    def get_dihedral(self, mol, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, units="radians"):
        It calculates the value of the dihedral angle in the specified units
            (default radians)

        molecule : an offpele.topology.Molecule
            The offpele's Molecule object
        atom1 : int
            Index of the first atom in the dihedral
        atom2 : int
            Index of the second atom in the dihedral
        atom3 : int
            Index of the third atom in the dihedral
        atom4 : int
            Index of the fourth atom in the dihedral
        units : str
            The units in which to calculate the angle (default is radians, can
            be radians or degrees)
        from rdkit.Chem import rdMolTransforms
        if units == "degrees":
            angle = rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralDeg(
                mol.rdkit_molecule.GetConformer(), atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
            angle = rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralRad(
                mol.rdkit_molecule.GetConformer(), atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4)
        return angle
文件: rdk.py 项目: yunsiechung/ACS
    def GetTorsionRad(self,
                      torsion: list):
        Get the dihedral angle of the torsion in rad. The torsion can be defined
        by any atoms in the molecule (not necessarily bonded atoms.)

            torsion (list): A list of four atom indexes.

            float: The dihedral angle of the torsion in rad.
        return rdMT.GetDihedralRad(self._conf, *torsion)
 def get_4body(self):
     4-body parts: dihedral angles in forcefield
     for ib in range(self.nb):
         j, k = self.iasb[ib]
         if self.zs[j] > self.zs[k]:
             tv = k
             k = j
             j = tv
         neibs1 = self.m.GetAtomWithIdx(j).GetNeighbors()
         n1 = len(neibs1)
         neibs2 = self.m.GetAtomWithIdx(k).GetNeighbors()
         n2 = len(neibs2)
         for i0 in range(n1):
             for l0 in range(n2):
                 i = neibs1[i0].GetIdx()
                 l = neibs2[l0].GetIdx()
                 ias = [i, j, k, l]
                 if len(set(ias)) == 4:
                     if self.zs[j] == self.zs[k]:
                         if self.zs[i] > self.zs[l]:
                             ias = [l, k, j, i]
                     zsi = [self.zs[ia] for ia in ias]
                     type4 = '-'.join(['%d' % zi for zi in zsi])
                     if self.imbt:
                         if type4 not in self.mbs4: self.mbs4.append(type4)
                     #assert type4 in self.dic4.keys()
                     _tor = rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralRad(
                         self.m.GetConformer(), ias[0], ias[1], ias[2],
                     tor = _tor * (-1.) if _tor < 0. else _tor
                     #assert tor <= np.pi
                     if tor > np.pi:
                         #print type4, tor
                         raise '#ERROR:'
                     self.dic4[type4] += [tor]
     if not self.imbt:
         distr4 = []
         for mb4 in self.mbs4:
             self.gaussian(self.xs4, self.dic4[mb4], self.sigmas[2])
         self.distr4 = distr4
    def testGetSetDihedral(self):
        file = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDBaseDir, 'Code', 'GraphMol',
                            'MolTransforms', 'test_data',

