def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active Cinema 4D document

    selection = doc.GetSelection()  # Get active selection (objects, tags)
    for s in selection:  # Iterate through selection

        print(s.GetName(), "\"" + type(s).__name__ + "\"",
              s.GetType())  # Print: name, class and type id

        if type(s).__name__ == "XPressoTag":  # If operator is xpresso tag
            nodeMaster = s.GetNodeMaster()  # Get node master
            root = nodeMaster.GetRoot()  # Get xpresso root
            for c in root.GetChildren():  # Loop through nodes
                if c.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If node is selected
                    print("Node: " + c.GetName() + ", " +
                          str(c.GetOperatorID()))  # Print node info
                    inPorts = c.GetInPorts()  # Get input ports
                    outPorts = c.GetOutPorts()  # Get output ports
                    for p in range(0,
                                   len(inPorts)):  # Loop through input ports
                        print("    In port: " + inPorts[p].GetName(c) + ", " +
                              str(inPorts[p].GetMainID()))  # Print inPort info
                    for p in range(0,
                                   len(outPorts)):  # Loop through output ports
                            "    Out port: " + outPorts[p].GetName(c) + ", " +
                            str(outPorts[p].GetMainID()))  # Print outPort info

    materials = doc.GetMaterials()  # Get materials
    for m in materials:  # Iterate through materials
        if m.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If material is selected
            print(m.GetName(), "\"" + type(m).__name__ + "\"",
                  m.GetType())  # Print: name, class and type id

            if m.GetType() == 1036224:  # If Redshift material
                rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(
                    m)  # Get Redshift material node master
                root = rsnm.GetRoot()  # Get node master root
                for c in root.GetChildren():  # Loop through nodes
                    if c.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If node is selected
                        print("Node: " + c.GetName() + ", " +
                              str(c.GetOperatorID()))  # Print node info
                        inPorts = c.GetInPorts()  # Get input ports
                        outPorts = c.GetOutPorts()  # Get output ports
                        for p in range(
                                0, len(inPorts)):  # Loop through input ports
                            print("    In port: " + inPorts[p].GetName(c) +
                                  ", " + str(inPorts[p].GetMainID())
                                  )  # Print inPort info
                        for p in range(
                                0, len(outPorts)):  # Loop through output ports
                            print("    Out port: " + outPorts[p].GetName(c) +
                                  ", " + str(outPorts[p].GetMainID())
                                  )  # Print outPort info

    c4d.EventAdd()  # Refresh Cinema 4D
def main():
    name = gui.InputDialog("Matte name", "") # Input dialog
    if name is None: return
    if name is "": return

    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument() # Get active document
    doc.StartUndo() # Start recording undos

    theList = [] # Collect all items for matte creation

    selection = doc.GetSelection() # Get active selection (objects and tags)

    for s in selection: # Loop through selected objects
        if not isinstance(s, c4d.BaseTag): # If object
            tags = s.GetTags() # Get object's tags
            for t in tags: # Loop through tags
                if isinstance(t, c4d.TextureTag): # If texture tag
                    mat = t[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] # Get material
                    m = checkRedshiftMaterial(mat)

        if isinstance(s, c4d.TextureTag): # If texture tag
            mat = s[c4d.TEXTURETAG_MATERIAL] # Get material
            m = checkRedshiftMaterial(mat)

    materials = doc.GetMaterials() # Get materials
    for mat in materials: # Iterate through materials
        if mat.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE): # If material is selected
            m = checkRedshiftMaterial(mat)

    theList = [i for i in theList if i]  # Remove Nones
    finalList = [] # Init the final list for items
    names = [] # Init list for collecting material names
    for item in theList: # Iterate through the list
        if item.GetName() not in names:

    for item in finalList:
        renderdata = doc.GetActiveRenderData()
        vprs = redshift.FindAddVideoPost(renderdata, redshift.VPrsrenderer)
        if vprs is None:
        rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(item) # Get Redshift material node master
        AddMatte(rsnm, vprs, name) # Run the main function

