def plot_xy_color_swatch(xy, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot a color swatch for a given pair of xy chromaticity coordinates. Parameters ---------- xy : `numpy.ndarray` ndarray of x,y chromaticity coordinates fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ xyz = xy_to_XYZ(xy) rgb = XYZ_to_sRGB(xyz) imgarr = np.ones( (2, 2, 3) ) * rgb # * 3.975 # 100 transmission => peak of 0.25, * 4 rescales values to fill [0,1] imgarr = (imgarr * 3.95 * 255).astype(np.uint8) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.imshow(imgarr, interpolation=None) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) return fig, ax
def plot_cmf(cmf, fig=None, ax=None): fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.plot(cmf['wvl'], cmf['X']) ax.plot(cmf['wvl'], cmf['Y']) ax.plot(cmf['wvl'], cmf['Z']) return fig, ax
def cie_1976_wavelength_annotations(wavelengths, fig=None, ax=None): """Draw lines normal to the spectral locust on a CIE 1976 diagram and writes the text for each wavelength. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : `iterable` set of wavelengths to annotate fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Notes ----- see SE: """ # some tick parameters tick_length = 0.025 text_offset = 0.06 # convert wavelength to u' v' coordinates wavelengths = np.asarray(wavelengths) idx = np.arange(1, len(wavelengths) - 1, dtype=int) wvl_lbl = wavelengths[idx] uv = XYZ_to_uvprime(wavelength_to_XYZ(wavelengths)) u, v = uv[..., 0][idx], uv[..., 1][idx] u_last, v_last = uv[..., 0][idx - 1], uv[..., 1][idx - 1] u_next, v_next = uv[..., 0][idx + 1], uv[..., 1][idx + 1] angle = atan2(v_next - v_last, u_next - u_last) + pi / 2 cos_ang, sin_ang = cos(angle), sin(angle) u1, v1 = u + tick_length * cos_ang, v + tick_length * sin_ang u2, v2 = u + text_offset * cos_ang, v + text_offset * sin_ang fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) tick_lines = LineCollection(np.c_[u, v, u1, v1].reshape(-1, 2, 2), color='0.25', lw=1.25) ax.add_collection(tick_lines) for i in range(len(idx)): ax.text(u2[i], v2[i], str(wvl_lbl[i]), va="center", ha="center", clip_on=True) return fig, ax
def plot_spectrum(spectrum_dict, xrange=(380, 730), yrange=(0, 100), smoothing=None, fig=None, ax=None): """Plot a spectrum. Parameters ---------- spectrum_dict : `dict` with keys wvl, values xrange : `iterable` pair of lower and upper x bounds yrange : `iterable` pair of lower and upper y bounds smoothing : `float` number of nanometers to smooth data by. If None, do no smoothing fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ wvl, values = spectrum_dict['wvl'], spectrum_dict['values'] if smoothing is not None: dx = wvl[1] - wvl[0] window_width = int(smoothing / dx) values = smooth(values, window_width, window='flat') bg = render_plot_spectrum_background(xrange[0], xrange[1]) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.imshow(bg, extent=[*xrange, *yrange], interpolation='lanczos', aspect='auto') ax.plot(wvl, values, lw=3) ax.fill_between(wvl, values, yrange[1] * len(values), facecolor='w', alpha=0.5) ax.set(xlim=xrange, xlabel=r'Wavelength $\lambda$ [nm]', ylim=yrange, ylabel='Transmission [%]') return fig, ax
def cct_duv_diagram(samples=100, fig=None, ax=None): """Create a CCT-Duv diagram. For more information see Calculation of CCT and Duv and Practical Conversion Formulae, Yoshi Ohno, 2011. Parameters ---------- samples : `int` number of samples on the background, total #pix will be samples^2 fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ xlim = (2000, 10000) ylim = (-0.03, 0.03) cct = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], samples) # todo: even sampling along log, not linear duv = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], samples) upvp = multi_cct_duv_to_uvprime(cct, duv) cct, duv = np.meshgrid(cct, duv) xy = uvprime_to_xy(upvp) xyz = xy_to_XYZ(xy) dat = XYZ_to_sRGB(xyz) maximum = np.max(dat, axis=-1) dat /= maximum[..., np.newaxis] dat = np.clip(dat, 0, 1) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.imshow(dat, extent=[*xlim, *ylim], interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower', aspect='auto') ax.set(xlim=xlim, xlabel='CCT [K]', ylim=ylim, ylabel='Duv [a.u.]') return fig, ax
