def __init__(self, procedure, engine_type = "traces"): self.initialize() self.resample = True if engine_type == "traces": self.engine = Traces() elif engine_type == "reduced traces": self.engine = ReducedTraces() else: raise RException("Engine type not implemented") self.engine.assume('f', ConstExpression(procedure), 0) self.procedure = procedure self.n = len(procedure.vars) self.argsdict = {} self.hash = rrandom.random.randbelow() self.ids = {} # args_hash -> directive id self.count = {} # args_hash -> number of applications with these args self.links = {} # args_hash -> set of evalnodes = 0
def __init__(self, procedure, engine_type="traces"): self.initialize() self.resample = True if engine_type == "traces": self.engine = Traces() elif engine_type == "reduced traces": self.engine = ReducedTraces() else: raise RException("Engine type not implemented") self.engine.assume('f', ConstExpression(procedure), 0) self.procedure = procedure self.n = len(procedure.vars) self.argsdict = {} self.hash = rrandom.random.randbelow() self.ids = {} # args_hash -> directive id self.count = {} # args_hash -> number of applications with these args self.links = {} # args_hash -> set of evalnodes = 0
class mem_proc_XRP(XRP): def __init__(self, procedure, engine_type = "traces"): self.initialize() self.resample = True if engine_type == "traces": self.engine = Traces() elif engine_type == "reduced traces": self.engine = ReducedTraces() else: raise RException("Engine type not implemented") self.engine.assume('f', ConstExpression(procedure), 0) self.procedure = procedure self.n = len(procedure.vars) self.argsdict = {} self.hash = rrandom.random.randbelow() self.ids = {} # args_hash -> directive id self.count = {} # args_hash -> number of applications with these args self.links = {} # args_hash -> set of evalnodes = 0 def next_id(self): += 1 return def sample(self, args = None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.count: self.count[args_hash] = 0 id = self.next_id() val = self.engine.predict(ApplyExpression(VarExpression('f'), [ConstExpression(x) for x in args]), id) self.engine.predicts[id].out_link = self self.ids[args_hash] = id else: id = self.ids[args_hash] # TODO get actual node, and evaluate (without reflip) val = self.engine.report_value(id) return val def incorporate(self, val, args = None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if not args_hash in self.ids: raise RException("Engine bug in mem. Did not sample before incorporating?") # TODO get actual node, and evaluate (without reflip) cur_val = self.engine.report_value(self.ids[args_hash]) if not (val.__eq__(cur_val)).bool: raise RException("Engine bug in mem. Incongruous values") self.count[args_hash] = self.count[args_hash] + 1 def remove(self, val, args = None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) cur_val = self.engine.report_value(self.ids[args_hash]) #assert (val.__eq__(cur_val)).bool // Can be false when propagating new value! args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) self.count[args_hash] = self.count[args_hash] - 1 if self.count[args_hash] == 0: # TODO unevaluate the node pass # self.engine.predicts[self.ids[args_hash]]. def unsample(self, val, args): if self.count[args_hash] == 0: id = self.ids[args_hash] del self.count[args_hash] self.engine.forget(id) del self.ids[args_hash] def weight(self, args): return 0 def prob(self, val, args = None): return 0 def theta_mh_prop(self, args_list, vals): old_p, old_to_new_q, new_p, new_to_old_q = self.engine.reflip(self.engine.randomKey()) new_vals = [] for args in args_list: new_vals.append(self.sample(args)) return new_vals, old_to_new_q, new_to_old_q def theta_mh_restore(self): self.engine.restore() def theta_mh_keep(self): self.engine.keep() def state_weight(self): return self.engine.weight() def theta_prob(self): return self.engine.p def make_link(self, evalnode, args): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.links: self.links[args_hash] = {} self.links[args_hash][evalnode] = True def break_link(self, evalnode, args): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.links: raise RException("Something went wrong breaking links in mem") if evalnode not in self.links[args_hash]: raise RException("Something went wrong breaking links in mem, 2") del self.links[args_hash][evalnode] evalnode.out_link = None def propagate_link(self, evalnode, val, restore_inactive): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in evalnode.args]) for new_evalnode in self.links[args_hash]: new_evalnode.val = val new_evalnode.propagate_up(restore_inactive) def __str__(self): return '(MEM\'d %s)' % str(self.procedure)
class mem_proc_XRP(XRP): def __init__(self, procedure, engine_type="traces"): self.initialize() self.resample = True if engine_type == "traces": self.engine = Traces() elif engine_type == "reduced traces": self.engine = ReducedTraces() else: raise RException("Engine type not implemented") self.engine.assume('f', ConstExpression(procedure), 0) self.procedure = procedure self.n = len(procedure.vars) self.argsdict = {} self.hash = rrandom.random.randbelow() self.ids = {} # args_hash -> directive id self.count = {} # args_hash -> number of applications with these args self.links = {} # args_hash -> set of evalnodes = 0 def next_id(self): += 1 return def sample(self, args=None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.count: self.count[args_hash] = 0 id = self.next_id() val = self.engine.predict( ApplyExpression(VarExpression('f'), [ConstExpression(x) for x in args]), id) self.engine.predicts[id].out_link = self self.ids[args_hash] = id else: id = self.ids[args_hash] # TODO get actual node, and evaluate (without reflip) val = self.engine.report_value(id) return val def incorporate(self, val, args=None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if not args_hash in self.ids: raise RException( "Engine bug in mem. Did not sample before incorporating?") # TODO get actual node, and evaluate (without reflip) cur_val = self.engine.report_value(self.ids[args_hash]) if not (val.__eq__(cur_val)).bool: raise RException("Engine bug in mem. Incongruous values") self.count[args_hash] = self.count[args_hash] + 1 def remove(self, val, args=None): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) cur_val = self.engine.report_value(self.ids[args_hash]) #assert (val.__eq__(cur_val)).bool // Can be false when propagating new value! args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) self.count[args_hash] = self.count[args_hash] - 1 if self.count[args_hash] == 0: # TODO unevaluate the node pass # self.engine.predicts[self.ids[args_hash]]. def unsample(self, val, args): if self.count[args_hash] == 0: id = self.ids[args_hash] del self.count[args_hash] self.engine.forget(id) del self.ids[args_hash] def weight(self, args): return 0 def prob(self, val, args=None): return 0 def theta_mh_prop(self, args_list, vals): old_p, old_to_new_q, new_p, new_to_old_q = self.engine.reflip( self.engine.randomKey()) new_vals = [] for args in args_list: new_vals.append(self.sample(args)) return new_vals, old_to_new_q, new_to_old_q def theta_mh_restore(self): self.engine.restore() def theta_mh_keep(self): self.engine.keep() def state_weight(self): return self.engine.weight() def theta_prob(self): return self.engine.p def make_link(self, evalnode, args): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.links: self.links[args_hash] = {} self.links[args_hash][evalnode] = True def break_link(self, evalnode, args): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in args]) if args_hash not in self.links: raise RException("Something went wrong breaking links in mem") if evalnode not in self.links[args_hash]: raise RException("Something went wrong breaking links in mem, 2") del self.links[args_hash][evalnode] evalnode.out_link = None def propagate_link(self, evalnode, val, restore_inactive): args_hash = ','.join([x.str_hash for x in evalnode.args]) for new_evalnode in self.links[args_hash]: new_evalnode.val = val new_evalnode.propagate_up(restore_inactive) def __str__(self): return '(MEM\'d %s)' % str(self.procedure)