def plt_trans_count_week_term_pc_term_total(save=True, title='Number of weekly transactions as a % of the term total', x_label="Week", y_label="Value of receipts as % of term total", is_long_title=False, file='receipts_weekly_term_pc.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ Create a line plot for the total number of transactions as a percentage of the total number of transactions over the term. Each term is plotted on its own line. """ # set the style sns.set(style=SN_STYLE, font=FONT_NAME) # get data and remove 'NOTHING' values df = roll.roll_with_entities_df() df = filter_out_nothing(df) plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) for term, term_group in df.groupby(common.TERM_COL, sort=False): # total for the term total = term_group[common.PENCE_COL].count() values = term_group.groupby(common.WEEK_COL)[common.PENCE_COL].count() / total * 100 sns.lineplot(y=values, x=values.index, label=term, marker='o') # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_pc_by_terms(save=True, title='% of the total payments, by term', x_label="Terms", y_label='% of total payments', is_long_title=True, file='terms_total_pc.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ A basic bar graph that shows the payments per term as a percentage of the whole year. """ # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # get the dataset terms_df = roll.terms_overview_df() # calculate the total income total = terms_df['Term total'].sum() # work out the % term_total_as_pc = terms_df['Term total'] / total * 100 # plot the data ax = sns.barplot(x=term_total_as_pc.index, y=term_total_as_pc) # add the £.s.d. to each bar for patch, pc in zip(ax.patches, term_total_as_pc): ax.text(patch.get_x() + patch.get_width() / 2, patch.get_height(), '{0:.1f}%'.format(pc), ha="center", fontname=FONT_NAME, fontsize=ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE, linespacing=2.0) plt.xticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_payments_days_swarm(save=True, title='Payments per day', x_label="Day of the week", y_label="Payment", is_long_title=False, file='payments_day_swarm.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS, log=True): """ Swarm plot showing the distribution of payments for each day. Each term has a different color.""" df = roll.roll_with_entities_df() # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) ax = sns.stripplot(x=common.DAY_COL, y=common.PENCE_COL, hue=common.TERM_COL, data=df, jitter=0.3, order=common.DAYS_OF_WEEK) if log: ax.set_ylim(bottom=1) ax.set_yscale('log') plt.legend(loc='lower right', shadow=True, fontsize='small') # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_business_by_day(save=True, title='Total no. of items of business occurring on each day', x_label="Days of the week", y_label="No. of items of business", is_long_title=False, file='business_by_day.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS, filter_nothing=True): """ A plot that shows the total number of business entered on a day. """ df = roll.roll_with_entities_df() # filter out the rows that have no receipts if filter_nothing: df = filter_out_nothing(df) plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # set the style sns.set(style=SN_STYLE, font=FONT_NAME) # create the plot sns.countplot(x=common.DAY_COL, data=df, order=common.DAYS_OF_WEEK) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_total_payments_by_source(save=True, title='Total payments by source', x_label="Terms", y_label="Source", is_long_title=False, file='total_payments_source.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ Bar plots showing the total amount received from each 'Source'. """ # set the style sns.set(style="darkgrid") plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) df = roll.payments_overview_df() sns.barplot(data=df, x=common.SOURCE_COL, y=common.PENCE_COL) # tick range in pence (divisible by 240, which is £1) ticks_range = np.arange(0, 480000, 120000) # show the labels as £ rather than pennies ticks_labels = [] for x in np.nditer(ticks_range.T): ticks_labels.append(money.pence_to_psd(x)) plt.yticks(ticks_range, ticks_labels) plt.xticks(fontsize=ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE, fontname=FONT_NAME, rotation=90) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_scatter_payments_year(save=True, title='Scatter plot of all payments', x_label="Date", y_label="Payment", is_long_title=False, file='scatter_plot_all_payments.