    def loadData(self):
        read the trainingset and testset from the csv files
        and prepare the solver

        # Read data from given csv file
        data = readCsvData(self.trainFile)

        # Read test data
        testdata = readCsvData(self.testFile)

        # prepare the solver with the data
        self.solver.loadData(data, testdata)
    def crossValidate(self, splitAt = 0.7):
        this function takes the training set where the right answer is known,
        splits it 70/30, takes the bigger part as the normal training set and
        the smaller part as test set. afterwards it compares the answer from
        the solver with the known right answer

        #load the training set from the csv file
        data = readCsvData(self.trainFile)

        #define where to split the dataset. Rounds down
        splitter = (int)(splitAt * len(data))

        trainData = data[:splitter]
        validationData = data[splitter:]

        # run the solving algorythm
        # use the validation set without the solution in the first row
        self.solver.loadData(trainData, validationData[:,1:])
        self.sol = self.solver.solve()
        self.validationData = validationData

        # check the solution
        rightSol = validationData[:,0] == self.sol[:,1]
        rightPercent = np.bincount(rightSol)[1] / len(rightSol)
        return rightPercent, rightSol