def fitnessValue(tree):
    path = []
    recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)

    #Load market data and stores in respective dictionaries
    apple_data = scrape.getAppleData()
    nasdaq_data = scrape.getNasdaqData()
    sp500_data = scrape.getSP500Data()

    equation = createEquation(path)
    data_size = range(0, len(apple_data))
    predicted_prices = map(
        lambda i: evaluateEquation(i, nasdaq_data, apple_data, sp500_data,
                                   equation), data_size)
    next_day_prices = map(lambda data: data['apple_close'],
                          apple_data)  #next_day_price is the actual price

    predicted_prices.pop()  #Removes the last item in the list
    next_day_prices.pop(0)  #Removes the first item in the list

    zipped = zip(predicted_prices, next_day_prices)
    errors = map(lambda pair: abs(pair[1] - pair[0]), zipped)
    fitness = sum(errors) / float(len(errors)) = fitness  #Adds fitness to tree object in-place
    return fitness  #For printEquationPopulation function
def printEquationPopulation(population, generation):
    size = len(population)
    equation_dict = {}
    #print (colored("Size of population: %d", 'blue') %(len(population)))

    for tree in population:
        path = []
        recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)
        equation = fitness.createEquation(path)
        error = fitness.fitnessValue(tree)
        if equation not in set(equation_dict.keys()):
            equation_dict[equation] = {}
            equation_dict[equation][error] = 1
            equation_dict[equation][error] += 1

    #Output Generation Number
    first_part = colored("\nGENERATION: %d ", 'magenta') % (generation)
    boundary = "=" * 100
    second_part = colored(boundary, 'magenta')
    print first_part + second_part

    #Sort based on value of dictionary
    sorted_equation = sorted(equation_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
    for i, equation_and_error in enumerate(sorted_equation):
        for j in range(0, equation_and_error[1].values()[0]):
            equation = (colored("%s", 'green') % (equation_and_error[0]))
            error = (colored("Fitness: %s", 'blue') %
            print equation + " === " + error

    population_fitness = map(lambda x:, population)
    mean_fitness = sum(population_fitness) / float(size)
    best_fitness = min(population_fitness)
    output_mean_fitness = colored("Mean Fitness: %f",
                                  'yellow') % (mean_fitness)
    output_best_fitness = colored("Best Fitness: %f", 'red') % (best_fitness)
    mean_best.write(str(mean_fitness) + " " + str(best_fitness) +
                    "\n")  #Write to file
    print output_mean_fitness + "\n" + output_best_fitness
def printEquationPopulation(population, generation):
	size = len(population)
	equation_dict = {}
	#print (colored("Size of population: %d", 'blue') %(len(population)))
        for tree in population:
		path = []
                recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)
                equation = fitness.createEquation(path)
                error = fitness.fitnessValue(tree)
		if equation not in set(equation_dict.keys()):
			equation_dict[equation] = {}
			equation_dict[equation][error] = 1
			equation_dict[equation][error] += 1
	#Output Generation Number
	first_part = colored("\nGENERATION: %d ", 'magenta') %(generation)
	boundary = "=" * 100
	second_part = colored(boundary, 'magenta')
	print first_part + second_part
	#Sort based on value of dictionary
	sorted_equation = sorted(equation_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])
	for i, equation_and_error in enumerate(sorted_equation):
		for j in range(0, equation_and_error[1].values()[0]):
			equation = (colored("%s", 'green') %(equation_and_error[0]))
			error = (colored("Fitness: %s", 'blue') %(equation_and_error[1].keys()[0]))
			print equation + " === " + error
	population_fitness = map(lambda x:, population)
	mean_fitness = sum(population_fitness)/float(size)
	best_fitness = min(population_fitness)	
	output_mean_fitness = colored("Mean Fitness: %f", 'yellow') %(mean_fitness)	
	output_best_fitness = colored("Best Fitness: %f", 'red') %(best_fitness)
	mean_best.write(str(mean_fitness) +  " " + str(best_fitness) + "\n")  #Write to file
	print output_mean_fitness + "\n" + output_best_fitness
def fitnessValue(tree):
        path = []    
        recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)

	#Load market data and stores in respective dictionaries	
	apple_data = scrape.getAppleData()	
	nasdaq_data = scrape.getNasdaqData()
	sp500_data = scrape.getSP500Data()
	equation = createEquation(path)	
	data_size = range(0, len(apple_data))	
	predicted_prices = map(lambda i: evaluateEquation(i, nasdaq_data, apple_data, sp500_data, equation), data_size)
	next_day_prices = map(lambda data: data['apple_close'], apple_data) #next_day_price is the actual price
	predicted_prices.pop() 	#Removes the last item in the list
	next_day_prices.pop(0) 	#Removes the first item in the list		
	zipped = zip(predicted_prices, next_day_prices)
	errors = map(lambda pair: abs(pair[1] - pair[0]), zipped)
	fitness = sum(errors)/float(len(errors)) = fitness	#Adds fitness to tree object in-place	
	return fitness 		#For printEquationPopulation function	
def printEquation(tree):
    path = []
    recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)
    equation = fitness.createEquation(path)
    print equation
def printEquation(tree):
	path = []
	recombination.loadPaths(tree.root, path)
	equation = fitness.createEquation(path)
	print equation