def scrape(request):
    """Scrape url for all images."""
    url = request.GET.get("url")
    pattern = re.compile(r"^http[\W\w]+.(biz|com|co|edu|gov|info|net|org)+")
    result = re.search(pattern, url)
    if result:
        host = url[result.start() : result.end()]
        host = ""
    req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": "Magic Browser"})
    con = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    html = con.read()
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
    all_imgs = soup.find_all("img")
    imgs = []
    for img in all_imgs:
        src = img.get("src")
        if src:
            # does the src url have a relative path
            match = re.search(pattern, src)
            if not match:
                # if so, add the host in front of the src path
                src = host + src
    # split title
    html_title = split_title(soup.find("title").string)
    t = loader.get_template("readings/images.html")
    c = Context({"imgs": imgs})
    data = {"imgs": t.render(c), "html_title": html_title}
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")
def new_bookmarklet(request):
    """Create new reading from bookmarklet."""
    if request.method == "POST":
        content = request.POST.get("content", "")
        image = request.POST.get("image", "")
        link = request.POST.get("link", "")
        titl = request.POST.get("title", "")[:80]
        if request.user.is_staff:
            user_pk = request.POST.get("user")
            if user_pk:
                    user = User.objects.get(pk=int(user_pk))
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    user = request.user
                user = request.user
            user = request.user
        # if there is a link and title, create reading
        if link and titl:
                # if reading with link exists, add notes to that reading
                reading = Reading.objects.get(link=link)
                reading_exists = True
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                reading_exists = False
                titles = Reading.objects.filter(title=titl)
                # if there is a reading with the title
                if titles:
                    titl = "%s-%s" % (titl, str(titles.count()))
                reading = Reading(image=image, link=link, title=titl, user=user)
                # create vote for reading
                reading.vote_set.create(user=user, value=1)
            # add tag
            name = request.POST.get("tag_name")
            # if user added tag
            if name:
                    # check to see if user already tied a tag to this reading
                    existing_tie = reading.tie_set.get(user=user)
                # if user has not added a tag to this reading
                except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                    name = name.lower()
                    pattern = only_letters()
                    # If name contains only letters
                    if re.search(pattern, name):
                        # If name does not contain any banned words
                        blacklist = banned_words()
                        if not re.search(blacklist, name):
                                # If tag exists, get tag
                                tag = Tag.objects.get(name=name)
                            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                                # If tag does not exist, create tag
                                tag = Tag(name=name, user=user)
                                tag.slug = slugify(tag.name)
                            tie = user.tie_set.create(reading=reading, tag=tag)
                            # add rep
                            add_rep(request, t=tie)
            # if user did not add a tag, auto tag
                auto_tag(request, reading)
            # add rep
            add_rep(request, rd=reading)
            # if there is content, create note
            if content.strip():
                note = Note(content=content, reading=reading, user=user)
                # create first vote for note
                user.vote_set.create(note=note, value=1)
                if reading_exists:
                    facebook_graph_add_note(note.user, note.reading)
            if not reading_exists:
                facebook_graph_add_reading(reading.user, reading)
            if request.user.is_staff:
                # auto create votes for reading and reading.notes
                auto_vote(request, reading)
            data = {"success": 1}
            return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")
    content = request.GET.get("note", "").lstrip(" ")
    link = request.GET.get("link", "")
    # split title
    html_title = split_title(request.GET.get("title", ""))
    if request.user.is_staff:
        if request.user.pk == 2:
            users = admin_david_list()
            users = admin_user_list()
        users = []
    d = {"content": content, "link": link, "titl": html_title, "title": "Add Reading", "users": users}
    return render_to_response(
        "readings/new_bookmarklet.html", add_csrf(request, d), context_instance=RequestContext(request)