exit(1) print("** Existing CXs **") try: cx_list = localrealm.cx_list() print("%s CXs:" % len(cx_list)) pprint(cx_list) except Exception as x: localrealm.error(x) exit(1) print("** Removing previous CXs **") print("** Creating Layer 3 CXs **") try: cx_profile = localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() # set attributes of cxProfile cx_profile.create("lf_udp", side_a="1.1.eth1", side_b=list(localrealm.find_ports_like("sta+"))) except Exception as x: pprint(x) exit(1) try: cx_profile = localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() # set attributes of cxProfile cx_profile.create("lf_udp", side_a=list(localrealm.find_ports_like("sta+")), side_b="1.1.eth1") except Exception as x:
class SingleClientEAP(LFCliBase): def __init__(self, host, port, security=None, ssid=None, sta_list=None, number_template="00000", _debug_on=False, _dut_bssid="", _exit_on_error=False, _sta_name=None, _resource=1, radio="wiphy0", key_mgmt="WPA-EAP", eap="", identity="", ttls_passwd="", hessid=None, ttls_realm="", domain="", _exit_on_fail=False, _cleanup_on_exit=True): super().__init__(host, port, _debug=_debug_on, _halt_on_error=_exit_on_error, _exit_on_fail=_exit_on_fail) self.host = host self.port = port self.ssid = ssid self.radio = radio self.security = security #self.password = password self.sta_list = sta_list self.key_mgmt = key_mgmt self.eap = eap self.identity = identity self.ttls_passwd = ttls_passwd self.ttls_realm = ttls_realm self.domain = domain self.hessid = hessid self.dut_bssid = _dut_bssid self.timeout = 120 self.number_template = number_template self.debug = _debug_on self.local_realm = realm.Realm(lfclient_host=self.host, lfclient_port=self.port) self.station_profile = self.local_realm.new_station_profile() self.station_profile.lfclient_url = self.lfclient_url self.station_profile.ssid = self.ssid self.station_profile.security = self.security self.station_profile.number_template_ = self.number_template self.station_profile.mode = 0 #Added to test_ipv4_ttls code self.upstream_url = None # defer construction self.sta_url_map = None self.upstream_resource = None self.upstream_port = None self.station_names = [] if _sta_name is not None: self.station_names = [_sta_name] self.localrealm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) self.resource = _resource self.cleanup_on_exit = _cleanup_on_exit self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} self.station_profile = None self.l3_udp_profile = None self.l3_tcp_profile = None # def get_realm(self) -> Realm: # py > 3.6 def get_realm(self): return self.localrealm def get_station_url(self, sta_name_=None): if sta_name_ is None: raise ValueError("get_station_url wants a station name") if self.sta_url_map is None: self.sta_url_map = {} for sta_name in self.station_names: self.sta_url_map[sta_name] = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.resource, sta_name) return self.sta_url_map[sta_name_] def get_upstream_url(self): if self.upstream_url is None: self.upstream_url = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.upstream_resource, self.upstream_port) return self.upstream_url # Compare pre-test values to post-test values def compare_vals(self, name, postVal, print_pass=False, print_fail=True): # print(f"Comparing {name}") if postVal > 0: self._pass("%s %s" % (name, postVal), print_pass) else: self._fail("%s did not report traffic: %s" % (name, postVal), print_fail) def remove_stations(self): for name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, name, self.lfclient_url) def num_associated(self, bssid): counter = 0 # print("there are %d results" % len(self.station_results)) fields = "_links,port,alias,ip,ap,port+type" self.station_results = self.localrealm.find_ports_like("eap*", fields, debug_=False) if (self.station_results is None) or (len(self.station_results) < 1): self.get_failed_result_list() for eid, record in self.station_results.items(): #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") #pprint(eid) #pprint(record) if record["ap"] == bssid: counter += 1 #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") return counter def clear_test_results(self): self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} super().clear_test_results() #super(StaConnect, self).clear_test_results().test_results.clear() def setup(self): self.clear_test_results() self.check_connect() upstream_json = self.json_get("%s?fields=alias,phantom,down,port,ip" % self.get_upstream_url(), debug_=False) if upstream_json is None: self._fail(message="Unable to query %s, bye" % self.upstream_port, print_=True) return False if upstream_json['interface']['ip'] == "": if self.debug: pprint.pprint(upstream_json) self._fail("Warning: %s lacks ip address" % self.get_upstream_url(), print_=True) return False # remove old stations print("Removing old stations") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) response = self.json_get(sta_url) if (response is not None) and (response["interface"] is not None): for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) LFUtils.wait_until_ports_disappear(self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # Create stations and turn dhcp on self.station_profile = self.localrealm.new_station_profile() # Build stations