def runAll(rct_data_dir): outputFile = open("./results.csv", 'w') outputFile.write("Run,Collar,Collar Present,Median Filter Success,Found Collar,Failure Mode,leastsq iterations,leastsq Termination,Good Estimation,Score\n") for run_dir in sorted(os.listdir(rct_data_dir)): if os.path.isdir(run_dir): run_num = int(os.path.basename(run_dir).split('_')[1]) collarDefinitionFile = os.path.join(run_dir, 'COL') if not os.path.isfile(collarDefinitionFile): print("Collar definitions not found!") continue num_Collars = file_len(collarDefinitionFile) for collarNumber in xrange(1, num_Collars + 1): results = checkRun(run_dir, collarNumber) groundTruth = read_meta_file(os.path.join(run_dir, 'TRUTH'), str(collarNumber)) # Run Number, collar number, ground truth, medianFilter, CollarFound outputFile.write('%d,%d,%s,' % (run_num, collarNumber, groundTruth)) if results[0]: outputFile.write('1,') else: outputFile.write('0,') if results[1]: outputFile.write('1,') else: outputFile.write('0,') if results[1]: # empty, leastsq iterations, leastsq term outputFile.write(',%d,%d,,' % (results[2], results[3])) else: # Failure mode outputFile.write('%s,,,,' % (results[4])) outputFile.write('\n') outputFile.close()
def runAll(rct_data_dir): outputFile = open("./results.csv", 'w') outputFile.write( "Run,Collar,Collar Present,Median Filter Success,Found Collar,Failure Mode,leastsq iterations,leastsq Termination,Good Estimation,Score\n" ) for run_dir in sorted(os.listdir(rct_data_dir)): if os.path.isdir(run_dir): run_num = int(os.path.basename(run_dir).split('_')[1]) collarDefinitionFile = os.path.join(run_dir, 'COL') if not os.path.isfile(collarDefinitionFile): print("Collar definitions not found!") continue num_Collars = file_len(collarDefinitionFile) for collarNumber in xrange(1, num_Collars + 1): results = checkRun(run_dir, collarNumber) groundTruth = read_meta_file(os.path.join(run_dir, 'TRUTH'), str(collarNumber)) # Run Number, collar number, ground truth, medianFilter, CollarFound outputFile.write('%d,%d,%s,' % (run_num, collarNumber, groundTruth)) if results[0]: outputFile.write('1,') else: outputFile.write('0,') if results[1]: outputFile.write('1,') else: outputFile.write('0,') if results[1]: # empty, leastsq iterations, leastsq term outputFile.write(',%d,%d,,' % (results[2], results[3])) else: # Failure mode outputFile.write('%s,,,,' % (results[4])) outputFile.write('\n') outputFile.close()
def generateGraph(run_num, num_col, filename, output_path, col_def): # Get collar frequency col_freq = float(read_meta_file(col_def, str(num_col))) / 1.e6 # make list of columns # Expects the csv to have the following columns: time, lat, lon, [collars] names = ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'col', 'alt'] # Read CSV data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', names=names) # Modify values lat = [x / 1e7 for x in data['lat']] lon = [y / 1e7 for y in data['lon']] col = data['col'] alt = data['alt'] # convert deg to utm zone = "X" zonenum = 60 avgCol = np.average(col) stdDevCol = np.std(col) maxCol = np.amax(col) avgAlt = np.average(alt) stdAlt = np.std(alt) finalCol = [] finalNorthing = [] finalEasting = [] for i in range(len(data['lat'])): if math.fabs(alt[i] - avgAlt) > stdAlt: continue finalCol.append(col[i]) utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(lat[i], lon[i]) finalEasting.append(utm_coord[0]) finalNorthing.append(utm_coord[1]) zonenum = utm_coord[2] zone = utm_coord[3] # Calculate heatmap print("Collar %d: Building median map..." % num_col) margin = 0 pixelSize = 30 # meters per pixel tiffXSize = (int((max(finalEasting)) - int(min(finalEasting)) + margin * 2) / pixelSize + 1) tiffYSize = (int((max(finalNorthing)) - int(min(finalNorthing)) + margin * 2) / pixelSize + 1) heatMapArea = np.zeros((tiffYSize, tiffXSize)) # [y, x] refNorthing = max(finalNorthing) + margin minNorthing = refNorthing - (tiffYSize) * pixelSize refEasting = min(finalEasting) - margin maxEasting = refEasting + tiffXSize * pixelSize # print("min northing: %f" % minNorthing) # print("max northing: %f" % refNorthing) # print("min easting: %f" % refEasting) # print("max easting: %f" % maxEasting) # Xgeo = refEasting + pixelSize / 2+ Xpix # Ygeo = refNorthing - pixelSize / 2- Ypix # Plot data detectionRadius = 45 maxLocation = [0, 0, detectionRadius] maxA = -100 for x in xrange(tiffXSize): for y in xrange(tiffYSize): xgeo = refEasting + pixelSize / 2.0 + x * pixelSize ygeo = refNorthing - pixelSize / 2.0 - y * pixelSize medianCol = [] gridCol = [] for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): # if