sourcefilename = 'edmonton-roads-digraph.txt'
argv = sys.argv[1:]
if len(argv) == 0:
	#for no args, nothing to do, use default file
elif len(argv) == 1:
	#for one arg, that arg is the file
	sourcefilename = argv[0].strip(' ')
	#otherwise, there was a bad usage, bail out
	print("Invalid usage.\nExpected: server.py [graphdatafile]")

(graph, metadata) = (None, None)
(graph, metadata) = read_graph(open(sourcefilename))
#	print("Could not open source graph file `%s` for reading" % sourcefilename)
#	exit(-1)

def dist_between(node_a_id, node_b_id):
	Calculate the distance between two vertex IDs
	#get the nodes
	node_a = metadata[node_a_id]
	node_b = metadata[node_b_id]

	#calculate the distance and eturn it
    python3 readgraph.py [ digraph-file ]

Takes a csv (comma separated values) text file containing the vertices
and edges of a street digraph and converts it into a digraph instance.

If the optional argument digraph-file is supplied, reads that, otherwise
takes input from stdin
import sys
from readgraph import read_graph

# throw away executable name before processing command line arguments
argv = sys.argv[1:]

# if filename is supplied, use that, otherwise use stdin
if argv:
    digraph_file_name = argv.pop(0)
    digraph_file = open(digraph_file_name, 'r')
    digraph_file = sys.stdin

(graph, md) = read_graph(digraph_file)

if True:
    print("Done\n:", md)