self.station_profile.use_security(self.security, self.ssid, passwd="[BLANK]") self.station_profile.set_number_template(self.number_template) print("Creating stations") self.station_profile.set_command_flag("add_sta", "create_admin_down", 1) self.station_profile.set_command_param("set_port", "report_timer", 1500) self.station_profile.set_command_flag("set_port", "rpt_timer", 1) self.station_profile.set_wifi_extra(key_mgmt=self.key_mgmt, eap=self.eap, identity=self.identity, passwd=self.ttls_passwd, realm=self.ttls_realm, domain=self.domain, hessid=self.hessid) self.station_profile.create(radio=self.radio, sta_names_=self.sta_list, debug=self.debug, use_radius=True, hs20_enable=False) self._pass("PASS: Station build finished") def start(self): if self.station_profile is None: self._fail("Incorrect setup") pprint.pprint(self.station_profile) if self.station_profile.up is None: self._fail("Incorrect station profile, missing profile.up") if self.station_profile.up == False: print("\nBringing ports up...") data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) self.station_profile.admin_up() LFUtils.waitUntilPortsAdminUp(self.resource, self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # station_info = self.jsonGet(self.mgr_url, "%s?fields=port,ip,ap" % (self.getStaUrl())) duration = 0 maxTime = 30 ip = "" ap = "" print("Waiting for %s stations to associate to AP: " % len(self.station_names), end="") connected_stations = {} while (len(connected_stations.keys()) < len( self.station_names)) and (duration < maxTime): duration += 3 time.sleep(10) print(".", end="") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url + "?fields=port,ip,ap") # LFUtils.debug_printer.pprint(station_info) if (station_info is not None) and ("interface" in station_info): if "ip" in station_info["interface"]: ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if "ap" in station_info["interface"]: ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] if (ap == "Not-Associated") or (ap == ""): if self.debug: print(" -%s," % sta_name, end="") else: if ip == "": if self.debug: print(" %s (" % sta_name, end="") else: connected_stations[sta_name] = sta_url data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url) # + "?fields=port,ip,ap") if station_info is None: print("unable to query %s" % sta_url) self.resulting_stations[sta_url] = station_info ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if (ap != "") and (ap != "Not-Associated"): print(" %s +AP %s, " % (sta_name, ap), end="") if self.dut_bssid != "": if self.dut_bssid.lower() == ap.lower(): self._pass(sta_name + " connected to BSSID: " + ap) # self.test_results.append("PASSED: ) # print("PASSED: Connected to BSSID: "+ap) else: self._fail( "%s connected to wrong BSSID, requested: %s Actual: %s" % (sta_name, self.dut_bssid, ap)) else: self._fail(sta_name + " did not connect to AP") return False if ip == "": self._fail("%s did not get an ip. Ending test" % sta_name) else: self._pass("%s connected to AP: %s With IP: %s" % (sta_name, ap, ip)) if self.passes() == False: if self.cleanup_on_exit: print("Cleaning up...") self.remove_stations() return False def udp_profile(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu): # Create UDP endpoint - Alex's code! self.l3_udp_tput_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_a_min_bps = side_a_min_bps self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_b_min_bps = side_b_min_bps self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_a_min_pdu = side_a_min_pdu self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_b_min_pdu = side_b_min_pdu self.l3_udp_tput_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_udp_tput_profile.name_prefix = "udp" self.l3_udp_tput_profile.create( endp_type="lf_udp", side_a=list(self.localrealm.find_ports_like("tput+")), side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) def tcp_profile(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps): # Create TCP endpoints - original code! self.l3_tcp_tput_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.side_a_min_bps = side_a_min_bps self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.side_b_min_bps = side_b_min_bps self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.name_prefix = "tcp" self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.create( endp_type="lf_tcp", side_a=list(self.localrealm.find_ports_like("tput+")), side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) # Start UDP Downstream Traffic def udp_throughput(self): print("\nStarting UDP Traffic") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(1) self.l3_udp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() def tcp_throughput(self): print("\nStarting TCP Traffic") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(1) self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() def udp_stop(self): # stop cx traffic print("Stopping CX Traffic") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.stop_cx() # Refresh stats print("\nRefresh CX stats") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() print("Sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) # get data for endpoints JSON return self.collect_client_stats(self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx) # print("\n") def tcp_stop(self): # stop cx traffic print("Stopping CX Traffic") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.stop_cx() # Refresh