def scanner(ip_address): ip_address = ip_address.strip() print "INFO: Running general TCP/UDP nmap scans for " + ip_address serv_dict = {} recon.checkpath("./results/nmap") tcpscan = "nmap -vv -Pn -A -sC -sS --top-ports 1000 --min-rtt-timeout 50ms --max-rtt-timeout 60ms --initial-rtt-timeout 100ms --scan-delay 0 --min-rate 450 --max-rate 15000 --max-retries 3 -PE -PS21-23,25,53,80,110-111,135,139,143,443,445,993,995,1723,3306,3389,5900,8080 -PU53,67-69,123,135,137-139,161-162,445,500,514,520,631,1434,1900,4500,49152 --defeat-rst-ratelimit --open --privileged --stats-every 10s -oN './results/nmap/%s.nmap' -oX './results/nmap/%s_nmap_scan_import.xml' %s" % (ip_address, ip_address, ip_address) udpscan = "nmap -vv -Pn -sC -sU -T 4 --top-ports 200 -oN './results/nmap/%sU.nmap' -oX './results/nmap/%sU_nmap_scan_import.xml' %s" % (ip_address, ip_address, ip_address) tcpresults = subprocess.check_output(tcpscan, shell=True) udpresults = subprocess.check_output(udpscan, shell=True) results = tcpresults lines = results.split("\n") #the forloop below parses the nmap results and looks for open service on which it knows to act. for line in lines: ports = [] line = line.strip() if ("tcp" in line) and ("open" in line) and not ("Discovered" in line): while " " in line: line = line.replace(" ", " ") linesplit = line.split(" ") service = linesplit[2] # grab the service name port = line.split(" ")[0] # grab the port/proto if service in serv_dict: ports = serv_dict[service] # if the service is already in the dict, grab the port list ports.append(port) serv_dict[service] = ports # add service to the dictionary along with the associated port(2) # go through the service dictionary to call additional targeted enumeration functions for serv in serv_dict: ports = serv_dict[serv] if serv == "http" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.httpEnum, ip_address, port) elif serv == "ssl/http" or "https" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.httpEnum, ip_address, port) elif "ssh" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.sshEnum, ip_address, port) elif "smtp" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.smtpEnum, ip_address, port) elif "snmp" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.snmpEnum, ip_address, port) elif "domain" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.dnsEnum, ip_address, port) elif "ftp" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.ftpEnum, ip_address, port) elif "microsoft-ds" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.smbEnum, ip_address, port) elif "ms-sql" in serv: for port in ports: port = port.split("/")[0] recon.multProc(recon.httpEnum, ip_address, port) print "INFO: TCP/UDP Nmap scans completed for " + ip_address return
#!/usr/bin/python import subprocess import sys import os import recon if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: <ip address>" sys.exit(0) ip = sys.argv[1] recon.checkpath("./results/" + ip) try: print "\033[1;37m[-] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \033[1;m" print('\033[1;37m[-] | Starting SMB script scan for {0}\033[1;m'.format(ip)) print "\033[1;37m[-] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \033[1;m" VULNSCAN = "nmap -sV -Pn -vv -p445,139 --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=unsafe=1 -oN './results/{0}/{0}_smb.nmap' {0}".format(ip) scanresults = subprocess.check_output(VULNSCAN, shell=True) recon.logparsertxt(scanresults) NBTSCAN = "./Modules/ %s" % (ip) nbtresults = subprocess.check_output(NBTSCAN, shell=True) if ("Connection refused" not in nbtresults) and ("Connect error" not in nbtresults) and ("Connection reset" not in nbtresults): print('\033[1;33m[+] \033[1;33mSAMRDUMP has connected to {0} if there are results displaying them below\033[1;m'.format(ip)) lines = nbtresults.split("\n") for line in lines: if ("Found" in line) or (" . " in line): print '\033[1;32m[+] ' + line + '\033[1;m' E4L = "enum4linux {0}".format(ip) print "\033[1;37m[-] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \033[1;m" print('\033[1;37m[-] | Starting ENUM4LINUX for {0}\033[1;m'.format(ip))
recon.multProc(recon.httpEnum, ip_address, port) print "INFO: TCP/UDP Nmap scans completed for " + ip_address return # grab the discover scan results and start scanning up hosts print "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" print "/// Enumeration script ///" print "/// -- ///" print "/// ///" print "/// 0x90:N0_Operation ///" print "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" if __name__ == '__main__': try: recon.checkpath("./results/") f = open('./ips', 'r') # CHANGE THIS!! grab the alive hosts from the discovery scan for enum for scanip in f: jobs = [] p = multiprocessing.Process(target=scanner, args=(scanip,)) jobs.append(p) p.start() f.close() except: print "[INFO] No 'ips' file found going for manual ip input" ip_start = raw_input("Please enter manual start ip /24 : ") start_list = ip_start.split(".") ip_end = raw_input("Please enter manual end ip /24 : ") end_list = ip_end.split(".") top = int(start_list[3]) bot = int(end_list[3])