def cie_1976_plankian_locust(trange=(2000, 10000), num_points=100, isotemperature_lines_at=None, isotemperature_du=0.025, fig=None, ax=None): """Draw the plankian locust on the CIE 1976 color diagram. Parameters ---------- trange : `iterable` (min,max) color temperatures num_points : `int` number of points to compute isotemperature_lines_at : `iterable` CCTs to plot isotemperature lines at, defaults to [2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6500, 10000] if None. set to False to not plot lines isotemperature_du : `float` delta-u, parameter, length in x of the isotemperature lines fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ # compute the u', v' coordinates of the temperatures temps = np.linspace(trange[0], trange[1], num_points) interpf_u, interpf_v = prepare_robertson_interpfs(values=('u', 'v'), vs='K') u = interpf_u(temps) v = interpf_v(temps) * 1.5 # x1.5 converts 1960 uv to 1976 u' v' # if plotting isotemperature lines, compute the upper and lower points of # each line and connect them. plot_isotemp = True if isotemperature_lines_at is None: isotemperature_lines_at = np.asarray( [2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6500, 10000]) u_iso = interpf_u(isotemperature_lines_at) v_iso = interpf_v(isotemperature_lines_at) interpf_dvdu = prepare_robertson_interpfs(values='dvdu', vs='u') dvdu = interpf_dvdu(u_iso) du = isotemperature_du / dvdu u_high = u_iso + du / 2 u_low = u_iso - du / 2 v_high = (v_iso + du / 2 * dvdu) * 1.5 # factors of 1.5 convert from uv to u'v' v_low = (v_iso - du / 2 * dvdu) * 1.5 elif isotemperature_lines_at is False: plot_isotemp = False fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.plot(u, v, c='0.15') if plot_isotemp is True: for ul, uh, vl, vh in zip(u_low, u_high, v_low, v_high): ax.plot([ul, uh], [vl, vh], c='0.15') return fig, ax
def cie_1976_plot(xlim=(-0.09, 0.68), ylim=None, samples=400, annotate_wvl=True, draw_plankian_locust=False, fig=None, ax=None): """Create a CIE 1976 plot. Parameters ---------- xlim : `iterable` left and right bounds of the plot ylim : `iterable` lower and upper bounds of the plot. If `None`, the y bounds will be chosen to match the x bounds samples : `int` number of 1D samples within the region of interest, total pixels will be samples^2 annotate_wvl : `bool` whether to plot wavelength annotations draw_plankian_locust : `bool` whether to draw the plankian locust fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ # duplicate xlim if ylim not set if ylim is None: ylim = xlim # don't compute over dead space xlim_bg = list(xlim) ylim_bg = list(ylim) if xlim[0] < 0: xlim_bg[0] = 0 if xlim[1] > 0.65: xlim_bg[1] = 0.65 if ylim[0] < 0: ylim_bg[0] = 0 if ylim[1] > 0.6: ylim_bg[1] = 0.6 # create lists of wavelengths and map them to uv for the border line and annotation. wvl_line = np.arange(400, 700, 2) wvl_line_uv = XYZ_to_uvprime(wavelength_to_XYZ(wvl_line)) # duplicate the lowest wavelength so that the boundary line is closed wvl_line_uv = np.vstack((wvl_line_uv, wvl_line_uv[0, :])) background = render_cie_1976_background(*xlim_bg, *ylim_bg, samples) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.imshow(background, extent=[*xlim_bg, *ylim_bg], interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower') ax.plot(wvl_line_uv[:, 0], wvl_line_uv[:, 1], ls='-', c='0.25', lw=2.5) if annotate_wvl: wvl_annotate = [ 360, 400, 455, 470, 480, 490, 500, 510, 520, 540, 555, 570, 580, 590, 600, 610, 625, 700, 830 ] fig, ax = cie_1976_wavelength_annotations(wvl_annotate, fig=fig, ax=ax) if draw_plankian_locust: fig, ax = cie_1976_plankian_locust(fig=fig, ax=ax) ax.set(xlim=xlim, xlabel='CIE u\'', ylim=ylim, ylabel='CIE v\'') return fig, ax
def cie_1931_plot(xlim=(0, 0.9), ylim=None, samples=300, fig=None, ax=None): """Create a CIE 1931 plot. Parameters ---------- xlim : `iterable` left and right bounds of the plot ylim : `iterable` lower and upper bounds of the plot. If `None`, the y bounds will be chosen to match the x bounds samples : `int` number of 1D samples within the region of interest, total pixels will be samples^2 fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure to draw plot in ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axis` Axis to draw plot in """ # duplicate xlim if ylim not set if ylim is None: ylim = xlim # don't compute over dead space xlim_bg = list(xlim) ylim_bg = list(ylim) if xlim[0] < 0: xlim_bg[0] = 0 if xlim[1] > 0.75: xlim_bg[1] = 0.75 if ylim[0] < 0: ylim_bg[0] = 0 if ylim[1] > 0.85: ylim_bg[1] = 0.85 # create lists of wavelengths and map them to uv, # a reduced set for a faster mask and # yet another set for annotation. wvl_line = np.arange(400, 700, 2.5) wvl_line_xy = XYZ_to_xy(wavelength_to_XYZ(wvl_line)) wvl_annotate = [ 360, 400, 455, 470, 480, 490, 500, 510, 520, 540, 555, 570, 580, 590, 600, 615, 630, 700, 830 ] data = render_cie_1931_background(*xlim_bg, *ylim_bg, samples) # duplicate the lowest wavelength so that the boundary line is closed wvl_line_xy = np.vstack((wvl_line_xy, wvl_line_xy[0, :])) fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) ax.imshow(data, extent=[*xlim_bg, *ylim_bg], interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower') ax.plot(wvl_line_xy[:, 0], wvl_line_xy[:, 1], ls='-', c='0.25', lw=2) fig, ax = cie_1931_wavelength_annotations(wvl_annotate, fig=fig, ax=ax) ax.set(xlim=xlim, xlabel='CIE x', ylim=ylim, ylabel='CIE y') return fig, ax