stats print("\nRefresh CX stats") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() print("Sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) # get data for endpoints JSON return self.collect_client_stats(self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx) # print("\n") # New Endpoint code to print TX and RX numbers def collect_client_stats(self, endp_map): print("Collecting Data") fields = "?fields=name,tx+bytes,rx+bytes" for (cx_name, endps) in endp_map.items(): try: endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[0], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_a_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_a_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] # ptest = self.json_get("/endp/%s?fields=tx+bytes,rx+bytes" % cx_names[cx_name]["b"]) endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[1], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_b_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_b_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] byte_values = [] byte_values.append("Station TX: " + str(ptest_a_tx)) byte_values.append("Station RX: " + str(ptest_a_rx)) byte_values.append("AP TX: " + str(ptest_b_tx)) byte_values.append("AP RX: " + str(ptest_b_rx)) return byte_values except Exception as e: self.error(e) def cleanup_udp(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_udp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def cleanup_tcp(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def cleanup(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_udp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def udp_unidirectional(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu, direction, values_line): self.udp_profile(side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu) self.start() print("Running", direction, "Traffic for %s seconds" % self.runtime_secs) self.udp_throughput() print("napping %f sec" % self.runtime_secs) time.sleep(self.runtime_secs) values = self.udp_stop() print(values) # Get value required for measurement bytes = values[values_line] # Get value in Bits and convert to Mbps bits = (int(bytes.split(": ", 1)[1])) * 8 mpbs = round((bits / 1000000) / self.runtime_secs, 2) return mpbs def tcp_unidirectional(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, direction, values_line): self.tcp_profile(side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps) self.start() print("Running", direction, "Traffic for %s seconds" % self.runtime_secs) self.tcp_throughput() print("napping %f sec" % self.runtime_secs) time.sleep(self.runtime_secs) values = self.tcp_stop() print(values) # Get value required for measurement bytes = values[values_line] # Get value in Bits and convert to Mbps bits = (int(bytes.split(": ", 1)[1])) * 8 mpbs = round((bits / 1000000) / self.runtime_secs, 2) return mpbs
class CreateSTA_CX(LFCliBase): def __init__(self, host, port, radio, num_sta, sta_id, ssid, security, password, upstream, protocol, min_bps, max_bps, security_debug_on=True, _exit_on_error=True, _exit_on_fail=True): super().__init__(host, port, _debug=security_debug_on, _halt_on_error=_exit_on_error, _exit_on_fail=_exit_on_fail) self.host = host self.port = port self.radio = radio self.num_sta = num_sta self.sta_id = sta_id self.ssid = ssid self.security = security self.password = password self.upstream = upstream self.protocol = protocol self.min_bps = min_bps self.max_bps = max_bps #Creating a Realm Object self.local_realm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) #Creating Profile Objects self.station_profile = self.local_realm.new_station_profile() self.cx_profile = self.local_realm.new_l3_cx_profile() #Setting CX Name self.cx_profile.name_prefix_ = "Connection" self.cx_names = [] self.sta_list = [] self.endp = [] for i in range(sta_id, sta_id + num_sta): self.sta_list.append("sta00") #portDhcpUpRequest ''' upstream_dhcp = LFRequest.LFRequest("http://"+str(host)+":"+str(port)+"/"+"/cli-form/set_port") upstream_dhcp.addPostData( LFUtils.portSetDhcpDownRequest(1, upstream)) upstream_dhcp.formPost() time.sleep(2) upstream_dhcp.addPostData( LFUtils.portUpRequest(1, upstream)) upstream_dhcp.formPost() print(upstream + "Set to DHCP For Cross Connects") ''' def build(self): #Creating Stations of Given Profile Settings self.station_profile.use_security(self.security, self.ssid, passwd=self.password) self.station_profile.create(self.radio, num_stations=self.num_sta, sta_names_=self.sta_list) self.station_profile.admin_up() #Wait for a while time.sleep(15) #Setting up the Parameters for CX self.cx_profile.side_a_min_bps = self.min_bps self.cx_profile.side_b_min_bps = self.min_bps self.cx_profile.side_a_max_bps = self.max_bps self.cx_profile.side_b_max_bps = self.max_bps self.cx_profile.side_a_min_pdu = 'Auto' self.cx_profile.side_b_min_pdu = 'Auto' self.cx_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.cx_profile.side_a_min_pkt = 'Same' self.cx_profile.side_a_max_pkt = 'Same' #Create Connections of Given Parameters self.cx_profile.create(self.protocol, side_a="1.1." + self.upstream, side_b=list( self.local_realm.find_ports_like("sta0+"))) time.sleep(15) # Getting all the Endpoint Names for measuring Throughput Later for i in self.cx_profile.get_cx_names(): self.cx_names.append(i) for