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ A scatter plot of payments across the year. """ # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # get the data and remove rows with no payments df = roll.roll_with_entities_df() df['Date Time'] = df.apply(to_date, axis=1) df_plot = df[df[common.PENCE_COL] > 0] # create the plot plt.scatter(df_plot['Date Time'].tolist(), df_plot['Pence'], s=2) # tick range in pence (divisible by 240, which is £1) ticks_range = np.arange(0, 84000, 6000) # show the labels as £ rather than pennies ticks_labels = [] for x in np.nditer(ticks_range.T): ticks_labels.append(money.pence_to_psd(x)) plt.yticks(ticks_range, ticks_labels) plt.xticks(fontsize=ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE, rotation=90, fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_business_by_term(save=True, title='Total number of items of business, per term', x_label="Terms", y_label="No. of items of business", is_long_title=False, file='business_by_term.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ A bar plot that groups by terms and shows number of items of business (profferings) for that term. """ # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # get the totals terms_df = roll.terms_overview_df() # plot the data ax = sns.barplot(x=terms_df.index, y=terms_df['Total entries']) for patch, total in zip(ax.patches, terms_df['Total entries']): ax.text(patch.get_x() + patch.get_width() / 2, patch.get_height(), total, ha="center", fontname=FONT_NAME, fontsize=ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE, linespacing=2.0) plt.xticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) plt.yticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_keyword_frequency(title='{} most frequent keywords', x_label='Keyword', y_label='Frequency', limit=20, save=False, is_long_title=False, file='plt_keyword_frequency.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """" Display a plot that shows the most frequent keywords. The number of words is determined by the limit. """ # set the style sns.set(style=SN_STYLE, font=FONT_NAME) plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) title = title.format(limit) # get data df = roll.roll_with_entities_df() # filter out rows without keywords df_keywords = df[df[common.KEYWORDS_COL].notnull()] # get keywords as a list all_keywords = df_keywords[common.KEYWORDS_COL].to_list() # remove the semicolon delimiter kw = [] for k in all_keywords: for i in k.split(';'): kw.append(i) kw_freq = FreqDist(kw) # create a pandas as df kw_df = pd.DataFrame(kw_freq.most_common(limit), columns=['Word', 'Frequency']).set_index('Word') sns.set() kw_df.plot(kind='bar', legend=None) plt.xticks(fontsize=10, fontname=FONT_NAME) plt.yticks(fontsize=10, fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_total_by_terms(save=True, title='Total payments, per term', x_label="Terms", y_label='Total payments', is_long_title=True, file='terms_total.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ A basic bar graph that shows the total payments per term. """ # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # get the totals terms_df = roll.terms_overview_df() # tick range in pence (divisible by 240, which is £1) ticks_range = np.arange(0, 600000, 120000) # show the labels as £ rather than pennies ticks_labels = [] for x in np.nditer(ticks_range.T): ticks_labels.append(money.pence_to_psd(x)) plt.yticks(ticks_range, ticks_labels, fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot the data ax = sns.barplot(x=terms_df.index, y=terms_df['Term total']) plt.xticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) # add the £.s.d. to each bar for patch, pence in zip(ax.patches, terms_df['Term total']): ax.text(patch.get_x() + patch.get_width() / 2, patch.get_height(), money.pence_to_psd(pence), ha="center", fontname=FONT_NAME, fontsize=ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE, linespacing=2.0) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_source_term_pc_heat_map(save=True, title='Payments per term by source', x_label="Total", y_label="Source", is_long_title=False, file='total_payments_source_heatmap.png', fig_size=(10, 10)): """ General heat map plot that shows the source of payments and the total values. """ df = roll.source_term_payments_pc_matrix_df() # df_psd = df.applymap(money.pence_to_psd) plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) plt.rcParams[''] = FONT_NAME with sns.axes_style('white'): hm = sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, cmap='Oranges', cbar=False, fmt='.1f', annot_kws={'size': ANNOTATION_FONT_SIZE}) hm.set_yticklabels(hm.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)
def plt_days_by_term(save=True, title='Number of days, per term', x_label="Terms", y_label="Days", is_long_title=False, file='terms_days.png', fig_size=PLOT_DIMENSIONS): """ A bar plot that groups by term with information about days. """ # set a plot size plt.figure(figsize=fig_size) # get the totals terms_df = roll.terms_overview_df() # plot the data terms_df[['Total Days', 'Days with payments', 'Days with no payments']].plot(kind='bar', colormap='tab20b') plt.xticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) plt.yticks(fontname=FONT_NAME) # plot labels set_labels(x_label, y_label) # plot title title_text(title, is_long_title) # show or save the image to file save_or_show(save=save, plot_file_name=file)