def perturb(rpath, wpath, kl_path, Z_path, dth_path, nkl): # inputs # Z_path : where to write out the sample normal # dth_path : where to write out the random rotation # nkl : where to truncate the K-L expansion cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # translate blade random amount (rotate about x axis) random.seed() dth = random.randn(1)*pi/180*0.1/3.0 for i in range(cdim): for j in range(sdim): r = sqrt(y[i,j]**2 + z[i,j]**2) th = math.atan2(z[i,j],y[i,j]) y[i,j] = r*cos(th+dth) z[i,j] = r*sin(th+dth) # write out dth f = open(dth_path,'w') f.write('%e\n' % dth) f.close() # generate and write out the Z for this mesh random.seed() Z = random.randn(nkl) # normal distribution vector f = open(Z_path,'w') for i in range(nkl): f.write('%e\n' % Z[i]) f.close() # read in PCA modes and singular values lines = file(kl_path+'S.dat').readlines() S = array([line.strip().split()[0] for line in lines], float).T n_modes = len(S) fp = zeros((cdim,sdim)) for i in range(nkl): cdim,sdim,V = read_blade.read_mode(kl_path+'V'+str(i+1)+'.dat') fp += Z[i]*sqrt(S[i])*V np = read_blade.calcNormals(x,y,z) xp = x + np[:,:,0]*fp yp = y + np[:,:,1]*fp zp = z + np[:,:,2]*fp # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp,yp,zp,fp,'blade.dat')
def perturb_rot(rpath, wpath, dth): # dht - amount to rotate blade cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # split the blade xu,yu,zu,xl,yl,zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim,sdim,x,y,z) xle = xu[0,0]; yle = yu[0,0] xte = xu[-1,0]; yte = yu[-1,0] th = arctan2(y-yle,x-xle) r = sqrt((x-xle)**2 + (y-yle)**2) xp = xle + r*cos(th+dth) yp = yle + r*sin(th+dth) zp = copy(z) pylab.plot(x[:,0],y[:,0]) pylab.plot(xp[:,0],yp[:,0]) pylab.axis('Equal') # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp,yp,zp,'tec_blade.dat')
def perturb(rpath, wpath, pca_path, scale, mode): # inputs # Z_path : where to write out the sample normal # npca : where to truncate the PCA expansion cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # perturb using only one of the transformed modes lines = file(pca_path+'S.dat').readlines() S = array([line.strip().split()[0] for line in lines], float).T fp = zeros((cdim,sdim)) cdim,sdim,V = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'V'+str(mode)+'.dat') fp += scale*S[mode-1]*V np = read_blade.calcNormals(x,y,z) xp = x + np[:,:,0]*fp yp = y + np[:,:,1]*fp zp = z + np[:,:,2]*fp # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # test to see how they look ''' i = 3 cdim,sdim,V = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'V'+str(i+1)+'.dat') s, t = read_blade.xyz2st(x,y,z) print s[0],s[1] pylab.contourf(s,t,V.T,50) pylab.colorbar() ''' ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(sg, tg, fp, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) ''' ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(tg, sg, nf[1:-1,1:-1,2], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) # fig.colorbar(surf) ''' '''
def perturb_chev(rpath, wpath, M): # M - amplitudes of the Chevyshev modes cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # split the blade xu,yu,zu,xl,yl,zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim,sdim,x,y,z) # compute the s coordinates tck, su = splprep([xu[:,0],yu[:,0]],s=0) tck, sl = splprep([xl[:,0],yl[:,0]],s=0) # form the modes nmodes = len(M) cheb = zeros((nmodes,x.shape[0],x.shape[1])) for i in arange(nmodes): n = i + 1 if mod(n,2) == 0: gu = (1-2*su-cos((n+1)*arccos(1-2*su)))/(n+1.) gl = -(1-2*sl-cos((n+1)*arccos(1-2*sl)))/(n+1.) cheb[i,:,:] = tile(hstack((gu,gl[::-1][1:])),(sdim,1)).T else: gu = (1-cos((n+1)*arccos(1-2*su)))/(n+1.) gl = -(1-cos((n+1)*arccos(1-2*sl)))/(n+1.) cheb[i,:,:] = tile(hstack((gu,gl[::-1][1:])),(sdim,1)).T np = read_blade.calcNormals(x,y,z) for i in arange(nmodes): xp = x + np[:,:,0]*cheb[i,:,:]*M[i] yp = y + np[:,:,1]*cheb[i,:,:]*M[i] zp = z + np[:,:,2]*cheb[i,:,:]*M[i] pylab.plot(x[:,0],y[:,0]) pylab.plot(xp[:,0],yp[:,0]) pylab.axis('Equal') # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp,yp,zp,'tec_blade.dat')