j in self.cx_names: x = self.local_realm.json_get("/cx/" + j) self.endp.append(x.get(j).get('endpoints')[1]) #print(self.endp) return 0 def start(self): #self.station_profile.admin_up() self.cx_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(5) return 0 def stop(self): self.cx_profile.stop_cx() time.sleep(5) self.lf_stations.admin_down() time.sleep(5) return 0 def cleanup(self): # Removing Connections self.local_realm.cleanup_cxe_prefix(self.cx_profile.name_prefix) vap = self.local_realm.find_ports_like("vap+") bridges = self.local_realm.find_ports_like("br+") station_map = self.local_realm.find_ports_like("sta+") #Removing Bridges for eid, record in bridges.items(): self.local_realm.remove_vlan_by_eid(eid) time.sleep(0.03) #Removing VAP for eid, record in vap.items(): self.local_realm.remove_vlan_by_eid(eid) time.sleep(0.03) #Removing stations for eid, record in station_map.items(): self.local_realm.remove_vlan_by_eid(eid) time.sleep(0.03) del_sta_names = [] try: for eid, value in station_map.items(): tname = eid[eid.rfind('.'):] del_sta_names.append(tname) except Exception as x: self.local_realm.error(x) try: LFUtils.waitUntilPortsDisappear( base_url=self.local_realm.lfclient_url, port_list=del_sta_names, debug=True) print("Ports Successfully Cleaned up") return 0 except: print("Ports Successfully Cleaned up") time.sleep(5) return 0
class SingleClient(LFCliBase): def __init__(self, host, port, _dut_ssid="jedway-open-1", _dut_passwd="NA", _dut_bssid="", _user="", _passwd="", _sta_mode="0", _radio="wiphy0", _resource=1, _upstream_resource=1, _upstream_port="eth1", _sta_name=None, debug_=False, _dut_security=OPEN, _exit_on_error=False, _cleanup_on_exit=True, _runtime_sec=60, _exit_on_fail=False): # do not use `super(LFCLiBase,self).__init__(self, host, port, _debugOn) # that is py2 era syntax and will force self into the host variable, making you # very confused. super().__init__(host, port, _debug=debug_, _halt_on_error=_exit_on_error, _exit_on_fail=_exit_on_fail) self.debug = debug_ self.dut_security = _dut_security self.dut_ssid = _dut_ssid self.dut_passwd = _dut_passwd self.dut_bssid = _dut_bssid self.user = _user self.passwd = _passwd self.sta_mode = _sta_mode # See add_sta LANforge CLI users guide entry self.radio = _radio self.resource = _resource self.upstream_resource = _upstream_resource self.upstream_port = _upstream_port self.runtime_secs = _runtime_sec self.cleanup_on_exit = _cleanup_on_exit self.sta_url_map = None # defer construction self.upstream_url = None # defer construction self.station_names = [] if _sta_name is not None: self.station_names = [_sta_name] # self.localrealm :Realm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) # py > 3.6 self.localrealm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) # py > 3.6 self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} self.station_profile = None self.l3_udp_profile = None self.l3_tcp_profile = None # def get_realm(self) -> Realm: # py > 3.6 def get_realm(self): return self.localrealm def get_station_url(self, sta_name_=None): if sta_name_ is None: raise ValueError("get_station_url wants a station name") if self.sta_url_map is None: self.sta_url_map = {} for sta_name in self.station_names: self.sta_url_map[sta_name] = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.resource, sta_name) return self.sta_url_map[sta_name_] def get_upstream_url(self): if self.upstream_url is None: self.upstream_url = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.upstream_resource, self.upstream_port) return self.upstream_url # Compare pre-test values to post-test values def compare_vals(self, name, postVal, print_pass=False, print_fail=True): # print(f"Comparing {name}") if postVal > 0: self._pass("%s %s" % (name, postVal), print_pass) else: self._fail("%s did not report traffic: %s" % (name, postVal), print_fail) def remove_stations(self): for name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, name, self.lfclient_url) def num_associated(self, bssid): counter = 0 # print("there are %d results" % len(self.station_results)) fields = "_links,port,alias,ip,ap,port+type" self.station_results = self.localrealm.find_ports_like("sta*", fields, debug_=False) if (self.station_results is None) or (len(self.station_results) < 1): self.get_failed_result_list() for eid, record in self.station_results.items(): #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") #pprint(eid) #pprint(record) if record["ap"] == bssid: counter += 1 #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") return counter def clear_test_results(self): self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} super().clear_test_results() #super(StaConnect, self).clear_test_results().test_results.clear() def setup(self): self.clear_test_results() self.check_connect() upstream_json = self.json_get("%s?fields=alias,phantom,down,port,ip" % self.get_upstream_url(), debug_=False) if upstream_json is None: self._fail(message="Unable to query %s, bye" % self.upstream_port, print_=True) return False if upstream_json['interface']['ip'] == "": if self.debug: pprint.pprint(upstream_json) self._fail("Warning: %s lacks ip address" % self.get_upstream_url(), print_=True) return False # remove old stations print("Removing old stations") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) response = self.json_get(sta_url) if (response is not None) and (response["interface"] is not None): for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) LFUtils.wait_until_ports_disappear(self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # Create stations and turn dhcp on self.station_profile = self.localrealm.new_station_profile() if self.dut_security == WPA2: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wpa2", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) elif self.dut_security == WPA: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wpa", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) elif self.dut_security == OPEN: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="open", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd="[BLANK]") elif self.dut_security == WPA: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wpa", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) elif self.dut_security == WEP: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wep", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) self.station_profile.set_command_flag("add_sta", "create_admin_down", 1) print("Adding new stations ", end="") self.station_profile.create(radio=self.radio, sta_names_=self.station_names, up_=False, debug=self.debug, suppress_related_commands_=True) LFUtils.wait_until_ports_appear(self.lfclient_url, self.station_names, debug=self.debug) def start(self): if self.station_profile is None: self._fail("Incorrect setup") pprint.pprint(self.station_profile) if self.station_profile.up is None: self._fail("Incorrect station profile, missing profile.up") if self.station_profile.up == False: print("\nBringing ports up...") data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) self.station_profile.admin_up() LFUtils.waitUntilPortsAdminUp(self.resource, self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # station_info = self.jsonGet(self.mgr_url, "%s?fields=port,ip,ap" % (self.getStaUrl())) duration = 0 maxTime = 100 ip = "" ap = "" print("Waiting for %s stations to associate to AP: " % len(self.station_names), end="") connected_stations = {} while (len(connected_stations.keys()) < len( self.station_names)) and (duration < maxTime): duration += 3 time.sleep(10) print(".", end="") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url + "?fields=port,ip,ap") # LFUtils.debug_printer.pprint(station_info) if (station_info is not None) and ("interface" in station_info): if "ip" in station_info["interface"]: ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if "ap" in station_info["interface"]: ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] if (ap == "Not-Associated") or (ap == ""): if self.debug: print(" -%s," % sta_name, end="") else: if ip == "": if self.debug: print(" %s (" % sta_name, end="") else: connected_stations[sta_name] = sta_url data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url) # + "?fields=port,ip,ap") if station_info is None: print("unable to query %s" % sta_url) self.resulting_stations[sta_url] = station_info ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if (ap != "") and (ap != "Not-Associated"): print(" %s +AP %s, " % (sta_name, ap), end="") if self.dut_bssid != "": if self.dut_bssid.lower() == ap.lower(): self._pass(sta_name + " connected to BSSID: " + ap) # self.test_results.append("PASSED: ) # print("PASSED: Connected to BSSID: "+ap) else: self._fail( "%s connected to wrong BSSID, requested: %s Actual: %s" % (sta_name, self.dut_bssid, ap)) else: self._fail(sta_name + " did not connect to AP") return False if ip == "": self._fail("%s did not get an ip. Ending test" % sta_name) else: self._pass("%s connected to AP: %s With IP: %s" % (sta_name, ap, ip)) if self.passes() == False: if self.cleanup_on_exit: print("Cleaning up...") self.remove_stations() return False def udp_profile(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu): # Create UDP endpoint - Alex's code! self.l3_udp_tput_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_a_min_bps = side_a_min_bps self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_b_min_bps = side_b_min_bps self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_a_min_pdu = side_a_min_pdu self.l3_udp_tput_profile.side_b_min_pdu = side_b_min_pdu self.l3_udp_tput_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_udp_tput_profile.name_prefix = "udp" self.l3_udp_tput_profile.create( endp_type="lf_udp", side_a=list(self.localrealm.find_ports_like("tput+")), side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) def tcp_profile(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps): # Create TCP endpoints - original code! self.l3_tcp_tput_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.side_a_min_bps = side_a_min_bps self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.side_b_min_bps = side_b_min_bps self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.name_prefix = "tcp" self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.create( endp_type="lf_tcp", side_a=list(self.localrealm.find_ports_like("tput+")), side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) # Start UDP Downstream Traffic def udp_throughput(self): print("\nStarting UDP Traffic") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(1) self.l3_udp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() def