    doc.EndUndo() # Stop recording undos

    c4d.EventAdd() # Refresh Cinema 4D
def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active Cinema 4D document
    doc.StartUndo()  # Start recording undos
    materials = doc.GetMaterials()  # Get materials
    try:  # Try to execute following script
        for m in materials:  # Iterate through materials
            if m.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If material is selected
                rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(
                    m)  # Get Redshift material node master
                triplanar_maptype(rsnm)  # Run the main function
    except:  # Otherwise
        pass  # Do nothing
    doc.EndUndo()  # Stop recording undos
    c4d.EventAdd()  # Refresh Cinema 4D
def CompareRedshiftMaterial(mata, matb):
    #Get the root node for the redshift node graph
    mata_master = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(mata)
    matb_master = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(matb)
    #Iterate through all the nodes and dump them in a list
    mata_nodes = GetAllNodes(mata_master)
    matb_nodes = GetAllNodes(matb_master)
    # if the lists aren't the same length they aren't duplicate
    if len(mata_nodes) == len(matb_nodes):
        # iterate through list a
        for idx, n in enumerate(mata_nodes):
            # compare the data basecontainer on each node, if they aren't equal return false
            if n.GetOperatorContainer()!=matb_nodes[idx].GetOperatorContainer():
                return False
        # if we made it through all the nodes with all of them being equal then 
        # I bet the materials are duplicated
        return True
    # Return false if the lengths aren't equal
    return False
    def SetMat(self, mat):
        """Set the mat to act on.

        :param mat: The material to act on. Only accept a Redshift Material.
        :type mat: c4d.BaseMaterial.
        :raises: TypeError
        global redshift
        if not isinstance(mat, c4d.BaseMaterial):
            raise TypeError('material is not a c4d.BaseMaterial')
        if not mat.IsInstanceOf(redshift.Mrsmaterial):
            raise TypeError('material is not a redshift material')

        self._mat = mat
        self._gvMaster = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(mat)
        if not self._gvMaster:
            raise TypeError('can\'t get GvMaster from mat')
def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active document
    bc = c4d.BaseContainer()  # Initialize a base container
    keyMod = "None"  # Initialize a keyboard modifier status
    # Button is pressed
    if c4d.gui.GetInputState(c4d.BFM_INPUT_KEYBOARD, c4d.BFM_INPUT_CHANNEL,
        if bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QSHIFT:
            if bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QCTRL:  # Ctrl + Shift
                if bc[c4d.
                      BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QALT:  # Alt + Ctrl + Shift
                    keyMod = 'Alt+Ctrl+Shift'
                else:  # Shift + Ctrl
                    keyMod = 'Ctrl+Shift'
            elif bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QALT:  # Alt + Shift
                keyMod = 'Alt+Shift'
            else:  # Shift
                keyMod = 'Shift'
        elif bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QCTRL:
            if bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QALT:  # Alt + Ctrl
                keyMod = 'Alt+Ctrl'
            else:  # Ctrl
                keyMod = 'Ctrl'
        elif bc[c4d.BFM_INPUT_QUALIFIER] & c4d.QALT:  # Alt
            keyMod = 'Alt'
        else:  # No keyboard modifiers used
            keyMod = 'None'
    doc.StartUndo()  # Start recording undos
    materials = doc.GetMaterials()  # Get materials
    selection = doc.GetSelection()  # Get active selection
    try:  # Try to execute following script
        # Xpresso
        for s in selection:  # Iterate through selection
            if type(s).__name__ == "XPressoTag":  # If operator is xpresso tag
                xpnm = s.GetNodeMaster()  # Get node master
                AlignNodesVer(xpnm, keyMod)  # Run the main function
        # Redshift
        for m in materials:  # Iterate through materials
            if m.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If material is selected
                rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(
                    m)  # Get Redshift material node master
                AlignNodesVer(rsnm, keyMod)  # Run the main function
    except:  # Otherwise
        pass  # Do nothing
    doc.EndUndo()  # Stop recording undos
    c4d.EventAdd()  # Refresh Cinema 4D
def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active document
    bc = c4d.BaseContainer()  # Initialize a base container
    keyMod = GetKeyMod()  # Get keymodifier
    doc.StartUndo()  # Start recording undos
    materials = doc.GetMaterials()  # Get materials
    selection = doc.GetSelection()  # Get active selection
    #try: # Try to execute following script
    # Redshift
    for m in materials:  # Iterate through materials
        if m.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If material is selected
            rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(
                m)  # Get Redshift material node master
            AddTriplanar(rsnm, keyMod)  # Run the main function
    #except: # Otherwise
    #pass # Do nothing
    doc.EndUndo()  # Stop recording undos
    c4d.EventAdd()  # Refresh Cinema 4D
def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()  # Get active Cinema 4D document
    doc.StartUndo()  # Start recording undos
    materials = doc.GetMaterials()  # Get materials
    selection = doc.GetSelection()  # Get active selection
    try:  # Try to execute following script
        # Xpresso
        for s in selection:  # Iterate through selection
            if type(s).__name__ == "XPressoTag":  # If operator is xpresso tag
                xpnm = s.GetNodeMaster()  # Get node master
                DistributeNodes(xpnm)  # Run the main function
        for m in materials:  # Iterate through materials
            if m.GetBit(c4d.BIT_ACTIVE):  # If material is selected
                rsnm = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(
                    m)  # Get Redshift material node master
                DistributeNodes(rsnm)  # Run the main function
    except:  # Otherwise
        pass  # Do nothing
    doc.EndUndo()  # Stop recording undos
    c4d.EventAdd()  # Refresh Cinema 4D
 def get_rs_node(self, mat):
     node_master = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(mat)
     root_node_sg = node_master.GetRoot()
     output = root_node_sg.GetDown()
     r_shader = output.GetNext()
     return r_shader
    def matSetSpec(self, setting, value):
        doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()

