def demo():
	# input and output folder
	image_path = 'input'
	save_path = 'output'	
	img_list = glob.glob(image_path + '/' + '*.png')

	# read BFM face model
	# transfer original BFM model to our model
	if not os.path.isfile('./BFM/BFM_model_front.mat'):

	# read face model
	facemodel = BFM()
	# read standard landmarks for preprocessing images
	lm3D = load_lm3d()
	n = 0

	# build reconstruction model
	with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph,tf.device('/cpu:0'):

		images = tf.placeholder(name = 'input_imgs', shape = [None,224,224,3], dtype = tf.float32)
		graph_def = load_graph('network/FaceReconModel.pb')
		tf.import_graph_def(graph_def,name='resnet',input_map={'input_imgs:0': images})

		# output coefficients of R-Net (dim = 257) 
		coeff = graph.get_tensor_by_name('resnet/coeff:0')

		with tf.Session() as sess:
			for file in img_list:
				n += 1
				# load images and corresponding 5 facial landmarks
				img,lm = load_img(file,file.replace('png','txt'))
				# preprocess input image
				input_img,lm_new,transform_params = Preprocess(img,lm,lm3D)

				coef = sess.run(coeff,feed_dict = {images: input_img})

				# reconstruct 3D face with output coefficients and face model
				face_shape,face_texture,face_color,tri,face_projection,z_buffer,landmarks_2d = Reconstruction(coef,facemodel)

				# reshape outputs
				input_img = np.squeeze(input_img)
				shape = np.squeeze(face_shape, (0))
				color = np.squeeze(face_color, (0))
				landmarks_2d = np.squeeze(landmarks_2d, (0))

				# save output files
				# cropped image, which is the direct input to our R-Net
				# 257 dim output coefficients by R-Net
				# 68 face landmarks of cropped image
				save_obj(os.path.join(save_path,file.split('/')[-1].replace('.png','_mesh.obj')),shape,tri,np.clip(color,0,255)/255) # 3D reconstruction face (in canonical view)
def demo():
    # input and output folder
    in_dir = 'input_vids'
    out_dir = 'output2'
    # img_list = glob.glob(image_path + '/' + '*.jpg')
    vid_list = [
        os.path.join(in_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(in_dir)
        if not f.startswith('.')

    # read BFM face model
    # transfer original BFM model to our model
    if not os.path.isfile('./BFM/BFM_model_front.mat'):

    # read face model
    facemodel = BFM()
    # read standard landmarks for preprocessing images
    lm3D = load_lm3d()
    n = 0

    # build reconstruction model
    with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph, tf.device('/cpu:0'):

        images = tf.placeholder(name='input_imgs',
                                shape=[None, 224, 224, 3],
        graph_def = load_graph('network/FaceReconModel.pb')
                            input_map={'input_imgs:0': images})

        # output coefficients of R-Net (dim = 257)
        coeff = graph.get_tensor_by_name('resnet/coeff:0')

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            for file in vid_list:
                with iio.get_reader(file) as reader:
                    fps = reader.get_meta_data()['fps']
                    name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
                    file_name = os.path.basename(name)
                    l_writer = iio.get_writer(os.path.join(
                        out_dir, file_name + ext),
                    # r_writer = iio.get_writer(os.path.join(out_dir, file_name + '_render' + ext), fps=fps)
                    for i, im in enumerate(reader):
                            # load images and corresponding 5 facial landmarks
                            # img,lm = load_img(file,file.replace('png','txt'))
                            img = Image.fromarray(im)
                            np_img = np.array(img)
                            lm = get_landmarks(np_img)
                            h, w = np_img.shape[:2]

                            # preprocess input image
                            input_img, lm_new, transform_params = Preprocess(
                                img, lm, lm3D)
                            s = transform_params[2]
                            out_sh = int(np.round(224 / s))
                            out_sh = min(out_sh, min(w, h))

                            coef = sess.run(coeff,
                                            feed_dict={images: input_img})

                            # reconstruct 3D face with output coefficients and face model
                            face_shape, face_texture, face_color, tri, face_projection, z_buffer, landmarks_2d, translation, rotation, projection = Reconstruction(
                                coef, facemodel)

                            # reshape outputs
                            input_img = np.squeeze(input_img)
                            shape = np.squeeze(face_shape, (0))
                            color = np.squeeze(face_color, (0))
                            landmarks_2d = np.squeeze(landmarks_2d, (0))

                            cx, cy = transform_params[3][0], transform_params[
                            tx, ty = -(w / 2 - cx), -(cy - h / 2)

                            land_im = np_img.copy()
                            for x, y in landmarks_2d:
                                x = int(
                                    np.round((x + (w * s - 224) // 2) / s +
                                y = int(
                                    np.round((y + (h * s - 224) // 2) / s +
                                cv2.circle(land_im, (x, y), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)

                            trans_mat = np.float32([[1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty]])

                            # plt.imshow(land_im)
                            # plt.show()
                            rendered = renderer.render(
                                shape, color / 255,
                                np.squeeze(tri.astype(np.int) - 1), projection,
                                rotation, translation, (out_sh, out_sh))

                            out = np.zeros((h, w, 4), dtype=np_img.dtype)
                            oo = out_sh // 2
                            print(out_sh, oo, rendered.shape, out.shape)
                            out[h // 2 - oo:h // 2 + oo + out_sh % 2, w // 2 -
                                oo:w // 2 + oo + out_sh % 2, :] = rendered
                            # plt.imshow(out)
                            # plt.show()
                            im_trans = cv2.warpAffine(out, trans_mat, (w, h))

                            alpha = (im_trans[..., 3] / 255).astype(np.uint8)
                            rendered = im_trans[..., :3] * alpha[
                                np.newaxis] + np_img * (1 - alpha[..., None])

