def __store_graph(cur_g, rdf_iri_string, d_dir):
        res_dir, dest_file = \
            find_paths(rdf_iri_string, args.base + os.sep, "https://w3id.org/oc/corpus/", 10000, 1000)
        dest_dir = res_dir.replace(args.base + os.sep, d_dir + os.sep)
        if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
        cur_file = dest_file.replace(res_dir, dest_dir)
        if os.path.exists(cur_file):
            c_graph = __load_graph(cur_file)
            c_graph = ConjunctiveGraph()

        c_graph.addN([item + (cur_g.identifier,) for item in list(cur_g)])
        with open(dest_file.replace(res_dir, dest_dir), "w") as f:
            cur_json_ld = json.loads(c_graph.serialize(format="json-ld", context=context_json))
            cur_json_ld["@context"] = context_path
            json.dump(cur_json_ld, f, indent=4)
        # repok.add_sentence("File '%s' added." % cur_file)
        return dest_file
    except Exception as e:
        reperr.add_sentence("[5] It was impossible to store the RDF statements in %s. %s" %
                            (dest_file, str(e)))
class GraphCache(object):

    def __init__(self, cachedir):
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
        self.mtime_map = {}
        self.cachedir = cachedir
        if not os.path.isdir(cachedir):

    def load(self, url):
        src = VOCAB_SOURCE_MAP.get(str(url), url)
        if os.path.isfile(url):
            context_id = create_input_source(url).getPublicId()
            last_vocab_mtime = self.mtime_map.get(url)
            vocab_mtime = os.stat(url).st_mtime
            if not last_vocab_mtime or last_vocab_mtime < vocab_mtime:
                logger.debug("Parse file: '%s'", url)
                self.mtime_map[url] = vocab_mtime
                # use CG as workaround for json-ld always loading as dataset
                graph = ConjunctiveGraph()
                graph.parse(src, format=guess_format(src))
                for s, p, o in graph:
                    self.graph.add((s, p, o, context_id))
                return graph
            context_id = url

        if any(self.graph.triples((None, None, None), context=context_id)):
            logger.debug("Using context <%s>" % context_id)
            return self.graph.get_context(context_id)

        cache_path = self.get_fs_path(url)
        if os.path.exists(cache_path):
            logger.debug("Load local copy of <%s> from '%s'", context_id, cache_path)
            return self.graph.parse(cache_path, format='turtle', publicID=context_id)
            logger.debug("Fetching <%s> to '%s'", context_id, cache_path)
            graph = self.graph.parse(src,
                    format='rdfa' if url.endswith('html') else None)
            with open(cache_path, 'w') as f:
                graph.serialize(f, format='turtle')
            return graph

    def get_fs_path(self, url):
        return os.path.join(self.cachedir, quote(url, safe="")) + '.ttl'
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    storetest = True
    identifier = URIRef("rdflib_test")

    michel = URIRef(u'michel')
    tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
    bob = URIRef(u'bob')
    likes = URIRef(u'likes')
    hates = URIRef(u'hates')
    pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
    cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')
    c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
    c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

    def setUp(self, uri='sqlite://', storename=None):
        store = plugin.get(storename, Store)(identifier=self.identifier)
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store, identifier=self.identifier)
        self.graph.open(uri, create=True)

    def tearDown(self, uri='sqlite://'):

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or \
            isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier,

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        # print("Graph", graph.identifier, graph.serialize(format="nt"))
        # print("Selfgraph", self.graph.identifier,
        #                    self.graph.serialize(format="nt"))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph.store), len(graph.store))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):

        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph.store)
        print("Original", oldLen, self.graph.store)
        newLen = len(self.graph.store)
        print("MultipleContexts", newLen, self.graph.store)
        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        print("No context", len(list(self.graph.triples((None, None, None)))))
        print("Context context-1", len(
            list(self.graph.triples((None, None, None), context=self.c1))))
        print("Context context-2", len(
            list(self.graph.triples((None, None, None), context=self.c2))))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph.store), oldLen + 1,
                          [self.graph.store, oldLen + 1])

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph.store), oldLen + 1,
                          [graph.store, oldLen + 1])