tcp_throughput(self): print("\nStarting TCP Traffic") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(1) self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() def udp_stop(self): # stop cx traffic print("Stopping CX Traffic") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.stop_cx() # Refresh stats print("\nRefresh CX stats") self.l3_udp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() print("Sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) # get data for endpoints JSON return self.collect_client_stats(self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx) # print("\n") def tcp_stop(self): # stop cx traffic print("Stopping CX Traffic") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.stop_cx() # Refresh stats print("\nRefresh CX stats") self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.refresh_cx() print("Sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) # get data for endpoints JSON return self.collect_client_stats(self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx) # print("\n") # New Endpoint code to print TX and RX numbers def collect_client_stats(self, endp_map): print("Collecting Data") fields = "?fields=name,tx+bytes,rx+bytes" for (cx_name, endps) in endp_map.items(): try: endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[0], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_a_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_a_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] # ptest = self.json_get("/endp/%s?fields=tx+bytes,rx+bytes" % cx_names[cx_name]["b"]) endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[1], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_b_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_b_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] byte_values = [] byte_values.append("Station TX: " + str(ptest_a_tx)) byte_values.append("Station RX: " + str(ptest_a_rx)) byte_values.append("AP TX: " + str(ptest_b_tx)) byte_values.append("AP RX: " + str(ptest_b_rx)) return byte_values except Exception as e: self.error(e) def cleanup_udp(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_udp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def cleanup_tcp(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def cleanup(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_udp_tput_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_tcp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_udp_tput_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug) def udp_unidirectional(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu, direction, values_line): self.udp_profile(side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, side_a_min_pdu, side_b_min_pdu) self.start() print("Running", direction, "Traffic for %s seconds" % self.runtime_secs) self.udp_throughput() print("napping %f sec" % self.runtime_secs) time.sleep(self.runtime_secs) values = self.udp_stop() print(values) # Get value required for measurement bytes = values[values_line] # Get value in Bits and convert to Mbps bits = (int(bytes.split(": ", 1)[1])) * 8 mpbs = round((bits / 1000000) / self.runtime_secs, 2) return mpbs def tcp_unidirectional(self, side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps, direction, values_line): self.tcp_profile(side_a_min_bps, side_b_min_bps) self.start() print("Running", direction, "Traffic for %s seconds" % self.runtime_secs) self.tcp_throughput() print("napping %f sec" % self.runtime_secs) time.sleep(self.runtime_secs) values = self.tcp_stop() print(values) # Get value required for measurement bytes = values[values_line] # Get value in Bits and convert to Mbps bits = (int(bytes.split(": ", 1)[1])) * 8 mpbs = round((bits / 1000000) / self.runtime_secs, 2) return mpbs def throughput_csv(csv_file, ssid_name, ap_model, firmware, security, udp_ds, udp_us, tcp_ds, tcp_us): # Find band for CSV ---> This code is not great, it SHOULD get that info from LANForge! if "5G" in ssid_name: frequency = "5 GHz" elif "2dot4G" in ssid_name: frequency = "2.4 GHz" else: frequency = "Unknown" # Append row to top of CSV file row = [ ap_model, firmware, frequency, security, udp_ds, udp_us, tcp_ds, tcp_us ] with open(csv_file, 'r') as readFile: reader = csv.reader(readFile) lines = list(reader) lines.insert(1, row) with open(csv_file, 'w') as writeFile: writer = csv.writer(writeFile) writer.writerows(lines) readFile.close() writeFile.close()
class StaConnect2(LFCliBase): def __init__(self, host, port, _dut_ssid="jedway-open-1", _dut_passwd="NA", _dut_bssid="", _user="", _passwd="", _sta_mode="0", _radio="wiphy0", _resource=1, _upstream_resource=1, _upstream_port="eth1", _sta_name=None, _sta_prefix='sta', _bringup_time_sec=300, debug_=False, _dut_security=OPEN, _exit_on_error=False, _cleanup_on_exit=True, _clean_all_sta=False, _runtime_sec=60, _exit_on_fail=False): # do not use `super(LFCLiBase,self).__init__(self, host, port, _debugOn) # that is py2 era syntax and will force self into the host variable, making you # very confused. super().