3) Enforce JSON serialibility on all args used

            We believe both 1) & 2) rely on unstable in-memory objects or
            cross version pickling / closure capture, where JSON serialization
            provides the right contract needed for proper deployment.

        - ALL classes and methods used should be visible on top of the file and
            importable via a fully qualified name. Thus no inline class or
            function definitions should be used.

        ray_dag_root_node: DAGNode acting as root of a Ray authored DAG. It
            should be executable via `ray_dag_root_node.execute(user_input)`
            and should have `InputNode` in it.

        deployments: All deployments needed for an e2e runnable serve pipeline,
            accessible via python .remote() call.

        >>> with InputNode() as dag_input:
        ...    m1 = Model.bind(1)
        ...    m2 = Model.bind(2)
        ...    m1_output = m1.forward.bind(dag_input[0])
        ...    m2_output = m2.forward.bind(dag_input[1])
        ...    ray_dag = ensemble.bind(m1_output, m2_output)

        Assuming we have non-JSON serializable or inline defined class or
        function in local pipeline development.

        >>> from ray.serve.api import build as build_app
        >>> deployments = build_app(ray_dag) # it can be method node
        >>> deployments = build_app(m1) # or just a regular node.
    with DAGNodeNameGenerator() as node_name_generator:
        serve_root_dag = ray_dag_root_node.apply_recursive(
            lambda node: transform_ray_dag_to_serve_dag(node, node_name_generator)
    deployments = extract_deployments_from_serve_dag(serve_root_dag)

    # After Ray DAG is transformed to Serve DAG with deployments and their init
    # args filled, generate a minimal weight executor serve dag for perf
    serve_executor_root_dag = serve_root_dag.apply_recursive(
    root_driver_deployment = deployments[-1]
    new_driver_deployment = generate_executor_dag_driver_deployment(
        serve_executor_root_dag, root_driver_deployment
    # Replace DAGDriver deployment with executor DAGDriver deployment
    deployments[-1] = new_driver_deployment
    # Validate and only expose HTTP for the endpoint
    deployments_with_http = process_ingress_deployment_in_serve_dag(deployments)

    return deployments_with_http