        m = Chem.MolFromMolFile(file, True, False)
        conf = m.GetConformer()
        dihedral = rdmt.GetDihedralDeg(conf, 0, 19, 21, 24)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dihedral, 176.05, 2)
        rdmt.SetDihedralDeg(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21, 65.0)
        dihedral = rdmt.GetDihedralDeg(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dihedral, 65.0, 1)
        rdmt.SetDihedralDeg(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21, -130.0)
        dihedral = rdmt.GetDihedralDeg(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dihedral, -130.0, 1)
        rdmt.SetDihedralRad(conf, 21, 19, 0, 8, -2. / 3. * math.pi)
        dihedral = rdmt.GetDihedralRad(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dihedral, -2. / 3. * math.pi, 1)
        dihedral = rdmt.GetDihedralDeg(conf, 8, 0, 19, 21)
        self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dihedral, -120.0, 1)
def make_graph(molecule_name, gb_structure, gb_scalar_coupling, mc, ob_mc,
    df = gb_scalar_coupling.get_group(molecule_name)
    # ['id', 'molecule_name', 'atom_index_0', 'atom_index_1', 'type',
    #        'scalar_coupling_constant', 'fc', 'sd', 'pso', 'dso'],
    # nomalize
    scc_arr = df[['fc', 'sd', 'pso', 'dso']].values
    norm_scc = np.zeros((len(df), 4))
    for i, (mean_v, std_v) in enumerate(scc_mean_and_std):
        norm_scc[:, i] = (scc_arr[:, i] - mean_v) / std_v
    # make coupling
    coupling = (
        df[['atom_index_0', 'atom_index_1']].values,
        #type = np.array([ one_hot_encoding(t,COUPLING_TYPE) for t in df.type.values ], np.uint8)
        np.array([COUPLING_TYPE.index(t) for t in df.type.values], np.int32),
    df = gb_structure.get_group(molecule_name)
    df = df.sort_values(['atom_index'], ascending=True)
    # ['molecule_name', 'atom_index', 'atom', 'x', 'y', 'z']
    a = df.atom.values.tolist()
    xyz = df[['x', 'y', 'z']].values
    mol = mol_from_axyz(a, xyz)
    assert (  #check
        a == [
            mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol() for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())
    factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(
        os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef'))
    feature = factory.GetFeaturesForMol(mol)
    ## ** node **
    #[ a.GetSymbol() for a in mol.GetAtoms() ]
    num_atom = mol.GetNumAtoms()
    symbol = np.zeros((num_atom, len(SYMBOL)), np.uint8)  #category
    acceptor = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.uint8)
    donor = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.uint8)
    aromatic = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.uint8)
    hybridization = np.zeros((num_atom, len(HYBRIDIZATION)), np.uint8)
    num_h = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.float32)  #real
    atomic = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.float32)
    # ring check
    isotope = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.uint8)
    isin_ring = np.zeros((num_atom, 1), np.uint8)
    ring_types = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
    n_ring = np.zeros((num_atom, len(ring_types)), np.uint8)
    for i in range(num_atom):
        atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i)
        symbol[i] = one_hot_encoding(atom.GetSymbol(), SYMBOL)
        aromatic[i] = atom.GetIsAromatic()
        hybridization[i] = one_hot_encoding(atom.GetHybridization(),
        num_h[i] = atom.GetTotalNumHs(includeNeighbors=True)
        atomic[i] = atom.GetAtomicNum()
        isotope[i] = atom.GetIsotope()
        isin_ring[i] = atom.IsInRing()
        for j, ring_i in enumerate(ring_types):
            n_ring[i, j] = atom.IsInRingSize(ring_i)
    #[f.GetFamily() for f in feature]
    for t in range(0, len(feature)):
        if feature[t].GetFamily() == 'Donor':
            for i in feature[t].GetAtomIds():
                donor[i] = 1
        elif feature[t].GetFamily() == 'Acceptor':
            for i in feature[t].GetAtomIds():
                acceptor[i] = 1
    n_bonds = len(mol.GetBonds())
    bond_arr_0 = [(mol.GetBonds()[i].GetBeginAtomIdx(),
                   mol.GetBonds()[i].GetEndAtomIdx()) for i in range(n_bonds)]
    bond_arr_1 = [(mol.GetBonds()[i].GetEndAtomIdx(),
                  for i in range(n_bonds)]
    bond_df = pd.DataFrame(bond_arr_0 + bond_arr_1, columns=["a0", "a1"])
    bond_df3 = bond_df.merge(bond_df.rename(columns={
        "a1": "a2",
        "a0": "a1"
    bond_df3 = bond_df3[bond_df3.a0 != bond_df3.a2]
    bond_df4 = bond_df3.merge(bond_df.rename(columns={
        "a0": "a2",
        "a1": "a3"
    bond_df4 = bond_df4[(bond_df4.a0 != bond_df4.a3)
                        & (bond_df4.a1 != bond_df4.a3)]
    bond_idx3 = bond_df3.values
    bond_idx4 = bond_df4.values
    #all_bond_df = all_bond_df.sort_values(["a0","a1","a2"]).reset_index(drop=True)
    ## ** edge **
    num_edge = num_atom * num_atom - num_atom
    edge_index = np.zeros((num_edge, 2), np.uint8)
    bond_type = np.zeros((num_edge, len(BOND_TYPE)), np.uint8)  #category
    distance = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.float32)  #real
    angle = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.float32)  #real
    dihedrals_min = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.float32)
    dihedrals_max = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.float32)
    dihedrals_diff = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.float32)
    conjugate = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.uint8)
    is_ring_edge = np.zeros((num_edge, 1), np.uint8)
    bond_type_detail = np.zeros((num_edge, 1),
                                np.uint16)  #np.zeros((num_edge,1), str)

