def work(identification, graph_name, step_to_do, redis_fn): global redis_connection, strict_redis_connection, sparql_server, step, step_graph step = step_to_do log('work ' + '[' + str(step) + ']') #for Collections step_graph = ConjunctiveGraph(sparqlstore.SPARQLStore(sparql_uri), graph_name) sparql_server = sparql.SPARQLServer(sparql_uri) redis_connection = redislite.Redis(redis_fn) strict_redis_connection = redislite.StrictRedis(redis_fn) gv_output_file_name = identification + '_' + str(step).zfill(7) + '.gv' if list(subjects(RDF.type, kbdbg.frame)) == []: log('no frames.' + '[' + str(step) + ']') put_last_bindings(step, []) return if (step == global_start - 1): gv_output_file_name = 'dummy' try: os.unlink(gv_output_file_name) except FileNotFoundError: pass gv_output_file = open(gv_output_file_name, 'w') e = Emitter(gv_output_file, step) e.generate_gv_image() gv_output_file.close() if (step == global_start - 1): return log('convert..' + '[' + str(step) + ']') #cmd, args = subprocess.check_output, ("convert", '-regard-warnings', "-extent", '6000x3000', gv_output_file_name, '-gravity', 'NorthWest', '-background', 'white', gv_output_file_name + '.svg') cmd, args = subprocess.check_output, ("dot", '-Tsvg', gv_output_file_name, '-O') try: r = cmd(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if r != b"": raise RuntimeError('[' + str(step) + '] ' + str(r)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log('[' + str(step) + ']' + e.output) log('convert done.' + '[' + str(step) + ']') if len(stats): print('stats:') for i in stats: print(i) #stats.clear() redis_connection._cleanup() strict_redis_connection._cleanup()
def run(start, end, workers): global global_start, graph_name_start global_start = start redis_fn = redislite.Redis().db if workers: worker_pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) runs_graph = Graph(sparqlstore.SPARQLStore(sparql_uri), default_graph) graph_name_start = runs_graph.value(kbdbg.latest, kbdbg['is'], any=False).toPython() identification = fix_up_identification(graph_name_start) step_to_submit = -1 for step_graph_uri in profile( list, (Collection(runs_graph, URIRef(graph_name_start)), )): step_to_submit += 1 if step_to_submit < start - 1: log("skipping [" + str(step_to_submit) + ']') continue if step_to_submit > end and end != -1: log("ending") break args = (identification, step_graph_uri, step_to_submit, redis_fn) if not workers: work(*args) else: log('submit ' + '[' + str(step_to_submit) + ']' + ' (queue size: ' + str(len(futures)) + ')') if len(futures) > workers: time.sleep(len(futures) - workers) fut = worker_pool.submit(work, *args) fut.step = step_to_submit futures.append(fut) log('submitted ') check_futures() log('loop ') if workers: worker_pool.shutdown() check_futures()
def main(test): number_of_passed = 0 number_of_failed = 0 number_of_failed_with_exception = 0 graph = Graph( sparqlstore.SPARQLStore(config.sparqlstore['sesame_url'], context_aware=False)) graph.bind('foaf', FOAF) graph.bind('xsd', XSD) graph.bind('swrc', SWRC) graph.bind('swc', SWC) graph.bind('skos', SKOS) graph.bind('bibo', BIBO) graph.bind('dcterms', DCTERMS) graph.bind('dc', DC) graph.bind('timeline', TIMELINE) for f in os.listdir(TESTS_ROOT_DIR): if (test is not None and f == test) or test is None: print "=========================" print "[TEST %s] Running..." % f try: passed = True with open('%s/%s/%s' % (TESTS_ROOT_DIR, f, QUERY_FILENAME)) as query_file: result = graph.query( results = [] for r in result: result_line = [ normalize(graph.namespace_manager, x) for x in r ] results.append(result_line) print "[TEST %s] Number of results: %s" % (f, len(results)) with open( '%s/%s/%s' % (TESTS_ROOT_DIR, f, EXPECTED_FILENAME), 'rb') as expected_file: expected = read_csv(expected_file) print "[TEST %s] Number of expected results: %s" % ( f, len(expected)) if len(results) != len(expected): passed = False else: for row in expected: if row not in results: print "[TEST %s] [%s] not found!" % ( f, ', '.join(map(repr, row))) print "[TEST %s] Query results:" % f print_list(results) passed = False break if passed: print "[TEST %s] Passed!" % f number_of_passed += 1 else: print "[TEST %s] Failed!" % f number_of_failed += 1 except: print "[TEST %s] Failed with exception!" % f number_of_failed_with_exception += 1 traceback.print_exc() print "\n======RESULTS======\n" print "Passed: %s" % number_of_passed print "Failed: %s" % number_of_failed print "Failed with exception: %s" % number_of_failed_with_exception
# actors = pd.read_csv('actors.csv') ### Get actor names etc. from triple store actorquery = """ PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> prefix momaf: <> prefix skos: <> select * where { ?person_uri a momaf:Person; momaf:elonet_ID ?elonet_id ; momaf:elonet_person_ID ?elonet_person_id; skos:prefLabel ?name } """ store = sparqlstore.SPARQLStore(QSERVICE) ares = store.query(actorquery) act = {} for r in ares: if args.debug: print("%s %s %s %s" % r) act[int(str(r.elonet_person_id))] = str( #if args.debug: print (act) #print(labels.index) #print(labels.columns) def xsdtime(s, fps): t = datetime.timedelta(seconds=s / fps)
#! /usr/bin/env python from rdflib import Graph, URIRef from rdflib.plugins.stores import sparqlstore endpoint = 'http://<IP>:7200/repositories/SciGraph' store = sparqlstore.SPARQLStore() graph_name_ref = URIRef(u'') ng = Graph(store,identifier=graph_name_ref) store.bind('sg', '') q = 'select ?s ?t where { ?s a sg:Article . ?s sg:title ?t } limit 10 ' print(q) for s, o in ng.query(q): print 'article Id:' +s + '\t article Title:' +o