 def toScalar(self):
         Returns a scalar if the matrix consists of only one cell
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     if self.shape[0] != 1 or self.shape[1] != 1:
         raise exceptions.MatrixOperationException('Cannot convert a matrix with more than one column and row to a scalar', 'MATRIX2SCALAR')
     return redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(0,0))[0,0]
 def get_cell_value(self, row, col):
         Returns the value of a single matrix cell
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     block_row = int(math.floor(row / self.__block_size))
     block_col = int(math.floor(col / self.__block_size))
     offset_row = row % self.__block_size
     offset_col = col % self.__block_size
     block = redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(block_row, block_col))
     return block[offset_row, offset_col]
 def print_blocks(self):
         Prints each block
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     for row in range(0, self.row_blocks()):
         for col in range(0, self.col_blocks()):
             n = redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(row, col))
             print self.block_name(row, col)
             print str(n)
             print '----'
def redis2file(name, redis, key_manager, file_format):
    rw = RedisWrapper(redis, key_manager)
    info = redis.hgetall(const.INFO_FORMAT.format(name))
    rows = int(info['rows'])
    cols = int(info['cols'])
    block_size = int(info['block_size'])
    for row in range(0, rows / block_size):
        for col in range(0, cols / block_size):
            file = file_format.format(row, col)
            matrix = rw.get_block(key_manager.get_block_name(name, row, col))
            numpy.savetxt(file, matrix, delimiter=';', fmt='%f')
 def get_numpy_matrix(self):
         Concatenates all blocks of this matrix and returns one big numpy matrix
     m = None
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     for row in range(0,self.row_blocks()):
         b = redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(row, 0))
         #print self.block_name(row, 0)
         for col in range(1,self.col_blocks()):
             if row == 0 and col == 0:
             #print self.block_name(row, col)
             #print '---'
             n = redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(row, col))
             b = numpy.concatenate((b, n), axis=1)
         if m is None:
             m = b 
             m = numpy.concatenate((m, b))
     return m
 def set_cell_value(self, row, col, val):
         Sets the value of a single matrix cell
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     block_row = int(math.floor(row / self.__block_size))
     block_col = int(math.floor(col / self.__block_size))
     offset_row = row % self.__block_size
     offset_col = col % self.__block_size
     block_name = self.block_name(block_row, block_col)
     block = redwrap.get_block(block_name)
     block[offset_row, offset_col] = val
     redwrap.create_block(block_name, block)
    def slice(self, row, num_rows, col, num_cols, result_name=None):
        if result_name == None:
            result_name = MatrixFactory.getRandomMatrixName()
        # Check if given values are valid
        if row + num_rows > self.__rows or (num_rows < 0 and row + num_rows < 0):
            raise Exception('Row index out of bounds')
        if col + num_cols > self.__cols or (num_cols < 0 and col + num_cols < 0):
            raise Exception('Column index out of bounds')
        # Handle negative indices
        if row < 0:
            row = self.__rows + row
        if num_rows < 0:
            row = row + num_rows
            num_rows = -num_rows
        if col < 0:
            col = self.__cols + col
        if num_cols < 0:
            col = col + num_cols
            num_cols = -num_cols
        redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
        row_blocks = num_rows / self.__block_size
        if num_rows % self.__block_size != 0:
            row_blocks += 1
        col_blocks = num_cols / self.__block_size
        if num_cols % self.__block_size != 0:
            col_blocks += 1                       
        # Iterate the blocks of the new slice
        for r in range(0, row_blocks):
            for c in range(0, col_blocks):
                start_row = row + r * self.__block_size
                end_row = min(row + num_rows, start_row + self.__block_size)
                start_col = col + c * self.__block_size
                end_col = min(col + num_cols, start_col + self.__block_size)
                # Iterate the blocks of the current matrix that intersect with the current block of the new slice
                # and patch them together
                a = None
                for i in range(start_row / self.__block_size, (end_row-1) / self.__block_size + 1):
                    row_b = None
                    for j in range(start_col / self.__block_size, (end_col-1) / self.__block_size + 1):
                        n = redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(i, j))
                        if row_b == None:
                            row_b = n
                            row_b = numpy.concatenate((row_b, n), axis=1)
                    if a == None:
                        a = row_b
                        a = numpy.concatenate((a, row_b), axis=0)

                # Now we have a matrix so big that the whole current block of the new slice as defined by r and c fits in it
                # Use numpy slicing to get the block from this matrix
                mr = min(row + self.__block_size, a.shape[0])
                mc = min(col + self.__block_size, a.shape[1])
                sc = col % self.__block_size
                sr = row % self.__block_size
                if r == row_blocks-1 and (row + num_rows) % self.__block_size != 0:
                    mr = min(mr, (row + num_rows) % self.__block_size)   
                if c == col_blocks-1 and (col + num_cols) % self.__block_size != 0:
                    mc = min(mc, (col + num_cols) % self.__block_size)
                if mr == row and row % self.__block_size != 0:
                    mr += 1
                if mc == col and col % self.__block_size != 0:
                    mc += 1
                block = a[sr:mr,sc:mc]
                redwrap.create_block(self.context.key_manager.get_block_name(result_name, r, c), block)

        return Matrix(num_rows, num_cols, result_name, self.context)
 def get_numpy_block(self, row, col):
         Returns a block as numpy matrix
     redwrap = RedisWrapper(self.context.redis_master, self.context.key_manager)
     return redwrap.get_block(self.block_name(row, col))