math.fabs(finalEasting[i] - xgeo) < detectionRadius and math.fabs(finalNorthing[i] - ygeo) < detectionRadius: if math.fabs(finalEasting[i] - xgeo) < detectionRadius and math.fabs(finalNorthing[i] - ygeo) < detectionRadius: medianCol.append(finalCol[i]) if len(medianCol) > 15: heatMapArea[y][x] = np.median(medianCol) if heatMapArea[y][x] > maxA: maxLocation = [xgeo, ygeo, detectionRadius] maxA = heatMapArea[y][x] else: heatMapArea[y][x] = 100 # Save plot print("Collar %d: Saving median map..." % num_col) outputFileName = '%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_median.tiff' % (output_path, run_num, num_col) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dataset = driver.Create( outputFileName, tiffXSize, tiffYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) spatialReference = osr.SpatialReference() spatialReference.SetUTM(zonenum, zone >= 'N') spatialReference.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') wkt = spatialReference.ExportToWkt() retval = dataset.SetProjection(wkt) dataset.SetGeoTransform(( refEasting, # 3 pixelSize, # 4 0, refNorthing, # 0 0, # 1 -pixelSize)) # 2 band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(100) # print(tiffXSize) # print(tiffYSize) # print(np.amin(heatMapArea)) # print(np.amax(heatMapArea)) # print(np.mean(heatMapArea)) # print(np.std(heatMapArea)) # print((heatMapArea > -30).sum()) band.WriteArray(heatMapArea) band.SetStatistics(np.amin(heatMapArea), np.amax(heatMapArea), np.mean(heatMapArea), np.std(heatMapArea)) dataset.FlushCache() dataset = None # if maxA > np.amin(heatMapArea): # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): # if math.fabs(finalEasting[i] - maxLocation[0]) < maxLocation[2] and math.fabs(finalNorthing[i] - maxLocation[1]) < maxLocation[2]: # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(finalEasting[i], finalNorthing[i], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat) # writer.record(lon, lat) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_median_sel.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_median_sel.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() if maxA > np.amin(heatMapArea) + 0.5: print("Collar %d: Estimated location is %f, %f within %.0f meters" % (num_col, maxLocation[0], maxLocation[1], maxLocation[2])) # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("radius", "F", 20, 18) # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(maxLocation[0], maxLocation[1], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat, maxLocation[2]) # writer.record(lon, lat, maxLocation[2]) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_median_pos.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_median_pos.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() return maxLocation else: print("Collar %d: no estimated location available!" % (num_col)) return None
def generateGraph(run_num, num_col, filename, output_path, col_def, alpha=-0.715, beta=-14.51, mean=0.0306, sigma=6, startLocation=None): # Get collar frequency col_freq = float(read_meta_file(col_def, str(num_col))) / 1.e6 # make list of columns # Expects the csv to have the following columns: time, lat, lon, [collars] names = ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'col', 'alt'] # Read CSV data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', names=names) # Modify values lat = [x / 1e7 for x in data['lat']] lon = [y / 1e7 for y in data['lon']] col = data['col'] alt = data['alt'] # convert deg to utm zone = "X" zonenum = 60 avgCol = np.average(col) stdDevCol = np.std(col) maxCol = np.amax(col) avgAlt = np.average(alt) stdAlt = np.std(alt) finalCol = [] finalNorthing = [] finalEasting = [] finalRange = [] finalAlt = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(lat[i], lon[i]) lon[i] = utm_coord[0] lat[i] = utm_coord[1] zonenum = utm_coord[2] zone = utm_coord[3] # Generate histogram knownEmptyCollars = [] medianCollars = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): if startLocation is not None: rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0])**2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1])**2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 2: knownEmptyCollars.append(col[i]) else: medianCollars.append(col[i]) threshold = -43 if len(medianCollars) > 0: threshold = np.amax(knownEmptyCollars) print("Collar %d: Using %f threshold" % (num_col, threshold)) for i in range(len(data['lat'])): # if col[i] < avgCol + stdDevCol: if col[i] < threshold: continue if stdAlt < 5: if math.fabs(alt[i] - avgAlt) > stdAlt: continue else: if alt[i] < avgAlt - stdAlt: continue if startLocation is