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            if (PY3 and not isinstance(c,(str, bytes))) or not isinstance(c, basestring):
                return c.identifier
            return c
        self.assert_(self.c1 in list(map(cid, self.graph.contexts())))
        self.assert_(self.c2 in list(map(cid, self.graph.contexts())))

        contextList = list(map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple))))
        self.assert_(self.c1 in contextList)
        self.assert_(self.c2 in contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEquals(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assert_(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                    set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese),
                         (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

                michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes,
                    cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
                tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(
                bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set([
                    (bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese),
                    (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza),
                    (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza),
                    (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store = "default"
    slow = True
    tmppath = None

    def setUp(self):
            self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest("Dependencies for store '%s' not available!" %
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            _, self.tmppath = mkstemp(prefix="test",
            self.tmppath = mkdtemp()
        self.graph.open(self.tmppath, create=True)
        self.michel = URIRef(u"michel")
        self.tarek = URIRef(u"tarek")
        self.bob = URIRef(u"bob")
        self.likes = URIRef(u"likes")
        self.hates = URIRef(u"hates")
        self.pizza = URIRef(u"pizza")
        self.cheese = URIRef(u"cheese")

        self.c1 = URIRef(u"context-1")
        self.c2 = URIRef(u"context-2")

        # delete the graph for each test!
        self.graph.remove((None, None, None))

    def tearDown(self):
        if os.path.isdir(self.tmppath):

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            raise SkipTest("Skipping known issue with __len__")
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), len(graph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            raise SkipTest("Skipping known issue with __len__")
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            return c.identifier

        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = list(map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple))))
        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in contextList, (self.c1, contextList))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in contextList, (self.c2, contextList))

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEqual(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assertTrue(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEqual
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.graph.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob, )))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                    set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                    (tarek, cheese),
                    (michel, cheese),
                    (michel, pizza),
                    (bob, cheese),
                    (tarek, pizza),

                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
                set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]),
                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]),
                set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]),
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

                    (bob, hates, michel),
                    (bob, likes, cheese),
                    (tarek, likes, pizza),
                    (michel, likes, pizza),
                    (michel, likes, cheese),
                    (bob, hates, pizza),
                    (tarek, likes, cheese),

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store = 'default'
    slow = True
    tmppath = None

    def setUp(self):
            self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)
        except ImportError:
            raise SkipTest(
                "Dependencies for store '%s' not available!" % self.store)
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            _, self.tmppath = mkstemp(
                prefix='test', dir='/tmp', suffix='.sqlite')
            self.tmppath = mkdtemp()
        self.graph.open(self.tmppath, create=True)
        self.michel = URIRef(u'michel')
        self.tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
        self.bob = URIRef(u'bob')
        self.likes = URIRef(u'likes')
        self.hates = URIRef(u'hates')
        self.pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
        self.cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')

        self.c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
        self.c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

        # delete the graph for each test!
        self.graph.remove((None, None, None))

    def tearDown(self):
        if os.path.isdir(self.tmppath):

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            raise SkipTest("Skipping known issue with __len__")
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), len(graph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        if self.store == "SQLite":
            raise SkipTest("Skipping known issue with __len__")
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            return c.identifier
        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = list(map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple))))
        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in contextList, (self.c1, contextList))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in contextList, (self.c2, contextList))

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEqual(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assertTrue(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEqual
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.graph.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                set(c.subject_objects(likes)), set(
                    [(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese),
                     (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese),
                     (tarek, pizza)]))

                michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes,
                    cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
                tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(
                bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set(
                [(bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese),
                 (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza),
                 (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza),
                 (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store_name = 'default'
    path = None
    storetest = True
    create = True
    michel = URIRef(u'michel')
    tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
    bob = URIRef(u'bob')
    likes = URIRef(u'likes')
    hates = URIRef(u'hates')
    pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
    cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')
    c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
    c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store_name)
        if isinstance(self.path, type(None)):
            if self.store_name == "SQLite":
                self.path = mkstemp(prefix='test',dir='/tmp')
                self.path = mkdtemp(prefix='test',dir='/tmp')
        self.graph.open(self.path, create=self.create)

    def tearDown(self):
        import os
        if hasattr(self,'path') and self.path is not None:
            if os.path.exists(self.path):
                if os.path.isdir(self.path):
                    for f in os.listdir(self.path): os.unlink(self.path+'/'+f)
                elif len(self.path.split(':')) == 1:

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or \
               isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier,
    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), len(graph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1) 

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!

        def cid(c):
            if not isinstance(c, basestring):
                return c.identifier
            return c
        self.assert_(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assert_(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple)))
        self.assert_(self.c1 in contextList)
        self.assert_(self.c2 in contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEquals(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assert_(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_objects(likes)), set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese), (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set([(bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese), (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza), (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store_name = 'default'
    path = None
    storetest = True
    create = True
    michel = URIRef(u'michel')
    tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
    bob = URIRef(u'bob')
    likes = URIRef(u'likes')
    hates = URIRef(u'hates')
    pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
    cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')
    c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
    c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store_name)
        self.graph.open(self.path, create=self.create)

    def tearDown(self):

