 def __init__(self, net_id, img_fname, gpu_id, multiplier_mode='auto_1'):
     # Args
         net_id: Network to inspect (lib/recon/config.py)
         img_fname: Image to inspect (data/gallery/)
         gpu_id: Id of GPU to use
         multiplier_mode: see self._filter_feature()
     self.net_id = net_id
     self.gpu_id = gpu_id
     self.multiplier_mode = multiplier_mode
     self.config = config.nets[self.net_id]
     self.net_param = self._load_param(with_data=False)
     self.mean = load_mean_image(self.config.mean_fname)
     self._labels = load_ilsvrc12_labels(self.config.labels_fname)
     self.dag = nx.DiGraph()
     self._reconstructions = {}
 def __init__(self, net_id, img_fname, gpu_id, multiplier_mode='auto_1'):
     # Args
         net_id: Network to inspect (lib/recon/config.py)
         img_fname: Image to inspect (data/gallery/)
         gpu_id: Id of GPU to use
         multiplier_mode: see self._filter_feature()
     self.net_id = net_id
     self.gpu_id = gpu_id
     self.multiplier_mode = multiplier_mode
     self.config = config.nets[self.net_id]
     self.net_param = self._load_param(with_data=False)
     self.mean = load_mean_image(self.config.mean_fname)
     self._labels = load_ilsvrc12_labels(self.config.labels_fname)
     self.dag = nx.DiGraph()
     self._reconstructions = {}
    def build_max_act_db(self, blob_name, k=5):
        # don't use self.net, which a deploy net (data comes from python)

        def _get_blob_layer(net_param, blob_name):
            Return the name of the last layer to output a blob.
            layer_name = None
            for layer in net_param.layer:
                if blob_name in layer.top:
                    layer_name = layer.name
            if layer_name == None:
                raise Exception('could not find a layer that outputs ' \
                                'blob {}'.format(blob_name))
            return layer_name

        def _len_lmdb(fname):
            logger.info('computing lmdb size...')
            db = lmdb.open(fname)
            n_examples = sum(1 for _ in db.begin().cursor())
            del db
            logger.info('found lmdb size: {} examples'.format(n_examples))
            return n_examples

        def _showable(img, rescale=False):
            # NOTE: assumes images in the net are BGR
            img = img.transpose([1, 2, 0])
            img = (img + mean)[:, :, ::-1]
            img = img.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
            if rescale:
                img = rescale_intensity(img)
            return img

        def _reconstruct_backward(net, net_param, blob_name, blob_idxs, act_vals=None, act_mult=1):
            blob = net.blobs[blob_name]
            blob.diff[:] = 0
            for i, blob_idx in enumerate(blob_idxs):
                if act_vals == None:
                    blob.diff[blob_idx] = act_mult * blob.data[blob_idx]
                    blob.diff[blob_idx] = act_mult * act_vals[i]
            layer_name = _get_blob_layer(net_param, blob_name)
            net.backward(start=layer_name, end=img_layer_name)

        def _to_bbox(img, blob_idx):
            Take an image which is mostly 0s and return the smallest
            bounding box which contains all non-0 entries.

            img     array of size (c, h, w)
            blob_idx    tuple with (num, channels, height, width) or (num, channels)
            # (num, channel, height, width)
            if len(blob_idx) == 4:
                row, col = blob_idx[-2:]
                m = abs(img).max(axis=0)
                linear_idx_map = np.arange(np.prod(m.shape)).reshape(m.shape)
                linear_idxs = linear_idx_map[m > 0]
                rows = (linear_idxs // m.shape[0])
                cols = (linear_idxs % m.shape[0])
                if np.prod(rows.shape) == 0 or np.prod(cols.shape) == 0:
                    top_left = row, col
                    bottom_right = row, col
                    top_left = (rows.min(), cols.min())
                    bottom_right = (rows.max(), cols.max())
                return (top_left, bottom_right)
            # (num, channel)
            elif len(blob_idx) == 2:
                return ((0, 0), (img.shape[1]-1, img.shape[2]-1))
                raise Exception('do not know how to create a bounding box from ' \
                                'blob_idx {}'.format(blob_idx))

        mean = load_mean_image(self.config.mean_fname)
        data_net_param = self._load_param(with_data=True)
        net = self._load_net(data_net_param)
        img_layer_name = _get_blob_layer(data_net_param, self.config.image_blob_name)
        batch_size = self.config.batch_size
        n_batches = int(math.ceil(self.config.num_examples / float(batch_size)))
        layers = {l.name: l for l in data_net_param.layer}
        dbname = layers[self.config.data_layer_name].data_param.source
        n_db_examples = _len_lmdb(dbname)
        assert n_db_examples == self.config.num_examples
        assert n_db_examples % batch_size == 0
        example_offset = 0
        # TODO: load the top_k lists from the db and append to them if they already exist
        maxes = defaultdict(lambda: [{'activation': -np.inf} for _ in range(k)])
        logger.info('blob {}'.format(blob_name))
        img_blob = net.blobs[self.config.image_blob_name]
        blob = net.blobs[blob_name]
        assert blob.data.shape[0] == batch_size
        n_features = blob.data.shape[1]

        for batch_i in xrange(n_batches):
            logger.info('batch {}'.format(batch_i))