not None: rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0])**2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1])**2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 1.7: continue finalCol.append(col[i]) finalEasting.append(lon[i]) finalNorthing.append(lat[i]) finalAlt.append(alt[i]) finalRange.append(10**((alpha * col[i] + beta) / 10.0)) if len(finalCol) == 0: print("Collar %d: No heatmap matches!" % num_col) return # Calculate heatmap print("Collar %d: Building heatmap..." % num_col) margin = 50 tiffXSize = int(max(finalEasting)) - int(min(finalEasting)) + margin * 2 tiffYSize = int(max(finalNorthing)) - int(min(finalNorthing)) + margin * 2 pixelSize = 1 heatMapArea = np.zeros((tiffYSize, tiffXSize)) # [y, x] minY = min(finalNorthing) - margin refY = max(finalNorthing) + margin refX = min(finalEasting) - margin maxX = max(finalEasting) + margin # print("min northing: %f" % minY) # print("max northing: %f" % refY) # print("min easting: %f" % refX) # print("max easting: %f" % maxX) # Xgeo = refY + X # Ygeo = refX - Ypix # Plot data for x in xrange(tiffXSize): for y in xrange(tiffYSize): for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): posRange = math.sqrt((refX + x - finalEasting[i])**2.0 + (refY - y - finalNorthing[i])**2.0 + finalAlt[i]**2.0) heatMapArea[y][x] = heatMapArea[y][x] + normalProbability( posRange - finalRange[i], mean, 0.4 * finalRange[i]) # Reshift up maxProbability = np.amax(heatMapArea) heatMapArea = heatMapArea - maxProbability heatMapArea = np.power(10, heatMapArea) # Save plot print("Collar %d: Saving heatmap..." % num_col) outputFileName = '%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_heatmap.tiff' % (output_path, run_num, num_col) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dataset = driver.Create(outputFileName, tiffXSize, tiffYSize, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32, ['COMPRESS=LZW']) spatialReference = osr.SpatialReference() spatialReference.SetUTM(zonenum, zone >= 'N') spatialReference.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') wkt = spatialReference.ExportToWkt() retval = dataset.SetProjection(wkt) dataset.SetGeoTransform(( refX, # 3 1, # 4 0, refY, # 0 0, # 1 -1)) # 2 band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) # band.SetNoDataValue(100) # print(tiffXSize) # print(tiffYSize) # print(np.amin(heatMapArea)) # print(np.amax(heatMapArea)) # print(np.mean(heatMapArea)) # print(np.std(heatMapArea)) # print((heatMapArea > -30).sum()) band.WriteArray(heatMapArea) band.SetStatistics(np.amin(heatMapArea), np.amax(heatMapArea), np.mean(heatMapArea), np.std(heatMapArea)) dataset.FlushCache() dataset = None
def generateGraph(run_num, num_col, filename, output_path, col_def, startLocation = None): kml_output = False # TODO Fix test case plot_height = 6 plot_width = 8 plot_dpi = 72 # Get collar frequency col_freq = float(read_meta_file(col_def, str(num_col))) / 1.e6 # make list of columns # Expects the csv to have the following columns: time, lat, lon, [collars] names = ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'col', 'alt'] # Read CSV data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', names=names) # Modify values lat = [x / 1e7 for x in data['lat']] lon = [y / 1e7 for y in data['lon']] col = data['col'] alt = data['alt'] # convert deg to utm print("Collar %d: Loading data" % num_col) zone = "X" zonenum = 60 avgCol = np.average(col) stdDevCol = np.std(col) maxCol = np.amax(col) avgAlt = np.median(alt) stdAlt = np.std(alt) finalCol = [] finalNorthing = [] finalEasting = [] finalAlt = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(lat[i], lon[i]) lon[i] = utm_coord[0] lat[i] = utm_coord[1] zonenum = utm_coord[2] zone = utm_coord[3] altRejectNorthing = [] altRejectEasting = [] # if stdDevCol < 2.0: if maxCol - (stdDevCol + avgCol) < 1.0: print("Collar %d: Not enough variation! No collar!" % num_col) return # Generate collar threshold threshold = 0 if startLocation is not None: knownEmptyCollars = [] medianCollars = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0]) ** 2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1]) ** 2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 2: knownEmptyCollars.append(col[i]) else: medianCollars.append(col[i]) if len(medianCollars) > 0: threshold = np.amax(knownEmptyCollars) else: histogram, edges = np.histogram(col) maxInd = np.argmax(histogram) maxBin = np.amax(histogram) histogramThreshold = 50 if maxBin < 50: histogramThreshold = maxBin * 0.1 threshold = edges[len(edges) - 1] for i in xrange(maxInd + 1, len(histogram)): if histogram[i] < histogramThreshold: threshold = edges[i + 1] break print("Collar %d: Using %f threshold" % (num_col, threshold)) # Generate altitude threshold altHistogram, altHistEdges = np.histogram(alt) maxAltInd = np.argmax(altHistogram) minAltInd = maxAltInd for i in xrange(maxAltInd, 0, -1): if altHistogram[i] < altHistogram[minAltInd]: minAltInd = i for i in range(len(data['lat'])): # if col[i] < avgCol + stdDevCol: if col[i] < threshold: continue if stdAlt < 5: if math.fabs(alt[i] - avgAlt) > stdAlt: continue else: if alt[i] < avgAlt - stdAlt: continue if startLocation is not None: rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0]) ** 2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1]) ** 2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 1.7: altRejectEasting.append(lon[i]) altRejectNorthing.append(lat[i]) continue finalCol.append(col[i]) finalEasting.append(lon[i]) finalNorthing.append(lat[i]) finalAlt.append(alt[i]) if len(finalCol) == 0: print("Collar %d: No matches!" % num_col) return if np.amax(finalCol) - np.amin(finalCol) < 1: print("Collar %d: Not enough variation! No collar!" % num_col) return print("Collar %d: Collar data range: %f" % (num_col, np.amax(finalCol) - np.amin(finalCol))) # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("alt", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("measurement", "F", 18, 18) # for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): # #Latitude, longitude, elevation, measurement # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(finalEasting[i], finalNorthing[i], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat, finalAlt[i], finalCol[i]) # writer.record(lon, lat, finalAlt[i], finalCol[i]) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_pos.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_pos.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() # if len(altRejectEasting) > 0: # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # for i in xrange(len(altRejectEasting)): # #Latitude, longitude # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(altRejectEasting[i], altRejectNorthing[i], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat) # writer.record(lon, lat) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_alt_reject.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_alt_reject.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() if len(finalCol) < 6: print("Collar %d: No collars detected!" % num_col) print("Collar %d: Only %d detections!" % (num_col, len(finalCol))) print("Collar %d: Average Collar Measurement: %d" % (num_col, avgCol)) return # Data Analysis print("Collar %d: running estimation..." % num_col) x0 = [-0.715, -14.51, np.average(finalEasting[0]), np.average(finalNorthing[0])] res_x, res_cov_x, res_infodict, res_msg, res_ier = leastsq(residuals, x0, args=(finalCol, finalEasting, finalNorthing, finalAlt), full_output=1) easting = res_x[2] northing = res_x[3] # print("easting: %f" % easting) # print("northing: %f" % northing) lat_lon = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, zonenum, zone_letter=zone) print("Collar %d: %d iterations" % (num_col, res_infodict['nfev'])) if res_x[0] > 0: print("Collar %d: Collar model is invalid!" % num_col) print(res_x) return np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # if res_ier == 4: # print("Collar %d: No collar detected - falloff not found!" % (num_col)) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # return res_x # if res_ier == 5: # print("Collar %d: No solution found!" % (num_col)) # print(res_x) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # return res_x print("Collar %d: ier %d; %s" % (num_col, res_ier, res_msg)) print("Collar %d: Saving estimation..." % num_col) w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.autoBalance = 1 w.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) w.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) w.point(lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0]) #x, y (lon, lat) w.record(lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0]) #x, y (lon, lat)'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_est.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) prj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_est.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") epsg = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' prj.write(epsg) prj.close() # if res_cov_x is None: # print("Collar %d: Collar position indeterminate! %s" % (num_col, res_msg)) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, True]) # return res_x # s_sq = (residuals(res_x, finalCol, finalEasting, finalNorthing, finalAlt) ** 2).sum() / (len(finalCol) - len(x0)) # pcov = res_cov_x * s_sq # Sigma estimation alpha = res_x[0] beta = res_x[1] errors = [] for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): rangeToEstimate = math.sqrt((finalEasting[i] - easting) ** 2.0 + (finalNorthing[i] - northing) ** 2.0 + finalAlt[i] ** 2.0) modelRange = 10 ** ((alpha * finalCol[i] + beta) / 10.0) errors.append(rangeToEstimate - modelRange) errorSigma = np.std(errors) errorMean = np.average(errors) res_x = np.append(res_x, [errorMean, errorSigma, True]) return res_x