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or \
               isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier,

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        # self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), len(graph))
            len(list(self.graph.triples((None, None, None)))),
            len(list(graph.triples((None, None, None)))))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            if not isinstance(c, basestring):
                return c.identifier
            return c
        self.assert_(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assert_(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple)))
        self.assert_(self.c1 in contextList)
        self.assert_(self.c2 in contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEquals(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assert_(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                    set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                    set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese),
                         (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
                    set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                    set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
                    set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set([
                    (bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese),
                    (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza),
                    (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza),
                    (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.store = FastStore()
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(self.store)

        self.michel = URIRef(u'michel')
        self.tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
        self.bob = URIRef(u'bob')
        self.likes = URIRef(u'likes')
        self.hates = URIRef(u'hates')
        self.pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
        self.cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')

        self.c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
        self.c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context

        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        contextualizedGraph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)


        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), len(contextualizedGraph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        # make sure context is empty

        contextualizedGraph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        initialLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            contextualizedGraph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))

        self.assertEqual(len(contextualizedGraph), initialLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), initialLen + 10)


        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), initialLen)
        self.assertEqual(len(contextualizedGraph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assertTrue(triple in self.graph)

        # now fully remove
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assertTrue(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            return c.identifier

        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = list(map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple))))
        self.assertTrue(self.c1 in contextList, (self.c1, contextList))
        self.assertTrue(self.c2 in contextList, (self.c2, contextList))

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEqual(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assertTrue(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEqual
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.graph.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob, )))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                    set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))

                set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese), (michel, pizza),
                     (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
                    set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
                    set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                    set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
                    set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

                set([(bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese),
                     (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza),
                     (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza),
                     (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    storetest = True
    store_name = "default"
    create = True

    michel = URIRef(u"michel")
    tarek = URIRef(u"tarek")
    bob = URIRef(u"bob")
    likes = URIRef(u"likes")
    hates = URIRef(u"hates")
    pizza = URIRef(u"pizza")
    cheese = URIRef(u"cheese")
    c1 = URIRef(u"context-1")
    c2 = URIRef(u"context-2")

    def setUp(self):
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(self.store_name, self.identifier)
        self.graph.open(self.tmppath, create=self.create)
        # self.store = plugin.get(self.store_name, store.Store)(
        #         configuration=self.tmppath, identifier=self.identifier)
        # self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(self.store_name, identifier=self.identifier)
        # self.graph.destroy(self.tmppath)
        # self.graph.open(self.tmppath)

    def tearDown(self):
        # self.graph.destroy(self.tmppath)
        if os.path.exists(self.tmppath):

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier, namespace_manager=self)

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), len(graph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1)

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            if not isinstance(c, basestring):
                return c.identifier
            return c

        self.assert_(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assert_(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple)))
        self.assert_(self.c1 in contextList)
        self.assert_(self.c2 in contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEquals(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assert_(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese), (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]),

            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

                        (bob, hates, michel),
                        (bob, likes, cheese),
                        (tarek, likes, pizza),
                        (michel, likes, pizza),
                        (michel, likes, cheese),
                        (bob, hates, pizza),
                        (tarek, likes, cheese),

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    storetest = True
    identifier = URIRef("rdflib_test")

    michel = URIRef(u"michel")
    tarek = URIRef(u"tarek")
    bob = URIRef(u"bob")
    likes = URIRef(u"likes")
    hates = URIRef(u"hates")
    pizza = URIRef(u"pizza")
    cheese = URIRef(u"cheese")
    c1 = URIRef(u"context-1")
    c2 = URIRef(u"context-2")

    def setUp(self, uri="sqlite://", storename=None):
        store = plugin.get(storename, Store)(identifier=self.identifier)
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store, identifier=self.identifier)
        self.graph.open(uri, create=True)

    def tearDown(self, uri="sqlite://"):

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or \
            isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier,

    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel))  # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.store), len(graph.store))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):

        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph.store)
        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph.store), oldLen + 1,
                         [self.graph.store, oldLen + 1])

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEqual(len(graph.store), oldLen + 1,
                         [graph.store, oldLen + 1])

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assertIn(triple, self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assertIn(triple, self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assertIn(triple, self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assertNotIn(triple, self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assertNotIn(triple, self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek)  # revenge!