    #norm_xyz = preprocessing.normalize(xyz, norm='l2')
    ij = 0
    ij_dict = {}
    for i in range(num_atom):
        for j in range(num_atom):
            if i == j: continue
            edge_index[ij] = [i, j]
            bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j)
            if bond is not None:
                bond_type[ij] = one_hot_encoding(bond.GetBondType(), BOND_TYPE)
                conjugate[ij] = bond.GetIsConjugated()
                # add ring info
                is_ring_edge[ij] = isin_ring[i, 0] and isin_ring[j, 0]
                # bond type detail
                #print(a[i] +"_"+ str(bond.GetBondType()) +"_" + a[j])
                bond_type_detail[ij] = bond_detail_dict[a[i] + "_" + str(
                    bond.GetBondType()) + "_" + a[j]]
                #print(a[i] + str(bond.GetBondType()) + a[j])
            distance[ij] = np.linalg.norm(xyz[i] - xyz[j])
            #angle[ij] = (norm_xyz[i]*norm_xyz[j]).sum()
            ij_dict[(i, j)] = ij
            ij += 1
    conf = mol.GetConformer(0)
    for i, j, k in bond_idx3:
        ## なにもない0とcos = 0を区別できるように-1する
        angle[ij_dict[(i, k)]] = np.cos(
            rdMolTransforms.GetAngleRad(conf, int(i), int(j), int(k))) + 2
    for i, j, k, l in bond_idx4:
        ## なにもない0とcos = 0を区別できるように-1する
        dihedral = np.cos(
            rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralRad(conf, int(i), int(j), int(k),
                                           int(l))) + 2
        if angle[ij_dict[(i, k)]] < 1.1 or angle[ij_dict[(i, k)]] < 1.1:
            dihedral = -1
        dihedrals_min[ij_dict[(i, l)]] = min(angle[ij_dict[(i, l)]], dihedral)
        dihedrals_max[ij_dict[(i,l)]]= max(angle[ij_dict[(i,l)]], dihedral)\
                            if angle[ij_dict[(i,l)]] != 0 else dihedral
    dihedrals_diff = dihedrals_max - dihedrals_min
    # add mulliken charge
    mc_df = mc.get_group(molecule_name)
    mc_df = mc_df.sort_values(['atom_index'], ascending=True)
    mc_values = mc_df["mulliken_charge"].values.reshape([-1, 1])
    ob_mc_df = ob_mc.get_group(molecule_name)
    ob_mc_df = ob_mc_df.sort_values(['atom_index'], ascending=True)
    ob_mc_values = ob_mc_df[[
        c for c in ob_mc_df.columns
        if c not in ["molecule_name", "atom_index"]