__init__(host, port, _debug=debug_, _halt_on_error=_exit_on_error, _exit_on_fail=_exit_on_fail) self.debug = debug_ self.dut_security = _dut_security self.dut_ssid = _dut_ssid self.dut_passwd = _dut_passwd self.dut_bssid = _dut_bssid self.user = _user self.passwd = _passwd self.sta_mode = _sta_mode # See add_sta LANforge CLI users guide entry self.radio = _radio self.resource = _resource self.upstream_resource = _upstream_resource self.upstream_port = _upstream_port self.runtime_secs = _runtime_sec self.cleanup_on_exit = _cleanup_on_exit self.clean_all_sta = _clean_all_sta self.sta_url_map = None # defer construction self.upstream_url = None # defer construction self.station_names = [] if _sta_name is not None: self.station_names = [_sta_name] self.sta_prefix = _sta_prefix self.bringup_time_sec = _bringup_time_sec # self.localrealm :Realm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) # py > 3.6 self.localrealm = Realm(lfclient_host=host, lfclient_port=port) # py > 3.6 self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} self.station_profile = None self.l3_udp_profile = None self.l3_tcp_profile = None # def get_realm(self) -> Realm: # py > 3.6 def get_realm(self): return self.localrealm def get_station_url(self, sta_name_=None): if sta_name_ is None: raise ValueError("get_station_url wants a station name") if self.sta_url_map is None: self.sta_url_map = {} for sta_name in self.station_names: self.sta_url_map[sta_name] = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.resource, sta_name) return self.sta_url_map[sta_name_] def get_upstream_url(self): if self.upstream_url is None: self.upstream_url = "port/1/%s/%s" % (self.upstream_resource, self.upstream_port) return self.upstream_url # Compare pre-test values to post-test values def compare_vals(self, name, postVal, print_pass=False, print_fail=True): # print(f"Comparing {name}") if postVal > 0: self._pass("%s %s" % (name, postVal), print_pass) else: self._fail("%s did not report traffic: %s" % (name, postVal), print_fail) def remove_stations(self): for name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, name, self.lfclient_url) def num_associated(self, bssid): counter = 0 # print("there are %d results" % len(self.station_results)) fields = "_links,port,alias,ip,ap,port+type" self.station_results = self.localrealm.find_ports_like("%s*" % self.sta_prefix, fields, debug_=False) if (self.station_results is None) or (len(self.station_results) < 1): self.get_failed_result_list() for eid, record in self.station_results.items(): #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") #pprint(eid) #pprint(record) if record["ap"] == bssid: counter += 1 #print("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ") return counter def clear_test_results(self): self.resulting_stations = {} self.resulting_endpoints = {} super().clear_test_results() #super(StaConnect, self).clear_test_results().test_results.clear() def setup(self): self.clear_test_results() self.check_connect() upstream_json = self.json_get("%s?fields=alias,phantom,down,port,ip" % self.get_upstream_url(), debug_=False) if upstream_json is None: self._fail(message="Unable to query %s, bye" % self.upstream_port, print_=True) return False if upstream_json['interface']['ip'] == "": if self.debug: pprint.pprint(upstream_json) self._fail("Warning: %s lacks ip address" % self.get_upstream_url(), print_=True) return False # remove old stations if self.clean_all_sta: print("Removing all stations on resource.") self.localrealm.remove_all_stations(self.resource) else: print("Removing old stations to be created by this test.") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) response = self.json_get(sta_url) if (response is not None) and (response["interface"] is not None): for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) LFUtils.wait_until_ports_disappear(self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # Create stations and turn dhcp on self.station_profile = self.localrealm.new_station_profile() if self.dut_security == WPA2: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wpa2", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) elif self.dut_security == OPEN: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="open", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd="[BLANK]") elif self.dut_security == WPA: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wpa", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) elif self.dut_security == WEP: self.station_profile.use_security(security_type="wep", ssid=self.dut_ssid, passwd=self.dut_passwd) self.station_profile.set_command_flag("add_sta", "create_admin_down", 1) print("Adding new stations ", end="") self.station_profile.create(radio=self.radio, sta_names_=self.station_names, up_=False, debug=self.debug, suppress_related_commands_=True) LFUtils.wait_until_ports_appear(self.lfclient_url, self.station_names, debug=self.debug) # Create UDP endpoints self.l3_udp_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_udp_profile.side_a_min_bps = 128000 self.l3_udp_profile.side_b_min_bps = 128000 self.l3_udp_profile.side_a_min_pdu = 1200 self.l3_udp_profile.side_b_min_pdu = 1500 self.l3_udp_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_udp_profile.name_prefix = "udp" port_list = list( self.localrealm.find_ports_like("%s+" % self.sta_prefix)) if (port_list is None) or (len(port_list) < 1): raise ValueError("Unable to find ports named '%s'+" % self.sta_prefix) self.l3_udp_profile.create(endp_type="lf_udp", side_a=port_list, side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) # Create TCP endpoints self.l3_tcp_profile = self.localrealm.new_l3_cx_profile() self.l3_tcp_profile.side_a_min_bps = 128000 self.l3_tcp_profile.side_b_min_bps = 56000 self.l3_tcp_profile.name_prefix = "tcp" self.l3_tcp_profile.report_timer = 1000 self.l3_tcp_profile.create( endp_type="lf_tcp", side_a=list( self.localrealm.find_ports_like("%s+" % self.sta_prefix)), side_b="%d.