        def cid(c):
            if not isinstance(c, string_types):
                return c.identifier
            return c
        self.assertIn(self.c1, list(map(cid, self.graph.contexts())))
        self.assertIn(self.c2, list(map(cid, self.graph.contexts())))

        contextList = list(map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple))))
        self.assertIn(self.c1, contextList)
        self.assertIn(self.c2, contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEqual(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assertNotIn(self.c1, self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEqual(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEqual
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

                c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
                    set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese),
                         (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

                michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes,
                    cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
                tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

                pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(
                bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set([
                    (bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese),
                    (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza),
                    (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza),
                    (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
class Store(object):
    def __init__(self, store='default'):
        self.graphs = ConjunctiveGraph(store)
        self._lock = threading.RLock()

    def _print(self):
        print "Graph %r" % self.graphs
    def get_graph_uris(self):
        return [ n.identifier for n in self.graphs.contexts() ]
    def __write_graph(self, graph):
        while True:
            #new_uri = URIRef('http://otsopack/%s' % random.randint(0, 1000))
            new_id = str( random.randint(0, 1000) )
            if new_id in filter(lambda n: n.identifier!=new_id, self.graphs.contexts()):
            gr = self.graphs.get_context(new_id) #Graph(self.graphs.store, new_uri)
            gr += graph
            return new_id
    def write(self, triples):        
        if not isinstance(triples, Graph):
            raise Exception("'triples' must be a Graph.")

        new_uri = self.__write_graph(triples)
        return new_uri

    def read_uri(self, uri):
        ret = Graph(self.graphs.store, uri)
        return deepcopy(ret) if ret else None
    def read_wildcard(self, subject, predicate, obj):
        gr = self._find_graph(subject, predicate, obj)
        return deepcopy(gr)
    def read_sparql(self, query):
        gr = self._find_graph_sparql(query)
        return deepcopy(gr)
    def take_uri(self, uri):
        ret = None
            #context = URIRef(uri)
            #ret = Graph(self.graphs.store, uri)
            to_delete = self.graphs.get_context(uri)
            ret = deepcopy(to_delete)
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return ret if len(ret)>0 else None

    def take_wildcard(self, subject, predicate, obj):
        ret = None
            to_delete = self._find_graph(subject, predicate, obj)
            if to_delete is not None:
                ret = deepcopy(to_delete)
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return ret
    def take_sparql(self, query):
        ret = None
            to_delete = self._find_graph_sparql(query)
            if to_delete is not None:
                ret = deepcopy(to_delete)
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return ret
    def query_wildcard(self, subject, predicate, obj):
        ret = Graph()
        for t in self.graphs.triples((subject, predicate, obj)):
        return ret if len(ret)>0 else None
    def query_sparql(self, query):
        ret = Graph()
        for t in self.graphs.query( query ):
        return ret if len(ret)>0 else None

    def _find_graph(self, subject, predicate, obj):
        for graph in self.graphs.contexts(): #(subject, predicate, obj)):
            for _ in graph.triples((subject, predicate, obj)):
                return graph # if it has at least a triple matching that triple, we return the graph
        return None
    def _find_graph_sparql(self, query):
        for graph in self.graphs.contexts():
            for _ in graph.query( query ):
                return graph # if the graph match the  a triple matching that triple, we return the graph
        return None
class ContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    store = 'default'
    slow = True
    tmppath = None

    def setUp(self):
        print self.store
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.store)
        if self.store == "MySQL":
            from mysql import configString
            from rdflib.store.MySQL import MySQL
            self.tmppath = mkdtemp()
        self.graph.open(self.tmppath, create=True)
        self.michel = URIRef(u'michel')
        self.tarek = URIRef(u'tarek')
        self.bob = URIRef(u'bob')
        self.likes = URIRef(u'likes')
        self.hates = URIRef(u'hates')
        self.pizza = URIRef(u'pizza')
        self.cheese = URIRef(u'cheese')

        self.c1 = URIRef(u'context-1')
        self.c2 = URIRef(u'context-2')

        # delete the graph for each test!
        self.graph.remove((None, None, None))

    def tearDown(self):

    def get_context(self, identifier):
        assert isinstance(identifier, URIRef) or \
               isinstance(identifier, BNode), type(identifier)
        return Graph(store=self.graph.store, identifier=identifier,
    def addStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.add((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.add((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.add((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.add((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def removeStuff(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)

        graph.remove((tarek, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((tarek, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, pizza))
        graph.remove((michel, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, likes, cheese))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, pizza))
        graph.remove((bob, hates, michel)) # gasp!

    def addStuffInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!