    graph = (
        [a, xyz],
        # node feature
            symbol, acceptor, donor, aromatic, hybridization, num_h, isotope,
            isin_ring, n_ring, atomic, mc_values, ob_mc_values
        # edge feature
            bond_type, distance, angle, dihedrals_min, dihedrals_max,
            dihedrals_diff, conjugate, is_ring_edge
        # edge bond type detail info (string)
    return graph
def make_graph(molecule_name, gb_structure, gb_scalar_coupling, ):
    df = gb_scalar_coupling.get_group(molecule_name)
    df = gb_structure.get_group(molecule_name)
    df = df.sort_values(['atom_index'], ascending=True)
    a   = df.atom.values.tolist()
    xyz = df[['x','y','z']].values
    mol = mol_from_axyz(a, xyz)
    assert( #check
       a == [ mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol() for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms())]
    factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'BaseFeatures.fdef'))
    feature = factory.GetFeaturesForMol(mol)
    ## ** node **
    num_atom = mol.GetNumAtoms()
    symbol   = np.zeros((num_atom,len(SYMBOL)),np.uint8) #category
    acceptor = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.uint8)
    donor    = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.uint8)
    aromatic = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.uint8)
    hybridization = np.zeros((num_atom,len(HYBRIDIZATION)),np.uint8)
    num_h  = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.float32)#real
    atomic = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.float32)
    # new
    isotope = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.uint8)
    isin_ring = np.zeros((num_atom,1),np.uint8) 
    ring_types = [3,4,5,6]
    n_ring = np.zeros((num_atom,len(ring_types)),np.uint8) 
    for i in range(num_atom):
        atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i)
        symbol[i]        = one_hot_encoding(atom.GetSymbol(),SYMBOL)
        aromatic[i]      = atom.GetIsAromatic()
        hybridization[i] = one_hot_encoding(atom.GetHybridization(),HYBRIDIZATION)
        num_h[i]  = atom.GetTotalNumHs(includeNeighbors=True)
        atomic[i] = atom.GetAtomicNum()
        isotope[i] = atom.GetIsotope()
        isin_ring[i] = atom.IsInRing()
        for j,ring_i in enumerate(ring_types):
            n_ring[i,j] = atom.IsInRingSize(ring_i)
    #[f.GetFamily() for f in feature]
    for t in range(0, len(feature)):
        if feature[t].GetFamily() == 'Donor':
            for i in feature[t].GetAtomIds():
                donor[i] = 1
        elif feature[t].GetFamily() == 'Acceptor':
            for i in feature[t].GetAtomIds():
                acceptor[i] = 1
    n_bonds = len(mol.GetBonds())
    bond_arr_0 = [(mol.GetBonds()[i].GetBeginAtomIdx(), 
                    mol.GetBonds()[i].GetEndAtomIdx()) for i in range(n_bonds)]
    bond_arr_1 = [(mol.GetBonds()[i].GetEndAtomIdx(), 
                    mol.GetBonds()[i].GetBeginAtomIdx()) for i in range(n_bonds)]
    bond_df = pd.DataFrame(bond_arr_0+bond_arr_1,columns=["a0","a1"])
    bond_df3 = bond_df.merge(bond_df.rename(columns={"a1":"a2","a0":"a1"}), on="a1")
    bond_df3 = bond_df3[bond_df3.a0 != bond_df3.a2]
    bond_df4 = bond_df3.merge(bond_df.rename(columns={"a0":"a2","a1":"a3"}), on="a2")
    bond_df4 = bond_df4[(bond_df4.a0 != bond_df4.a3)&(bond_df4.a1 != bond_df4.a3)]
    bond_idx3 = bond_df3.values
    bond_idx4 = bond_df4.values
    #all_bond_df = all_bond_df.sort_values(["a0","a1","a2"]).reset_index(drop=True)
    ## ** edge **
    num_edge = num_atom*num_atom - num_atom
    edge_index = np.zeros((num_edge,2), np.uint8)
    bond_type  = np.zeros((num_edge,len(BOND_TYPE)), np.uint8)#category
    distance   = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.float32) #real
    angle      = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.float32) #real
    dihedrals_min = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.float32)
    dihedrals_max = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.float32)
    dihedrals_diff = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.float32)
    conjugate = np.zeros((num_edge,1),np.uint8)
    norm_xyz = preprocessing.normalize(xyz, norm='l2')

    ij_dict = {}
    for i in range(num_atom):
        for j in range(num_atom):
            if i==j: continue
            edge_index[ij] = [i,j]
            bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j)
            if bond is not None:
                bond_type[ij] = one_hot_encoding(bond.GetBondType(),BOND_TYPE)
                conjugate[ij] = bond.GetIsConjugated()
            distance[ij] = np.linalg.norm(xyz[i] - xyz[j])
            #angle[ij] = (norm_xyz[i]*norm_xyz[j]).sum()
            ij_dict[(i,j)] = ij
    conf = mol.GetConformer(0)
    for i,j,k in bond_idx3:
        ## なにもない0とcos = 0を区別できるように-1する
        angle[ij_dict[(i,k)]] = np.cos(rdMolTransforms.GetAngleRad(conf,int(i),int(j),int(k)))-1
    for i,j,k,l in bond_idx4:
        ## なにもない0とcos = 0を区別できるように-1する
        dihedral = np.cos(rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralRad(conf,int(i),int(j),int(k),int(l)))-1
        dihedrals_min[ij_dict[(i,l)]] = min(angle[ij_dict[(i,l)]], dihedral)
        dihedrals_max[ij_dict[(i,l)]]= max(angle[ij_dict[(i,l)]], dihedral)\
                            if angle[ij_dict[(i,l)]] != 0 else dihedral
    dihedrals_diff = dihedrals_max - dihedrals_min
    atom_ret = pd.DataFrame({
            "atom_index": df["atom_index"].values,
            "is_accepter": acceptor,
            "is_donor": donor,
            "is_sp1": hybridization[:,0],
            "is_sp2": hybridization[:,1],
            "is_sp3": hybridization[:,2],
            "is_isotope": isotope,
            "isin_ring": isin_ring,
            "is_ring3": n_ring[:,0],
            "is_ring4": n_ring[:,1],
            "is_ring5": n_ring[:,2],
            "is_ring6": n_ring[:,3],
        [bond_type, distance, angle, dihedrals_min, dihedrals_max, 
            dihedrals_diff, conjugate,],