def formula2(mattrix_img_blue, mattrix_img_red, mattrix_img_green, col, row):
    mattrix_img_new = copy(mattrix_img_blue)
    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):
            mattrix_img_new[i][j] = mattrix_img_red[i][j] - \
            mattrix_img_new[i][j] = checklimit(mattrix_img_new[i][j])
    return mattrix_img_new
def formula3(mattrix_img_blue, mattrix_img_red, mattrix_img_green, col, row):
    mattrix_img_new = copy(mattrix_img_blue)
    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):
            mattrix_img_new[i][j] = int(
                (mattrix_img_green[i][j] + mattrix_img_red[i][j] +
                 mattrix_img_blue[i][j]) / 3)
            mattrix_img_new[i][j] = checklimit(mattrix_img_new[i][j])
    return mattrix_img_new
        y[3] = grid[i + 1][j + 1][1]
        for k in range(4):
            xy[k][0] = x[k]
            xy[k][1] = y[k]
            xy[k][2] = x[k] * y[k]
            xy[k][3] = 1
        x_dist[0] = dist[i][j][0]
        x_dist[1] = dist[i][j + 1][0]
        x_dist[2] = dist[i + 1][j][0]
        x_dist[3] = dist[i + 1][j + 1][0]

        y_dist[0] = dist[i][j][1]
        y_dist[1] = dist[i][j + 1][1]
        y_dist[2] = dist[i + 1][j][1]
        y_dist[3] = dist[i + 1][j + 1][1]
        xy_new1 = copy(xy)
        xy_new2 = copy(xy)
        w1_to_4 = solve4eqaultion(xy_new1, x_dist)
        w5_to_8 = solve4eqaultion(xy_new2, y_dist)
        for k in range(len(w1_to_4)):
            w[k] = w1_to_4[k]
        for k in range(len(w5_to_8)):
            w[k + 4] = w5_to_8[k]

        for k in range(y[0], y[2]):
            for l in range(x[0], x[1]):
                xp = (w[0] * l + w[1] * k + w[2] * l * k + w[3])
                yp = (w[4] * l + w[5] * k + w[6] * l * k + w[7])
                image_new[k][l] = Bilinear(mattrix_img, yp, xp)
writepgm("new_lenna.pgm", image_new, col, row)
count = 0

histogram = createHistogram(converted_img)
# count object
for key in histogram:
    if histogram[key] > 1500 and key != 255:
        object_dict[key] = histogram.get(key)
        count = count + 1

print("Histogram of image :")
print("Number of Object : " + str(count))
print("Gray level of each object")

maskesOb_img = copy(mattrix_img)

for key in object_dict:

    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):
            if mattrix_img[i][j] == key:
                maskesOb_img[i][j] = 1

                maskesOb_img[i][j] = 0

    U20 = pqHu(2, 0, maskesOb_img, row, col)
    U02 = pqHu(0, 2, maskesOb_img, row, col)
    N20 = pqN(2, 0, maskesOb_img, row, col)
    N02 = pqN(0, 2, maskesOb_img, row, col)
    if histogram[key] > 1500 and key != 255:
        object_dict[key] = histogram.get(key)
        count = count + 1

print("Histogram of image :")
print("Number of Object : " + str(count))
print("Gray level of each object")

obj = 0
for key in object_dict:
    obj += 1
    print("Gray level of Object " + str(obj) + " is " + str(key))
obj = 0

Object = copy(mattrix_img)

for key in object_dict:

    for i in range(row):
        for j in range(col):
            if mattrix_img[i][j] == key:
                Object[i][j] = 1
                Object[i][j] = 0

    U20 = pqHu(2, 0, Object, row, col)
    U02 = pqHu(0, 2, Object, row, col)
    N20 = pqN(2, 0, Object, row, col)
    N02 = pqN(0, 2, Object, row, col)
    theata = N20 + N02