]): try: os.remove(os.path.join(data_dir, curFile)) except Exception, e: pass if fft_flag and any(curFile.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in ['.raw']): try: os.remove(os.path.join(data_dir, curFile)) except Exception, e: pass # Get run number run = -1 hasRun = False if os.path.isfile(runFileName): runString = read_meta_file.read_meta_file(runFileName, 'run_num') if runString is None: runString = getRunNum.getRunNum() if runString is None: exit() run = int(runString) runFile = open(runFileName, 'w') runFile.write("run_num: %s" % run) runFile.close() hasRun = True else: runString = getRunNum.getRunNum() if runString is None: exit() else: run = int(runString)
try: os.remove(os.path.join(data_dir, curFile)) except Exception, e: pass if fft_flag and any(curFile.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in ['.raw']): try: os.remove(os.path.join(data_dir, curFile)) except Exception, e: pass # Get run number run = -1 hasRun = False if os.path.isfile(runFileName): runString = read_meta_file.read_meta_file(runFileName, 'run_num') if runString is None: runString = getRunNum.getRunNum() if runString is None: exit() run = int(runString) runFile = open(runFileName, 'w') runFile.write("run_num: %s" % run) runFile.close() hasRun = True else: runString = getRunNum.getRunNum() if runString is None: exit() else: run = int(runString)
def generateGraph(run_num, num_col, filename, output_path, col_def, startLocation=None): kml_output = False # TODO Fix test case plot_height = 6 plot_width = 8 plot_dpi = 72 # Get collar frequency col_freq = float(read_meta_file(col_def, str(num_col))) / 1.e6 # make list of columns # Expects the csv to have the following columns: time, lat, lon, [collars] names = ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'col', 'alt'] # Read CSV data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter=',', names=names) # Modify values lat = [x / 1e7 for x in data['lat']] lon = [y / 1e7 for y in data['lon']] col = data['col'] alt = data['alt'] # convert deg to utm print("Collar %d: Loading data" % num_col) zone = "X" zonenum = 60 avgCol = np.average(col) stdDevCol = np.std(col) maxCol = np.amax(col) avgAlt = np.median(alt) stdAlt = np.std(alt) finalCol = [] finalNorthing = [] finalEasting = [] finalAlt = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): utm_coord = utm.from_latlon(lat[i], lon[i]) lon[i] = utm_coord[0] lat[i] = utm_coord[1] zonenum = utm_coord[2] zone = utm_coord[3] altRejectNorthing = [] altRejectEasting = [] # if stdDevCol < 2.0: if maxCol - (stdDevCol + avgCol) < 1.0: print("Collar %d: Not enough variation! No collar!" % num_col) return # Generate collar threshold threshold = 0 if startLocation is not None: knownEmptyCollars = [] medianCollars = [] for i in xrange(len(col)): rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0])**2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1])**2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 2: knownEmptyCollars.append(col[i]) else: medianCollars.append(col[i]) if len(medianCollars) > 0: threshold = np.amax(knownEmptyCollars) else: histogram, edges = np.histogram(col) maxInd = np.argmax(histogram) maxBin = np.amax(histogram) histogramThreshold = 50 if maxBin < 50: histogramThreshold = maxBin * 0.1 threshold = edges[len(edges) - 1] for i in xrange(maxInd + 1, len(histogram)): if histogram[i] < histogramThreshold: threshold = edges[i + 1] break print("Collar %d: Using %f threshold" % (num_col, threshold)) # Generate altitude threshold altHistogram, altHistEdges = np.histogram(alt) maxAltInd = np.argmax(altHistogram) minAltInd = maxAltInd for i in xrange(maxAltInd, 0, -1): if altHistogram[i] < altHistogram[minAltInd]: minAltInd = i for i in range(len(data['lat'])): # if col[i] < avgCol + stdDevCol: if col[i] < threshold: continue if stdAlt < 5: if math.fabs(alt[i] - avgAlt) > stdAlt: continue else: if alt[i] < avgAlt - stdAlt: continue if startLocation is not None: rangeToMedian = math.sqrt((lon[i] - startLocation[0])**2.0 + (lat[i] - startLocation[1])**2.0) if rangeToMedian > startLocation[2] * 1.7: altRejectEasting.append(lon[i]) altRejectNorthing.append(lat[i]) continue finalCol.append(col[i]) finalEasting.append(lon[i]) finalNorthing.append(lat[i]) finalAlt.append(alt[i]) if len(finalCol) == 0: print("Collar %d: No matches!" % num_col) return if np.amax(finalCol) - np.amin(finalCol) < 1: print("Collar %d: Not enough variation! No collar!" % num_col) return print("Collar %d: Collar data range: %f" % (num_col, np.amax(finalCol) - np.amin(finalCol))) # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("alt", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("measurement", "F", 18, 18) # for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): # #Latitude, longitude, elevation, measurement # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(finalEasting[i], finalNorthing[i], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat, finalAlt[i], finalCol[i]) # writer.record(lon, lat, finalAlt[i], finalCol[i]) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_pos.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_pos.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() # if len(altRejectEasting) > 0: # writer = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) # writer.autoBalance = 1 # writer.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) # writer.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) # for i in xrange(len(altRejectEasting)): # #Latitude, longitude # lat, lon = utm.to_latlon(altRejectEasting[i], altRejectNorthing[i], zonenum, zone) # writer.point(lon, lat) # writer.record(lon, lat) #'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_alt_reject.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) # proj = open('%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_alt_reject.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") # epsg1 = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' # proj.write(epsg1) # proj.close() if len(finalCol) < 6: print("Collar %d: No collars detected!" % num_col) print("Collar %d: Only %d detections!" % (num_col, len(finalCol))) print("Collar %d: Average Collar Measurement: %d" % (num_col, avgCol)) return # Data Analysis print("Collar %d: running estimation..." % num_col) x0 = [ -0.715, -14.51, np.average(finalEasting[0]), np.average(finalNorthing[0]) ] res_x, res_cov_x, res_infodict, res_msg, res_ier = leastsq( residuals, x0, args=(finalCol, finalEasting, finalNorthing, finalAlt), full_output=1) easting = res_x[2] northing = res_x[3] # print("easting: %f" % easting) # print("northing: %f" % northing) lat_lon = utm.to_latlon(easting, northing, zonenum, zone_letter=zone) print("Collar %d: %d iterations" % (num_col, res_infodict['nfev'])) if res_x[0] > 0: print("Collar %d: Collar model is invalid!" % num_col) print(res_x) return np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # if res_ier == 4: # print("Collar %d: No collar detected - falloff not found!" % (num_col)) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # return res_x # if res_ier == 5: # print("Collar %d: No solution found!" % (num_col)) # print(res_x) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, False]) # return res_x print("Collar %d: ier %d; %s" % (num_col, res_ier, res_msg)) print("Collar %d: Saving estimation..." % num_col) w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.autoBalance = 1 w.field("lat", "F", 20, 18) w.field("lon", "F", 20, 18) w.point(lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0]) #x, y (lon, lat) w.record(lat_lon[1], lat_lon[0]) #x, y (lon, lat)'%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_est.shp' % (output_path, run_num, num_col)) prj = open( '%s/RUN_%06d_COL_%06d_est.prj' % (output_path, run_num, num_col), "w") epsg = 'GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' prj.write(epsg) prj.close() # if res_cov_x is None: # print("Collar %d: Collar position indeterminate! %s" % (num_col, res_msg)) # res_x = np.append(res_x, [0, 0, True]) # return res_x # s_sq = (residuals(res_x, finalCol, finalEasting, finalNorthing, finalAlt) ** 2).sum() / (len(finalCol) - len(x0)) # pcov = res_cov_x * s_sq # Sigma estimation alpha = res_x[0] beta = res_x[1] errors = [] for i in xrange(len(finalCol)): rangeToEstimate = math.sqrt((finalEasting[i] - easting)**2.0 + (finalNorthing[i] - northing)**2.0 + finalAlt[i]**2.0) modelRange = 10**((alpha * finalCol[i] + beta) / 10.0) errors.append(rangeToEstimate - modelRange) errorSigma = np.std(errors) errorMean = np.average(errors) res_x = np.append(res_x, [errorMean, errorSigma, True]) return res_x