def post_process_3di(full_path, dst_basefilename='_step%d'):
    Simple version: do not use AHN tiles to do the calculation

    This method is quite fast, but the result has squares.

    Input: full path of the .nc netcdf file

    Output: png+pgw files on disk (specified by dst_basefilename).
    print 'post processing %s...' % full_path
    data = Data(full_path)  # NetCDF data

    #result_filenames = {}

    for timestep in range(data.num_timesteps):
        print('Working on timestep %d...' % timestep)

        ma_3di = data.to_masked_array(data.depth, timestep)
        ds_3di = to_dataset(ma_3di, data.geotransform)
        #print ds_3di.GetGeoTransform()
        # testing
        #print ', '.join([i.bladnr for i in get_ahn_indices(ds_3di)])

        cdict = {
            'red': ((0.0, 170./256, 170./256),
                    (0.5, 65./256, 65./256),
                    (1.0, 4./256, 4./256)),
            'green': ((0.0, 200./256, 200./256),
                      (0.5, 120./256, 120./256),
                      (1.0, 65./256, 65./256)),
            'blue': ((0.0, 255./256, 255./256),
                     (0.5, 221./256, 221./256),
                     (1.0, 176./256, 176./256)),
        colormap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('something', cdict, N=1024)

        min_value, max_value = 0.0, 4.0
        normalize = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value)
        rgba = colormap(normalize(ma_3di), bytes=True)
        #rgba[:,:,3] = np.where(rgba[:,:,0], 153 , 0)

        dst_filename = dst_basefilename % timestep
        Image.fromarray(rgba).save(dst_filename + '.png', 'PNG')
        write_pgw(dst_filename + '.pgw', ds_3di)

        #write_pgw(tmp_base + '.pgw', extent)
        #result_filenames[timestep] = dst_filename

        # gdal.GetDriverByName('Gtiff').CreateCopy(filename_base + '.tif', ds_3di)
        # gdal.GetDriverByName('AAIGrid').CreateCopy(filename_base + '.asc', ds_3di)
    return data.num_timesteps #result_filenames
def post_process_detailed_3di(full_path):
    Make detailed images using a 0.5m height map.
    print 'post processing %s...' % full_path
    data = Data(full_path)  # NetCDF data

    # TODO: Find out which AHN tiles

    for timestep in range(data.num_timesteps):
        print('Working on timestep %d...' % timestep)

        ma_3di = data.to_masked_array(data.depth, timestep)
        ds_3di = to_dataset(ma_3di, data.geotransform)
        # testing
        ahn_indices = models.AhnIndex.get_ahn_indices(ds_3di)
        print ahn_indices
        for ahn_index in ahn_indices:
            print 'reading ahn data... %s' % ahn_index

        filename_base = '_step%d' % timestep

        cdict = {
            'red': ((0.0, 51./256, 51./256),
                    (0.5, 237./256, 237./256),
                    (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
            'green': ((0.0, 114./256, 114./256),
                      (0.5, 245./256, 245./256),
                      (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
            'blue': ((0.0, 54./256, 54./256),
                     (0.5, 170./256, 170./256),
                     (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
        colormap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('something', cdict, N=1024)

        min_value, max_value = 0.0, 4.0
        normalize = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value)
        rgba = colormap(normalize(ma_3di), bytes=True)
        #rgba[:,:,3] = np.where(rgba[:,:,0], 153 , 0)

        Image.fromarray(rgba).save(filename_base + '.png', 'PNG')
def post_process_3di(full_path):
    Simple version: do not use AHN tiles to do the calculation

    This method is quite fast, but the result has squares.
    print 'post processing %s...' % full_path
    data = Data(full_path)  # NetCDF data

    # TODO: Find out which AHN tiles

    for timestep in range(data.num_timesteps):
        print('Working on timestep %d...' % timestep)

        ma_3di = data.to_masked_array(data.depth, timestep)
        ds_3di = to_dataset(ma_3di, data.geotransform)
        # testing
        #print ', '.join([i.bladnr for i in get_ahn_indices(ds_3di)])

        filename_base = '_step%d' % timestep

        cdict = {
            'red': ((0.0, 51./256, 51./256),
                    (0.5, 237./256, 237./256),
                    (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
            'green': ((0.0, 114./256, 114./256),
                      (0.5, 245./256, 245./256),
                      (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
            'blue': ((0.0, 54./256, 54./256),
                     (0.5, 170./256, 170./256),
                     (1.0, 83./256, 83./256)),
        colormap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('something', cdict, N=1024)

        min_value, max_value = 0.0, 4.0
        normalize = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value)
        rgba = colormap(normalize(ma_3di), bytes=True)
        #rgba[:,:,3] = np.where(rgba[:,:,0], 153 , 0)

        Image.fromarray(rgba).save(filename_base + '.png', 'PNG')
def post_process_detailed_3di(
    full_path, dst_basefilename='_step%d', region=None, region_extent=None, gridsize=None,
    Make detailed images using a 0.5m height map.

    region_extent = None, or (x0, y0, x1, y1) in RD
    print 'post processing (detailed)%s...' % full_path
    data = Data(full_path, step_divider=gridsize_divider, gridsize=gridsize)  # NetCDF data

    #result_filenames = {}
    ahn_ma = {}  # A place to store the ahn tiles. Let's hope 150 tiles will fit into memory.

