def test_create_redirect(self): try: redirect_id = Redirect.create_redirect(REDIRECTS_TABLE, "") self.redirect_id = redirect_id assert len(redirect_id) == REDIRECT_ID_LEN assert Redirect(REDIRECTS_TABLE, redirect_id).exists() except: assert False, "Create redirect without erroring"
def setup(self): self.redirect_id = Redirect.create_redirect(app.REDIRECTS_TABLE, "")
def lambda_handler(event, context): """Sample pure Lambda function Parameters ---------- event: dict, required API Gateway Lambda Proxy Input Format Event doc: context: object, required Lambda Context runtime methods and attributes Context doc: Returns ------ API Gateway Lambda Proxy Output Format: dict Return doc: """ path = event["pathParameters"]["proxy"] body = json.loads(event.get("body") if event.get("body") else "{}") query_params = event.get("queryStringParameters") # event["headers"].update({name.lower(): value for name, value in event["headers"].items()}) headers = event.get("headers") # GET /redirects/<Alphanumeric> regex = rf"^redirects/([a-zA-Z0-9]{{{REDIRECT_ID_LEN},}})$" if re.match(regex, path) and event["httpMethod"] == "GET": redirect_id = re.match(regex, path).group(1) requested_redirect = Redirect(REDIRECTS_TABLE, redirect_id) if not requested_redirect.exists(): return NOT_FOUND if requested_redirect.is_password_protected(): if query_params.get("pass", None) != requested_redirect.password: return { "statusCode": 401, "body": json.dumps({"message": "This direct requires a pass query parameter"}), } if query_params.get("use") == "true": requested_redirect.spend_a_use() response = {"redirect": requested_redirect.item} # Seed off combination of redirectid and user token so user gets same result every time if headers.get("user-token") and query_params.get("use") == "true": random.seed(f"{redirect_id}{headers.get('user-token')}") response["rickrolled"] = random.randint(1, 100) < RICKROLL_CHANCE return { "statusCode": 200, "body": simplejson.dumps(response), } # POST /redirects if re.match(r"^redirects$", path) and event["httpMethod"] == "POST": url = body.get("url") can_rickroll = body.get("can_rickroll") uses_left = body.get("uses_left", 10) password = body.get("password") if is_url(url): redirect_id = Redirect.create_redirect( REDIRECTS_TABLE, url, uses_left=uses_left, can_rickroll=can_rickroll, password=password, ) return { "statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps({"redirect_id": redirect_id}), } else: return bad_request(["url"]) return NOT_FOUND