        # Process for all materials of scene
        docMaterials = doc.GetMaterials()
        for mat in docMaterials:
            matName = mat.GetName()
            skinMats = [
            for x in skinMats:
                if x in matName:
                    if mat.GetType() == 1038954:  # Vray
                        if setting == "Rough":
                            mat[c4d.VRAYSTDMATERIAL_REFLECTGLOSSINESS] = (
                                1.0 - value / 100)
                        if setting == "Weight":
                            colorValue = value / 100
                            mat[c4d.VRAYSTDMATERIAL_REFLECTCOLOR] = c4d.Vector(
                                colorValue, colorValue, colorValue)

                    if mat.GetType() == 5703:  # Standard
                        layer = mat.GetReflectionLayerIndex(0)
                        if setting == "Rough":
                            mat[layer.GetDataID() +
                                c4d.REFLECTION_LAYER_MAIN_VALUE_ROUGHNESS] = (
                                    value / 100)
                        if setting == "Weight":
                            mat[layer.GetDataID() +
                                c4d.REFLECTION_LAYER_MAIN_VALUE_SPECULAR] = (
                                    value / 100)
                    if mat.GetType() == 1029501:  # Octane
                        if setting == "Weight":
                            mat[c4d.OCT_MATERIAL_SPECULAR_FLOAT] = value / 100
                        if setting == "Rough":
                            mat[c4d.OCT_MATERIAL_ROUGHNESS_FLOAT] = value / 100
                    if mat.GetType() == 1036224:  # Redshift
                        gvNodeMaster = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(mat)
                        rootNode_ShaderGraph = gvNodeMaster.GetRoot()
                        output = rootNode_ShaderGraph.GetDown()
                        RShader = output.GetNext()
                        gvNodeMaster = redshift.GetRSMaterialNodeMaster(mat)
                        nodeRoot = gvNodeMaster.GetRoot()
                        rsMaterial = nodeRoot.GetDown().GetNext()
                        if setting == "Weight":
                                c4d.REDSHIFT_SHADER_MATERIAL_REFL_WEIGHT] = (
                                    value / 100)
                                c4d.REDSHIFT_SHADER_MATERIAL_REFL_IOR] = (
                                    value / 10)
                        if setting == "Rough":
                                REDSHIFT_SHADER_MATERIAL_REFL_ROUGHNESS] = (
                                    value / 100)