def POST_update(self, form, jquery, text):
        if form.has_errors("body", errors.NO_TEXT,

        # create and store the new update
        update = LiveUpdate(data={
            "author_id": c.user._id,
            "body": text,
            "_spam": c.user._spam,


        LiveUpdateStream.add_update(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        # tell the world about our new update
        builder = LiveUpdateBuilder(None)
        wrapped = builder.wrap_items([update])[0]
        rendered = wrapped.render(style="api")
        _broadcast(type="update", payload=rendered)

        # Queue up parsing any embeds
        queue_parse_embeds(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        # reset the submission form
        t = form.find("textarea")
        t.attr('rows', 3).html("").val("")
    def POST_update(self, form, jquery, text):
        """Post an update to the thread.

        Requires the `update` permission for this thread.

        See also: [/api/live/*thread*/strike_update]
        (#POST_api_live_{thread}_strike_update), and

        if form.has_errors("body", errors.NO_TEXT,

        # create and store the new update
        update = LiveUpdate(data={
            "author_id": c.user._id,
            "body": text,
            "_spam": c.user._spam,


        LiveUpdateStream.add_update(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        # tell the world about our new update
        builder = LiveUpdateBuilder(None)
        wrapped = builder.wrap_items([update])[0]
        rendered = wrapped.render(style="api")
        _broadcast(type="update", payload=rendered)

        # Queue up parsing any embeds
        queue_parse_embeds(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        liveupdate_events.update_event(update, context=c, request=request)

        # reset the submission form
        t = form.find("textarea")
        t.attr('rows', 3).html("").val("")
    def POST_update(self, form, jquery, text):
        """Post an update to the thread.

        Requires the `update` permission for this thread.

        See also: [/api/live/*thread*/strike_update]
        (#POST_api_live_{thread}_strike_update), and

        if form.has_errors("body", errors.NO_TEXT,

        # create and store the new update
        update = LiveUpdate(data={
            "author_id": c.user._id,
            "body": text,
            "_spam": c.user._spam,


        LiveUpdateStream.add_update(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        # tell the world about our new update
        builder = LiveUpdateBuilder(None)
        wrapped = builder.wrap_items([update])[0]
        rendered = wrapped.render(style="api")
        _broadcast(type="update", payload=rendered)

        # Queue up parsing any embeds
        queue_parse_embeds(c.liveupdate_event, update)

        liveupdate_events.update_event(update, context=c, request=request)

        # reset the submission form
        t = form.find("textarea")
        t.attr('rows', 3).html("").val("")