def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Initiaise the ReadMeshDlg first calling the QWidget __init__ function. ''' QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create instance of Zinc Context from which all other objects are obtained self._context = ZincContext("ModelViewer") # set up standard materials and glyphs so we can use them elsewhere self._materialmodule = self._context.getMaterialmodule() self._materialmodule.defineStandardMaterials() self._glyphmodule = self._context.getGlyphmodule() self._glyphmodule.defineStandardGlyphs() # improve tessellation quality tessellationmodule = self._context.getTessellationmodule() defaultTessellation = tessellationmodule.getDefaultTessellation() defaultTessellation.setMinimumDivisions([6]) default_region = self._context.getDefaultRegion() timekeepermodule = self._context.getTimekeepermodule() self._timekeeper = timekeepermodule.getDefaultTimekeeper() # create region to load mesh into self._region = default_region.createChild('myregion') # read the model and create some graphics to see it self.readMesh() self.createSurfaceGraphics() # Using composition to include the visual element of the GUI. self.ui = Ui_ReadMeshDlg() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Must pass the context to the ZincWidget for it to work self.ui._zincwidget.setContext(self._context) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/cmiss_icon.ico")) # set up callbacks for changes in the time slider self.ui.timeSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.timeChanged) self.resize(620, 440)
def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Initiaise the ReadMeshDlg first calling the QWidget __init__ function. ''' QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create instance of Zinc Context from which all other objects are obtained self._context = ZincContext("ModelViewer"); # set up standard materials and glyphs so we can use them elsewhere self._materialmodule = self._context.getMaterialmodule() self._materialmodule.defineStandardMaterials() self._glyphmodule = self._context.getGlyphmodule() self._glyphmodule.defineStandardGlyphs() # improve tessellation quality tessellationmodule = self._context.getTessellationmodule() defaultTessellation = tessellationmodule.getDefaultTessellation() defaultTessellation.setMinimumDivisions([6]) default_region = self._context.getDefaultRegion() timekeepermodule = self._context.getTimekeepermodule() self._timekeeper = timekeepermodule.getDefaultTimekeeper() # create region to load mesh into self._region = default_region.createChild('myregion') # read the model and create some graphics to see it self.readMesh() self.createSurfaceGraphics() # Using composition to include the visual element of the GUI. self.ui = Ui_ReadMeshDlg() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Must pass the context to the ZincWidget for it to work self.ui._zincwidget.setContext(self._context) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/cmiss_icon.ico")) # set up callbacks for changes in the time slider self.ui.timeSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.timeChanged) self.resize(620, 440)
class ReadMeshDlg(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Create a subclass of QWidget for our application. We could also have derived this application from QMainWindow to give us a menu bar among other things, but a QWidget is sufficient for our purposes. ''' # ReadMeshDlg__init__ start def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Initiaise the ReadMeshDlg first calling the QWidget __init__ function. ''' QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create instance of Zinc Context from which all other objects are obtained self._context = ZincContext("ModelViewer") # set up standard materials and glyphs so we can use them elsewhere self._materialmodule = self._context.getMaterialmodule() self._materialmodule.defineStandardMaterials() self._glyphmodule = self._context.getGlyphmodule() self._glyphmodule.defineStandardGlyphs() # improve tessellation quality tessellationmodule = self._context.getTessellationmodule() defaultTessellation = tessellationmodule.getDefaultTessellation() defaultTessellation.setMinimumDivisions([6]) default_region = self._context.getDefaultRegion() timekeepermodule = self._context.getTimekeepermodule() self._timekeeper = timekeepermodule.getDefaultTimekeeper() # create region to load mesh into self._region = default_region.createChild('myregion') # read the model and create some graphics to see it self.readMesh() self.createSurfaceGraphics() # Using composition to include the visual element of the GUI. self.ui = Ui_ReadMeshDlg() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Must pass the context to the ZincWidget for it to work self.ui._zincwidget.setContext(self._context) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/cmiss_icon.ico")) # set up callbacks for changes in the time slider self.ui.timeSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.timeChanged) self.resize(620, 440) # ReadMeshDlg__init__ end # readMesh start def readMesh(self): sir = self._region.createStreaminformationRegion() for i in range(51): filename = 'mesh_data/heart{:0>4}.exnode'.format(i) fr = sir.createStreamresourceFile(filename) sir.setResourceAttributeReal( fr, StreaminformationRegion.ATTRIBUTE_TIME, i / 50.0) sir.createStreamresourceFile('mesh_data/heart.exelem') # readMesh end # timeChanged start def timeChanged(self, value): self._timekeeper.setTime(value / 