def get_reader(input, isfree=None, isstrict=None, include_dirs = None, source_only = None,
               ignore_comments = True):
    """ Returns Fortran reader instance.

    input : str
      Specify a string or filename containing Fortran code.    
    isfree, isstrict : {None, bool}
      Specify input Fortran format. The values are determined from the
      input. If that fails then isfree=True and isstrict=False is assumed.
    include_dirs : {None, list}
      Specify a list of include directories. The default list (when
      include_dirs=None) contains the current working directory and
      the directory of ``filename``.
    source_only : {None, list}
      Specify a list of Fortran file names that are searched when the
      ``USE`` statement is encountered.

    reader : `FortranReader`

    If ``input`` is a C filename then the functions searches for comment
    lines starting with ``/*f2py`` and reads following lines as PYF file
    content until a line ``*/`` is found.

    See also
    import os
    import re
    from readfortran import FortranFileReader, FortranStringReader
    if os.path.isfile(input):
        name,ext = os.path.splitext(input)
        if ext.lower() in ['.c']:
            # get signatures from C file comments starting with `/*f2py` and ending with `*/`.
            # TODO: improve parser to take line number offset making line numbers in
            #       parser messages correct.
            f2py_c_comments = re.compile('/[*]\s*f2py\s.*[*]/',re.I | re.M)
            f = open(filename,'r')
            c_input = ''
            for s1 in f2py_c_comments.findall(f.read()):
                c_input += s1[2:-2].lstrip()[4:] + '\n'
            if isfree is None: isfree = True
            if isstrict is None: isstrict = True
            return parse(c_input, isfree, isstrict, include_dirs)
        reader = FortranFileReader(input, include_dirs = include_dirs, source_only = source_only)
    elif isinstance(input, str):
        reader = FortranStringReader(input, include_dirs = include_dirs, source_only = source_only)
        raise TypeError,'Expected string or filename input but got %s' % (type(input))
    if isfree is None: isfree = reader.isfree
    if isstrict is None: isstrict = reader.isstrict
    reader.set_mode(isfree, isstrict)
    return reader
def test_free90():
    string = """
module foo

   subroutine bar
    real r
    if ( pc_get_lun() .ne. 6) &
    write ( pc_get_lun(), '( &
    & /, a, /, " p=", i4, " stopping c_flag=", a, &
    & /, " print unit=", i8)') &
    trim(title), pcpsx_i_pel(), trim(c_flag), pc_get_lun()
    if (.true.) then
      call smth
    end if
    aaa : if (.false.) then
    else if (a) then aaa
    else aaa
    end if aaa
    hey = 1
    end subroutine bar
    abstract interface

    end interface

end module foo
    reader = FortranStringReader(string, True, False)
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    block = parser.parse()
    print block
def get_reader(input, isfree=None, isstrict=None, include_dirs=None):
    import os
    import re
    from readfortran import FortranFileReader, FortranStringReader
    from parsefortran import FortranParser
    if os.path.isfile(input):
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(input)
        if ext.lower() in ['.c']:
            # get signatures from C file comments starting with `/*f2py` and ending with `*/`.
            # TODO: improve parser to take line number offset making line numbers in
            #       parser messages correct.
            f2py_c_comments = re.compile('/[*]\s*f2py\s.*[*]/', re.I | re.M)
            f = open(filename, 'r')
            c_input = ''
            for s1 in f2py_c_comments.findall(f.read()):
                c_input += s1[2:-2].lstrip()[4:] + '\n'
            if isfree is None: isfree = True
            if isstrict is None: isstrict = True
            return parse(c_input, isfree, isstrict, include_dirs)
        reader = FortranFileReader(input, include_dirs=include_dirs)
        if isfree is None: isfree = reader.isfree
        if isstrict is None: isstrict = reader.isstrict
        reader.set_mode(isfree, isstrict)
    elif isinstance(input, str):
        if isfree is None: isfree = True
        if isstrict is None: isstrict = False
        reader = FortranStringReader(input,
        raise TypeError, 'Expected string or filename input but got %s' % (
    return reader
def parse(cls, line, label="", isfree=True, isstrict=False):
    if label:
        line = label + " : " + line
    reader = FortranStringReader(line, isfree, isstrict)
    item = reader.next()
    if not cls.match(item.get_line()):
        raise ValueError, "%r does not match %s pattern" % (line, cls.__name__)
    stmt = cls(item, item)
    if stmt.isvalid:
        r = str(stmt)
        if not isstrict:
            r1 = parse(cls, r, isstrict=True)
            if r != r1:
                raise ValueError, "Failed to parse %r with %s pattern in pyf mode, got %r" % (r, cls.__name__, r1)
        return r
    raise ValueError, "parsing %r with %s pattern failed" % (line, cls.__name__)
def parse(cls, line, label='',
          isfree=True, isstrict=False):
    if label:
        line = label + ' : ' + line
    reader = FortranStringReader(line, isfree, isstrict)
    item = reader.next()
    if not cls.match(item.get_line()):
        raise ValueError, '%r does not match %s pattern' % (line, cls.__name__)
    stmt = cls(item, item)
    if stmt.isvalid:
        r = str(stmt)
        if not isstrict:
            r1 = parse(cls, r, isstrict=True)
            if r != r1:
                raise ValueError, 'Failed to parse %r with %s pattern in pyf mode, got %r' % (r, cls.__name__, r1)
        return r
    raise ValueError, 'parsing %r with %s pattern failed' % (line, cls.__name__)
文件: utils.py 项目: afcarl/f2py
def str2stmt(string, isfree=True, isstrict=False):
    """ Convert Fortran code to Statement tree.
    from readfortran import Line, FortranStringReader
    from parsefortran import FortranParser
    reader = FortranStringReader(string, isfree, isstrict)
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    block = parser.block
    while len(block.content) == 1:
        block = block.content[0]
    return block
def test_pyf():
    string = """
python module foo
  interface tere
    subroutine bar
    real r
    end subroutine bar
  end interface tere
end python module foo
    reader = FortranStringReader(string, True, True)
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    block = parser.parse()
    print block
def test_f77():
    string = """\
      program foo
      a = 3
      subroutine bar
      pure function foo(a)
      pure real*4 recursive function bar()
    reader = FortranStringReader(string, False, True)
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    block = parser.parse()
    print block