        # add to default context
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        # add to context 2
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)

    def testConjunction(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.likes, self.pizza)
        # add to context 1
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), len(graph))

    def testAdd(self):

    def testRemove(self):

    def testLenInOneContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        # make sure context is empty

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        for i in range(0, 10):
            graph.add((BNode(), self.hates, self.hates))
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), oldLen + 10)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), 0)

    def testLenInMultipleContexts(self):
        oldLen = len(self.graph)

        # addStuffInMultipleContexts is adding the same triple to
        # three different contexts. So it's only + 1
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), oldLen + 1) 

        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, self.c1)
        self.assertEquals(len(graph), oldLen + 1)

    def testRemoveInMultipleContexts(self):
        c1 = self.c1
        c2 = self.c2
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!


        # triple should be still in store after removing it from c1 + c2
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c2)
        self.assert_(triple in self.graph)
        # now gone!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

        # add again and see if remove without context removes all triples!
        self.assert_(triple not in self.graph)

    def testContexts(self):
        triple = (self.pizza, self.hates, self.tarek) # revenge!

        def cid(c):
            return c.identifier
        self.assert_(self.c1 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))
        self.assert_(self.c2 in map(cid, self.graph.contexts()))

        contextList = map(cid, list(self.graph.contexts(triple)))
        self.assert_(self.c1 in contextList)
        self.assert_(self.c2 in contextList)

    def testRemoveContext(self):
        c1 = self.c1

        self.assertEquals(len(Graph(self.graph.store, c1)), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(self.get_context(c1)), 1)

        self.assert_(self.c1 not in self.graph.contexts())

    def testRemoveAny(self):
        Any = None
        self.graph.remove((Any, Any, Any))
        self.assertEquals(len(self.graph), 0)

    def testTriples(self):
        tarek = self.tarek
        michel = self.michel
        bob = self.bob
        likes = self.likes
        hates = self.hates
        pizza = self.pizza
        cheese = self.cheese
        c1 = self.c1
        asserte = self.assertEquals
        triples = self.graph.triples
        graph = self.graph
        c1graph = Graph(self.graph.store, c1)
        c1triples = c1graph.triples
        Any = None


        # unbound subjects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound subjects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, pizza)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, cheese)))), 0)

        # unbound objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, likes, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, likes, Any)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, cheese)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, pizza)))), 1)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subject, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound subject, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, hates, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, likes, Any)))), 5)

        # unbound predicates, objects with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound predicates, objects without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((michel, Any, Any)))), 2)
        asserte(len(list(triples((bob, Any, Any)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((tarek, Any, Any)))), 2)

        # unbound subjects, predicates with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # unbound subjects, predicates without context, same results!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, pizza)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, cheese)))), 3)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, michel)))), 1)

        # all unbound with context
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)
        # all unbound without context, same result!
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 7)

        for c in [graph, self.get_context(c1)]:
            # unbound subjects
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, pizza)), set((michel, tarek)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, pizza)), set((bob,)))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(likes, cheese)), set([tarek, bob, michel]))
            asserte(set(c.subjects(hates, cheese)), set())

            # unbound objects
            asserte(set(c.objects(michel, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(tarek, likes)), set([cheese, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, hates)), set([michel, pizza]))
            asserte(set(c.objects(bob, likes)), set([cheese]))

            # unbound predicates
            asserte(set(c.predicates(michel, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(tarek, cheese)), set([likes]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, pizza)), set([hates]))
            asserte(set(c.predicates(bob, michel)), set([hates]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_objects(hates)), set([(bob, pizza), (bob, michel)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_objects(likes)), set([(tarek, cheese), (michel, cheese), (michel, pizza), (bob, cheese), (tarek, pizza)]))

            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(michel)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(bob)), set([(likes, cheese), (hates, pizza), (hates, michel)]))
            asserte(set(c.predicate_objects(tarek)), set([(likes, cheese), (likes, pizza)]))

            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(pizza)), set([(bob, hates), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(cheese)), set([(bob, likes), (tarek, likes), (michel, likes)]))
            asserte(set(c.subject_predicates(michel)), set([(bob, hates)]))

            asserte(set(c), set([(bob, hates, michel), (bob, likes, cheese), (tarek, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, pizza), (michel, likes, cheese), (bob, hates, pizza), (tarek, likes, cheese)]))

        # remove stuff and make sure the graph is empty again
        asserte(len(list(c1triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)
        asserte(len(list(triples((Any, Any, Any)))), 0)