                            out_im = np.hstack([np_img, rendered, land_im])
                            # plt.imshow(rendered)
                            # plt.show()

                            # mesh_im = im.copy()
                            # for x, y in face_projection.squeeze()[::20]:
                            # 	x = int(np.round(x))
                            # 	y = int(np.round(y))
                            # 	cv2.circle(mesh_im, (x, y), 1, (255, 255, 0), -1)

                            # plt.imshow(mesh_im)
                            # plt.show()

                            # save output files
                            # cropped image, which is the direct input to our R-Net
                            # 257 dim output coefficients by R-Net
                            # 68 face landmarks of cropped image
                            # savemat(os.path.join(save_path,os.path.basename(file).replace('.jpg','.mat')),{'cropped_img':input_img[:,:,::-1],'coeff':coef,'landmarks_2d':landmarks_2d,'lm_5p':lm_new})
                            # save_obj(os.path.join(save_path,os.path.basename(file).replace('.jpg','_mesh.obj')),shape,tri,np.clip(color,0,255)/255) # 3D reconstruction face (in canonical view)
                        except Exception as e:
                            l_writer.append_data(np.hstack([im] * 3))
def demo():
    # input and output folder
    image_path = fdata_dir + 'input'
    save_path = fdata_dir + 'output'
    img_list = glob.glob(image_path + '/' + '*.png')

    # read face model
    facemodel = BFM(fdata_dir + "BFM/mSEmTFK68etc.chj")
    is_cuda = True
    facemodel.to_torch(is_torch=True, is_cuda=is_cuda)
    # read standard landmarks for preprocessing images
    lm3D = facemodel.load_lm3d(fdata_dir + "BFM/similarity_Lm3D_all.mat")
    n = 0

    model = resnet50_use()
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load(fdata_dir +

    if is_cuda: model.cuda()

    for param in model.parameters():
        param.requires_grad = False

    for file in img_list:
        n += 1
        # load images and corresponding 5 facial landmarks
        img, lm = load_img(file, file.replace('png', 'txt'))

        # preprocess input image
        input_img_org, lm_new, transform_params = Preprocess(img, lm, lm3D)

        input_img = input_img_org.astype(np.float32)
        input_img = torch.from_numpy(input_img).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        # the input_img is BGR

        if is_cuda: input_img = input_img.cuda()

        arr_coef = model(input_img)

        coef = torch.cat(arr_coef, 1)

        # reconstruct 3D face with output coefficients and face model
        face_shape, face_texture, face_color, tri, face_projection, z_buffer, landmarks_2d = Reconstruction(
            coef, facemodel)

        # see the landmark
        if 1 == 0:
            input_img_org = input_img_org.squeeze()
            landmarks_2d = landmarks_2d.squeeze()
            img = np.array(input_img_org).copy()
            landmarks_2d[:, 1] = 224 - landmarks_2d[:, 1]
            face2ds = landmarks_2d
            drawCirclev2(img, face2ds)

            key = showimg(img)
            if key == 27: break

        if is_cuda:
            face_shape = face_shape.cpu()
            face_texture = face_texture.cpu()
            face_color = face_color.cpu()
            face_projection = face_projection.cpu()
            z_buffer = z_buffer.cpu()
            landmarks_2d = landmarks_2d.cpu()

        # reshape outputs
        input_img = np.squeeze(input_img)
        #shape = np.squeeze(face_shape,[0])
        #color = np.squeeze(face_color,[0])
        #landmarks_2d = np.squeeze(landmarks_2d,[0])
        shape = np.squeeze(face_shape)
        color = np.squeeze(face_color)
        #color = np.squeeze(face_texture)
        landmarks_2d = np.squeeze(landmarks_2d)

        # for visualization
        z_buffer -= z_buffer.min()
        z_buffer *= 100
        #face_projection[:, 1] = 224 - face_projection[:, 1]
        #face_projection *= -1
        face3d_project = np.concatenate((face_projection, z_buffer), axis=2)

        # CHJ_INFO: change to show what you want
        shape = np.squeeze(face3d_project)
        #p(face_projection.shape, z_buffer.shape)

        # save output files
        # cropped image, which is the direct input to our R-Net
        # 257 dim output coefficients by R-Net
        # 68 face landmarks of cropped image
                         file.split('\\')[-1].replace('.png', '_mesh-th.obj')),
            shape, tri + 1,
            np.clip(color, 0, 1))  # 3D reconstruction face (in canonical view)

        # CHJ_INFO: take care !!!!!
        if n > 3: break
 def predict(self, img_path):
     img = Image.open(img_path)
     lm = get_5_face_landmarks(np.array(img))
     input_img, lm_new, transform_params = Preprocess(img, lm, self.lm3D)
     print('!!!', transform_params)
     with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph, tf.device('/cpu:0'):
         images = tf.placeholder(name='input_imgs',
                                 shape=[None, 224, 224, 3],
                             input_map={'input_imgs:0': images})
         coeff = graph.get_tensor_by_name('resnet/coeff:0')
         with tf.Session() as sess:
             coef = sess.run(coeff, feed_dict={images: input_img})
             # reconstruct 3D face with output coefficients and face model
             face_shape, face_texture, face_color, tri, face_projection, z_buffer, landmarks_2d = Reconstruction(
                 coef, self.facemodel)
             # reshape outputs
             input_img = np.squeeze(input_img)
             shape = np.squeeze(face_shape, (0))
             color = np.squeeze(face_color, (0))
             landmarks_2d = np.squeeze(landmarks_2d, (0))
             print(img_path, shape.shape, input_img.shape, color.shape,
             #cv2.imwrite('out/%s' % img_path.split('/')[-1], input_img)
     return shape, color