	def rbdir_equal(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
		"""Like hardlink_equal, but make allowances for data directories"""
		if not src_rorp.index and not dest_rorp.index: return 1
		if (src_rorp.index and src_rorp.index[0] == 'rdiff-backup-data' and
			src_rorp.index == dest_rorp.index):
			# Don't compare dirs - they don't carry significant info
			if dest_rorp.isdir() and src_rorp.isdir(): return 1
			if dest_rorp.isreg() and src_rorp.isreg():
				# Don't compare gzipped files because it is apparently
				# non-deterministic.
				if dest_rorp.index[-1].endswith('gz'): return 1
				# Don't compare .missing increments because they don't matter
				if dest_rorp.index[-1].endswith('.missing'): return 1
		if compare_eas and not eas_acls.ea_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
			Log("Different EAs in files %s and %s" %
				(src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()))
			return None
		if compare_acls and not eas_acls.acl_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
			Log("Different ACLs in files %s and %s" %
				(src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
			return None
		if compare_hardlinks:
			if Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp): return 1
		elif src_rorp.equal_verbose(dest_rorp,
									compare_ownership = compare_ownership):
			return 1
		Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)), 3)
		Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index,
						Hardlink.get_indicies(dest_rorp, None)), 3)
		return None
	def equality_func(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
		"""Combined eq func returns true iff two files compare same"""
		if not src_rorp:
			Log("Source rorp missing: " + str(dest_rorp), 3)
			return 0
		if not dest_rorp:
			Log("Dest rorp missing: " + str(src_rorp), 3)
			return 0
		if not src_rorp.equal_verbose(dest_rorp,
									  compare_ownership = compare_ownership):
			return 0
		if compare_hardlinks and not Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
			Log("Hardlink compare failure", 3)
			Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index,
							Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
			Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index,
							Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
			return 0
		if compare_eas and not eas_acls.ea_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
			Log("Different EAs in files %s and %s" %
				(src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
			return 0
		if compare_acls and not eas_acls.acl_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
			Log("Different ACLs in files %s and %s" %
				(src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
			return 0
		return 1