def training_workflow(config, reporter): from gym.spaces import Box import numpy as np env_maker = get_env_maker(GazeboEnv) env, agents = env_maker(config['env_config'], return_agents=True) space = Box(low=-np.ones(2), high=np.ones(2)) # pdb.set_trace() replay_buffers = { agent_id: ReplayBuffer(config.get('buffer_size', 1000)) for agent_id in agents } policy = { k: (RandomPolicy, a.observation_space, a.action_space, {}) for k, a in agents.items() } worker = RolloutWorker(lambda x: env, policy=policy, batch_steps=32, policy_mapping_fn=lambda x: x, episode_horizon=20) for i in range(config['num_iters']): T1 = SampleBatch.concat_samples([worker.sample()]) for agent_id, batch in T1.policy_batches.items(): for row in batch.rows(): replay_buffers[agent_id].add(row['obs'], row['actions'], row['rewards'], row['new_obs'], row['dones'], weight=None) pdb.set_trace()
get_dock_marks = [] workers = RolloutWorker(env_creator, ppo.PPOTFPolicy, env_config=envconf, policy_config=d) with open(checkpoint, 'rb') as c: c = c = pickle.loads(c) print(list(c.keys())) workers.restore(c['worker']) fp_path = "/Users/austin/PycharmProjects/RLDock/" with open("log.pml", 'w') as fp: with open("test.pml", 'w') as f: for j in range(1): rs = workers.sample() print(rs) print(list(rs.keys())) ls = rs['actions'].shape[0] for i in range(ls): i += j * ls ligand_pdb = rs['infos'][i - j * ls]['atom'] protein_pdb_link = rs['infos'][i - j * ls]['protein'] with open(fp_path + 'pdbs_traj/test' + str(i) + '.pdb', 'w') as f: f.write(ligand_pdb) shutil.copyfile( protein_pdb_link, fp_path + 'pdbs_traj/test_p' + str(i) + '.pdb')