def pop_highest_buy_order(r: redis.client.Redis) -> Tuple[Order, bool]: highest_buy = r.zrange(redis_buy_prices_name, 0, 0, desc=True, withscores=True) if len(highest_buy) == 0: return (None, False) else: (buy_order_id, buy_price) = highest_buy[0] buy_order_size = int( r.hget(redis_order_sizes_name, buy_order_id).decode('utf-8')) buy_order_account_name = r.hget(redis_account_names_name, buy_order_id) successful_remove = remove_price_and_size(r, redis_buy_prices_name, redis_order_sizes_name, redis_account_names_name, buy_order_id) if successful_remove: buy_order_id = buy_order_id.decode('utf-8') buy_order_account_name = buy_order_account_name.decode('utf-8') order = Order(buy_order_account_name, buy_order_id, "Buy", buy_order_size, buy_price) return (order, True) else: return (None, False)
def pop_lowest_sell_order(r: redis.client.Redis) -> Tuple[Order, bool]: lowest_sell = r.zrange(redis_sell_prices_name, 0, 0, desc=False, withscores=True) if len(lowest_sell) == 0: return (None, False) else: (sell_order_id, sell_price) = lowest_sell[0] sell_order_size = int( r.hget(redis_order_sizes_name, sell_order_id).decode('utf-8')) sell_order_account_name = r.hget(redis_account_names_name, sell_order_id) successful_remove = remove_price_and_size(r, redis_sell_prices_name, redis_order_sizes_name, redis_account_names_name, sell_order_id) if successful_remove: sell_order_id = sell_order_id.decode('utf-8') sell_order_account_name = sell_order_account_name.decode('utf-8') order = Order(sell_order_account_name, sell_order_id, "Sell", sell_order_size, sell_price) return (order, True) else: return (None, False)
def add_remove_groups(conn: redis.client.Redis, article: str, to_add=[], to_remove=[]) -> None: """ 组别设置 """ for group in to_add: conn.sadd(GROUP_NAME + group, article) for group in to_remove: conn.srem(GROUP_NAME + group, article)
def vote_for(voted_letter: str, redis_instance: redis.client.Redis, hashset_name: str) -> Json: if redis_instance.hget(hashset_name, voted_letter) == None: abort(400, 'This value does not exist') for key in get_db_keys(redis_instance, hashset_name): key = key.decode("utf-8") if key == voted_letter: redis_instance.hincrby(hashset_name, voted_letter, 1) return get_whole_db(redis_instance, hashset_name)
def get_articles(conn: redis.client.Redis, page: int, order=SCORE_NAME) -> list: """ 获取文章(排序) """ start = (page - 1) * ARTICLES_PER_PAGE end = start + ARTICLES_PER_PAGE - 1 ids = conn.zrevrange(order, start, end) articles = [] for id in ids: article_data = conn.hgetall(id) article_data['id'] = id articles.append(article_data) return articles
def get_group_articles(conn: redis.client.Redis, group: str, page: int, order=SCORE_NAME) -> list: """ 获取组内文章(排序) """ key = order + group if not conn.exists(key): conn.zinterstore( key, [GROUP_NAME + group, order], aggregate='max', ) conn.expire(key, 60) return get_articles(conn, page, key)
def zpop(r: redis.client.Redis, name, desc): try: zrange_result = r.zrange(name, 0, 0, desc=desc) if len(zrange_result) == 0: return (None, False) result = zrange_result[0] p = r.pipeline() p.multi() p.zrem(name, result) p.execute() return (result, True) except redis.WatchError as e: print(e) return (None, False)
def sub(rds: redis.client.Redis, latest_timestamps: Dict[str, str]): pubsub = rds.pubsub() pubsub.psubscribe("sentry.*.updates") for message in pubsub.listen(): if message.get("type") == "message": # get the sentry name by inspecting the channel sentry_name = message.get("channel")[6] latest_timestamps[sentry_name] = str(message.get("data"))
def __init__(self, redis_client: redis.client.Redis): timees = redis_client.get('redditUpdated').decode('UTF-8') print(timees) self.date_updated_reddit = float(timees) self.date_updated_twitter = False self.date_updated_coindesk = False self.redis_client = redis_client #self.preprocessor = Preprocessor(self.redis_client) self.analyzer = Analyzer(self.redis_client)
def __init__(self, r: redis.client.Redis, expire=7 * 24 * 60 * 60, keys_key='bucket_keys'): super().__init__() self.r = r self.pipe = r.pipeline() self.expire = expire self.bucket_keys = set() self.keys_key = keys_key
def get_whole_db(redis_instance: redis.client.Redis, hashset_name: str) -> Json: db_set = dict() for key in get_db_keys(redis_instance, hashset_name): key = key.decode("utf-8") value = redis_instance.hget(hashset_name, key) value = value.decode("utf-8") db_set[key] = value return json.dumps(db_set)
def zrem_all(r: redis.client.Redis, ddict): try: p = r.pipeline()*list(ddict.keys())) p.multi() for (topic, name) in ddict.items(): p.zrem(topic, name) p.execute() return True except redis.WatchError as e: print(e) return False