            # for each example
            for num in xrange(batch_size): # examples
                logger.info('example {}'.format(example_offset + num))
                for chan in xrange(n_features): # channel
                    key = self._get_key(blob_name, chan)
                    top_k = maxes[key]
                    fmap_idx = blob.data[num, chan].argmax()
                    if len(blob.data.shape) > 2:
                        fmap_idx = np.unravel_index(fmap_idx, blob.data.shape[2:])
                        fmap_idx = tuple()
                    blob_idx = (num, chan) + fmap_idx
                    act = blob.data[blob_idx]

                    # is this example's best patch in the topk?
                    if act > top_k[0]['activation']:
                        img = img_blob.data[num, :, :, :]
                        entry = {
                            'example_idx': example_offset + num,
                            'feature_map_loc': blob_idx[2:] if len(blob_idx) > 2 else tuple(),
                            'img': _showable(img),
                            #'reconstruction': self._showable(reconstruction),
                            'reconstruct_idx': blob_idx,
                            'batch_idx': batch_i,
                            'num': num,
                            'activation': act,
                            #'patch_bbox': bbox,
                        top_k_idx = bisect([v['activation'] for v in top_k], act)
                        top_k.insert(top_k_idx, entry)
                        del top_k[0]

            example_offset += batch_size

        entries_per_example = [[] for _ in range(n_db_examples)]
        for chan in range(n_features):
            key = self._get_key(blob_name, chan)
            top_k = maxes[key]
            for entry in top_k:
                max_act = top_k[-1]['activation']
                ex_idx = entry['example_idx']
                entries_per_example[ex_idx].append((entry['reconstruct_idx'], max_act, entry))

        # for each example, list the reconstructions which must be computed

        example_offset = 0
        # compute those reconstructions
        for batch_i in xrange(n_batches):
            logger.info('rec batch {}'.format(batch_i))

            entries_in_batch  = entries_per_example[example_offset:example_offset+batch_size]
            def total_entries():
                total = 0
                return sum(len(e) for e in entries_in_batch)

            while total_entries():
                entries_to_process = [ent.pop() for ent in entries_in_batch if ent]
                blob_idxs, act_vals, blob_entries = zip(*entries_to_process)
                # one idx per example
                assert len(set(zip(*blob_idxs)[0])) == len(entries_to_process)
                for blob_idx, entry in zip(blob_idxs, blob_entries):
                    num = entry['num']
                    reconstruction = img_blob.diff[num, :, :, :]
                    bbox = _to_bbox(reconstruction, blob_idx)
                    entry['reconstruction'] = _showable(reconstruction, rescale=True)
                    entry['patch_bbox'] = bbox

            example_offset += batch_size

        logger.info('finished computing maximum activations... writing to db')
        act_env = lmdb.open(self.config.max_activation_dbname, map_size=recon.config.config.lmdb_map_size)
        with act_env.begin(write=True) as txn:
            for key, top_k in maxes.iteritems():
                s = pkl.dumps(top_k)
                txn.put(key, s)
    def build_max_act_db(self, blob_name, k=5):
        # don't use self.net, which a deploy net (data comes from python)

        def _get_blob_layer(net_param, blob_name):
            Return the name of the last layer to output a blob.
            layer_name = None
            for layer in net_param.layer:
                if blob_name in layer.top:
                    layer_name = layer.name
            if layer_name == None:
                raise Exception('could not find a layer that outputs ' \
                                'blob {}'.format(blob_name))
            return layer_name

        def _len_lmdb(fname):
            logger.info('computing lmdb size...')
            db = lmdb.open(fname)
            n_examples = sum(1 for _ in db.begin().cursor())
            del db
            logger.info('found lmdb size: {} examples'.format(n_examples))
            return n_examples

        def _showable(img, rescale=False):
            # NOTE: assumes images in the net are BGR
            img = img.transpose([1, 2, 0])
            img = (img + mean)[:, :, ::-1]
            img = img.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
            if rescale:
                img = rescale_intensity(img)
            return img

        def _reconstruct_backward(net,
            blob = net.blobs[blob_name]
            blob.diff[:] = 0
            for i, blob_idx in enumerate(blob_idxs):
                if act_vals == None:
                    blob.diff[blob_idx] = act_mult * blob.data[blob_idx]
                    blob.diff[blob_idx] = act_mult * act_vals[i]
            layer_name = _get_blob_layer(net_param, blob_name)
            net.backward(start=layer_name, end=img_layer_name)

        def _to_bbox(img, blob_idx):
            Take an image which is mostly 0s and return the smallest
            bounding box which contains all non-0 entries.