%s" % (self.resource, self.upstream_port), suppress_related_commands=True) def start(self): if self.station_profile is None: self._fail("Incorrect setup") pprint.pprint(self.station_profile) if self.station_profile.up is None: self._fail("Incorrect station profile, missing profile.up") if self.station_profile.up == False: print("\nBringing ports up...") data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) self.station_profile.admin_up() LFUtils.waitUntilPortsAdminUp(self.resource, self.lfclient_url, self.station_names) # station_info = self.jsonGet(self.mgr_url, "%s?fields=port,ip,ap" % (self.getStaUrl())) duration = 0 maxTime = self.bringup_time_sec ip = "" ap = "" print("Waiting for %s stations to associate to AP: " % len(self.station_names), end="") connected_stations = {} while (len(connected_stations.keys()) < len( self.station_names)) and (duration < maxTime): duration += 3 time.sleep(3) print(".", end="") for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url + "?fields=port,ip,ap") # LFUtils.debug_printer.pprint(station_info) if (station_info is not None) and ("interface" in station_info): if "ip" in station_info["interface"]: ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if "ap" in station_info["interface"]: ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] if (ap == "Not-Associated") or (ap == ""): if self.debug: print(" -%s," % sta_name, end="") else: if ip == "": if self.debug: print(" %s (" % sta_name, end="") else: connected_stations[sta_name] = sta_url data = { "shelf": 1, "resource": self.resource, "port": "ALL", "probe_flags": 1 } self.json_post("/cli-json/nc_show_ports", data) for sta_name in self.station_names: sta_url = self.get_station_url(sta_name) station_info = self.json_get(sta_url) # + "?fields=port,ip,ap") if station_info is None: print("unable to query %s" % sta_url) self.resulting_stations[sta_url] = station_info ap = station_info["interface"]["ap"] ip = station_info["interface"]["ip"] if (ap != "") and (ap != "Not-Associated"): print(" %s +AP %s, " % (sta_name, ap), end="") if self.dut_bssid != "": if self.dut_bssid.lower() == ap.lower(): self._pass(sta_name + " connected to BSSID: " + ap) # self.test_results.append("PASSED: ) # print("PASSED: Connected to BSSID: "+ap) else: self._fail( "%s connected to wrong BSSID, requested: %s Actual: %s" % (sta_name, self.dut_bssid, ap)) else: self._fail(sta_name + " did not connect to AP") return False if ip == "": self._fail("%s did not get an ip. Ending test" % sta_name) else: self._pass("%s connected to AP: %s With IP: %s" % (sta_name, ap, ip)) if self.passes() == False: if self.cleanup_on_exit: print("Cleaning up...") self.remove_stations() return False # start cx traffic print("\nStarting CX Traffic") self.l3_udp_profile.start_cx() self.l3_tcp_profile.start_cx() time.sleep(1) # Refresh stats self.l3_udp_profile.refresh_cx() self.l3_tcp_profile.refresh_cx() def collect_endp_stats(self, endp_map): print("Collecting Data") fields = "?fields=name,tx+bytes,rx+bytes" for (cx_name, endps) in endp_map.items(): try: endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[0], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_a_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_a_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] #ptest = self.json_get("/endp/%s?fields=tx+bytes,rx+bytes" % cx_names[cx_name]["b"]) endp_url = "/endp/%s%s" % (endps[1], fields) endp_json = self.json_get(endp_url) self.resulting_endpoints[endp_url] = endp_json ptest_b_tx = endp_json['endpoint']['tx bytes'] ptest_b_rx = endp_json['endpoint']['rx bytes'] self.compare_vals("testTCP-A TX", ptest_a_tx) self.compare_vals("testTCP-A RX", ptest_a_rx) self.compare_vals("testTCP-B TX", ptest_b_tx) self.compare_vals("testTCP-B RX", ptest_b_rx) except Exception as e: self.error(e) def stop(self): # stop cx traffic print("Stopping CX Traffic") self.l3_udp_profile.stop_cx() self.l3_tcp_profile.stop_cx() # Refresh stats print("\nRefresh CX stats") self.l3_udp_profile.refresh_cx() self.l3_tcp_profile.refresh_cx() print("Sleeping for 5 seconds") time.sleep(5) # get data for endpoints JSON self.collect_endp_stats(self.l3_udp_profile.created_cx) self.collect_endp_stats(self.l3_tcp_profile.created_cx) # print("\n") def cleanup(self): # remove all endpoints and cxs if self.cleanup_on_exit: for sta_name in self.station_names: LFUtils.removePort(self.resource, sta_name, self.lfclient_url) curr_endp_names = [] removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_udp_profile.get_cx_names()) removeCX(self.lfclient_url, self.l3_tcp_profile.get_cx_names()) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_udp_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) for (cx_name, endp_names) in self.l3_tcp_profile.created_cx.items(): curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[0]) curr_endp_names.append(endp_names[1]) removeEndps(self.lfclient_url, curr_endp_names, debug=self.debug)