def perturb_chev(rpath, wpath, M): # M - amplitudes of the Chevyshev modes cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # split the blade xu, yu, zu, xl, yl, zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim, sdim, x, y, z) # compute the s coordinates tck, su = splprep([xu[:, 0], yu[:, 0]], s=0) tck, sl = splprep([xl[:, 0], yl[:, 0]], s=0) # form the modes nmodes = len(M) cheb = zeros((nmodes, x.shape[0], x.shape[1])) for i in arange(nmodes): n = i + 1 if mod(n, 2) == 0: gu = (1 - 2 * su - cos((n + 1) * arccos(1 - 2 * su))) / (n + 1.) gl = -(1 - 2 * sl - cos((n + 1) * arccos(1 - 2 * sl))) / (n + 1.) cheb[i, :, :] = tile(hstack((gu, gl[::-1][1:])), (sdim, 1)).T else: gu = (1 - cos((n + 1) * arccos(1 - 2 * su))) / (n + 1.) gl = -(1 - cos((n + 1) * arccos(1 - 2 * sl))) / (n + 1.) cheb[i, :, :] = tile(hstack((gu, gl[::-1][1:])), (sdim, 1)).T np = read_blade.calcNormals(x, y, z) for i in arange(nmodes): xp = x + np[:, :, 0] * cheb[i, :, :] * M[i] yp = y + np[:, :, 1] * cheb[i, :, :] * M[i] zp = z + np[:, :, 2] * cheb[i, :, :] * M[i] pylab.plot(x[:, 0], y[:, 0]) pylab.plot(xp[:, 0], yp[:, 0]) pylab.axis('Equal') # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath, 'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i, j], yp[i, j], zp[i, j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp, yp, zp, 'tec_blade.dat')
def perturb_rot(rpath, wpath, dth): # dht - amount to rotate blade cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # split the blade xu, yu, zu, xl, yl, zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim, sdim, x, y, z) xle = xu[0, 0] yle = yu[0, 0] xte = xu[-1, 0] yte = yu[-1, 0] th = arctan2(y - yle, x - xle) r = sqrt((x - xle)**2 + (y - yle)**2) xp = xle + r * cos(th + dth) yp = yle + r * sin(th + dth) zp = copy(z) pylab.plot(x[:, 0], y[:, 0]) pylab.plot(xp[:, 0], yp[:, 0]) pylab.axis('Equal') # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath, 'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i, j], yp[i, j], zp[i, j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp, yp, zp, 'tec_blade.dat')
def perturb(rpath, wpath): cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # scale coordinates to be in cm scale = 1.0 x *= scale y *= scale z *= scale xu, yu, zu, xl, yl, zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim, sdim, x, y, z) xmc = 0.5*(xu+xl) ymc = 0.5*(yu+yl) zmc = 0.5*(zu+zl) dx = xu - xmc dy = yu - ymc dz = zu - zmc # camber random process sc,tc = read_blade.xyz2st(xmc,ymc,zmc) ns = xmc.shape[0] nt = xmc.shape[1] # mode cutoff Ks = ns Kt = nt fc = simulate.randProcess(sc, tc, ns, nt, Ks, Kt) tg, sg = meshgrid(tc,sc) nc = read_blade.calcNormals(xmc,ymc,zmc) xmc = xmc + nc[:,:,0]*fc ymc = ymc + nc[:,:,1]*fc zmc = zmc + nc[:,:,2]*fc xu = xmc + dx yu = ymc + dy zu = zmc + dz xl = xmc - dx yl = ymc - dy zl = zmc - dz xp = vstack((xu[:-1,:],xl[::-1,:])) yp = vstack((yu[:-1,:],yl[::-1,:])) zp = vstack((zu[:-1,:],zl[::-1,:])) # normal random process sp,tp = read_blade.xyz2st(xp,yp,zp) ns = xp.shape[0] nt = xp.shape[1] Ks = ns Kt = nt fp = simulate.randProcessPeriodic(sp, tp, ns, nt, Ks, Kt) fp[0,:] = fp[-1,:] # fp = zeros(fp.shape) ''' # interpolate back to original mesh ss = linspace(0,sp[-1]-sp[0],ns) tt = linspace(0,tp[-1]-tp[0],nt) ff = simulate.randProcessPeriodic(ss, tt, ns, nt, Ks, Kt) fp = simulate.interp(ss, tt, ff, sp, tp) tg, sg = meshgrid(tt,ss) pylab.contourf(sg,tg,ff,30) pylab.contourf(sg+sg[-1],tg,ff,30) pylab.colorbar() pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') pylab.figure() ''' tg, sg = meshgrid(tp,sp) pylab.contourf(sg,tg,fp,30) # pylab.contourf(sg+sg[-1],tg,fp,30) pylab.colorbar() pylab.xlim(0.0,sp[-1]) pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') pylab.xlabel('x') pylab.ylabel('y') np = read_blade.calcNormals(xp,yp,zp) xp = xp + np[:,:,0]*fp yp = yp + np[:,:,1]*fp zp = zp + np[:,:,2]*fp # scale coordinates back to original units x /= scale y /= scale z /= scale xp /= scale yp /= scale zp /= scale # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out the normal perturbation g = open('normal_field.dat','w') for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): g.write('%20.8E' * 4 % (x[i,j],y[i,j],z[i,j],fp[i,j])) g.write('\n') g.close() ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(sg, tg, fp, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) ''' ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(tg, sg, nf[1:-1,1:-1,2], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) # fig.colorbar(surf) ''' '''