100.0) # timeChanged end # createSurfaceGraphics start def createSurfaceGraphics(self): scene = self._region.getScene() field_module = self._region.getFieldmodule() # We use the beginChange and endChange to wrap any immediate changes and will # streamline the rendering of the scene. scene.beginChange() surface = scene.createGraphicsSurfaces() coordinate_field = field_module.findFieldByName('coordinates') surface.setCoordinateField(coordinate_field) surface.setExterior(True) # show only exterior surfaces # Let the scene render the scene. scene.endChange() # createSurfaceGraphics end # createNodePointsGraphics start def createPointGraphics(self): scene = self._region.getScene() graphicsName = "points" # only create points if we don't already have them existingGraphics = scene.findGraphicsByName(graphicsName) if existingGraphics.isValid(): return field_module = self._region.getFieldmodule() scene.beginChange() # create points at nodes shown with gold spheres points = scene.createGraphicsPoints() points.setName(graphicsName) coordinate_field = field_module.findFieldByName('coordinates') points.setFieldDomainType( Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES) # show points at nodes points.setCoordinateField(coordinate_field) pointattr = points.getGraphicspointattributes() pointattr.setGlyphShapeType(Glyph.SHAPE_TYPE_SPHERE) pointattr.setBaseSize([2.0]) gold = self._materialmodule.findMaterialByName("gold") points.setMaterial(gold) scene.endChange() # createNodePointsGraphics end # customButton start def customButton(self): ''' Open model and visualise lines. ''' self.createPointGraphics()
class ReadMeshDlg(QtGui.QWidget): ''' Create a subclass of QWidget for our application. We could also have derived this application from QMainWindow to give us a menu bar among other things, but a QWidget is sufficient for our purposes. ''' # ReadMeshDlg__init__ start def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Initiaise the ReadMeshDlg first calling the QWidget __init__ function. ''' QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # create instance of Zinc Context from which all other objects are obtained self._context = ZincContext("ModelViewer"); # set up standard materials and glyphs so we can use them elsewhere self._materialmodule = self._context.getMaterialmodule() self._materialmodule.defineStandardMaterials() self._glyphmodule = self._context.getGlyphmodule() self._glyphmodule.defineStandardGlyphs() # improve tessellation quality tessellationmodule = self._context.getTessellationmodule() defaultTessellation = tessellationmodule.getDefaultTessellation() defaultTessellation.setMinimumDivisions([6]) default_region = self._context.getDefaultRegion() timekeepermodule = self._context.getTimekeepermodule() self._timekeeper = timekeepermodule.getDefaultTimekeeper() # create region to load mesh into self._region = default_region.createChild('myregion') # read the model and create some graphics to see it self.readMesh() self.createSurfaceGraphics() # Using composition to include the visual element of the GUI. self.ui = Ui_ReadMeshDlg() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Must pass the context to the ZincWidget for it to work self.ui._zincwidget.setContext(self._context) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/cmiss_icon.ico")) # set up callbacks for changes in the time slider self.ui.timeSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.timeChanged) self.resize(620, 440) # ReadMeshDlg__init__ end # readMesh start def readMesh(self): sir = self._region.createStreaminformationRegion() for i in range(51): filename = 'mesh_data/heart{:0>4}.exnode'.format(i) fr = sir.createStreamresourceFile(filename) sir.setResourceAttributeReal(fr, StreaminformationRegion.ATTRIBUTE_TIME, i/50.0) sir.createStreamresourceFile('mesh_data/heart.exelem') # readMesh end # timeChanged start def timeChanged(self, value): self._timekeeper.setTime(value/100.0) # timeChanged end # createSurfaceGraphics start def createSurfaceGraphics(self): scene = self._region.getScene() field_module = self._region.getFieldmodule() # We use the beginChange and endChange to wrap any immediate changes and will # streamline the rendering of the scene. scene.beginChange() surface = scene.createGraphicsSurfaces() coordinate_field = field_module.findFieldByName('coordinates') surface.setCoordinateField(coordinate_field) surface.setExterior(True) # show only exterior surfaces # Let the scene render the scene. scene.endChange() # createSurfaceGraphics end # createNodePointsGraphics start def createPointGraphics(self): scene = self._region.getScene() graphicsName = "points" # only create points if we don't already have them existingGraphics = scene.findGraphicsByName(graphicsName) if existingGraphics.isValid(): return field_module = self._region.getFieldmodule() scene.beginChange() # create points at nodes shown with gold spheres points = scene.createGraphicsPoints() points.setName(graphicsName) coordinate_field = field_module.findFieldByName('coordinates') points.setFieldDomainType(Field.DOMAIN_TYPE_NODES) # show points at nodes points.setCoordinateField(coordinate_field) pointattr = points.getGraphicspointattributes() pointattr.setGlyphShapeType(Glyph.SHAPE_TYPE_SPHERE) pointattr.setBaseSize([2.0]) gold = self._materialmodule.findMaterialByName("gold") points.setMaterial(gold) scene.endChange() # createNodePointsGraphics end # customButton start def customButton(self): ''' Open model and visualise lines. ''' self.createPointGraphics()