def get_all_orders(r: redis.client.Redis): # Order sizes and prices are stored in different sorted set/ hashset # May need to investigate if this can handle in high-frequency situation order_sizes = r.hgetall(redis_order_sizes_name) user_account_names = r.hgetall(redis_account_names_name) sell_prices = r.zrange(redis_sell_prices_name, 0, -1, withscores=True) buy_prices = r.zrange(redis_buy_prices_name, 0, -1, withscores=True) orders = [ Order(username=user_account_names[order_id].decode('utf-8'), order_id=order_id.decode('utf-8'), side="Sell", size=int(order_sizes[order_id].decode('utf-8')), price=price) for order_id, price in sell_prices ] + [ Order(username=user_account_names[order_id].decode('utf-8'), order_id=order_id.decode('utf-8'), side="Buy", size=int(order_sizes[order_id].decode('utf-8')), price=price) for order_id, price in buy_prices ] return orders
def add_order(r: redis.client.Redis, order: Order): if order.side == "Buy": topic_name = redis_buy_prices_name else: topic_name = redis_sell_prices_name r.zadd(topic_name, {order.order_id: order.price}) r.hset(redis_order_sizes_name, key=order.order_id, value=order.size) r.hset(redis_account_names_name, key=order.order_id, value=order.username)
def remove_price_and_size(r: redis.client.Redis, price_topic, order_topic, account_name_topic, order_id): try: p = r.pipeline(), order_topic) p.multi() p.zrem(price_topic, order_id) p.hdel(order_topic, order_id) p.hdel(account_name_topic, order_id) p.execute() return True except redis.WatchError as e: print(e) return False
def article_vote(conn: redis.client.Redis, user: str, article: str) -> None: """ 用户投票 """ cutoff = time.time() - ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS a = conn.zscore(TIME_NAME, article) if conn.zscore(TIME_NAME, article) < cutoff: return article_id = article.partition(SEP)[: -1] # diff between split and partition if conn.sadd(f'{VOTED_NAME}{article_id}', user): # before # zincrby(self, name, value, amount) # now # zincrby(self, name, amount, value) conn.zincrby(SCORE_NAME, VOTE_SCORE, article) # zset score increase conn.hincrby(article, 'votes', 1) # hash value increase
def detection_worker(rds: redis.client.Redis, latest_timestamps: Dict[str, str]): whose_turn = "A" # Load the TFLite model and allocate tensors. interpreter = tflite.Interpreter(model_path="tflite/model.tflite") interpreter.allocate_tensors() _, height, width, _ = interpreter.get_input_details()[0]['shape'] while True: # rotate turn whose_turn = "B" if whose_turn == "A" else "A" # get image from A using redis latest_timestamp = latest_timestamps[whose_turn] image_bytes = rds.get(f"sentry.{whose_turn}.raw_images.{latest_timestamp}") if image_bytes is None: continue image ="RGB").resize((width, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() tensor_index = interpreter.get_input_details()[0]["index"] input_tensor = interpreter.tensor(tensor_index)()[0] input_tensor[:, :] = image interpreter.invoke() boxes = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index']) classes = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[1]['index']) scores = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[2]['index']) try: font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationSansNarrow-Regular.ttf", 25) except IOError: print("Font not found, using default font.") font = ImageFont.load_default() draw_bounding_box_on_image(image,*boxes[0], list(ImageColor.colormap.values())[0], font, display_str_list=[str(round(scores[0]*10))+"%"]) await rds.set(f"sentry.{whose_turn}.processed_image", image.tobytes())
def redis_set(name: Any, value: Any, connector: redis.client.Redis) -> bool: if not (type(value) in {str, int, float, bool}): value = pickle.dumps(value) result = connector.set(name, value) return result
def get_db_keys(redis_instance: redis.client.Redis, hashset_name: str) -> List[str]: return redis_instance.hgetall(hashset_name)
def initialize_db(redis_instance: redis.client.Redis, cfg_keys: List[str], default_value: int, hashset_name: str) -> None: for key in cfg_keys: redis_instance.hset(hashset_name, key, default_value)
def post_article(conn: redis.client.Redis, user: str, title: str, link: str) -> str: """ 添加文章 """ article_id = str(conn.incr(ARTICLE_NAME)) voted = f'{VOTED_NAME}{article_id}' conn.sadd(voted, user) conn.expire(voted, ONE_WEEK_IN_SECONDS) # 设置过去时间 article = f'{ARTICLE_NAME}{article_id}' now = time.time() conn.hmset(article, dict(title=title, link=link, poster=user, time=now, votes=1)) # before # zadd(name,key1,value1,key2,value2) # now # zadd(name,{key1:value1,key2:value2}) conn.zadd(SCORE_NAME, {article: now + VOTE_SCORE}) conn.zadd(TIME_NAME, {article: now}) return article_id
def show_key(conn: redis.client.Redis, key: str, count=100): return list(conn.scan_iter(key, count))
def clear_all_orders(r: redis.client.Redis): r.delete(redis_sell_prices_name, redis_buy_prices_name, redis_order_sizes_name, redis_account_names_name)
def redis_get(name: Any, connector: redis.client.Redis) -> Any: value = connector.get(name) if type(value) is bytes: value = pickle.loads(value) return value