def __init__(self, database, candidates, output, filter_type='all',
                 categorize=False, nsfw=False):
        The PluginInterface takes care of reading the plugins, determining
        which ones are valid, and iterating through them. It is a wrapper
        around the plugins that makes sure that they are valid subclasses of
        the BasePlugin class.

        :param str database: the prefix for the database filename.
        :param list candidates: a list of candidate json objects from the
        `class` RedditConnect class
        :param str output: the location on disk to store your images (note
        that this can be changed and the database data will handle all
        duplicate filtering
        self.database = database
        self.candidates = candidates
        self.output = output
        self.type = filter_type
        self.categorize = categorize
        self.nsfw = nsfw
        if self.nsfw:
            nsfw_flag = 'enabled'
            nsfw_flag = 'disabled'
        print '\nFetching NSFW Images is %s.\n' % nsfw_flag
        self.config = get_config()
        #set up some class variables
        self.handled_posts = {}
        self.unhandled_posts = set()
        self.image_urls_already_fetched = None
        self.candidates_backup = CandidatesList(set())
 def setUp(self):
     self.base_plugin = BasePlugin(None, [], None, None, get_config(), False, True)
     self.base_plugin.resp = requests.Response()