            img     array of size (c, h, w)
            blob_idx    tuple with (num, channels, height, width) or (num, channels)
            # (num, channel, height, width)
            if len(blob_idx) == 4:
                row, col = blob_idx[-2:]
                m = abs(img).max(axis=0)
                linear_idx_map = np.arange(np.prod(m.shape)).reshape(m.shape)
                linear_idxs = linear_idx_map[m > 0]
                rows = (linear_idxs // m.shape[0])
                cols = (linear_idxs % m.shape[0])
                if np.prod(rows.shape) == 0 or np.prod(cols.shape) == 0:
                    top_left = row, col
                    bottom_right = row, col
                    top_left = (rows.min(), cols.min())
                    bottom_right = (rows.max(), cols.max())
                return (top_left, bottom_right)
            # (num, channel)
            elif len(blob_idx) == 2:
                return ((0, 0), (img.shape[1] - 1, img.shape[2] - 1))
                raise Exception('do not know how to create a bounding box from ' \
                                'blob_idx {}'.format(blob_idx))

        mean = load_mean_image(self.config.mean_fname)
        data_net_param = self._load_param(with_data=True)
        net = self._load_net(data_net_param)
        img_layer_name = _get_blob_layer(data_net_param,
        batch_size = self.config.batch_size
        n_batches = int(math.ceil(self.config.num_examples /
        layers = {l.name: l for l in data_net_param.layer}
        dbname = layers[self.config.data_layer_name].data_param.source
        n_db_examples = _len_lmdb(dbname)
        assert n_db_examples == self.config.num_examples
        assert n_db_examples % batch_size == 0
        example_offset = 0
        # TODO: load the top_k lists from the db and append to them if they already exist
        maxes = defaultdict(lambda: [{
            'activation': -np.inf
        } for _ in range(k)])
        logger.info('blob {}'.format(blob_name))
        img_blob = net.blobs[self.config.image_blob_name]
        blob = net.blobs[blob_name]
        assert blob.data.shape[0] == batch_size
        n_features = blob.data.shape[1]

        for batch_i in xrange(n_batches):
            logger.info('batch {}'.format(batch_i))

            # for each example
            for num in xrange(batch_size):  # examples
                logger.info('example {}'.format(example_offset + num))
                for chan in xrange(n_features):  # channel
                    key = self._get_key(blob_name, chan)
                    top_k = maxes[key]
                    fmap_idx = blob.data[num, chan].argmax()
                    if len(blob.data.shape) > 2:
                        fmap_idx = np.unravel_index(fmap_idx,
                        fmap_idx = tuple()
                    blob_idx = (num, chan) + fmap_idx
                    act = blob.data[blob_idx]

                    # is this example's best patch in the topk?
                    if act > top_k[0]['activation']:
                        img = img_blob.data[num, :, :, :]
                        entry = {
                            example_offset + num,
                            blob_idx[2:] if len(blob_idx) > 2 else tuple(),
                            #'reconstruction': self._showable(reconstruction),
                            #'patch_bbox': bbox,
                        top_k_idx = bisect([v['activation'] for v in top_k],
                        top_k.insert(top_k_idx, entry)
                        del top_k[0]

            example_offset += batch_size

        entries_per_example = [[] for _ in range(n_db_examples)]
        for chan in range(n_features):
            key = self._get_key(blob_name, chan)
            top_k = maxes[key]
            for entry in top_k:
                max_act = top_k[-1]['activation']
                ex_idx = entry['example_idx']
                    (entry['reconstruct_idx'], max_act, entry))

        # for each example, list the reconstructions which must be computed

        example_offset = 0
        # compute those reconstructions
        for batch_i in xrange(n_batches):
            logger.info('rec batch {}'.format(batch_i))

            entries_in_batch = entries_per_example[
                example_offset:example_offset + batch_size]

            def total_entries():
                total = 0
                return sum(len(e) for e in entries_in_batch)

            while total_entries():
                entries_to_process = [
                    ent.pop() for ent in entries_in_batch if ent
                blob_idxs, act_vals, blob_entries = zip(*entries_to_process)
                # one idx per example
                assert len(set(zip(*blob_idxs)[0])) == len(entries_to_process)
                for blob_idx, entry in zip(blob_idxs, blob_entries):
                    num = entry['num']
                    reconstruction = img_blob.diff[num, :, :, :]
                    bbox = _to_bbox(reconstruction, blob_idx)
                    entry['reconstruction'] = _showable(reconstruction,
                    entry['patch_bbox'] = bbox

            example_offset += batch_size

        logger.info('finished computing maximum activations... writing to db')
        act_env = lmdb.open(self.config.max_activation_dbname,
        with act_env.begin(write=True) as txn:
            for key, top_k in maxes.iteritems():
                s = pkl.dumps(top_k)
                txn.put(key, s)