J = linalg.lstsq(A,Y)[0][1:] # form the stacked Jacobian if isim == 0: stackJ = J.T else: stackJ = vstack([stackJ, J.T]) # mean of the Jacobians meanJ = mean(stackJ,axis=0) # compute SVD of stacked Jacobian V,S,UT = linalg.svd(stackJ) # read in the surface mesh rpath = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/input/rotor37_coarse/blade_surf.dat' cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # read in the PCA modes pca_path = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/input/rotor37_coarse/pca_modes_gp/' V_pca = zeros((NZ,cdim,sdim)) for i in range(NZ): cdim,sdim,V_pca[i,:,:] = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'V'+str(i+1)+'.dat') V_pca_tmp = zeros((NZ,cdim*sdim)) for i in range(NZ): V_pca_tmp[i,:] = reshape(V_pca[i,:,:],(cdim*sdim)) # transform the modes V_trans_tmp = dot(dot(UT.T,eye(NZ)*S_pca),V_pca_tmp) V_trans = zeros((NZ,cdim,sdim))
import pylab, os, math, string from numpy import * from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm import read_blade inp = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/input/rotor37_coarse/' rundir = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/runs/' # read in original blade surface cdim, sdim, xn, yn, zn = read_blade.read_coords(inp+'blade_surf.dat') # read in blade surfaces of completed runs iran = zeros((len(os.listdir(rundir)))) i = 0 for rd in os.listdir(rundir): if os.path.exists(rundir+str(rd)+'/utcfd_out.monitoring.dat'): lines = file(rundir+str(rd)+'/utcfd_out.monitoring.dat').readlines() if lines[-1][1:4] == 'Job': iran[i] = 1 lines = file(rundir+str(rd)+'/Z.dat').readlines() npca = len(lines) i += 1 nruns = int(sum(iran)) # perturbed coordinates xp = zeros((nruns,cdim,sdim)) yp = zeros((nruns,cdim,sdim)) zp = zeros((nruns,cdim,sdim))
def perturb(rpath, wpath, pca_path, Z_path, npca): # inputs # Z_path : where to write out the sample normal # npca : where to truncate the PCA expansion cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath) # generate and write out the Z for this mesh random.seed() Z = random.randn(npca) # normal distribution vector f = open(Z_path,'w') for i in range(npca): f.write('%e\n' % Z[i]) f.close() ################################ # SCALE PCA MODES BY CHORD RATIO ################################ # r5_chord = 0.859 # inches at hub # r37_chord = 2.17 # inches at hub # scale = r37_chord/r5_chord scale = 1.0 # read in PCA modes and singular values lines = file(pca_path+'S.dat').readlines() S = array([line.strip().split()[0] for line in lines], float).T n_modes = len(S) # add the mean cdim,sdim,fp = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'mean.dat') # add the PCA modes for i in range(npca): cdim,sdim,V = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'V'+str(i+1)+'.dat') fp += scale*Z[i]*S[i]*V np = read_blade.calcNormals(x,y,z) xp = x + np[:,:,0]*fp yp = y + np[:,:,1]*fp zp = z + np[:,:,2]*fp # write out the blade surface f = open(wpath,'w') f.write('CDIM: %d\n' % cdim) f.write('SDIM: %d\n' % sdim) for i in arange(cdim): for j in arange(sdim): f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j])) f.write('\n') f.close() # write out to tecplot format # write_tecplot.write_blade_surf(xp,yp,zp,fp,'blade.dat') # test to see how they look ''' i = 3 cdim,sdim,V = read_blade.read_mode(pca_path+'V'+str(i+1)+'.dat') s, t = read_blade.xyz2st(x,y,z) print s[0],s[1] pylab.contourf(s,t,V.T,50) pylab.colorbar() ''' ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(sg, tg, fp, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) ''' ''' fig = pylab.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) surf = ax.plot_surface(tg, sg, nf[1:-1,1:-1,2], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet) # fig.colorbar(surf) ''' '''