    # Determine optional region polygon instead of whole extent
    #print region_extent
    region_mask = None
    if region:
        # (Over)write region_extent
        region_extent_lonlat = region.geom.extent  # beware: in WGS84
        x0, y0 = wgs84_to_rd(region_extent_lonlat[0], region_extent_lonlat[1])
        x1, y1 = wgs84_to_rd(region_extent_lonlat[2], region_extent_lonlat[3])
        region_extent = (x0, y0, x1, y1)

    region_polygon = None
    if region_extent is not None:
        region_polygon = raster.polygon_from_extent(region_extent)
    #s = Scenario

    for timestep in range(data.num_timesteps):
        print('Working on timestep %d...' % timestep)

        ma_3di = data.to_masked_array(data.level, timestep)  # The netcdf result file
        #print data.NY, data.NX, data.geotransform
        ma_result = np.ma.zeros((data.NY, data.NX), fill_value=-999)

        ds_3di = to_dataset(ma_3di, data.geotransform)

        if region is not None and region_mask is None:
            # Fill region_mask
            region_geo = (RD, data.geotransform) #raster.get_geo(ds_3di)
            #print region.geom.wkb
            region_mask = 1 - raster.get_mask(region.geom, ma_3di.shape, region_geo)

        #print ', '.join([i.bladnr for i in get_ahn_indices(ds_3di)])

        # Find out which ahn tiles
        if region_polygon is not None:
            #print "get ahn indices from polygon..."
            ahn_indices = models.AhnIndex.get_ahn_indices(polygon=region_polygon)
            #print "get ahn indices from ds..."
            ahn_indices = models.AhnIndex.get_ahn_indices(ds=ds_3di)

        #print 'number of ahn tiles: %d' % len(ahn_indices)
        #print ', '.join([str(i) for i in ahn_indices])

        for ahn_count, ahn_index in enumerate(ahn_indices):  # can be 150! -> is now 15
            if ahn_index.bladnr not in ahn_ma:
                ahn_key = 'ahn_220::%s::%02f::%02f::::' % (ahn_index.bladnr, data.XS, data.YS)
                new_ahn_ma = cache.get(ahn_key)
                if new_ahn_ma is None:
                    print 'reading ahn data...(%d) %s' % (ahn_count, str(ahn_index))
                    ahn_ds = ahn_index.get_ds()
                    ahn_temp = to_masked_array(ahn_ds)
                    #print data.XS, data.YS, data.NX, data.NY
                    new_ahn_ma = ahn_temp[0::data.YS*2,  # *2 because every step is 0.5 meters.
                                          0::data.XS*2].flatten()  # make it small as needed and flatten
                    #print ahn_temp[0::data.YS*2, 0::data.XS*2].shape
                    cache.set(ahn_key, new_ahn_ma, 86400)
                    #print 'from cache: %s' % str(ahn_index)
                    cache.set(ahn_key, new_ahn_ma, 86400)  # re-cache

                ahn_ma[ahn_index.bladnr] = new_ahn_ma

            # Create crazy stuff:
            # depth = big image with ma/ds_3di - height
            # subtract ahn data
            result_index = data.to_index(int(ahn_index.x - 500), int(ahn_index.x + 500),
                                         int(ahn_index.y - 625), int(ahn_index.y + 625))
            # Water height minus AHN height = depth
            print result_index
            # print ahn_index.bladnr
            # print ma_3di.shape
            #print ahn_index.x, ahn_index.y
            # extra_index = np.bool8(np.ones(result_index[0].shape))
            # extra_index[np.less(result_index[0], 0)] = False
            # extra_index[np.less(result_index[1], 0)] = False
            # extra_index[np.greater_equal(result_index[0], ma_result.shape[0])] = False
            # extra_index[np.greater_equal(result_index[1], ma_result.shape[1])] = False

                ma_result[result_index] = ma_3di[result_index] - ahn_ma[ahn_index.bladnr]
                print 'something went wrong with ma_result (should not happen)'
        # make all values < 0 transparent
        #ma_result[np.ma.less(ma_3di, 0)] = np.ma.masked
        if region_mask is not None:
            #print np.ma.amax(region_mask)
            ma_result.mask = region_mask
        ma_result = np.ma.masked_where(ma_result <= 0, ma_result)

        cdict = {
            'red': ((0.0, 170./256, 170./256),
                    (0.5, 65./256, 65./256),
                    (1.0, 4./256, 4./256)),
            'green': ((0.0, 200./256, 200./256),
                      (0.5, 120./256, 120./256),
                      (1.0, 65./256, 65./256)),
            'blue': ((0.0, 255./256, 255./256),
                     (0.5, 221./256, 221./256),
                     (1.0, 176./256, 176./256)),
        colormap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('something', cdict, N=1024)

        min_value, max_value = 0.0, 1.0
        normalize = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min_value, vmax=max_value)
        rgba = colormap(normalize(ma_result), bytes=True)
        #rgba[:,:,3] = np.where(rgba[:,:,0], 153 , 0)

        dst_filename = dst_basefilename % timestep
        Image.fromarray(rgba).save(dst_filename + '.png', 'PNG')
        write_pgw(dst_filename + '.pgw', ds_3di)

        #write_pgw(tmp_base + '.pgw', extent)
        #result_filenames[timestep] = dst_filename

        # gdal.GetDriverByName('Gtiff').CreateCopy(filename_base + '.tif', ds_3di)
        # gdal.GetDriverByName('AAIGrid').CreateCopy(filename_base + '.asc', ds_3di)
    return data.num_timesteps #result_filenames